Je fais souvent ce rêve étrange et pénétrant
D’une femme inconnue, et que j’aime, et qui m’aime,
Et qui n’est, chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même
Ni tout à fait une autre, et m’aime et me comprend.
Car elle me comprend, et mon cœur, transparent
Pour elle seule, hélas! cesse d’être un problème
Pour elle seule, et les moiteurs de mon front blême,
Elle seule les sait rafraîchir, en pleurant.
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
~ William Wordsworth
Everyone wants their rags to riches story in America. They love to hear how a girl starts out in obscurity somewhere in the South and makes her way to the Big Apple to claim her future with little more than the bills in her pockets and the clothes in her suitcase. With hard work and a little determination, she makes it and lives happily ever after.
The truth is a touch more complicated. Then again, faerie tales always excise the difficult parts for a lovely ending.
She might tell she was born in the South and her lovely voice carries the strains, possibly of Charleston or Savannah (or Oxford…), that could support that claim. Life gave her some juicy lemons to squeeze out fine lemonade with, no specifics. Somewhere along the way she obtained a broad reading in literature and piecemeal understanding of history, politics, law, and art. A girl who quotes Romantic poetry as easily as she snips dahlias and peonies to wear in her hair might be no surprise, but one who mastered ashtanga yoga is a bit outside the norm.
Of course, her manners are second to none, rendering her a belle among folk musicians and punks congregating to the great social stew of Greenwich Village. She came for courses at SIPA (Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs) and stayed for the art scene, fitting in seamlessly among the beatnik poets and the freethinkers who in a few years we'll all call hippies. Her path carries her often beyond Columbia University, where she landed after a sterling recommendation to Barnard College.
She might tell you walking the streets of New York is a hidden pleasure, or how she can navigate her way from the Upper East Side down to SoHo without getting lost. Maybe not, and you'll be left to wonder why she walks untroubled through Hell's Kitchen — not courting trouble, but not afraid. After visiting certain cosmic corners, a dark alley lacks some of its inherent terrors. No explanation either on how she learned to hotwire a vehicle or disassemble a sniper rifle in record time. The most unlikely apprentice of the Sorcerer Supreme is full of surprises.
Such is the story of a redhead looking for answers from the universe for too many unanswered questions.
Proper names are poetry in the raw. Like all poetry they are untranslatable.
~ W.H. Auden
Rogue, in general, goes by many names. Here may be a few you encounter… or not.
- Scarlett: It's the name her acquaintances, associates, and friends call her.
- Rogue: The nickname given to her by The Winter Soldier. Sometimes used among students at the Institute, but rarely.
- The Soul-Thief: Another title that's terrifyingly applicable.
- Arabella Telfair Astor: The name which appears on her official identification. Columbia has given her a degree under this name.
- Rain: The signature on her photographs and various art installations among her Bohemian set.
- Autumn: If you've learned this, you've fallen down the rabbit hole.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
~ Khalil Gibran
These immediate RP hooks might provide some good angles to start off scenes with.
- Bohemian: By definition, Rogue has "artistic or intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with no regard for conventional rules of behavior." She follows the counterculture of the Sixties with a vengeance.
- Art: Photography may be her medium, but she is conversant in current trends, including those so new hipsters haven't heard about them yet.
- Asgardians: The Nine Realms have been opened to her. She's a diplomat for them. New to Midgard? She may be your first stop, especially for securing a home and bearing on this strange new world.
- Avengers: Scarlett is the liaison between the Avengers and the X-Men. Count her as one of their heaviest hitters.
- Cultural Attache: Foreigners call upon her to explain American customs. Aliens consult her about terrestrial traditions, and humans know she has a deep well of very particular information about enigmatic things.
- Girl About Town: No explaining how she ends up in the oddest places in town. Current strangest location: the plains of an alt Svartalfheim, surrounded by undead valkyries and fallen fire giants, dark elves, and things best left nameless.
- Inhumans: For the better part of a year, she was the constant companion of the Midnight King and helped stabilize his powers. On occasion, she acts as his voice.
