Justin Hartley as Clinton Francis Barton |
Name: |
Clinton Francis Barton |
Birthdate: |
01/07/1934 |
Faction: |
S.H.I.E.L.D. |
Codename: |
Hawkeye |
Position: |
Agent |
Hometown: |
Waverly, Iowa |
Partner(s): |
Height: |
6'3" |
Father: |
Harold Barton |
Weight: |
230 lbs |
Mother: |
Edith Barton |
Hair Color: |
Blond |
Siblings: |
Barney Barton |
Eye Color: |
Blue |
Children: |
None. That he's aware of. |
Born into an abusive, shit stinking family in Iowa, the drunk driving accident that took Clint's parents' lives was the best thing that could've happened to him. Sent to live in a children's home with his older brother, the pair decided to blow that pop stand early and ran away to join the circus. Carson's Carnival of Traveling Wonders became their home where Clint learned how to be a roustabout and a million other physical skills from the survivalist's school of how not to die before he was taken in by a pair of mentors who claimed to be the best swordsman and best archer on the face of the earth.
Training intensively for his formative years, he soon learned that all that glittered was not gold when he discovered his mentor was a thief and left him for dead when Clint rejected his partnership offer. His brother, too, abandoned him, disgusted that he'd turn down the offer. His remaining mentor took him in and as a young adult, convinced Clint to join him in various nefarious deeds anyway, where he came into surprise conflict with his estranged brother once more after unknowingly injuring him. Appalled by his own actions, Clint abandoned his mentor and wandered the country on his own, falling in with various crooks, carnivals, scam artists and generally doing what he must to survive.
While headlining at another circus, Clint witnessed a brave act of vigilante justice and decided that he, too, would become a hero, only to be mistaken for a criminal his first go of it and chased down by the police. What he had believed to be a single act by some lower level street scum had turned out to be far more, and in his botched attempt, Clint had raised some eyebrows at SHIELD and found himself approached by the agency. After some serious skepticism, some ardent attempts to blow them off, and some mid-level harassment from a very, very persistent agent, Clint struck a deal and went to work for SHIELD as a very unconventional agent.
Cutting his teeth on more refined technology and training, Clint has proven an asset and a pain in the ass at many turns, but loyal for the most part.
WHO WAS CLINT? "oooooh good question. Ummmm you ever meet someone who was both good looking and remarkably clever and was insufferably aware of this with too much free time? That would be a Clint. And yes, we are talking reprisal mischief of the highest calibre. Very serious business…will take requests and recommendations."
-Agt. Leo Fitzmittens
OOC Note
New player as of July 2017. Feel free to contact to re-establish anything.
- Master Archer: Clint is easily one of the top archers in the world. Not just target archery, but combat as well; able to move, fight, run, ride and just about nap while still nailing a target with ease. Consistently able to hit marks in motion from a hundred yards away, stationary targets at two, he is able to fire arrows with various payloads accurately, intercept slower moving projectiles, and rapid fire with precision.
- Expert Marksman: Clint has a precise eye and is a precision marksman with knives, darts, bolas, balls, boomerangs, other hand-thrown projectiles, and any aimed weapon. He can understand the balance of an object once it is in hand and use it to his benefit at an instinctual level.
- Weapon Proficiency: Formal training with S.H.I.E.L.D. has allowed Clint familiarity and accuracy with firearms, prefering small to medium caliber handguns. His reflexes and hand-eye coordination help him to swiftly master most melee weapons, though he is skilled in particular with swords, knives, nunchukus and staves.
- Athletic: Clint has extensive training as an aerialist and acrobat, lending to some impressive feats of human strength, flexibility, speed, climbing, tumbling, gymnastics and other complex acrobatic feats. As a criminal and vigilante, he excells at urban climbing and what will be known as parkour or freerunning in the future.
- Hand-to-hand: Clint Barton grew up fighting and now with his formal S.H.I.E.L.D. training, he's an able hand-to-hand fighter proficient in mixed martial arts and boxing.
- Pilot/Driving: Bragging aside, Clint knows how to handle most boats, trucks, motorcycles, helicopters, planes, and whatever insanity S.H.I.E.L.D. is whipping up under the table. He's an extremely able and daring guy to have behind the wheel.
- Weapon Design: Clint is talented in the art of weapon design, specializing in variations on basic traditional weaponry like arrows, blades and hand-thrown projectiles. He has also designed his own bows, trick arrows, darts and bolas.
- Spy: Clint Barton is a born liar, making him a natural pick for espionage and spycraft. Though he's never done anything long-term deep under cover, he knows how to get around under the radar, infiltrate, and is well-versed in forms of communication and information smuggling.
- Cunning: There's a thin line between luck and quick thinking. Clint relies on both, frequently, but it's his ability to think outside the box and use clever, unconventional methods during a fight or scenerio, and his willingness to just see what sticks that keeps him going. Failure rarely stops him.
- Multi-Lingual: Hawkeye is fluent in English, Italian, American Sign Language and knows how to read lips.
- Bow and Quiver of Tricks: Clint possesses a custom made bow of his own design, able to double as a melee weapon if necessary. He also has a cache of ever-changing goodies that his arrows can accomplish. From the much underestimated Putty Arrow (bro), to standard stunners and grappling devices, Clint is always experimenting with what may come in handy.
- Man in Uniform: Regulation SHIELD uniforms are boring, so Clint's made some design choices with it. It still retains its mostly fireproof, stabproof and bullsetproof qualities as other uniforms. It's just sexier.
- Dead Drops: Old habits die hard. Clint lives and breathes paranoia and is well aware that at any moment SHIELD may disavow him or he may have to go dark. For that reason, he's stashed a number of dead drops and other caches all over the island of Manhattan and a few others…
- Company Man: Affiliations with SHIELD mean things other than just not going to prison. It means access to fun toys, tech, weapons caches, vehicles, uniforms, covers and safehouses. Now if he could only get his expense report in on time.
- Human: Clint is only human; the diet-coke species on Earth. He has no powers and no protections aside.
- Inferiority Complex: Along with being only human in a world of powered people, Clint has an inferiority complex for the ages. Normally this only drives him to obsessively practice his skills until they are near superhuman. Sometimes it makes him fall into depressions or snark at people who don't deserve it.
- Past: The past rarely stays where it is, and Clint has a very speckled one. Loads of double crossed family members, mentors, lovers and victims lurk in his closet of skeletons.
- Say What?: Clint is 75% deaf. He's hidden this fact since he was a child, and has a lot of practice with it, but it puts him at a disadvantage not only in general, but in a vigilante world where people wear masks, it's not super helpful.
- Private: Clint can be an affable sort, but there are people in his every day life who still know practically nothing about the man on an intimate level. He holds secrets on his past, present and motivations close to his chest, sometimes because it could mean trouble and sometimes because it's just damned embarrassing.
- Poor Life Choices: Sometimes you take a gamble and lose big. And sometimes you just suck. Clint is good at many, many things. Life just doesn't happen to be one of those things. He has a history of doing things that are clearly not the best idea simply because it seemed interesting and he figured 'why not?'
- Respect for Life: There are plenty of situations where a healthy respect for life does you well. In the hero and spy world, it can be a hinderance. Clint will not take a human life unless he is certain there is no other way.
- Why Should I Worry (Oliver and Company) - Billie Joel: ''Why Should I Worry? Why Should I Care? It's just Bebopulation, and I've got Street Savoire Faire. Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. I'm streetwise, I can improvise. Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo…I'm streetsmart, I've got New York City heart''
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