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It's sometime in the afternoon, and Alex has suggested that they go find a bar to hang out in, but first he has a little bit of paperwork to do at the office. So he drags Bobby along to the most boring place on earth— the Physics Department of NYU. Off a main lab shared by a number of doctoral students is a tiny little cubbyhole, full of books and a desk that's covered in papers, none of it quite looking entirely organized. It could probably comfortably fit three people standing, maybe even four, but only that. Today, Alex is in a light gray turtleneck and slacks, even though its hot outside, hey? Who cares about heat when you can't actually feel heat. He makes a turtleneck look good. Plus it hides his suit well. "I have to file a status update with my mentor…" he's explaining to Bobby.
Bobby isn't exactly dressed up but his jeans look new, the shoes are shiny and the short sleeve button down looks to be silk so it's casual plus. He's pulling out books, looking at them, then putting them back. Boring, boring, boring… "I wonder if I can get admitted here. Maybe I should take a class. I could probably find one that matches your schedule so we can carpool and the credits will count anywhere."
It wasn't easy to spare an agent for this, but one was assigned to track down 'Alex Summers' and they managed to find him at NYU. A couple of days surveillance and there are enough images to identify him. As soon as identity was confirmed, the informaion was passed along the chain until it got to Sousa. It only got to him because Fury was off on another mission…or so Sousa supposed as the man didn't answer the phone at his desk or his home. Rather than risk losing Summers and keeping the agent busy when he would be needed to babysit Nazis, Sousa decided to take care of this himself. After all, Director Carter is telling him he should get out in the field more and since this is practically in their backyard he figured it was easily handled.
A cab dropped him off just outside the building and Agent Sousa walked into the Physics Department of NYU. He's been on a college campus a handfull of times…never to attend classes, however. With the instructions given by the agent, he finds the cubbyhole of an office easily. There's a moment as he checks that his gun is still in his holster before he raps on the door, "Mr. Summers, do you have a moment?"
It couldn't hurt to be polite to start with.
Alex nods over to Bobby with a quick, wawrm smile, "I'm sure you could, really. If nothing else we could arrange to have some strings pulled— its not like we can source our teachers from the usual cha…" Then he blinks, and goes to pull open the door and look at Sousa for a moment. He furrows his brows, "That's me." He steps back, with a 'why, come in' gesture, and there he looks the fellow over. "What can I do for you? Are you from the Dean's office? My fees are all paid up…"
Bobby looks over at the knock but just stays where he is since it's not his office or anything. When he sees Sousa, he looks him over but just waits to see what's going on, idly continuing to look over the books but without pulling them out this time.
Sousa steps in whether the gesture is offered or not — it's helpful that it -is- offered. He then closes the door behind him and leans against it casually, as if not really meaning to block the door. Dark eyes glance to Bobby there in the room but it's now or never. A hand reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket and he flashes his ID, "I'm not from the Dean's Office. I'm Agent Sousa, Chief of Supernatural and Superhuman Investigations at SHIELD; Strategic Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Do you have a moment, Mr. Summers? I'd like to have a chat." It's not really optional. Granted, he doesn't know what they could do, but that's part of this little interview.
Bobby also gets a glance as he's now included in the discussion.
That brings Alex up short; he goes completely still. He doesn't panic, and doesn't look worried, but he does look very careful as he regards Sousa. His eyes flick to the ID, and he studies it, perhaps memorizing its details. Alex takes a step back, leaning casually against his desk, and slipping his hands into his pockets. "I think I've heard of SHIELD, but 'Chief of Supernatural and Superhuman Investigations'? Don't tell me someone actually put that down on paper. Official paper. With official signatures." He glances sidelong at Bobby, but without making any signs or gestures, he looks back to Sousa once more. "Am I under arrest or is this a polite conversation I can leave from whenever I decide I want to? Not that I'm saying I'd like to leave now. I'd just like clear parameters for this conversation. Misunderstandings would be unfortunate."
"I haven't." Bobby says. He's not one who's really paid much attention to government agencies. It's more a yes/no thing: Fed or not Fed? "What's SHIELD? Beyond the first letters of what you just said. Is it like, a part of the FBI that investigates ghosts?"
