The day will be the hottest in New York, a scorching 94'F when all is said and done. Heat indexes cannot quantify what it means to bake on the tarmac, and melt on a bus with windows jammed open. It cannot capture how sweat trickles under constricting clothes and no relief can be found even in the shade of trees, though plenty of people take to fountains and Central Park's waterways. Deeper into Westchester County, someone tears open a fire hydrant cover and children excitedly play in the spray, joined by a few older brothers and sisters, even parents. All of it speaks to the promise of violence, simmering tempers, blazing rage.
This morning might be about cornflakes and sucking down ice cubes, but Scarlett — also known as Rogue — creates enough of a whirlwind by quietly slipping through the foyer headed for Charles' office. That she is wearing gloves is not exactly a good sign; it means control is slipping. It means she isn't quite in control. Clutched in her hands is her camera, protected like it's her firstborn.
Unlike so many others, Armando doesn't sweat. He seems perfectly comfortable in his full suit with jacket, despite the heat. He's quietly sitting on the stairs, in the middle of the 'action' as he reads the notebooks they managed to grab from the sanitarium. He's writing findings in a second notebook of his own- trying to sort through it all and figure out what was missing given the information that remains- there had to be clues, after all. He looks up as Rogue steps in and he gives a smile. "Hey there. I didn't know you did photography." he mentions- barely noticing the gloves. He, in all honesty, wasn't fully familiar with Rogue's particular power.
Jubilee does sweat. But that's a reason she's pondering aligning her activities today to at least make sure that sweat is minimally troublesome. Which means going out near a body of water. But first it's time to eat. Though her her case eating means a homemade popsicle made of juice, and a folded up piece of paper set up as a Chinese fan, constantly moving to blow air at her face. Sucking on the popsicle, she sees the others and gives a wave with the fan. "Good morning."
Scarlett could sweat, but the effect on her at this point is limited. Her loose braids spin down her back, and she starts to a halt when focusing on the interior of the building, probably measuring whether she intends to take the fast route out of town. That she can go airborne isn't widely known to most of the students, a talent kept under wraps like the rest of her. Though in this moment, it might be worth breaking stride with. Her lips compress slightly as she glances askance over her round sunglasses towards Armando, emerald eyes a shade too bright to be purely normal. It's possibly the only outward manifestation of her mutation, minus the white streak braided into her hair. "Have you seen the Professor? I thought he might be in this morning." Her question comes in a slightly tight voice, softly pitched, a hint of the self-control employed not to simply blow apart into some quiet fury. "I do, yes, use a camera. Though today I wish I didn't, because I half expect the police to show up on our doorstep and confiscate this. Do either of you have access to some kind of lab?" The cradled object is hugged to her chest still, and she blinks at the popsicle and the puff of air blown by the fan. A note shall be made for later.
"No, I'm afraid not." Armando says with a shake of his head. "What did you see?" he asks, eyebrows knitting together. "And what did you take pictures of?" now, he's curious. Unlike Scarlett, his mutation is overly obvious- pale white eyes without feature, grey skin. "I haven't seen the professor today, though. Nor do I have access to a photo lab." he shrugs, closing the notebook. "Sorry."
Jubilee pretty shamelessly continues to fan herself and suck on that stick of frozen orange juice. Not Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice though, as this is a treat not a commodity. Comfort is a priority. Coming closer to the others. "Sorry I can't help but I haven't see him this morning either. Maybe he's hiding from the weather?" Looking to each of the others. "I have more of the popsicles if anyone wants one. They're still nice and frozen. But I don't have a lab. Are they photos of a crime?"
Akihiro arrives from Institute - Rear Grounds.
Akihiro has arrived.
Eyes close a moment and then she breathes out, accepting the news in stead. Scarlett pushes her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose, still handling the camera with great care in her left hand. "I need to tell Professor Xavier about the riots. This is the second in only a few days, and at least one of them isn't normal. I think someone is deliberately stirring them up." Her shoulders draw back and she stands somewhat straighter, shaking off whatever urgency drives her. "Not simply people who fear change or dislike integration, but an actual individual targeting us. Whether yesterday night had anything to do with it, I am not sure. But he needs to be aware, so we can decide what to do among students who go out into the city. I could not bear the idea of someone here being swept up and jailed, or worse, because they were forced to act without any control."
Akihiro wanders out, squinting in the manner of somebody who just woke up. He's wearing jeans and a long-sleeved top with too many pockets, and has a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth. "I missing something important?" he grumps, bringing a light up to his cancer stick.