- Occultist: She's got a surprising amount of Occult knowledge for a mere 20-something. Shocked to know she's the Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice?
- Trouble: Always, always welcome to be the victim of your plot. Sometimes Rogue's a victim of fate. Sometimes, she's the one breaking the wheel.
- University Student: She is in her senior year studying international affairs at Columbia, and matriculated from Barnard College.
- X-Man: Four years ago, she appeared on the doorstep of Charles Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children. Gifted yes, a child no. A firm friend of Jean Grey (go Team Redhead!), she's been battle-tested.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
Are you curious about my current ongoing plots or historical activities? Yes, I run a lot.
- Project Ophiuchus: The Gazette of Ophiuchus is an ancient text. Apocryphal stories claim a priest of Apollo penned the secrets of binding great evil at the feet of the deity himself. The only surviving grimoire has a shadow of its power thanks to missing pages and partial forgeries. However, a deeply indebted sorcerer paid off his tab at the Bar with No Doors with a list of four possible copies. The Gazette reassembled would be a huge boon — and make a mystics reputation, right? Tighten your belts and come recover a precious tome. Just one catch. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Ophiuchi are located in alternate dimensions.
- Project Scorpio: The Vietnam War isn't stopping. Goddamnit, the connection to the Skrull is worse than anyone ever thought. Except the Kree. This plot is the overarching story behind Starfall plot.
- Project Gemini: Now they're stealing souls? Nazi experiments never stopped with the Third Reich.
- Project Leo: Armed with influential allies and terrifying ancient artifacts, a power-hungry sorceress intends to unleash her dominion over the world. Earthly heroes assumed alternate identities as the Knights of Caerleon in Something Wicked and defeated her. Now the world needs fresh champions again. Thwarted once, she will not fail again. Dabble in high society and the darkest dregs of history to save the world. And mind your frockcoats!
Completed Plots
Listed in roughly chronological order.
- Project Virgo: SHIELD extracted a senior agent and several Soviet soldiers from North Vietnam as part of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. They've been trying to rehabilitate them ever since. Naturally that's not going to go as well as planned, if Hydra has anything to say about it. (End March 2018)
- Court of Nevers: Once a decade, Queen of Nevers hosts a tournament in honour of a kindness performed for her by a human. Her champions share a story and her stage allows limitless possibilities for might-have-beens or could-bes.
- Starfall: Something is going terribly, terribly wrong in the heavens. The Skrull manipulate events again to bring the Inhumans to war against their ancient overseers, the Kree. The fallout has political and social ramifications to a world already in upheaval — aliens are among us, and have been for thousands of years.
- Asgard Aflame: When Thanos, Amora, and Loki in an alternate reality murder Thor, their Asgard seeks to supplant the Nine Realms in this dimension.
- Per Aspera Ad Astra: The Kree are coming for Attilan, and time is running out for the Inhumans to maintain their secrecy.
- King's Men: Blackagar Boltagon's powers run out of control. The Inhumans search for a result, and touch off the Vietnam War in the process.
- Loki Bound: The Trickster tries to achieve a normal life and manages, mostly, to suffer.
- Something Wicked: Morgan Le Fay is none too happy about heroes thwarting her plans to conquer the Earth. After making a deal with Dormammu, she warps reality to lead unfortunate New Yorkers into thinking they're in the 11th century. But the brave Knights of Caerleon will not stand for her insidious influence on their land.
- Remaking Destiny: Certain precious objects take a walk from Karnilla, the Norn Queen's treasury.
Children of the Volga
First encountered in August 1964, seven of these Soviet soldiers ended up captured by SHIELD during an exfil in North Vietnam. At first mistaken for the Winter Soldier, the subtle differences caused no end of headaches to American intelligence. They have no answers to who these men are, where they came from, and why.
Through Virgo, their absence attracted attention from far and wide. A hack on a SHIELD holding facility in Quebec, Canada, nearly led to the patients going berserk. They were separated and imprisoned, the target of anti-Russian sentiments within the agency and many personal scores to settle after Bucky Barnes assassinated Captain America at the World's Fair.