"It's the best we could come up with. Believe me, you don't want to see the other potential options." Sousa even offers something of a smile before he gestures to the desk, "Mind if I take a seat?" Even though it might be the only chair in the room. He looks over to Bobby, including him in the conversations, "Well, I'm certainly hoping it's going to be a polite conversation and we'll both leave it with more information than we came in with. I'd really hate for your registration to get lost in red tape." It's a tiny threat. Teeny-tiny. But he needs some leverage and that's what he has. So far.
To answer Bobby's question, he chuckles, "No. We're not a part of the FBI and while I'm a religious man, I don't really believe in ghosts." Maybe the job has proven it to him?
Limping over to the chair at the desk, whether he's given permission or not, he does take that seat. "Actually, my current interests are learning more about the Superhumans that have come around. I knew of one, oh, nearly twenty years ago, but there are exponentially more now than then and I'm curious, for one, as to why? I think you are using the term 'Mutants' now. Is that something used within the group of you or was that something that someone placed on you and it's not really the best of connotations. I certainly wouldn't want to cause any unintentional insult."
"My registration. Registration for what?" Alex's voice takes on a decidedly cool tone at that. He does take the chair by his desk and slide it across towards Sousa, with a vague wave of here. For a long moment he stares at Sousa, and he does not look pleased, but he also doesn't flat out and get hostile, either, "I think you'll find that the opinions in the community are that they would prefer 'mutant' over most other terms that they hear more often: freak, monsters, things like that." He hasn't really confirmed anything about if he is or is not in a community yet. "Yes." He does add, "You certainly would not want that." A sidelong glance at Bobby again, but no more sign that it bears any meaning then the last one did. Its almost certainly not a covert sign. Just a glance.
Bobby looks from Sousa to Alex and back before he turns to lean back against the bookshelf and fold his arms across his chest. "Is that what SHIELD is? A bunch of people to threaten mutants like the regular police do with negros? Behave, know your place, and you won't get hurt?"
"NYU. Your Doctorate program. Impressive. Geophysics, huh? I'm guessing that's not just the study of rocks. Earthquakes? Planets?" He does seem genuinely interested in the subject…or at least hearing someone else's interest. He rests his crutch to the side of the chair when he sits. "I certainly wouldn't use any of those derogatory names. I just wasn't sure if there was a name that was preferred. You see, we got information that you, Mr. Summers, are a member of that community."
Sousa looks quickly to Bobby at his question, "Actually, I want to know more about the mutants. I'd like to know what their hopes as a community are, what their goals are. I noticed that part of Manhattan has been dubbed 'Mutant Town'." He pauses a moment, steepling his hands in front of him, "I guess it's a sort of…peace offering. The more we know about you guys, the more we can help." If that's in the cards, of course. "I have no interest in policing anyone unless they decide to cause a lot of trouble." And even then, they don't get brought into the small stuff. Petty theft. "But having SHIELD on your side could be beneficial."
"Geophysics is the study of the systems of the earth from a top-down, holistic point of view: the physical processes and properties of our planet. Instead of understanding and studying individual rocks like a Geologist does, we want to understand tectonic and whole-planet geological processes. Weather, gravity, internal structure, planetary composition… Are all of these things connected? To a Geophysicist, yes." Alex seems to relax slightly: threatening his doctorate? Okay. That wasn't his first interpretation of registration. That said, he frowns slightly at Sousa declaring him a member of the community, "I'd be thrilled to know how you got that information and more importantly what information you think you have about me. Then maybe I'll have something to tell you. Consider it a gesture of good faith on your part." He frowns a little more at mention of Mutant Town, "That… was not the community's idea, and most of them think Mutant Town is only the beginning of an escalation that ends with every mutant's name on a list, and every name crossed out as one problem after the next is quote-unquote solved." He shakes his head slowly, staring intently at Sousa. He holds off on filling him in on.. hopes, goals, that stuff. To see if Sousa's going to answer him first.
"Have you actually been to mutant town?" Bobby asks, sounding disbelieving. "A peace offering? A segregated slum?" Head cocked slightly to one side, he studies Sousa. "And what would be the price of having SHIELD on their side? Information? Spying on the ones who don't toe the line? I've heard about what happens down south."