Armando's bald eye-ridges come together, nodding slowly. "And there's proof on that roll of film, I assume? Or at least a lead?" he asks, nodding towards Rogue's camera as he sets the notebooks to the side. "I'd bet there's a photo lab somewhere in this place- if not here, then you know where." he says, with a little nod. He gives Akihiro a quiet look, even as he stands to come down to Rogue's level- off the stairs.
Jubilee goes wide-eyed. But she keeps on consuming her frozen breakfast, and fanning herself. Swallowing hard, she nods. "That sounds very serious. Sorry I don't have a lab to help out. But um… yeah, if there's anything else I can do to help, let me know. If nothing else I'm happy to jump in and create some nice distractions. Pop pop pop." The arrival of Akihiro is noted with a grin and a wave with her fan hand. "Armando's right though. Someone has to at least have a photography hobby around here. Or a science lab."
"I was taking photos up until the shooting started," muses the redhead, her gaze distant for a long moment in the vaults of memory. "Then I was under the target they shot at. Whether he knocked me down deliberately or it was luck's way of keeping me safe, I do not know. But they unleashed gunfire under a giant and that was that." Her clothes aren't in too much disarray, nor does she show any signs of injury, though the disquieted tone to her voice might match the somewhat dimmed light around Scarlett. Usually she radiates much more confidence than this. "Nice distractions would be just the thing. If we don't have the professor, maybe we can get into the science lab and wait for these to be developed. At least there need to be copies available. Char—ah, the Professor will know what to do with them, and if not, Mr. Lensherr or Professor McTaggart should. I'm sorry, this isn't a happy subject to talk about." Her fingers curl in a wave to Akihiro; not unkind. The Canon camera she holds in her hand still, measured up carefully. "How are you all? Did you learn anything more about the sanatorium?"
Akihiro shoots Jubilee a wink, releasing the smoke from his lungs. "Nope. Actually not too sure what you're talking about." Helpful Akihiro. "But I am sure it sounds like you need a joint and a back rub." He heads down from the building, actually bothering to look at the gathered faces, "Guess I should tag along and help out, now that I'm settled and all."
Armando nods, looking back to the notes a moment. "I'm still piecing it all together. Several very important pages are missing- its not easy to try and piece it back together. The metals used in the building were designed to block telepathy and the metals on many of the surgical tools are rare platinum metal group metals- iridium and rhodium, still trying to figure out the other metals- I haven't seen atomic structures like the ones Crystal provided." He offers further. "All I can tell you with certainty is the man who did that to those people was a sociopath. The end justified the means." he offers quietly, with little shake of his head.
Still, Armando looks quietly to the redheaded Scarlett. "Are you going to be okay? I know what its like to see that sort of thing. To be in the middle when chaos erupts and people die." He was at a much similar rally, one that ended in massacre. "Its not easy and its honestly awful."
Armando looks then Akihiro's direction and nods his head. "I'm Armando." he offers by way of introduction.
Jubilee finds a spot to lean, somewhere where she can take in the whole group. An elbow on the wall, propping up her arm to make the constant fanning motion easier. Her popsicle she lifts up to lick around the base before it melts all over her fingers. Though that's probably a lost cause in the long run. "That sounds really bad. Yeah I mean I'm not really a science person though, but I'll volunteer for anything I can do." As for Akihiro and his comments, she giggles and shakes her head. "You know, your supplies might be useful to help the victims calm down, but we can probably do more."
"Scarlett," adds the redhead, her hair pretty much the reason why she can go by that name. As does the silken influence of a southern accent laid over her sophisticated language, a byproduct of meandering around the university much too often. "Crystal sees atomic structures? Outstanding, I hope that proves to be of use. It begs the question what on earth that man was trying to do, other than experiment upon those who could not fight back. It almost seems like he was harvesting something, though if I had to make a wild guess…" Her eyes close for a moment. "I wonder that he wasn't trying to start something. A catalyst of a mutation, perhaps, or study in a facility made for it. The telepathic shielding is disturbing, why they would perform that. Why they would even want attention." Her fingertips slide back over the camera and she gently stores it the only place she can; the strap goes around her neck. Hot look, surely.
"It is not unique. This experience happens more frequently than I would like." Scarlett shakes her head. Mind you, she keeps showing up in them. Chance? Barely.
"Akihiro Howlett." Akihiro introduces himself. "People do it all the time, cut up mutants to find out what makes them tick, and how they can use it to their advantage. You don't need to spend too much time wondering why, figure out who, if they're working for another organization, and then cut the head off the snake." Two claws rather quickly protrude from between his knuckles, which get waved a bit to emphasise what he's saying. "Not literally, mind you. Killing is frowned upon and all that." The claws retract and the wound they left heals over in almost an instant.