Yet the Russian ambassador to the United States has shaken trees as high as Steve Rogers and the chairman of the UN General Assembly on their behalf. While on American soil, their legal status remains an open question. Let the political squabbles convulse bureaucrats, they are taking their destiny into their collective hands.
Name | Status | Details |
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Loose | Invariably found in Kyr's company. Loyalty runs deep in Adam's nature and he acts as a stabilizing force among the pups. He sacrificed himself to protect Kyr against SHIELD and willingly remained incarcerated rather than be separated. They recognize his medical talents and nothing throws them into rage faster than someone harming Adam. |
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Loose | Genya's temper matches his prodigious strength, and the two are unquestionably interconnected somehow. In his SHIELD psychological profile, O Division claim trauma affects his willingness to verbalize and he demonstrates serious intellectual pursuits. His programming may be suppressed by music. |
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Medveditsa | Bucky knows precious little of the sheltered girl growing up at a special school in Voronezh Oblast. Under her tutors — notably Arnim Zola — she developed deep interest in genetics and sketching. She was a milkshake addict. Fanya was murdered in February 1965. |
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Loose | Invariably found in Adam's company, the youngest. Kyr is the idealist among them, driven by convictions surviving torture and psychological conditioning. He is restless from a surfeit of energy, testing himself against anyone offering a challenge. He does not suffer fools or insults gladly. |
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Unknown | The Ghost is the lone soldier never captured by SHIELD, much to their rue. Uncertainty shrouds his few confirmed appearances. Bystanders claim to see nothing, and others swear he's a hallucination. |
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Loose | SHIELD recovered Matvei from North Vietnam during an American air raid. He proved the calmest and least conditioned of his brethren thanks to intense psychological counselling provided by O Division. Sensitive and intelligent, he only recently acquired his freedom by Captain America's direct intervention when unknown parties masquerading as SHIELD agents attempted to abduct him. |
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Loose | Nika is slimmer than his counterparts and incredibly quick, demonstrating superhuman reflexes during his time under SHIELD's watch. According to the others, he was intended as Lazar's counterpart, though they are mum on what that actually entails. The O Division psychologists struggled to reconcile his hair-trigger perception sensitivity. He is something of a fan of Captain America thanks to heavy conditioning. His programming may be suppressed by music. |
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Loose | By far the most gentle of the pups, Orel's disposition rarely tilts to rage. He survived being gut-shot and fled a medical facility, eventually finding his way onto the streets in Hell's Kitchen. More than his brothers, he can take a beating and keep on ticking. His appetite for junk food and trashy novels is considerable. |
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Loose | The Hunter, as he is called, operates in utter silence. He makes next to no sounds when moving. He can tap into psychokinetic force with the force of a sledgehammer. During routine SHIELD transportation, he broke free with Lazar's assistance at the cost of six lives until subdued by Bucky. He broke out of the Triskelion in the company of Diane Ricoult, a psychologist. Volya destroyed his own Soviet programming — a feat unknown to most of the wolves. |
Wouldn't you like to know. ;)
Name | Plot | Factions | Details |
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Project Aries | Mercenaries, Defenders | Arms dealers say they've got a superweapon for the highest bidder. |
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Project Taurus | Mystics | A corporation pillages pristine ecosystems to weaken the Earth's mystic defenses. |
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Project Gemini | Hydra, Department X | Now they're stealing /souls/? Nazi experiments never stopped with the Third Reich. |
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Project Cancer | The Maggia, Street-level | TBD |
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Project Leo | Hellfire Club, Knights of Caerleon | A power-hungry villain was partly foiled from changing the world to her liking scant months ago. The Knights of Caerleon risked their very sanity and souls to descend into a realm of impossibilities to keep sacred, dangerous items from leaking out into the world. Armed with new allies and a new plan, she wants to recover the necessary relics to enforce an entirely new dominion over the world. Forget Skrulls and Kree. Earth is for the earthlings, or more specifically, one as fabulously stylish and arrogant as she. Dabble in high society and the darkest dregs of history to save the world. And mind your frockcoats. |
