Scarlett Johansson as Natalia Alianovna Romanova |
Name: |
Natalia Alianovna Romanova |
Birthdate: |
04/01/1934 |
Faction: |
K.G.B. |
Codename: |
Black Widow |
Position: |
Publicly: Tony Stark's PA. Secretly: K.G.B. Black Widow |
Hometown: |
Stalingrad, USSR |
Partner(s): |
Alexei Shostakov (officially dead) |
Height: |
5'7" |
Father: |
Ivan Petrovich (foster) |
Weight: |
125 lbs. |
Mother: |
NA |
Hair Color: |
Red |
Siblings: |
NA |
Eye Color: |
Blue |
Children: |
NA |
When she was only two years old, Natalia Alianovna Romanova, who some suggested may have had links to the ill fated Romanov family, was orphaned in a Nazi attack. A Russian soldier by the name of Ivan Petrovich took Natalia from her dying mother, and adopted her.
Ivan took Natalia to the Red Room Academy, where she was brainwashed to believe she was attending the most prestigious ballet school. Dreaming of becoming a prima ballerina one day, she trained and worked tirelessly, not dedicating any time to friends and family in her quest to make the big stage. In reality, she was indoctrinated in the Black Widow program, a K.G.B. sponsored program to train young girls into weapons for the U.S.S.R.
The program taught multiple forms of martial arts, acrobatics, espionage, subterfuge, disguise, weaponry, languages, stunt driving, marksmanship, and most important of all, each of the girls were injected witha Red Room variant of the Super Soldier Serum. This gave them peak human conditions, while at the same time sterilizing them. The Red Room was creating killers, not mothers, super agents to serve mother Russia across the globe.
It so happened that after rating top of her class, Natasha graduated to become the next official Black Widow, Russia's top agent. Ivan, her surrogate father, became her handler for assignment, while she was under the impression he is her manager while taking her to different venues where she believed she was performing ballet. It was all half true, she did in fact performed as a ballerina and gained quite a following in Russia, it's just that each performance happened to center around a Black Widow operation.
As a successful ballerina, she came to know famous Russian WWII pilot, Alexei Shostakov, the two fell in love and soon married. Shortly after the Russian government decided to make Alexei their answer to Captain America, and turned him into the Red Guardian after faking his death. The media reported how it was American agents who dispatched the heroic Alexei Shostakov, leading Natasha to be fueled with desire for revenge.
The K.G.B. used that to officially recruit Natasha, no more games playing at being a ballerina, she was now fully dedicated to her missions as Black Widow alone. While with the K.G.B., Natasha was assigned to the Winter Soldier, who trained her and went on exclusive missions with her. However, as soon as her handlers suspected she was developing affections for him, the Winter Soldier was frozen again, leaving Natasha to wonder what happened to him. For many years she operated all over the globe, gathering intel, assassinating targets, and causing sabotage to benefit the Russian government.
With the USA and USSR relations taking a dive for the worse following the disbandment of the ACT-F, Natasha was once again assigned to US soil, this time under the guise of Natalie Rushman, the newest PA for Tony Stark at Stark Industries.
IC Events
- With the diplomatic relations between USSR and USA crumbling and the ACT-F disbanded. Natasha was asked to take cover as Tony Stark's PA.
- Expanded her network of contacts in higher circles by working out a friendship with Kaleb Miller of Capstone International.
- After a run in at Sister Margaret's while undercover as tourist Lesley, Black Widow confirms a sighting of Winter Soldier in New York City.
- Discovers Winter Soldier is working under alias Jack, and works at the Lux.
- Tracks Winter Soldier to his safe house, discovers an implanted personality, James "Bucky" Barnes.
- Infiltrates SHIELD to learn about Winter Soldier's brainwashing and conversion to a SHIELD agents, learns there are Winter Soldier clones and fights Peggy Carter.
- Thwarts SHIELD's transferring of a KGB defector, Leo, from East Berlin to the West, by giving him a bullet to the head.
- Nearly interrupts SHIELD's acquisition of assets from notorious info broker in Berlin, only to be called of by Winter Soldier, who assures Black Widow he's in deep cover.
- Natasha learns that Bucky fooled her, the Winter Soldier *IS* compromised. That or an outright traitor, she is instructed to deal with him as such.
- Black Widow eliminates informant Nikola Grigoryev while masquerading as one of the Rockettes during the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
- As a courtesy to an old friend, Black Widow meets with Winter Soldier in a peaceful meeting, to inform him she has been asked officially to kill him. The hunt is on.
- Bucky shares details of Natasha's intentions with Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD and they set up a trap to ensnare the Black Widow once and for all.
- Imprisoned by SHIELD thanks to Peggy Carter's acquisition of Lock and Key, Natasha finds herself in a very uncharted territory, helplessness.