"No one said its unique." Armando responds, "I just asked if you were going to be okay." he notes simply, before turning back to the information on the sanitarium. "Given that the tools and strips of metal are iridium and rhodium, I suspect the tools are prized for their high corrosion resistance. Platinum group metals are exceedingly expensive, though- and the amount to make tools out of those metals would be honestly staggering. Particularly when you consider tools of that type need frequent replacement if to be used at peak efficiency and not destroy what he was likely trying to get at."
"And yet, not all scientists do that." Armando notes. "There are good scientists out there who do studies that don't actually harm the subject- and there is certainly a scientific need to study mutants, if only to understand better the scientific nature of this evolution." Armando speaks from a place of extreme knowledge in this- he, too, had been studied and poked and prodded- but it was done with some measure of respect for his being a person. "The danger is when they stop thinking of us as human."
Armando takes a slow breath, returning to sitting on the stairs- although at the bottom now. "Yes. I suspect the 'former friend' of Professor Xavier's didn't want Charles checking up on him." he offers, "Or, perhaps it was to protect himself from those within the institution. Make it more difficult for them to call for help. I keep looking at that blanket Erik and I found. It was like a child's blanket. The kind he'd bring to school, or cuddle up in when he was scared of the dark. Either way, bad things were done in that place. Very bad things."
Jubilee is starting to get a better idea of what everyone here is talking about. Especially once Armando starts talking about blankets. She looks from one person, to the other, to the other. Though with a terrible eye for drama, she slurp son the melting base of her popsicle before she sighs deeply. "Are we sure killing is ruled out? Okay not killing, but… making them afraid of death enough that they pee their pants."
"I hate this. Being constrained by a lack of information, knowing some poor little boy who cannot speak or reach for help is out there, seeking help. There has to be something more we can do, and I can take the riots, I can take the knowledge of medicine put to poisoned purpose. But a child…" Scarlett goes silent, staring down the hallway than meeting any of their eyes. Her shoulders tremble, and she pulls herself back towards that elusive centre of calm that might be found with meditation. Reflex holds her fast for the moment, the cyclical breathing needed to hold trouble at bay. "If you can see a use for me that doesn't involve hitting someone, I'm all ears."
Akihiro growls low in his throat. "You may not have to hit anybody." He takes another long drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke from his nose. It takes a moment for him to gather himself, attention shifting over to Scarlett, "You need anything? A cigarette maybe?" A hand comes up to rub at the back of his neck, he clearly isn't in the habit of trying to be nice.
"Well, I've poured over those notebooks at least a dozen times- I keep looking for something else to connect the pieces." Armando admits, "If you want to give it a try, you're welcome to read them- but, with warning that the contents are rather disturbing." The grey-skinned mutant says, as he grabs the notebooks and offers them over to Scarlett. "I'm not sure that little boy remains in a state where he can ask for help." he says softly, "I don't think anyone got out of that place whole. I keep seeing more and more that begs to hopelessness and horror. I'm not sure what would be worse- and there it is. The thing that's worse." He sighs quietly.
"But, I have to think that we're going to stop it. That we're going to help- to maintain hope. Hope is how we survive this. Hope, and the strength to make a difference." he looks quietly to Akihiro, then over to Jubilee. "We can't be the ones who bring terror to people. Hope is the answer. Heroism, and strength of will to do the right thing especially when it is difficult. We're writing the first chapter in a story about a new world with fantastic people in it. We have to make sure, in the end, that we did our best to do the right thing and not behave in ways that bring terror or fear to the populous at large. If we want to win, we need to be seen as the good guy. The one who does right when the world demands wrong."
Jubilee starts biting into her breakfast now, though too much cold, too fast, isn't great. Letting the ice melt in her mouth, which is great for keeping cool, plus the fan always continues to help. In fact once you start fanning, then stopping just leaves you burning up! "I don't know if peace and love is enough. That's not how Captain America stopped the Nazis. Hope is important, but bad people don't just stop being bad becuase you love them enough."
"We stand on the cusp of a change, a generational fault line that cuts through society. This is no less significant than the American Revolution or the French Revolution, when an entire section of society said 'No,' and changed the way the world worked," murmurs Scarlett. "These changes do not come without upheavals, and everyone around us is vulnerable to fear of the change. A discovery like this offers grisly proof to feed their deepest, darkest concerns. They react on the defensive, and it won't be sensible or reasoned but terrified, furious, and with overwhelming force. If mankind is willing to play one-upmanship with mutually destructive weapons, then what will they do if confronted by the unknown? Close ranks, shut their eyes and ears, and fail to engage. This is the whole purpose driving me. That we stand at a crossroads where leadership is essential for us to move forward, Armando, and meet with open arms and open minds the other actors who will step forward. As it is, the choice is slipping away from us because someone escalates the situation. It's not here, in the sanatorium, but on the streets. This, too, is not helpful."