Sousa's fingers unsteeple and he rubs his thumbs against the side of his index finger as he listen. "You sort of lost me at 'holistic point of view', but sounds interesting. Not my cup of tea, probably, but interesting nonetheless."
Now they get to the 'how he found him'. "We have a mutual acquaintance who gave us this information. It was only speculation, however and she mentioned a bodyguard." He looks to Bobby, "Are you the bodyguard?" It's the mention of the town and the fear that it could escalate that has the humor gone from his expression. It's Bobby's description of 'Mutant Town' that causes him to sigh, "Son, I was in the European Theater during the War. I know what could happen. I wasn't there for D-Day," he gestures to his right leg and crutch, "But I saw things with my own eyes. I…SHIELD…but I personally will not allow that to happen ever again and certainly not on my turf." He looks between the two younger men, "I haven't been. I'd like to go."
He leans back in the desk chair and looks at Bobby, "We just want information." His eyes flick to Alex, "Our informant also mentioned some sort of mutant research facility outside of the city and we know about a school. The more we know, the more we can help if things get hairy. Believe me, if we have information, it's a lot easier for us to help than if we don't. Then we're left to assumption and you know what that means…"
Alex gestures to Bobby, completely in agreement with his assessment of Mutant Town. He then pauses, and he tilts his head, regarding Sousa for a long moment, and then he finally cracks a grin, "Agent, your intelligence had something of a severe failure there. I don't have a bodyguard." He gestures pointedly at himself, his grin becoming… predatory. "I'm the bodyguard." There is a clear hint of threat there. That said, he relaxes a moment later and frowns, "Do you know what happened when my parents found out I was a mutant? They disowned me. I came into my powers late. Most of the time it comes in around puberty. Do you know what happens to kids who suddenly have abilities they don't understand in a world that hates them where they can't be safe? They end up dead, or they lash out, because they're children. Of course there's a school, where else do you give a child an education so they can have a future when their own parents want nothing to do with them? And more importantly, where else do you teach them the most important thing any mutant will ever learn: control. What is the community's goals, our desires? To live in peace and be left alone. The question you should be asking yourself is how far we can be pushed, how many of us can be stoned or have their homes burned down, before we decide: This far and no farther. How long will it be until we have been backed us into a corner and its no longer possible for us to rely on secrecy to keep the Sanctuary safe?" He pointedly looks behind himself, at the little cubby hole of an office that Sousa is blocking the exit for.
"If by information you mean the names of others, no. You won't get it." Bobby tells Sousa once Alex is done talking. "Why don't you check the news from about a week ago. Look at Kansas. Look at the mob that burned down a young mutants home followed by someone killing his parents. His /human/ parents. You really don't want to find any of the places they can feel safe. They might stop feeling safe as long as someone knows about it." Veiled threats work in both directions.
It is a bit of a twist in information to learn that Alex was the bodyguard! "Our mutual acquaintance isn't trained in espionage although they are quite astute." Good to know though. Sousa quiets as he listens to the two, thinking of how he would react if his own daughter had that sort of situation. He looks from Alex to Bobby, taking in their words and their emotion as they speak about it. "Fair enough." He stands then, taking his crutch to better balance, "But, if we find out that an army is being put together of super-human…mutant…individuals, know that there will be an issue." Consider that a warning, "I get that you don't want to talk about it much and I get that it's something very close to you both. I was hoping to open up a dialogue between our two factions, to see how we could potentially work together…us to help protect and support you, and you to teach us about your community."
He digs around in his jacket pocket again before he offers a business card to each, "If you have any more questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to give me a call. This is my direct line." The card has his name and a phone number, nothing else.
The chair is moved out of the way as he reaches for the doorknob, "I appreciate your time and attention, gentlemen. Unless you have other questions, I'll let you go about your day…"
Alex blinks as Sousa seems ready to just… leave them alone. That was about the last thing he ever expected. He takes the business card and looks at it for a long moment, then regards the Agent, "Wait, that's it?" He blinks again, "Hold up a second." Alex looks thoughtful for a moment, then he shakes his head slowly, "This isn't my decision to make. Not unilaterally. I don't like that you have my name— the very fact that you know who I am and what I am, I consider a direct threat to my life. But. I don't have the right to just shut you down if you're really reaching out in good faith. I'll talk to the Mediator, and see if he'd be open to… a dialogue. I can't make any kind of promises: secrecy is the only way we know to be safe, to keep the Sanctuary from being burned to the ground… and we aren't very trusting of the government. They barely protect negros, and negros can't … do the kinds of things I can do."
