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Medusa soon finds that the good thing about being amongst Professor Xavier's students is that she's no more or less remarkable than any other person present. She's older than the students, of course, but then it takes all kinds, right? And so she sits at one of the tables by herself, her hair floating around her like an aura as she eats, looking somewhat puzzledly at her dish like she's never eaten what's on it before. There are, however, no complaints come from her and she watches the students somewhat covertly, fascinated by their interactions.
Unfortunately for Medusa, a person eating alone at Xavier's is rarely alone for long. Kitty Pryde slides into the seat across from the other woman. Her lips quirk into an easy smile as she sets her plate down in front of her. There's a curious cant of Kitty's head as she watches Medusa's floating red hair. Her lips part once only to close and repeat the pattern once more. Her head shakes, she extends a hand and finally introduces herself, seemingly figuring out that she's being just a little socially awkward. "Hi…" she starts somewhat shyly, only to jump into a quicker introduction, "I'm Kitty, and I have to say I love your hair. Seriously. It's incredible. And I'm saying that not because I think it's really odd," stop talking, "or anything, but because I wake up most days in a massive frizz of curls that — " no. Stop. Talking. Her lips clamp shut. She clears her throat, "So. Hi." Grin.
"Is good food," adds a woman's voice, and Illyana sits next to Kitty across from Medusa's spot without invitation, setting her plate ad flatware down with a clatter. "Eggs benedict, it only /looks/ and /sounds/ strange, but is very good," she says, speaking with a heavy Slavic accent. She glances at Kitty as the girl launches into her speech and digs into her food using her fingertips and a fork, completely missing the point of silverware. She's a wild looking thing, wearing a stained and dirty dress and her hair starting to get rather tangled from a lack of sustained care. She's also barefoot, for some reason.
"I am Illyana," she adds, after a beat, face inches from her plate.
School's back! Yay? Not really. It might be difficult to tell if Bobby's a student or not. He is dressed a little bit - just a little - better than most of the kids in what are probably new dark jeans and a casual button down. He didn't bother with a tray, just grabbing a sandwich on a plate and is looking around before spotting a new face. Walking over, he takes a seat, giving the three a smile. "Kitty. Illyana. Who're you?" he asks Medusa. "New student? And yes, we do have older ones here too. I'm Bobby."
"I'm Medusa." Offered without even a blink of thinking that being named after a mythical gorgon is remotely unusual. (Besides, Gorgon is her cousin. Also a guy.) "My sister Crystal is staying here, and she and some of your people? They rescued me from a very unfortunate situation." Smiles, even if somewhat reserved, are offered all around. Illyana, however, gets an askance glance, and she offers in Russian, "The best Eggs Benedict I've ever had were from a cafe in a small hamlet in France."
"Hey guys," Kitty nods to both Illyana and Bobby as they come to the table. The name Medusa causes her eyes to narrow and the brunette to assert, "That's an unusual name. Your parents into Greek mythology?" There's a pause and she notes, "I guess Kitty would be unusual too, but my birth name, I guess is Katherine." She lifts a hand almost defensively, "But no one calls me that unless I'm in trouble. So. Kitty, please."
Her lips twist to the side as she considers Illyana, "I think maybe, if you wanted, we could go to the city to get your hair cut again… I definitely need another one. So. Much. Curly. Frizz."
Illyana starts when she hears Russian, and a pleased look crosses her narrow features. "<Russian! You speak it very well,>" Illyana says, instantly and visibly warming to the newcomer's casual use of language. In truth, Illyana's Russian isn't excellent, rather provincial and uneducated— but really, Piotr's the only one at Xavier's who'd really pick up on it.
"Is pretty name," Illyana says a beat later, remembing various admonitions about using Russian in mixed company. She digs into her meal and wipes her fingers unceremoniously on the napkin next to the plate, giving Bobby a slightly over-long examination, then nodding at him in greting. "Bobby. Good morning," she hails him, before flashing a surprisingly bright and friendly smile that flickers across her stoic features at a high rate of contrast.
