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Its another night in Harlem, and as is often the case on a weekend evening the clubs are full. This particular little Jazz club in Harlem is one of the last remaining clubs from the golden age of Jazz. Armando is known here- the quiet, but well dressed mutant often sitting in a quiet, dark corner so as to not bother the other patrons. The regulars, and natives to Harlem know Armando as a good kid- one of them. Half black and half hispanic he represents two halves of Harlem. An obvious mutant, he represents a people who are treated badly in the modern times. A reminder of how bad things used to be in New York City in the bad old days.
Armando sits in his quiet corner, drinking a mixed drink- the Manhattan. He's well dressed, in a fine tailored suit that fits his unusual features well and helps him to seem more presentable. He listens, with a quiet smile, to the brassy jazz tones- sipping his drink and enjoying his evening.
Steve ducks into the bar and looks like an immediate outcast. Where most men are dressed well, he wears a simple white t-shirt, bomber jacket, and pair of jeans. While most men are that of color, his blonde hair and blue eyes stick out like a sore thumb.
But Steve's here on a mission. He spies Armando easily. He'd figured the mutant would be in one of these places. He wasn't sure if Munoz remembers the interlude, but Sam and Steve had met Armando at a similar place a few weeks back. He comes upon Armando and smiles with a nod. "Mr. Munoz, can I have a seat?"
Armando looks up to the man who calls him Mr. Munoz- and recognizes him almost immediately. "Yeah, sure." Its that sharp mind. Armando's file undoubtedly included his test scores- one of the top minds in the country. Below the likes of Cho, or Richards, but certainly in that top 1%. "You're Sam's friend." he says, "A couple of months ago, you came into a club and joined him. How is Sam? I haven't seen him around- just that one time." Armando offers with a quiet smile. "You want something to drink?" he asks quietly.
That file would have included the report on him, as well, 'Darwin, the Evolving Boy'. A sign that tests done to mutants could benefit science, and be done humanely. By the end of the tests, of course, the scientists figured there was very, very little in this world that Armando could not, somehow, survive. "They make a great Manhattan here."
"If you let me get the second round," Steve replies. He looks towards the bar, and gives a shake of his head. "I'm just a beer guy. Nothing fancy." He tilts his head at the recommendation of a Manhattan and shrugs his shoulders. "I guess I'll give it a try. Never had one."
"Sam is doing well. He's still as crabby as normal, but there's a lot in this world to be crabby about."
"Well, I'm going to cut right to the chase, Mr. Munoz. I represent a group being put together that wants to help protect the world from some pretty big threats. I read about what you did in the paper. As well as how you spoke about what you believe in, and I really want someone with your talents on my team."
Armando blinks, even as the waitress comes close. He's just about finished his Manhattan- and points to it, with two long fingers raised soon after. A silent order. Slowly, those featureless white eyes turn again towards Steve. "Yeah. With giant robots attacking the country I can see how a group of people with the aim of protecting the world might be a good idea." He notes. Armando was there, too. Jumped into danger without fear- and disappeared before the Government arrived.
The pair of Manhattans are delivered, Armando raising his glass towards Steve. "If you like whiskey, you'll like a Manhattan." he assures Steve. "So, what group is trying to set up a team to protect the entire world? That's a pretty tall order. Is this a UN project?"
"NATO. In some respects anyways. NATO operates with SHIELD working under it. We are being put together by SHIELD, but with a great amount of autonomy." Steve nods at the idea of whiskey, "I do like whiskey. So it sounds like I'll like these."
Armando nods quietly, listening close. He's watching Steve carefully now. "Its a man's cocktail." he assures Steve. He nods slowly. "SHIELD is not an organization I am familiar with." he says, his voice lowering. When he speaks again, its about the Manhattan. Two conversations being held at the same time. "I mostly just drink it for the taste. I can't get drunk."
"Me either. The serum I took to give me my powers prevent me from having alcohol give any effect," Steve says knowingly.
"SHIELD is basically NATO's intelligence wing. Amongst other duties."
"Sounds important." Armando notes, as he takes a sip of his cocktail, nodding quietly. "So, tell me more about your team. What's the deal with it? I mean, I'm not exactly a spy." he says with another quiet sip of the cocktail- now quite interested as he listens to Steve.
"Well, you take a look at those gigantic robots, or the terrorist attack from the other day. These sorts of things are seeming to happen more and more often. Seems to me that by working together we can do better than working apart. We'll have more resources this way. And more coordination."
Armando nods quietly. He takes another sip of his cocktail. He's thinking, "I guess I could give it a try." he says. "But I'm going to be honest with you- I'm a member of another group called the X-Men. A group of mutants like myself, dedicated to helping and defending mutant kind. I can promise you that they do good work, and aren't interested in harming anyone." he says, "And I would be the first to blow the whistle if I thought they were doing otherwise."
"You're right, though. The world is getting crazier. I'm absolutely certain the Chinese and the Russians are using their mutant populations towards military ends. I might be someone who can help- and showing NATO governments that mutants aren't the enemy could possibly be the best thing I can do for a group of people who have very few allies in a time of great fear."
"I agree on all accounts. Any other operations you are doing are your own business, Armando. I'm just happy you'll be willing to join us in this fight. Sam is a member as well, as are another pair of mutants, and a host of others. We plan on beginning training soon."
"That's good." Armando offers. "I'll likely need a lot of that. I'm not great in a fight- I mean, I can take punishment like no other." he explains, "But.. well." Armando smiles, "I guess I'll have a good teacher." he says, as he raises his glass towards Steve. "Just tell me where to go and what to do, and I'll be there." he says quietly.