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Project Virgo | Hydra, Red Room, SHIELD | During an American bombing air on Vietnam, SHIELD agents extracted several Soviet soldiers by hook, crook, and trouble. That left the senior staff to figure out what to do with the crop of warriors bred for infiltration and assassination. The answer was installing them at two secretive sites in Québec, Canada, and Minnesota, and attempting a reverse indoctrination program. Psychologists and psychiatric doctors created an ambitious regimen, deploying it on their 'guests.' All seemed to be going well, to some degree. Hopes rose that their therapy could be refined and used for wider gains. Virtue reigned. Men and women of Project Virgo patted themselves on the back at early gains. Then, one day in mid-October, the comm systems bleated out their Russian command phrases and all hell broke loose.<br />(Complete) |
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Project Libra | Hydra, Nazis | Mercenaries for hire destabilize international politics by extortion, blackmail, and murder. |
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Project Scorpio | Kree, Skrulls, assorted heroes | The Vietnam War isn't stopping. Goddamnit, the connection to the Skrull is worse than anyone ever thought. Except the Kree. |
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Project Sagittarius | Roxxon, Winter Guard | You're in a race against time to rescue an important asset but the Soviets assembled a super team to get to it first. |
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Project Capricorn | Hydra | TBD. But look, it's Steve McQueen! :D |
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Project Aquarius | AIM, Latveria | Scientists have perfected decoys and now they're going to install them to provoke a war. |
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Project Pisces | The Hand, Defenders | TBD |
Subsidiary plots for the greater ones listed above fit in here.
Name | Plot | Factions | Details |
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The Serpent Door | Hydra (chapter: Boston), Mystics | With an unearthly artifact in her possession, Ophiuchus has a daring plan to lock the portals into and out of the dimension against any who would meddle with her. If she succeeds, this world becomes the only world worth worrying about. She has her eye on becoming the new Madame Hydra.<br />April 2018 |
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Friends Like Me | Hydra, SHIELD | Project Virgo demonstrated that someone, and something, sabotaged SHIELD. Who, and why, remains a mystery. Don't imagine it wasn't by design. |
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Fifty Words for Murder | Red Room, Winter Soldier Program, SHIELD | Yes, he's a goddamned bear. He has friends. He is going to plow through the American resistance and equalize the smarting delivered upon Mother Russia. You might also know him as Omega Red. <br />(Complete) |
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Project Virgo | All Russian factions, SHIELD, Mystics | The Winter Soldier knows of legends that still walk in the snowy Siberian winters. Old of days, Volga personifies the very reason why Russians drink their vodka and do not step out into the night without saying a prayer to the ancient gods.<br />(Complete) |
Who hath given, who hath sold it thee,
Knowledge of me?
Has the wilderness told it thee?
Hast thou learnt of the sea?
Hast thou communed in spirit with night? have the winds taken counsel with thee?
Have I set such a star
To show light on thy brow
That thou sawest from afar
What I show to thee now?
Have ye spoken as brethren together, the sun and the mountains and thou?
But do thy worst to steal thyself away
For term of life thou art assured mine.
~ William Shakespeare
- Power Absorption: With skin-to-skin contact, Rogue absorbs the target's memories, personality, physical characteristics, and powers/abilities, whether superhuman or not. Her appearance may superficially change. She can maintain multiple "imprints" at any given time without a known upper limit, or how much potential power she can siphon. The duration of the transfer varies relative to how long the contact lasts, typically 60 times longer. Power absorption renders most humans and superhumans unconscious, and prolongued contact induces a vegetative state. Whether it is lethal is unknown. This power rarely works against inorganic beings, such as robots, and extremely powerful mutants may retain consciousness. Rogue's control over her mutation is variable, tied directly to her emotional state. Through advanced meditative techniques learned since joining the X-Men, she can suppress her mutation to a degree. Involuntary absorption becomes a risk when she is distressed, badly injured or incapable of exerting even subconscious control. (See flaws for more)
- Permanent Absorption: Extended contact may result in permanent imprinting on her psyche in the form of a 'template.' With permanently absorbed powers, she accesses imprinted abilities and memories as though they are her own. Alien physiologies or touching mortally wounded beings exponentially raises the likelihood of permanent transfer.