Her words flow in gentle patterns, following a rhythm almost musical in its way. "You understand the need for hope, and that is precious. Hope meets violence. Flowers for guns. Heroism and sacrifice to prove that not everyone means poorly, and that our voices can drown out those unworthy of being heard for their divisive attitudes or their outdated views. But I have the feeling we are running out of time to assemble a united front, and control the narrative instead of being forced onto a reactionary footing. The latter can't be an option. If you're offering me a cigarette, thank you, but they don't do anything for me. Find me something that can do a back rub, though…" Her smile is rueful, tinged by a spark of hope. "I could probably hold it together enough for that. At some point."
"I know what it's like to wake up from nightmares caused by your past. I don't want to do that to other people." Akihiro assures Armando. "It's also not how America forced my country to surrender. Though I think we all know how excessive that was." His jaw tightens slightly, "I don't want that to happen to anybody else." He sighs quietly, giving his head a shake. Scarlett does get a grin out of him though, "If there's one thing other than avoiding my problems I can do, it's back rubs."
"I'm in a unique situation when it comes to my belief in non-violent reaction to all of this. They can't hurt me." Armando says quietly. "The rest of you, they can hurt. They can damage. Me, I'll evolve an answer- an escape- a way to survive. That's what I do. Its what I'm always doing- evolving." Armando notes quietly. "I'm starting to see that. I'm starting to see that I can't sit and hope and do nothing- we do, absolutely, need to put ourselves on the forefront of this and prove that we can be more than people think we are." Armando pauses a quiet moment, nodding to Akihiro and Scarlett both- smiling to Jubilee. "We still can't frighten them. We have to have them see us a heroes- as people who help and use our abilities for the greater good. The people need to see that some of us, despite all this hate, are willing to defend and help. I'm not sure how to do it, though- I can only hope Charles does." he says quietly, "Hope is the most important weapon we have, though. That much I'm sure of."
Jubilee glances at Akihiro. She'd been reminded of the Nazi thing by meeting the Captain himself yesterday, and seeing him being thanked by someone he saved. But she's going to tiptoe very carefully around the issue of Japan. Just, not even discuss it. Taking a moment to finish her popsicle is a much better plan. "So how do we stop people from torturing children with hope?" she asks quietly, a furrow of her brow making it apparent she's getting more disturbed by this the more she discusses it. "Without hurting anyone, without using force, without using the scary powers some of us have. I guess I'm not understanding."
"We can understand why some of our friends, neighbours, and family react out of fear. That's human nature. We still jump when something moves in the dark." Scarlett pads across the floor, leaning against one of the walls with a casual ease. She slides forward in a warrior pose, dropping in a lunge that bends her knee perpendicular to the ground. She raises her hand straight up and arches her torso back until her curving spine draws an arch. Foxfire braids reach the small of her back, dusting the space in between. The yoga asana is not an easy one, but she sustains the backbend with breathless ease.
"Those who actively seek to do us harm by ruining our reputation think they can salt the earth before we ever start to grow, nipping out any good relations and trust in the earliest stages. They want us to suffer, and they want us to fail, ascribing all the evils of the world on our shoulders. And unfortunately, some will listen. I'm not advocating for civil disobedience, but actively something, yes. Charles has to be in a position to challenge this and alter thinking, but that means we are the ones who are living out these methods and messages. Being living examples, because the twelve year old students won't be. Nor is it a liberty we have to stand on the sidelines and hope the next decade or the one after that gets it right. Like he said," she nods to Akihiro, "we have a track record for throwing overwhelming fire on a harmless spider." The quirked moue of her mouth is rather pretty. "I'm not going to be left holding the box and letting hope be lost to the world. None of us should. We do it by showing them another way, by giving encouragement to those who need it, by refusing to bend down to the attacks, to be helpful and speak out, challenging those voices who say we should be segregated, exiled, dissected or killed. Get others onside."
"Healing factor." Akihiro informs Armando. "Just like Loga- my father." That seems to leave a sour taste in his mouth. "We need to do it before somebody takes the pursuit of equality too far. Or worse, try to make humans second-class citizens. Because thinking you are better than somebody else is a nasty habit we all have, me being Japanese is a cause for concern here in America, but back home I wasn't Japanese enough." He thumbs back at the school, "Wolverine's blood made me an outcast there, and my mother's makes me one here. On top of all that I'm a mutant." He can't help but laugh a humorless laugh, "People are pretty shitty, but if enough people want change, and the justice of that idea is realized, it's bound to spread like wildfire."
