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Steve fiddles with a reed on what is a remarkably cooler day than one might expect in the middle of summer. The strong breeze blows his blonde hair every which way in spurts, only to die down again abruptly. "Seems like a good place," he says as he tosses the dead piece of foliage away and looks out towards the Statue of Liberty. "What do you guys think?"
Bobby rode across the small bridge to the island on a motorcycle that has the license plate covered by a sheet of opaque ice. Paranoid much? He never did give his last name to anyone. In boots, jeans and a dark tee he seems comfortable as he looks over the fort from their vantage point. "Looks fine. What do you want out of it is the important question."
Sam Wilson hasn't been back from California but for a few hours. Still, jet lag or no, nuclear armageddon is looking a lot closer than it did two days ago: there's no time for SHIELD agents to rest on their laurels. With the big brains of the operation already hard at work puzzling out the meaning of the scant evidence they were able to gather, his contribution is going to be preparing a response team that can act on their conclusions. An invitation to scout out a location for a headquarters for this new team, especially one that includes some of the mutant members he hasn't met yet, is a golden opportunity to do exactly that.
Rogers is just going to have to forgive Sam if he looks a little worn out and distracted when he answers, "The location's fine by me. We'll have to expand the airstrip a little or invest in helicopters, though." The pilot's attention is mostly occupied by sizing up the third member of their group: Bobby Drake just looks like some kid. The two are close to the same age, but Sam's physical presence and constrained military bearing put him worlds apart from the mutant. The former Airman can't help but look a little skeptical; this is who they went through all that rigamarole to recruit? This is who Fury is putting on his wing as he tries to avert the apocalypse?
"Boats," Steve adds as a third option. Any which way they'll need to have transportation sorted out. "I like this because it's away from the city. If we are to be attacked, which is a likelihood, the civilians would be much safer." He shoves his hands in his pockets as he looks around the grounds. "Some old brick buildings. Good to start with." He gives it some thought for a second. "Room to expand. That's important, too."
"Privacy to practice." Bobby adds on top of what Steve says. He knows all about Captain America but the negro is a total unknown so he's giving the man curious looks when he thinks the other isn't looking. Who is he and what does he do? "A bit out of the way but that's a plus usually." Not like the Institute is in the middle of Manhattan.
Bobby's return glance isn't quite as surreptitious as he might like — Wilson is pretty perceptive — but he's accustomed to getting looks. The pilot huffs out a sigh. If this is who he's expected to work with, he'll make do. "We might be getting that good start a little sooner than we planned," he answers Steve with an apologetic wince. "We're going to be needing a strike team soon: maybe within as little as a week." He hesitates for half a second, glancing at Bobby once more, then dives in: "Several H-bombs have been stolen. We're piecing our way through the evidence, but as soon as we've got a solid lead, we're going to need to act on it. We don't have time to be leisurely about it. If we don't get those bombs under control, there's no telling what could happen."
Steve nods to Bobby before Sam gets his attention. "Sam, Bobby. Bobby, Sam. He flies, he does ice." The news comes to Steve in a wave and he swallows with some difficulty. It's unclear if he's wincing or just looking to close to the sun. "Well, that sounds important." He flashes his eyebrows at Sam, as if there's nothing to do but laugh. "Leads?"
Bobby blinks and kind of stares at Sam. "H-bombs?" This is what SHIELD wanted him for? Suddenly the scale of things becomes very, very clear as he realizes he's suddenly playing with the big boys on a scale not usually seen by X-Men. Not yet anyway. "Umm, yeah. We should get those back."
That comment earns Iceman the most skeptical look yet, but Sam opts for the understatement of the year award, answering simply: "Agreed." Turning to Steve, he answers, "The bombs were replaced with decoys. They're tracing chemicals in the paint and some of the parts used to make the fakes." The star spangled hero might be accustomed to trotting out the gallows humor in these situations, but Wilson is younger and more earnest. Like Bobby, he's keeping his serious face on. "I've already put Cho and Munoz on the investigative team; they're getting good results. But it's time to get the more active parts of the group ready to go."
"If Cho is on it, we should make good time if good time is to be made. Follow up with it and keep me posted. We need to move whenever we hear anything. Training or not." Steve grimaces; the idea doesn't sit well with him. Either does the end of the world.
"I'll tell Alex we need to be ready to move quickly." Bobby says, reaching up to run a hand over his hair. "Do you know where they might be? Like, what state? Or what country? Do we have a really fast plane to get wherever it is? I might umm…" Falling silent, he clears his throat before trailing off with "… be able to borrow someone's dog if it's an emergency."