- Template: Rogue permanently absorbed another mutant's powers permanently, providing her with a suite of additional augmentations. These include:
- Superhuman strength
- Superhuman stamina and durability that render her practically indestructible physically.
- Near immunity to toxins and poisons
- Augmented reflexes and intuition
- Supersonic flight, the exact speed limit of which is not known.
- Psychic Resistance: Due to shards of absorbed psyches shattered among her own mind, Rogue is a mindfield for any telepath attempting to invade the baffling labyrinth. Gaining a read off her isn't easy and frequently conflicting. (See: flaws)
- Recall: Rogue accesses any absorbed memories or skills contained in her subconscious through brief meditation. She recalls absorbed powers from a single subject by entering an uninterrupted meditative state lasting 1+ minute. Currently she can only recall a power for 15 minutes before losing focus. Recalled psychic copies cannot overwhelm her identity.
Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility,
Like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.
~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel
- Combat: She is a competent hand-to-hand fighter using a combination of martial arts. In particular she favours a mix of wing chun, Krav Maga, and aikido. Moves that limit impact or harm to her opponent are favoured.
- Driving Miss Crazy: She has a reasonable understanding of how to ride and maintain a motorcycle. She's a speed demon.
- Herbalism: She finds inner peace nurturing seedlings to thriving plants, but she excels with flowers that require patience. She's also learned the principles of herbalism and how to prepare remedies to treat different conditions.
- Investigation: A skill heavily utilized, she's been trained by some of the best criminal masterminds to pick up finer details, perform scene analyses, and research a target. Combine soft skills with an uncanny ability to ask the right questions, or follow her intuition, and she is bound to make some headway. She is a miniature Kate Warne in the making.
- Languages: She speaks French fluently, and can get by in Spanish, Italian, and Old Norse.
- Oh, That Charm: She knows how to get what she wants and wrap people around her little finger. She can pour on the charm like honey. This isn't a supernatural gift, but simply being sweet little ol' her. Most people never see the threat through the gold-as-gold exterior. She's a gifted liar and actress, playing the role as needed.
- Photography: She can frame a shot well with her Kodak camera, and she knows just as much about modeling for the camera as staging a scene behind it.
- Singing: With a fine soprano voice, she is quite a good singer.
- Yoga: An expert at ashtanga and vinyasa yoga, she has practiced advanced stances with proper breathing and meditation for years.
- Occultism: A student of Loki, Doctor Strange, and the Enchantress, she understands the fundamental principles of seidr (Asgardian magic) and classical sorcery, including components, terminology, and common arcane practices. She's familiar with using rune stones and tarot cards and can perform mundane 'readings' with them. She has some knowledge of various occult subjects, including arcane beings, paranormal activity, sacred geography, festivals, blessings and curses, magical traditions, and glyphs and sigils.
She is a presence to be felt and known
In darkness and in light, from herb and stone.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Bodysuit: She has a full coverage bodysuit and heavy-duty gloves of Asgardian design and materials. It is not magical. It can withstand serious mundane damage, absorbing scrapes and blows, dampening the effect of weapons, and protecting against environmental extremes.
- X-Men: A full member, she benefits from considerable depth of resources through her teammates and the guidance of Charles Xavier.
- Asgard: As a loyal compatriot to the Asgardian royals, she is an unofficial representative of Midgard. The Asgardians know her and she counts several as friends, which help in a pinch.
- Contacts:
- Business: Daddy's a businessman from old New York money. Provided she ever remembers, she has an in to jetset social circles.
- Counterculture: She is intimately involved with several social countercultures: the Wandervogel, bohemians, Beatniks, and hippies. She grew up among them and these movements know and trust her.