"Yeah, I heard about that." Bobby says, nodding to Medusa. "Though I missed hearing it was Crystal's sister. Glad you're okay." And since one sister was named Crystal, the other being Medusa isn't all that strange really so it doesn't even get a comment. "Were you out gardening, Illyana?"
Illyana's eyes widen a bit and she tugs her hair with her greasy fingertips. "What is wrong with hair?" she asks, looking perplexed. "We cut it just last month, and I wash it every Sunday," she says. "Is not looking good again?"
"Oh, my full name is Medusalith." the woman in question says earnestly to Kitty. "I think when it comes to such matters, the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm very limited in exactly what I can do with it, but you have a great deal of choice." To Illyana, "Spasibo." And then to Bobby, she inquires, "She says that she isn't a student here but that your Professor Xavier has granted us an asylum of sorts."
"That's pretty," Kitty offers with a one shouldered shrug. "I can see why you go by Medusa though." She finally begins to eat her eggs. "Katherine feels too formal to me. Like I said," her eyebrows draw together lightly, "it's my name, but almost only gets used when I'm in trouble…"
Kitty squints at Illyana and her head tilts with a heavy ambivalence, "Well, to put things in perspective, I think most people around here wash there hair at least twice a week. Some every day. Others?" her eyes look at the ceiling. "Every other day. And it looks like it could use a bit of a polish." She lifts a hand quickly, "You always look lovely, that's not it. It's just the whole fitting-in thing we talked about…"
"Oh. Okay," Illyana tells Kitty, looking just a little crestfallen. "I will do better." She squints at Medusa's hair. "You must do /nothing/ but brush that," Illyana informs the woman. "Is much hair."
She digs back into her meal, and peers over at Bobby. "Gardening? Why would I be gardening?" she inquires, utterly unaware of the dirt on her feet and the stains on her dress. On closer inspection, some of those are probably more ichorous than chlorophyll…
Bobby nods to Medusa. "Yeah, he's good at that. Most of us are refugees in one sense or another. Some more than others." he adds after a moment. "But it explains why everyone here is so loyal to him." Looking Illyana over once, he nods to Kitty. "She has the right of it. I'm one of the ones who takes a shower every day and washes his hair too." The question gets a shrug. "A lot of people enjoy gardening."
"I don't think he wants us to remain overlong. Our situation is complicated." Medusa explains with an inclination of her head. "But I appreciate all the help he's been willing to provide us thus far."
Kitty's lips purse lightly and she glances towards Bobby before issuing Medusa a shrug, "I think," her lips twist to the side, "most people here are in complicated situations. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't think offhand of someone with a simple situation." Her eyes turn upwards thoughtfully, but she manages to keep her thoughts to herself for once.
A small pang of guilt tugs at her, however, at Illyana's tone. "Lana, you're doing great. Honest. I just want to help you fit in. That's all." She lifts two fingers, "Scout's honour." The notion, however, that Illyana wasn't gardening causes her eyes to narrow, but Kitty makes no further remark about that. For now.
"That is Piotr talking," Illyana chides Kitty. "He is always saying, with the complicated," she explains to Medusa. "Is not complicated. I am Queen of Limbo, he is my brother. Someday, will convince him to be my general!" she declares, banging a fork on the table like it's a tiny scepter. "Is very simple, really. Piotr just likes things simple. He is very tidy. 'Illy, put feet on ground'. 'Illy, put clothes on'. 'Illy, do not summon demons'." She shrugs athletic, lean shoulders at Medusa, and horks down more eggs.
"He worries too much." She peers at Bobby, then rather unceremoniously stands up and reaches across the table to try and run her fingers through his hair and tug it over so she can sniff at him. "Hmm! Smells good, much less like dirty boy, more like good soap," she applauds the Iceman, before dropping heavily back onto her chair.
"Piotr is very wise." Bobby notes with a hint of a smile then tilts his head toward Illyana. "I'm glad you approve. The scent of good soap would probably smell good on you too." As he takes a bite of his sandwich, he studies Medusa. "Complicated is not unusual here. Does your being here pose a danger to the school?"