"Not unless they are also mutants." Bobby adds with a dry tone. "And then I'd hate to be a KKK member down in Alabama." Course, there could be a mutant in the KKK too. They're everywhere. Studying Sousa, he shakes his head. "Why? Seriously, why? Are you just trying to head off trouble or are you looking for something else?" He glances at Alex for a moment then says "Don't waste our time if you aren't telling the truth here. We will find out."
Sousa pauses and turns to look at Alex, "Your name won't go past me," and those who already saw the note…ahem…"But unless you cause some massive trouble, I have no reason to go after you or to send any agents after you." He doesn't seem, upon first sight, that he'd be the one leading any manhunts. "I don't suppose it would help that there are some…negroes," he doesn't seem happy to use even that word, timely as it is, "…in our organization that I would trust with my life? My family's life?" He…and SHIELD…aren't typical of law enforcement organizations.
"I -am- reaching out in good faith. We, as a whole, need education and we can't give that if we don't -have- that education." Not to mention that they could probably use some mutants in their organiztion.
Bobby's question has him pulling his arm out of his crutch and resting it on the top even as he looks at the younger man, "Would I seriously go through all of this time and effort to track down a -student- if I wasn't serious about this? If I wasn't telling the truth?" He looks at Bobby in silence for a long moment, "I guess you have every reason to be paranoid. I don't want my department to be hunting you out of fear. I want, if anyone suggests it, to be able to shut that down immediately, but I can't do that if I don't have information."
Alex blinks slowly, looking quite surprised that there are negros in this… secret supernatural police organization. "I suppose… that's something." He wrinkles his nose, "For the sake of argument, what kind of information are you looking for? Like — he …" He almost said Bobby's name, but didn't, instead gesturing to Bobby, "… said, I can guarantee we won't be willing to reveal who we are. At least one of the Sanctuary's Founders was a survivor of the camps. We won't tolerate lists. But if I'm going to tell the Mediator that you're looking to reach out and get educated… what do you want to know? What we can do?" That said, he pauses, wrinkling his nose, "I really wish I knew how Sanctuary security got compromised and you got my name, but now that you have it— I can't do anything really about it besides throw away my life and go into hiding, and I'd rather not do that. So if any of us are going to be exposed to you, I'm already in the position to do it. But I need to know what you're looking to know before I take the question to the Mediator." He glances meaningfully over to Bobby, "And if I ever find out you so much as describe what he looks like to anyone else, then you will have made an enemy. I'm deadly serious." He sounds… very protective.
"If he was the only one you knew of?" Bobby asks. "Of course you would. You'd want to see what he did and hope you learned more even if he refused to cooperate. Maybe you could even identify a few others." Like him. "Get some other names. Faces. Especially if you're low on manpower. He's a thread for you to pull and see what unravels." At Alex's threat, he looks over and smiles but doesn't add anything."
Sousa arches an eyebrow at Alex's threat, "Perhaps I haven't explained myself fully. I am the Head of a Department in an organization that no one knows what it does. Do you think we keep it that way by gossiping at the Supermarket? Enough with the threats. I get it. As I said, we have a mutual acquaintance who gave me your name and the suspicion that you were a mutant. Take it up with them if you have an issue with that." He's a Federal Agent. Of course he's going to follow up.
"What do I want to know? As much as I can. What you can do. Where it came from. How you discovered it. Can you tell who other mutants are? We're at a University…think of it as an Anthropological research project." So he never went to College, but it's not like he doesn't know about subjects that are offered and what many of them explore.
As Bobby is mentioned, he looks over at him, "He never gave his name. That's actually pretty smart. And if you two are…" he just gestures between the two as if indicating something, "What you do behind closed doors is none of my business." Bobby's words, however, bring about a sigh, "Actually, yes. If we can find the right fit, I'd like to have some mutants on my team. We're heading into interesting times and the more we can have to fight these evils that emerge, the better chance we have."
Good lord, mutants are paranoid!