- Super Soldier: During her training at the Red Room Academy, Natasha was treated with a Russian variant of the Super Soldier Serum that created Captain America. While not a perfect copy of the serum used on Captain America, the results were astounding, bestowing on Natasha peak human condition, sharpening her senses, slowing her aging, and perfecting her immune system. The following entries are all a result of the Super Soldier Serum.
- Super Strength: She can lift up to 500lbs.
- Super Speed: She can run at 30 mph.
- Super Agility: She is more flexible and agile than Olympic Gymnasts.
- Super Senses: Her senses are heightened to peak human capability, allowing her to notice details most others won't, hear threats before others, and most importantly react with breathtaking reaction time. Along with her super agility and speed, she has shown to be able to dodge a projectile out of nowhere, with the faintest of motions.
- Super Immunity: Natasha's immune system has been enhanced to the point that she is not affected by normal viruses nor most toxins and poisons. She also heals tremendously fast, and often has been able to patch herself up mid-assignment, to see it to completion and escape hospital ambushes when would be assassins thought she was out for the count.
- Super Durability: It takes a lot more punishment to make Natasha stay down, thanks to the serum she has a high pain threshold, and her body is at incredibly durable, which coupled with enhanced stamina and faster natural healing rate, she can surprise people by how much she can handle.
- Slow Aging: The serum tremendously slowed down Natasha's aging, keeping her body in its peak condition for a long time. The scientist in the Red Room projected that even in the year 2000, she's likely to still appear in her 20s.
- Martial Arts: Since very early childhood, Natasha was trained in the Red Room Academy to become a weapon for the Soviet Union, she has began learning martial arts at a time most kids learn addition and subtraction. In time she came to master several styles: Karate, Judo, Kenpo, BJJ, Ninjutsu, Aikido, Savate, Muay Thai, Sambo and multiple styles of Kung Fu. She is an expert in utilizing her smaller frame to take on much larger opponents.
- Sharpshooter: Natasha has been trained in all manners of weaponry, and has mastered them all, but her top performance in the form of marksmanship with a wide variety of sniper rifles and pistols. It's one thing to snipe from a static position, but Natasha excels at hitting the mark while running, in a moving car, and even when she is the one doing the driving. Although when driving, she's limited to pistols, as she cannot wield weapons requiring two hands such as a sniper rifle in those cases.
- Acrobat Extraordinaire: While Natasha was taught to be a weapon in the Red Room Academy, she was brainwashed like the other girls to believe she was being honed for ballet. There were actual lessons among other things, as she needed to be as flexible and graceful as can be to accomplish all that was expected of her. In fact, a ballerina was one of her earlier covers. As a result, Natasha is quite the acrobat, she can accomplish a variety of tumbling and contorting on the run, mid-air, on the ground and with precision. If she wanted she could win parkour championships by the dozen, but where's the fun in that?
- Strategist: The Black Widow is a gifted strategist and has served as a Field Commander on several large scale missions for the KGB. She knows how to pull out success against great odds, with limited resources, by sound strategy and getting the most out of the resources and personnel available to her team.
- Ballet: Natasha has had harsh training in ballet as part of her experience in the Red Room Academy, but the goal was to enhance her flexibility, agility and her control of her body for an entirely different purpose. Still, if she so wished, she could easily dance for a production at the level of a prima ballerina. If needed, she could easily assume the role of a dancer for an undercover job without looking out of place.
- Femme Fatale: True to her codename, the term femme fatale was made for the likes of Black Widow, whether it's direct approach, the allure of being difficult to get, she can read her mark and behave accordingly to pique his interest in her. She is a master of the art of seduction, at least when it comes to dealing with men. She can feign absolute love for a person seconds before she assassinates him. She can manipulate and wrap men around her finger. Not that she's clueless when she has to deal with women of the right persuasion, nothing is beyond her, she's just not nearly as skilled in that case. Ultimately, one has to keep in mind Black Widow is a spy, and she does what she needs to get her intel, plant a bomb, steal, assassinate, or whatever the mission parameter might be.
- Assassin: Skilled in multitude of ways to end a life ranging from hand to hand, to weapons, to improvised weapons in the environment, all the way to poisons and sabotage. Cold blooded, she kills without hesitation when she has to.
- Infiltration: expert at infiltrating all sorts of locations, and known to overcome all manner of defenses, she has the technical skills, the gadgets, the training, and intellect to gain access to any facility.
- Disguise: Often times when Natasha wants to infiltrate a facility, she does it through the front door, she is a master of disguise and has been known to appear as younger, older, different ethnicity and even the opposite gender in some of her endeavors.