Wilson gives Bobby a long look, then his disbelief overwhelms his discretion. "A dog," he echoes incredulously. "I'm talking about finding and fighting someone who stole nuclear weapons from under the noses of the Air Force and the Navy, and you're offering to bring Huckleberry Hound." The pilot turns a pleading look on Steve, then just shakes his head and reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Listen, 'Iceman' — this information isn't for public consumption. I've been briefed that you and your buddy are being given leeway to keep secrets. I hope you understand that goes both ways." He looks up and spins one index finger in a small circle. "This situation is classified, for I hope obvious reasons. I don't care how great your neighbor's dog is: you don't get to explain to them why you're borrowing it."
He pauses for a second, then finally adds, "We think it's linked to the auto industry. Michigan is not a bad guess."
Steve raises an eyebrow. He doesn't understand whether or not Bobby is joking, but at the same time, everyone deals with this sort of thing in their own way. The kid is young and green. "Sam," he says, trying to call down the dog. No pun intended. "Michigan would make sense. Why auto industry?"
"It teleports." Bobby explains. "He's a really smart dog." With a tuning fork in his head but that doesn't need to be explained. Especially since he can't. "But there's no guarantee he'd be available anyway so hopefully there'll be time to fly there." Pause. "In a plane."
Wilson puts his hands up, palms out, and backs down. Steve's right: he got a little carried away. "Cho said the paint and the parts were all commonly used in the auto industry. Lots of manufacturing plants and equipment would be available there, too. Seems like a solid lead, but we've also got Munoz and Morales following up with some personnel records," he explains. Turning to Bobby with a slight frown, he continues, "We have planes ready to go the moment we've got news. But we don't want to commit early, in case the car thing is a red herring." After a slight pause, he grudgingly adds, "If your … teleporting dog … is available, without an explanation, that might be useful, I admit."
Steve has no idea what the hell to say about teleporting dogs, other than he knows he needs to trust his new teammates. "Sounds like a good lead. I like that Cho kid. Let's see what he comes up with. In the meantime, we need to find a place to train while we get this HQ figured out. No idea how long it'll take for SHIELD to acquisition the property."
"If it's an emergency, it's worth asking." Bobby replies. Emergencies like hydrogen bombs going to explode. "I might not be able to reach him though. Well, just let us know when you need us and we'll be there. Wherever there is. Here? An airport? Does SHIELD use Newark?"
"SHIELD does not use Newark," Sam answers with an amused smile. Actually, there's a decent chance one of our planes is ready to go right on this island."
"I don't know about training locations," Wilson answers Steve with a quick shrug. "I learned to use the wings over at Howard Stark's place. Lots of space and decent privacy, at least — we could always ask."
"Iceman, keep us posted about the teleportation dog." Steve almost recoils as to how weird that sounds. "Howard's an option, but I kind of get the idea he wants to control us. Let's check with SHIELD first, and see if they have ideas."
"Here then." Bobby agrees. "Well, neither of us flies or teleports so it'll take us a little bit to get here from… You know, outside the city. Half hour maybe if we speed. Can you fix tickets?" The life of a on-flying superhero.
"Pretty sure Director Carter can cause parking tickets to burst into flames just by giving them an angry look," Wilson assures Bobby with a smirk. "As for Howard… I wouldn't recommend him as our first point of contact, either," Wilson agrees with a knowing wince. He looks over at Bobby and explains, "He means well, but he's an older guy. He has been known to put his foot in his mouth. Wouldn't want to offend anybody." After a pause, he adds, "Or irradiate them, either."
Steve nods, "Bobby will get information on this dog. I will find a place for training. Sam, I want status updates from Cho every 2 hours. We don't have a lot of time."
Oh, an older guy. "So he's Steve's age?" Cause Steve is OLD. But Bobby nods. "I'll ask about him. Say we might need some quick transport because of National Security." The air quotes are almost audible. "But like I said, don't plan on him. But if the bombs are going to explode in the next ten minutes or something, we'll see."
Wilson can't quite hold back a grin at the comment about Steve's age, although he buries it quickly. "I wouldn't say that," he answers carefully, without deigning to confirm or deny whether he finds it true (or funny). "But regardless — I'll keep our transportation options open." He gives Rogers a quick nod and confirms, "As ordered. We'll keep the reports coming."
"Careful, Bobby, or your first training session will be a boxing match with me." Steve smiles sarcastically. "I'll show you how young and able bodied I truly am."
"I didn't say you couldn't fight." Bobby points out. "Just that you're my dad's age. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You look very good for your age." he goes on but now there might be a little glint that says he's moved into teasing. "Haven't even begun to lose your hair."