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Danny Rand's penthouse is one of the nicer places in the city. It's a good distance from the business building for Rand-Meachum enterprises, but it has a good view, both of the business building and of the New York City skyline. Banks and banks of windows fill the living room and the bedroom, letting in the city lights.
Of course, of most interest to some are some of the artifacts in the apartment. It's decorated in an unusually eastern style, with a fountain that burbles along the living room wall over stones and plants, and the artwork on the walls and sculptures on podiums are antiques. Further into the apartment there are training rooms as well.
At the moment, Danny is meditating in one of those rooms, out of sight of anyone who might come knocking. Cross-legged on the floor in a simple gi, legs crossed and hands on her knees, she breathes deeply.
A man in black slinks down into the hallway from, what else, an air vent. He made such a thing cool, although no one was ever able to prove that thank you very much. But why is Remy Le Beau here? Simple. He's run out of money and he needs to pay more scouts to look for Jessica Jones and Bella Donna Boudreaux. Finding this purple freak has been impossible thus far, but he's not giving up.
He just needs a lil scratch.
So, what better way than to knock off some rich broads pad? Remy had read in the newspaper that Rand was supposed to be at a function this evening. While the cat is away the mouse shall play. Or something like that.
Some people think meditation means detaching from the world. Shutting it all out. For Danny, it's a little bit different. It's more like becoming one with the world. Which is part of why, when there's movement in the house, she stirs, opening one eye with a slight tilt of her head.
That…isn't something she's expecting in her home tonight. Unfolding from the floor, she pads barefoot and quiet toward the hallway, looking for the source of the sound that tipped her off.
Dammit. Remy hears something from someone who Should Most Definitely Not Be There. He dips behind a wall just as she comes into the hallway and goes stone silent.
There's a tough decision to be had now. Abort and leap out the window in relative safety? Or risk being found by the multi-millionaire?
"Hello?" Danny moves slowly down the hallway, hands up in a casual guarding position. "Is someone here?" It's a cliche, sure. But Danny has people who work for her. She helps people out. It's not impossible that someone might have stopped by unannounced. Not many of them have keys, though.
Oh, he's staying. Don't you worry. A little adversity was nothing that would keep Remy down. But, of course, he's not going to cry out in response. He's been here before. Not here, here. But in similar situations. He stands completely still, hoping she goes away and lets him to his business….of stealing some of her high priced collectibles.
Going away isn't exactly an option. Danny doesn't think she heard something. She knows she felt something. It's different, but it's certain. And if they're not admitting they're there? That's definitely a problem. She continues down the hall, listening carefully, searching for the source of the disturbance.
Remy slinks down farther into the hallway in order to attempt to stay out of view and use the darkness and his black clothing to assist him. This is…suddenly looking less promising.
"Look," Danny says as she continues down the hall. "I know you're here. So let's stop playing games here. How about whoever you are, you come out, and we can talk about why you're in my apartment late at night. Which is creepy, by the way," she points out. "But let's not make it creepier by creeping around here."
"Fai' nuff," Remy says, knowing he's busted. He straightens at the end of the corner, but leaves his mask on. "Would it help affairs if I told ya I didn't think you was home?" He holds his hands up in a shrug, trying his best to look sweet behind a balaclava.
Danny stiffens briefly when he steps out, though she doesn't immediately attack. Still, the young heiress doesn't exactly hold herself like someone who's all that startled by a prowler in her house. There's a readiness to her, even as she lowers her hands. "Not particularly, no," she drawls, then pauses, tilting her head. "All right, it helps a little on the it's not personal front. Is this another ninja thing?" Apparently those are common.
Remy shakes his head. "Nah. Ain't no ninja, chere. Just a guy who be needin' some cash." He nods towards her and holds out his hand, "You were s'posed to be at the Jones gala this evenin'. Woulda made tings a whole lot easier."
"No doubt," Danny agrees, crossing her arms loosely over her chest as she starts to circle around the intruder. "So, what do you need cash for?" Odd question. Then again, she does have plenty of money.
"Friend o' mine and my ex-wife were kidnapped by some creeper. Been searchin' for em, usin' my contacts in the mutant community. That stuff don't come cheap, and I'm out of cash. Can't give up on em tho."
"That seems fair." Danny watches him closely, considering. "And I'm guessing you're a little low on friends to ask for the cash to help find them. Otherwise, why go to the moderate trouble of breaking into this apartment to find something to sell. Speaking of which, what was it you were looking for?"
Gambit says, "Jewels. Jewels go for the most. And dere de easiest to fleece," Remy says honestly. "Actually, got mahself plenty o'friends, chere. Just not many wit as much money as you got. If y'understand my meaning."
"Well. I'd offer to help you out, because I'm not generally in favor of the sort of people who kidnap friends and ex-wives," Danny says, moving to lean against the back of a couch, still keeping an eye on him. "Except I also don't lend money to people when I don't even know their face and name. So it seems like we're sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place here."
"And I could just assume dat my name and face are going to be what you talk to de boys in blue about when you call dem." Remy reaches into his pocket for a soft-pack of Camels. He plops one in his mouth and lights it. "Seem's you and me are at an impasse, belle."