Medusa simply smiles at Kitty and inclines her head. An unintentional comparison contest is not something she wants to accidentally initiate, before she nods affirmatively to Illyana. "It is very challenging, being a queen." The funny thing is, she seems perfectly serious about the sentiment, instead of offhandedly flippant. With regard to Bobby's question, her hair seems to ripple, like the kind a pebble creates when dropped in the middle of a pool of water. Unequivocably, "Yes."
A grateful smile follows Bobby's comment about good soap smelling good on Illyana, but she manages not to look smug when she redirects her attention to Illyana. "Yana." She squints. "Maybe, in the future, if you want to touch someone's hair, it might be wise, to, I dunno, ask first?" She shrugs. "Not everyone likes being touched. Just saying."
A frown is given regarding Piotr's wisdom, "And Pete is just helping you learn life away from Limbo. He wants you to be able to fit in here. With all of us. You're here now…" her eyebrows draw together uncertainly "…right?" There's a pregnant pause that follows the question, "Or do you intend to return," she swallows hard, "permanently?"
A small frown is given to Medusa at the answer to Bobby's question followed by an equally small nod. "How long do you think you'll both stay?"
"Oh. Right, yes. Sorry, Bobby," Illyana tells Iceman, not looking /particularly/ apologetic… but clearly placating Kitty a little.
"Piotr," she says, subtly correcting Kitty's pronounciatin, "means well. But Limbo is home. This is also home. I can have two homes," she points out, the lean blonde shovelling the last of her food away and wiping her face messily with the napkin. "Cannot get eggs in Limbo, or /strawberries/," she says, with a happy sigh of recollection. "And can go to and from Limbo anytime I like. I could go now." She suddenly turns excited eyes to Bobby and Medusa. "Would /you/ like to go to Limbo?" she asks, fairly wriggling with excitement at the idea. "I can show you my palace!"
Bobby doesn't look terribly surprised at Medusa's answer. Nor terribly worried. "Well, you wouldn't be the first ones. But it's the Professor's decision. He'll weigh the risks against what's right. And that's okay, Illyana. I don't mind." he assures her. "Though Kitty is right. Some might so it's usually better to ask first." At the offer, he immediately looks interested but glances over at Kitty as if to ask 'just how bad an idea would that be?'. She obviously is more familiar with Illyana than he is.
"I'm not sure." Medusa's honest, at least. "We have resources we may call upon, and so we do not necessarily need to burden you with our problems." She wants some more sugar for her coffee, so a tendril of red hair snakes out, coiling toward the sugar dispenser and lifting it before pouring some of its contents into the cup. She talks as this is going on, "But I think this is the first place Crystal has felt truly safe in a long time, and so perhaps we may appeal to the professor. We're not mutants, and that may make it less likely he'd be inclined." This is not an accusation. A lot of people don't feel inclined to aid in interests that they don't share, especially when risk is involved.
"I do actually know how to pronounce your brother's name, Yana. I just — " have no idea how to explain nicknames, pet names, and terms of endearment, so Kitty doesn't. She does, however, react to the notion of Limbo. Her eyes widen and her body stiffens at Illyana's offer, an expression completely readable to the entire table, "Yana," her voice has just an edge of warning in it, "I thought Limbo was," oh dear, how is she supposed to explain this one, "kind of off limits?"
She glances towards Bobby and then Medusa with that same frown, looking for backup. "At least," she turns back towards Illyana, "that's the impression I got from Petey. And," her nose wrinkles, "from the Doctor when he came around looking for you…"
Kitty cants her head towards Medusa, "The Professor isn't really.. like that? I mean, I think if we can keep the school and students relatively safe, I'm betting he'd let you stay… honestly. If you both want to stay, you should appeal to him. He's kind." She smirks, "I accidentally broke a second floor window," by throwing Piotr through it, "a few weeks back, he was really kind about it. Despite the damage. And the cost." She cringes.
Illyana looks a bit crestfallen when Kitty vetoes a trip to Limbo. "Is not off-limits," Illyana sulks. "Piotr just scared cat," she adds, muttering under her breath. "Demon scratched me last week, now— all time, he is scared of Limbo." She tugs down the collar of her dress, revealing a set of fading scars over her collarbone and disappearing down to her armpit. "See? Healed very well, will barely have scars this time," she says, proudly.