"Sounds like a plan," Steve says. He sits back in his chair and reaches for the Manhattan. He inspects it for a moment and then begins to drink a few sips. "That's not bad!"
Armando smiles. "Like I said, I only drink for the taste. If I can't get drunk, I might as well enjoy what I drink." he says with a soft laugh and a knowing smile. "I've lived in New York my entire life. I know this city like the back of my hand- if you need anything, or want to find anything here just let me know. You sound like a native yourself, though, so… I imagine you won't need the help."
"I was. I mean, am. I spent a long time on ice, so to speak, so I'm just now getting used to the city again. It's changed a whole heck of a lot since 1941; I'll tell you that much," Steve responds with a bit of a chuckle.
"I'd bet." Armando says, with a quiet nod of his head. Slowly, Armando has been putting the pieces together. "Well, if you want a refresher, just let me know. There isn't a place in this city I'm not familiar with. I speak every language of the city, and know all the best places to get a friendly drink or meal. The sort of places with people who don't judge you by how you look." Armando offers, "So, what's this team going to be called?" he wonders.
"I may take you up on that," Steve says with a bit of a lopsided grin. All of his friends now have families; some even are starting to worry about their kids going to college. Needless to say he doesn't go out to drink much anymore. "I was thinking the Avengers. How does that sound?"
"I'll be glad to show you what you've missed." Armando offers with an equally friendly grin. Armando takes a slow breath, again taking a sip of his drink. He drinks it slow. Quiet. "It sounds good." he says. "That's the kind of name that'll make people think twice, should it get out. Strong, with a hint of anger." He smiles still. "So, where do the Avengers stand in the whole mess? Is this like a military kind of thing?"
Steve shakes his head, "Not really military. Not a vigilante group. And not a law enforcement agency either. I think of it, sort of, like a response team. Emergency first responders to massive problems. I loved my time in the military, but I kind of felt that I was often used as a tool. Autonomy was really important when I was approached about this."
Armando nods quietly, "Alright. Sounds like a good idea. Better to keep the politics out of it. Or, at least, as out of it as possible." he agrees. "I've been worried about the military for a while- I'm sure you can imagine why." Armando says. "Better this way. Better on my terms." he takes a slow breath, quiet. "So, what sort of problems are you expecting, exactly? More giant robots?"
"Giant robots, mystical weapons, megalomaniacs. I really have no clue, to be honest. It just seems like things are getting crazier and crazier and someone needs to step up in an organized manner. Someone with our gifts."
Armando gives another little laugh. "Well, I'll be there to survive. If anything, at least I won't die on you." he says with a rakish grin. "I look forward to learning whatever I can. If anything, its going to be a wild ride." he just shakes his head. "So, where do we meet? I imagine this meeting isn't what makes this official, either."
"Official as it gets, I'm afraid. I think you'll find that aside from all the, well, …spangles, I'm not really one for show. We're looking at a site on an island out in the East River. It's a nice place, and I think it'll provide what we need."
"And we get support through SHIELD and NATO?" Armando asks, just trying to get a sense of it all. "I guess I'm asking a lot of questions. Lets call it excitement- because honestly, I've never been asked to do something quite like this before."
"Yeah; support in terms of resources. That being said, when they need us, they need us. So it's sort of a drop everything, this is an emergency, sort of deal." Steve shrugs his shoulders, "Questions don't bother me."
"Got it." Armando says. "Any remuneration?" He's already agreed without that information- one gets the feeling that money isn't the biggest motivator in Armando's life. "And, on a personal question, you know anything about cars?" he asks, "I picked up this beautiful Cord 812 in a burgundy color- supercharged and everything- but I need to fix it up. I've read through the manual, but I'm thinking there is something I'm missing and could use a hand. I want her to really fly."
"You know, I haven't really asked. I imagine there'd better be some. Some of our guys aren't that well off, or are just kids. They'll need to be well compensated for the danger." Steve chuckles, "I wasn't terrible with older cars, but the new ones might be a little difficult. I could hold a wrench for ya and try and learn."
"ITs from 1936." Armando offers. "Should be right up your alley." he says with a grin. "Real pretty car, though. Pretty and fast." The mutant leans back, finishing up his Manhattan. "Either way, I'll get us some beer and we can figure it out together. Always better to do it with a friend." he says with a smile- its an easy thing. He's naturally pretty friendly. "I'm hoping to get my investments going well enough I can start a trust for mutants to get better educations."
"Well in that case, maybe I can do more than hold a wrench," Steve says with a chuckle. "Hey, that's not a bad idea. Doing something to help that community would be really helpful. They can use all the help they can get right now."
"Yeah. I've heard it all my life. Most mutants aren't born with their X-factor gene activated." The grey-skinned man explains. "Me, I was born different. Always looked a little funny. I got lucky because I'm smart- but a lot of people like me won't be so lucky. Education can really give someone a leg up." Armando shakes his head quietly. "Its funny. I'm a half-black half-hispanic mutant who looks like an alien. I get it from every angle." he says with a little grin.
"But, yeah. Between this, my job with Warrington Industries, and the investments I'm starting to make I should be able to do something. Luckily, I have nothing but time. If my suspicions are correct, I'll be sharing the future with your great-great-great grandchildren's great-great-great grandchildren. I've got a lot invested in the future of this world because I'm going to have to live in it."
Steve laughs out loud at that, "I can't argue with you there. I'm not sure I can really have children, and I haven't really aged since 1941, but I think I met my match"
"Hey, if that's how it is- if you're not aging- at least you'll have a friend who's sort of in the same boat. If there is anything I can promise, its just to be there." Armando lifts his cocktail in salute to Steve. "Well, here's to the future. Let's make it a beautiful one."