"You might think that," Danny agrees. "But really, there's only three ways this ends. One, you tell me who you are, and I give you some money. I think that one's pretty fair, all told," she points out. "Two, you don't tell me who you are and you leave here with nothing. I'd feel a little bad about that if you really have a friend and an ex-wife who're kidnapped, though. Or three, you start to make some actual trouble and I'm forced to kick you out. Which would be really unfortunate."
"You should know, chere, dat I'm a mutant. I wouldn't have to defend myself with my very terrify-in' mutant powers. Or give you mutant cooties," Remy reasons.
"Not the cooties," Danny snorts, smirking back at him. "You should know that I would take very poorly to blowing up my apartment. Also, that would damage the value of things, and your chances of getting anything of value out of the place. Now, I'm not saying blowing things up is what you do. I'm just saying it's theoretically one of the few things that would bother me."
"Funny enough, I actually can do a bit of the ole explodin' tings. Lucky guess, I spose," Remy says as he leans agains the wall.
"Please don't explode my apartment. That would cut into my helping people budget." Danny shifts from leaning against the back of the couch to perching cross-legged on it, balance shifting easily despite the precarious perch. "And since it seems like you could use a cut of the helping people budget, that would be counter-productive."
"Dat a rip on my clothes, cherie?" Aside from the balaclava that hides his face, well yes. He wears ratty clothing. "Dun plan on explodin' nothin. Just needin' some help findin' someone who may b'able to search out mah friends."
"Not really," Danny laughs about his clothes. "More on the fact that you're here stealing something to get cash. So. What've you tried?" she asks. "Investigation's not my best skill, but I have a few connections. People I've heard are good at their jobs. And I've got a lawyer who's pretty damned good at due diligence."
"Had some friends down in da Mutant Town. Usin' de connections I have. Seem t'have fallen off de face of d'earth. Figurin' ah need to search out some new avenue. Was tinkin' I'd look for dat after I finished wit you."
"I'm going to assume that the people who have your…what was it? Ex-wife and girlfriend?" Danny taps her fingers on her knee, considering. "Not nice people. And since you started your looking in mutant-town, I'm guessing they're pretty dangerous sorts. There's a guy in Hell's Kitchen who can handle some dangerous stuff. He's looking into some things for me there. And like I said, lawyer. You want people who know how to dig up dirt, you ask lawyers."
"Got me a lawyer, mademoiselle. Ain't no need f'r one of dose. Who you tinkin' of? Dis guy who handles dangerous stuff?" Remy now seems relaxed as he leans against the wall. Is it a ruse or is he ripe to get jumped?
"His name's Luke Cage," Danny provides. "Runs an operation called Heroes for Hire. I've got him looking into some stuff in the Kitchen, but if you need investigative help, I could probably put him on retainer for another job. Wouldn't mind seeing how he works on something else, for that matter."
"Dis someone you trust, oui?" Remy asks before he stops abruptly. upwards nod of the head. "How come you help a rogue like lil ole me anyways?"
"Someone I'm pretty sure I can trust, at least," Danny shrugs, dropping her feet back to the floor at his question. "As for why help you?" She crosses her arms loosely over her chest, considering. "You didn't come in here to attack me. You hid when I showed up. And you showed yourself instead of attacking again. That earns you a little bit of benefit of the doubt."
"P'haps I'm just sayin what I tink you wanna hear to get me outta here. How you be knowin' dis aint a ruse?" Remy says tilting his head.
"Does it matter? Worst case scenario there is you leave and I never see you again, but you didn't take anything and you didn't blow anything up," Danny points out, smile quirking. "I think that counts as breaking even on my end. And on yours, for that matter. Actually, you'd still come out ahead because you now have the name of another potential investigator who might be able to help find your missing people."
"A win, win," Remy says as he reaches up and pulls off the balaclava. "Alors, can you set up a meeting wit dis Luke Cage?"
"Sure," Danny nods, offering out a hand once he's pulled off the balaclava. "Danny Rand," she introduces herself. Not that he didn't know, but there's something to be said for a proper introduction once you've decided not to beat each other up.
Remy takes the hand and tries to kiss it. Of course. "Remy LeBeau, mademoiselle. Can't tank you 'nuff for bein' willin' to help my friends."
Danny's hands are decidedly more calloused than fits a spoiled, idle heiress, but she doesn't protest the kiss. "Hey, if you're not lying to me, then you need help. So I'll do what I can to help. I don't much care for kidnappers and the like. Also, it's your ex-wife," she points out. "Anyone who's willing to rescue their ex-wife can't be all bad."
Eyebrows pop up as he lets go of her hand and he nods vigorously, "And trust me. Y'aint knowin' Bella Donna till ya met Bella Donna, and meetin' Bella Donna is an experience unto itself."
"Noted." Danny steps back, heading to a small desk to pull out a business card. "Call next time. Or knock. We'll get set up with Cage, we'll find your friends."
"Sounds fair 'nuff to me." Remy pauses and looks over his shoulder. "I can see m'self out, Danny Rand."
"Do me a favor and lock the door behind you," Danny calls after him, smirking. "Wouldn't want anyone else just wandering on in."
"Anyting y'want, blondie." Remy winks and counts his lucky stars as he begins to leave the floor. How he got out of that one, he cannot be sure.