- Underworld: As the adoptive daughter of a criminal mastermind, she has connections on the wrong side of the tracks. She can find out things other heroes can't tap, and she has access to neutral and less savory groups. Though it doesn't come cheap or free.
- Aerashilan, Fire of Twilight's End: An enchanted opal is the centrepiece nested at the heart of a metal bracelet. Particularly durable, antique filigree weaves multiple strands together and several clasps give an adjustable fit. The Mystic Arts enchantment on the opal suppresses Scarlett's mutational drain for a prolonged period of time (roughly a scene, or a few hours with periodic breaks). When inert, the black opal features bright play-of-colour. As the spell counteracts the absorption, it gradually lightens from a fire opal shade to a water opal effect to visually notify her of its current state. The spell must 'rest' to regain its efficacy, triggered when she takes it off or ceases contact, taking about a week to recharge. Once she exceeds its capacity, the opal cannot withhold the effect of her draining effect without a cooldown. Removing the opal from her immediately ends the spell's protection. As is usual for powerful magical items, it radiates magic that's detectable by anyone who can see or otherwise detect magic. (Created by Doctor Strange)
You've come to know the fortunate and the inauspicious stars,
But you don't know whether you yourself are fortunate or lucky.
~ Rumi
- Amnesiac: Due to her fractured childhood and a traumatic permanent absorption, Rogue has fairly faulty memories before her teenaged years. Some of those people in the past might know an awful lot about her. She might know anything about them.
- Don't Really Wanna Hurt You: Rogue prefers a diplomatic touch to violence, which is a last resort except in self-defense.
- Hello, Time Bomb: She absorbs emotional responses along with memories. Especially nasty encounters could drive her around the bend temporarily, and the effects for this could be terrible if timed badly. Worst of all, there's no predicting what her fluid genome will react to.
- Loyal: She remains steadfastly loyal to those rare few she puts her trust in. They can expect her to go through hell and high water for them. While she does not follow blindly, she will remain by someone's side even if it's better not to. Her faith in others is a double-edged sword.
- You Stay Over There: Unsurprisingly, she dislikes being touched casually. Possibility of physical absorption in a random encounter is just too dangerous.
1965-09-27 - Common Fencing (log: rogue social tigra)
1965-09-04 - Everyone Likes Noodles (log: forge rogue social tigra)
1965-08-10 - Of Gods and Pastries (log: asgard billy danielle kai loki rogue social)
1965-07-20 - Afoot in Asgard (log: bucky rogue social)
1965-07-19 - All's Faire with Poseys and Scrying Crystals (log: rogue social strange tigra)
1965-07-17 - Spilled Milk (log: constellation rogue social steve-rogers)
1965-07-13 - Blind No More (log: asgard black-widow bucky kai lambert loki rogue social strange)
1965-07-07 - Boys Lost (log: bucky kai rogue social steve-rogers)
1965-06-30 - Tiny Goat (log: bucky kai rogue social steve-rogers)
1965-06-28 - I Say, There's a Carbonadium Ibex on Your Stoop (log: rogue social strange)
1965-06-14 - Problems in Paradise (log: jean-grey logan rogue social)
1965-06-14 - Friendly Meetings (log: kai rogue social)
1965-05-31 - Snippet: Wait, What? (log: jean-grey rogue social)
1965-05-20 - About That Time You Killed Me (log: ava avengers bucky rogue social)
1965-05-12 - Follow the Leader (log: bucky rogue social)
1965-05-11 - Fuel Part 1: Too Close To Home (log: anya danielle julie man-march-weapon noh-varr peter-parker plot rogue)
1965-05-05 - Constellation: Ancient Tidings I (log: bucky constellation plot rogue strange)
1965-05-03 - Constellation: Andromeda Rising (log: bucky constellation plot projectvirgo rogue strange virgo)
1965-04-23 - Layers Within Layers (log: bucky constellation leviathan plot rogue)
1965-04-23 - Constellation: Fallout From Russia (log: bucky constellation plot rogue)