Alex stares at Sousa for a long moment, shaking his head, "Man, you're going to be very disappointed because half of those questions we don't even know. I'll tell you that now. Where it comes from? Why do we get one ability and someone else gets another? No one knows. I won't tell you how we find eachother, not ever, not even if the Mediator said it was okay. Suffice it to say the Sanctuary is reaching out for our people." He wrinkles his nose, crossing his arms over his chest, "And one more free piece of information. How did I discover it? A bad person kidnapped me and my adoptive sister when I was 14. He tried to hurt me. He died." Despite how this might sound like a threat, it doesn't seem like he means to, "Fortunately, I suppressed it somehow for a few years, because the Sanctuary didn't exist then to teach me how to control it. That's how it often happens— trauma— though by no means always. There's no predicting it. There's no testing for it. There's no stopping it. There's recognizing it and helping the kids master who they are in a place where no one— wait what?"
That whole 'and if you two are' thing finally registered, and Alex's face darkens by several shades, "You think I wouldn't make that same threat for any one of my people? Any one of them. Agent Sousa there's something you need to understand right here and right now. Last week I tried to save a mutant boy and his human parents and right in front of me some lunatic human put a bullet in their brains— that boy is going to remember humans did it to him for the rest of his life, they made him an orphan, and that even his people coming to his aide couldn't save him. I will put myself between any of our people and harm, and I will not permit this to continue. No more orphans. No more beatings. No more mutants dying for human fears."
He waves a hand, grunting, "Yeah, you're saying you're not the enemy. Maybe so. I'll carry your message. But I'm not convinced you'd be willing to do what it takes to be our friend, either. Damn me but am I feeling the corner wall closer and closer to my back every day."
At the implied accusation, Bobby freezes (not literally) and he'd steps back if his back weren't already pressed against the bookshelf. "We're friends!" That's it. Nothing else. No. Wait. None of their business? Licking his lips, the rest of what Sousa said starts to filter through. "You.. want to hire some mutants? To be secret agents? And fight evil?"
There could be testing…there could be more information but that requires research and Sousa isn't about to suggest that. Not the way this meeting seems to be going. In an effort to keep it from going further South, he offers, "I'm sorry for what you and your sister went through. I'm also sorry for that poor boy who had to see his parents shot by frightened idiots. And I'm sorry that you aren't seeing that I'm offering you the proverbial olive branch. I don't want to hunt you. I don't want to encourage others to hunt you." He looks around the small office, "You're a scholar and a scientist, yes? You're constantly trying to learn. When something new of interest comes into your sight, you want to know all you can about it, right? I'm a student as well…only I'm trying to learn what I can about the mutants. As I said, I want to stop this enmity before it goes further and more kids and adults are hurt for being different."
At Bobby's insistance of their friendship, well, he just lets that go. None of his business. None at all. The question though, has him looking at the unnamed friend, "Possibly. I'm sure we could use their skills and they would be fighting evil. Possibly become agents. Some are less secretive than others. But I won't do any such thing until I have more information." He inclines his head then and looks between the two, "I protect my people as well. Maybe not with any powers but I -will- fight for them until there's no more fight in me…and then some because I am damned stubborn."
"I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt enough to take your message to the Mediator, its simply not my decision to make, Agent." Plus he's not killing him right where he stands, which is a total act of benevolence as far as Alex is concerned, "I see the branch, I just don't have the talents some do. The Mediator will know if you're lying and he'll decide if we can persue … a cross-disciplinary educational exchange. I told you, I'm just the bodyguard. I've been around longer then most but I don't lead the Sanctuary." He nods his head slightly at Sousa saying he'll protect his people, "I wouldn't expect any less of you, Agent. The problem is, I don't want a war. You don't want a war. What about everyone else out there?"
A secret agent. Drake. Robert Drake. That would be so cool. "We'll pass along your message." he tells Sousa. "You should start thinking about how to convince us that it's in our interest to… ally with you. Cause you can say you want this and you want that and you might even have the best of intentions but unless you, and SHIELD, can actually make a difference for our people, then your intentions and what you want don't really mean much. They're just so many words wishing for a better world for us all."
"Many in my generation went through a war and we don't want to do it again. We're threatened with war even now…I think most of us don't want to bring anything to our home turf. It didn't work a hundred years ago and I don't think it will work now," Sousa points out. "But talk to your Mediator. I'll be happy to talk with them and reassure anyone that I'm not lying."