She lets the dress slip into place and sits back in the chair, lounging rather indolently. "Anyway, Institute is safe. Lots of people protecting each other, and feeding is good— always food, which I like," Illyana tells Medusa. "Bobby has been here longer than I though, I think," she says, glancing speculatively at the blonde boy for confirmation. She watches with unabashed fascination as Medusa's hair tendrils out to handle the drink in front of the woman.
They're not mutants? Now that is obviously news to Bobby, judging by his expression. Now's not the time to ask for more details though. Nor the person. He'll interrogate Crystal later. Glancing between Kitty and Illyana, he says "I would like to see it. But maybe it would be better to wait a while. I'm not feeling up to demon fighting at the moment."
"It sounds like a fascinating place. I haven't done much interdimensional traveling. Perhaps one day." Medusa says kindly to Illyana, adding for Kitty, "I need to see what Crystal wants." A brief flash of amusement crosses her face, and she shakes head, laughing softly to herself. "Ideally we'll be speaking to him to Xavier sometime today, and we'll be able to make a decision one way or another." A warm smile is offered to Kitty. "He is not the only one who has been kind." The sugar is then replaced back in its original position as her hair contracts and tucks itself into the writhing mass.
"Huh," Kitty looks at Illyana's scratches. "Well…" pensively, her eyebrows draw together. "…maybe someday you can show people your palace. Pete is just looking out for you. You know that," she lifts a single eyebrow, "right?" She chews her bottom lip, "I think he also wants you to adjust to life here, Yana. That's all. Not just about incurring injury," her nose wrinkles.
A large toothy grin meets Medusa's comment about kindness at the Institute, "I'm glad! I think people are pretty welcoming, overall. I like it here. Took a bit of a break for awhile," her lips twist to the side, "but people come back to where they feel welcome. And this place — it's more than a school. In a weird way, it's family." Her eyes turn downwards, "To me, anyways."
"Family, and food," Illyana repeats. "Strawberries. I would eat every day, but Piotr says too many berries will give me stomachache," she admits. "So, he has hidden them somewhere, and cook won't let me look," she says, pouting. For a self-professed Queen, she sure looks petulently childish from time to time.
"It is best place, if you don't mind eating mushrooms," Illyana tells Medusa and Bobby. "Oh, and demons, but that is good for making day exciting," she adds with a diffident flip of her wrist. "The big one is in the wasp nest being punished, so others are mostly just for show."
"Xavier was kind to Piotr— brought him to America from Russia. Let me join him here, too," Illyana adds. "He is kind man. I imagine he will be kind to you and Crystal."
"Piotr is right. Too much of anything can be bad." Bobby says, giving Illyana an appraising look and making mental notes. "Yes, The Prof is a good guy. You can trust him with anything and he'll do his best to help you if you need it. So I expect you and Crystal will be around a while if that's what you want. And if anyone finds you here… Well, they won't necessarily remember it the next day."
"Crystal and I have a duty." Medusa says. "But it is not something we can undertake so readily tomorrow, or even next week. It would be nice to have a respite from running." She sips her coffee, noting to Illyana, "A very reknowned playwright and poet once said, 'all things in moderation, even moderation'." There's a slight, conspiritorial smile, even if it's not altogether serious. Straightening, she looks around. "We would certainly fit in here."
Relief washes over Kitty as it seems like visiting Limbo has been successfully tabled for the day. "You're allowed strawberries, just not all day every day," she offers back. "Besides, variety is exciting! And maybe you can try different types of food. I mean, you learned you like eggs benedict, right? I'm sure there's got to be way more that you don't even know about that you'll love — "
A chuckle emits from Kitty's lips at Medusa's assertion her and Crystal will fit in, "Yeaaaah. It's pretty easy to just be here. One of the few places a person really doesn't have to worry about being judged."
"I am hoping so. Still many things to try. Piotr tells me I should not eat it all in one day," Illyana confesses. "Or, sick. Which— he is probably right," she is forced to concede.