- Interrogation: Every now and then she dons a disguise to glean information out of a mark under the guise of a friend or superior. In an actual interrogation room, she's even more dangerous, employing various means that usually lean on lying, seduction and manipulation. She is capable
- Polyglot: As the students of the Red Room Academy were expected to serve Mother Russia all over the world, they were taught to fluency in multiple languages, making Natasha quite the polyglot. Among the languages in which she has full fluency are: Russian, English, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese and Thai.
- Telepathic Enigma: Thanks to years in the Red Room, brainwashing, and having multiple sets of fake memories implanted in her, a telepath who attempts to navigate the mind of the Black Widow will have a hard time finding what is real and what isn't. In fact, making the pulling of secrets out of a captured operative difficult is likely the reason for the layered process of fake memory installments.
- KGB: As the foremost operative and greatest success of the Red Room, the Black Widow is prized by the KGB and has access to whatever resources she might require for a mission. She also has quite the list of contacts in case she gets in trouble.
- Black Widow Suit: An original creation of the Red Room. It is resistant to extreme temperatures, and small caliber bullets. It has suction cups built into the fingers and legs, activated by a secret button on her belt, allowing Black Widow to scale walls and move across ceilings, reminiscent of the spider that she is named after. The pouches of the belt she wears with her suit hides an arsenal of gadgets, such as tear-gas, taser mines, smoke pellets for disappearing acts, explosives, transmitters, and anti-detection device to foil metal detectors.
- Widow's Kiss: Stored in one of Black Widow's belt pouches, this capsule releases a pinkish hued, fast acting knock out gas, able to take out those in her pursuit, or save her from life threatening situations where she might be overpowered.
- Widow's Line: This device is disguised as a pouch on Black Widow's belt. A grappling hook projectile connected to a retractable cable, allowing her to swing much like Spider-Man across buildings, making for an excellent getaway tool or means for surprise attack, jumping at a target through a window.
- Golden Bracelets: The golden bracelets are the piece de resistance of the Black Widow suit and offer the following functionality:
- Widow's Bite: projectile disc that upon contact delivers up to 30,000 volts, capable of knocking out and even killing a target.
- Garotte: a piano wire that shoots out, allowing her to strangle a target by surprise.
- The Red Room: The Red Room Academy had a very peculiar way to ensure little girls did what they had to for the benefit of the Black Widow program, at least at the earlier stages, they were brainwashed to believe they were in a prestigious ballet school, learning to become the best ballerinas they can be. Then there's a whole added seasonings of killing any moral based inhibitions, teaching them about the danger of the west and training them to steal, kill, lie, sabotage, and generally do whatever they were told on command. A skilled telepath may make use of these mental scars to force her to relive some nightmares from her childhood at the Red Room.
- Lock And Key: Lock and Key is a designed pheromone biochemical scent, that can be applied like perfume. It affects all Black Widow operatives. A Black Widow cannot commit violence against the wearer of the scent, and becomes quite obedient towards the person, as it invokes the feeling that the wearer is a precious loved one. Should an enemy of Natasha get a hold of the Lock and Key scent, he'd be able to not only prevent her from causing harm to himself, but will also be able to give her orders she will not be able to disobey. If someone like say a Nick Fury was to get a hold of Lock and Key, he may easily get Natasha to defect and serve SHIELD over the KGB.
- Wanted: Needless to say, while the Black Widow usually delivers on her missions, for every successful mission, she gains more people who lost a lot for her success. Over the years she has built many enemies, is likely wanted by several dangerous people about the globe, and most of them think death is too good for her. Part of the reason she comes off so reserved and cool is this constant state of alertness, always needing to look over her shoulder, because any mundane moment may hide an attempt on her life.
- Cracked Mirror: Over the years, Natasha has experienced a lot. The problem is she's never too sure how much of what she experienced, particularly in her earlier years, is true. She knows by now that the Red Room is not a dance school, but she does have vivid memories of the lessons, and she can dance ballet at a very high level. Which is the real memory? Is there a middle ground? Her husband, Alexei Shostakov, when he was killed by the enemies of Russia, she was filled with desire for revenge, with the same sense of duty he had for his country, and joined the K.G.B. Now she wonders which was which? Was it her desire? Was it a Red Room programming? Was she ever married for real? Was Alexei an agent? It's very hard to feel a whole person, when you can't even trust your own memories.
- Solitude: Knowing what a dangerous world she is living in, and how the stakes change for every slip up, Natasha has built a veil of mystery around herself. She avoids sharing much about herself and pushes people away to avoid hurting them. Ultimately, she comes off as cold and at times rude, which doesn't help build any genuine friendships.
- Sterile: The Red Room wanted killers, not mothers, so part of the Super Soldier Serum they devised, had also sterilized all of the girls injected with it. Therefore Natasha can never have children of her own.