He then looks to Bobby and gives a sigh. He puts his arm in his crutch in preparation to leave once again, "I don't know how much more I can convince you that I think we could be stronger if we worked together. But I'm not going to get down on my knees to beg for information. I think we have mutual goals and I think SHIELD could help you and yours but only if you let us. If not, well then…I will do my best to offer what support I can, but surely you can see that my hands are tied due to, well, ignorance." Unless he knows how he can help, he can't do too much.
A nod is given to them both, "Again, thank you for your time, gentlemen. I'm sorry if I somehow upset your schedule." He then opens the door and turns to leave for a second time.
Alex nods his head slightly, "Next time try a phone call. Or talking in a wide open public space, voice low. Don't corner a mutant unless you want to … in my case, die horribly." Again it sounds threatening but he doesn't seem to mean it as a threat. "Since I assume you're going to be approaching any other mutants you happen to uncovert."
Bobby just nods to Sousa, having nothing else to say.
Sousa turns back to look over his shoulder at the office, "You have a phone in here?" How could one tell? They weren't able to find a home address after all. "An agent from a fairly secret government organization talking to mutants…about mutants…in the open public. Really? You might want to re-think that." It's offered, though, with a grin as he limps his way back out.
There was a reason why he knocked on the office door and didn't -actually- corner the other. The building has people in it. He took a leap of faith that they wouldn't hurt innocents.
Sousa has left.
Slumping against the table, Alex just sorta breathes for a moment. Staring at the door.
Bobby watches Sousa leaves then looks over at Alex. "Secret agents. Could be fun."
Alex eyes Bobby a moment, looking… seriously drained, "How the ever-living fucks did he know my name?" He's so damn near in a state of panic he's keeping it in through sheer determination, but he shakes his head, lifting a hand and waving it away, "Let… me breath a minute. Then lets go home."
Bobby looks around a moment, making sure the door shut fully and there's no one outside the window before he walks over to pull Alex to him and give him a hug. "He said a mutual acquaintance so someone you know told him. We need to find out who since no one should be giving out our names to government agents. But at least it's a simple explanation and we don't need to worry about hidden microphones or anything."
"But me?" Alex shakes his head, slipping his arms around Bobby's waist, "Every mutant I know and everyone who knows I'm a mutant either works at the Institute or has been vetted, it's not like I spend a lot of time on outreach programs… I leave the Institute to come here, and to go out at night. So that almost sounds like… someone at the Institute is the security leak. I don't see how else they could have gotten *my* name of all our names." He leans a hand againstt Bobby's shoulder, the panic fading some, but he's shaken, "I mean if someone had the Professor's, or even Magneto, but me? I'm not front line in recruitment."
Bobby shrugs. "I don't know. Someone could have been less cautious than they should have been? Or it sounded like a normal question. Like, 'who's that guy over there?' Maybe when you were with Logan? Think back to who you've been with when something weird was going on around you that you were either involved in or at the fringes of."
"I can't think of anything." Alex shakes his head slowly, "Everytime I've been near something… blatant, it was a team action, I was in uniform and no one would get my name out of it." He lets his arms fall and pushes away from the desk, "Let's get home. We need to tell the Professor about this. I don't know if I believe this guy's .. recruiting scheme or if its a fishing expedition, but we can't keep this to ourselves."
"Course not. And once the Prof rummages through the guy's mind, we'll know if he's telling the truth or not." Bobby notes, stepping away. "Could be fun though if he is. And you like martinis just like Bond does."
Alex laughs softly and shakes his head slowly, "I like dirty gin martini's, and though I do shake— when you're not around— stirring is really the correct way to make one. Shaking is just faster. No one of class orders a martini shaken. Besides, I think he might be one of those monsters who prefers dry vodka martini's, which are disgusting." Oh he has his opinions on martini's. "I suppose if he's right and there' ssome sort of alliance between us we might be able to help more of our people. The government has resources we never will." But he heads towards the door.
"The Prof will be able to find out." Bobby sounds quite sure of that. "And then we can figure out what'll be best to do." GIving the window another look to make sure no one's been watching, he follows Alex out.