She casts around for a coffee pot and finds some, pouring herself a scalding cup of the brew and throwing it back without any concern for the heat— or the taste. Cook doesn't make very good coffee, and it doesn't even occur to Illy to add something to it.
"What duty?" Bobby asks Medusa curiously. "Can you talk about it? Maybe we can help. Crystal has helped us with things so it's only fair to help her in turn. And since you're her sister…" He shrugs then grins over at Kitty. "Least not for having weird powers. You get judged on other things." Because high school. "You should try some soft boiled eggs, Illyana. With crackers crumbled in them. That's my favorite way of having them."
"To our people." Medusa explains, considering the remnants of her breakfast thoughtfully. "I suppose the simplest explanation is that Crystal and I are members of a deposed royal family. The current ruler is a despot, and we hope to one day return our country to its rightful rulers." How's that for a fairy tale?
"My goodness! If you have that many people waiting on you, depending on you, I think you should definitely consider staying if the Professor will let you," Kitty's eyes widen slightly. "If there's a lot in the balance, it would be short-sighted to be nomads. At least here we're more equipped to deal with trouble than most spots…"
"Ahah! Another Queen!" Illyana says, sitting bolt upright. "Excellent! If you cannot save your people, then they can come live in Limbo!" Wow, that is really her go-to for everything, isn't it? "Will be difficult— must enjoy eating mushrooms and dealing with sometimes demon attacks," Illyana admits. "But most of the demons are working for me, and I scare the rest into staying in line. So, you know— live under despot, deal with a few children getting eaten." She wiggles her hands as if holding plates on a balacing scale. "Would be happy to help, and you could be… what is word? Duke?" she hazards.
"Hey, cool. I've seen that movie!" Bobby exclaims. "It was very good. I hope your revolution has as good an ending as the movie did." He's about to say more when he can't help but pause and just look at Illy a moment before coughing. "It's a very nice offer but I think demons are a bigger problem for most people." Looking back, he cocks his head slightly as he studies Medusa. "So if you're not mutants, but you're sisters, does that mean it runs in the family? Does this despot also have powers?"
"We've been in exile for over a decade." Medusa's tone is level. "I assure you, there's been nothing shortsighted about our movements." Illyana is favored with a smile as she replies, "I'm afraid I must decline, Your Majesty. And I am not queen yet. That is also complicated." Bobby gets a slightly baffled look at the commentary about seeing it in a movie, and instead addresses his questions. "Our family genetics - actually, in the entirety of our society - are rigorously monitored to determine our capability to obtain powers. The one who knows holds power is named Maximus. He is highly intelligent, a skilled inventor, but more dangerously can control minds."
Kitty's lips part wordlessly at Illyana's invitation for Medusa's people to go to Limbo. "That's really generous, Yana," she acknowledges the offer, but is relieved when it's easily turned down. She frowns at the thought of someone controlling minds in Medusa's world, "That's terrible. I'm so sorry — being stuck under someone's thumb without a choice, that's awful. Are people… are people aware of what he's doing? Like," Kitty frowns, "when he's controlling them, do they know?"
Bobby frowns. "So an evil Professor. Yeah, that's a big problem. I can see why it's taking you so long even with powers of your own. The Prof knows all this, I assume? And I guess you're assuming that now they're going to maybe come after you?" Though he doesn't look all that alarmed. "I wonder if we could lure them into doing so at a time of our choosing. Then we could be prepared and they'd walk into a trap. Have the Prof available to counter him."
"We could spring trap!" Illyana smacks her fist into her palm. "I will open Gateway from Limbo, summon a thousand demons to wipe him out!" she declares. "Should be mostly okay, the demons only rampage on earth /little bit/ when they are allowed out," she says, a beat later.
She takes their questions one at a time. "I couldn't say." she admits to Kitty. "He's never controlled me, but then if he ever did, I might not have known it." And then to Bobby, "I haven't had a chance to speak to the Professor yet. However," Medusa rises, and a few thicker hanks of hair collect her utensils and plate to go and place them wherever used dishes are meant to be put, "I am due for that meeting just now however. Thank you all for sitting with me. I don't often have an opportunity to socialize." With that, the Inhuman departs, intent on her destination and the hope of assistance.