"Absolutely." Armando says, agreeing with Rogue. "A united front is absolutely required- and we do need to act fast." he agrees completely, looking over to Akihiro as that particular bombshell is dropped. He just nods, not bringing too much to the fact Logan has a son- he should have guessed as much. "I don't technically have a healing factor." he notes, "I'm in a constant state of evolution- always changing to the situation so I can survive and thrive." he takes a slow breath, "So, I could sit there and let them beat me, or set me on fire, or try to choke me or drown me- I'd survive." he explains.
"So, Scarlett- where do we start?" he asks the Foxfire haired mutant quietly. "How do we get our foot in the door and make the lives of everyone better?" he wonders, "Do we ask Charles? Or do we take it to the streets ourselves? I mean, I know a lot of people in New York- a lot of minorities. Do we bring everyone in, inclusive? Make it about our humanity?"
Jubilee shakes her head, licking the finished popsicle stick, getting the last bits of frozen orange juice. Such trivial concerns while discussing such important topics. But that's real life. "Don't get me wrong. I'm asking questions not because I'm going to break from whatever we do. I'm… I just don't understand what we can do. I guess that's all I think. Watever you guys decide, I'll join, even if I don't get it. If you want to march, I can march and shoot fireworks. If you want to blow things up, I can blow things up."
Because that's fair, asking her for guidance. The compelling speaker, the bohemian pacifist with a real aversion to hitting things. "My god, he's right." The distant murmur, tinged in ephemeral affection and rueful revelation, speaks volumes. "You keep looking to me like I have the answers to lead a revolution, and some greater design than talking. I mean, I do, though the ideas need work and discussion before we just go out there. We cannot possibly try this ad hoc and expect to get anywhere than if we coordinated it." Her university classes and two years of solid classes between Barnard and Columbia have no doubt given Scarlett an air of polish about what she says. The confidence cracks in a moment as she moves out of one asana; the other is much simpler, standing with her arms behind her, stretched out straight. "But why would you follow me? I am not a logistical genius, and all I want is to see that people don't get hurt, abused, or misused because society divides into us versus them."
Scarlett stretches out her limbs further and then rubs her shoulders, clearly trying to loosen the tension formed there. "I know the woman who was stirring up the crowds, and I know together we can overcome her. On the other hand…. She's got power in spades and I would dread Charles ever meeting her, or any of us. She made an entire crowd riot because she was talking. It didn't do much for me but then she wasn't paying so much attention." Her head tilts slightly. "She has her own agenda, and she wants to see us burn, to put none too fine a point on it. Now I'm of the mind we might do better if we had a better idea of who she works with, what she wants, and what people are under her. It's one thing for me to say the impossible is happening and a terrifyingly powerful, very beautiful, and incredibly petulant snob wants to turn the public against us. It's much better if we have name, weaknesses, motivations and actual information to use /against/ her."
"Well, while you all work that out, I'm gonna hit the gym." Akihiro informs everybody. "I expect I'll be sparring you later." This is directed at Jubilee with a grin, before he looks over at Scarlett. "And I'll pay you a visit at some point because I like what you have to say, and a discussion would probably do us both good." Armando gets a salute, "And if you don't mind, I'd like to what we're dealing with at the sanatorium."
"Interesting." Armando says. "And you have pictures of her?" he wonders curiously, "Because I'd rather like to talk to her. I've found my presence can sometimes… upset.. those who are used to their abilities being able to negatively affect others." Armando gives a wry smile at that, "Anyways, I need to get back to the grind of trying to figure out these elements. I'm going to see if the library in Columbia has anything, and if not there, the New York Public library." he says, with a slow breath as he gathers the notebooks and tucks them under his arm.
"No problem." Armando offers to Akihiro with a smile. He looks towards Scarlett next. "People follow those who best represent them. Charisma and saying what people want to hear. Real leaders tell people what they need to hear, though. And maybe you don't have to do it alone- but I'd rather like to hear your thoughts on it. I was rather dead-set on doing this the way Doctor King, and Gandhi did. It may not be possible for us- but, I'll maintain hope. anyways, I'm going to take a ride. Air out my brain some."
Jubilee gives a fan wave first to Akihiro, then to Armando, as each seems to be heading out. "Alright, those plans seem to be as good as anything, since I don't even know what to do. It sounds like none of us do. If we can talk to the Professor later that might help. He has more experience with this than I do."