Alison is sitting on the middle of ten stools by the bar, nobody around her for the time being, you'd think all the smoke in the place would make it hard enough to see already, but she's still wearing slick catseye shades. Next to her is a glass of cosmopolitan, and she seems to be observing the interaction of some guys by the pool table. She's dressed quite casually, black capri pants, flats with tipped toe, pink v-neck shirt and a yellow unbuttoned jacket.
Noh-Varr has finally acquired normal clothes, so he's been casually wandering around the city. It's when he catches the distinct smell of smoke, well, thicker than normal smoke, that he turns to enter the bar.
It's her drink that catches his attention, immediately heading over to take a seat next to her. "What kind of place is this? It's full of smoke and dirt."
Alison is just having a sip of her pink colored cocktail, with a garnish of lime hanging off the edge of the glass, when she sees Noh-Varr walking her way. "A bar," she answers incredulously, and while her shades do cover her eyes, one can almost sense the weird look she's given Noh-Varr from behind that dark cover. "People generally drink and smoke in places like this, are you from outer space or something?" She laughs, before taking another sip of her drink.
"What? Of course not. I'm from Canada, the northwestern part." Noh-Varr assures, looking around over the bar. "I've seen bars before, but this is something else. And what are you drinking? That smells like alcohol. You know that's poison to human biology, right?"
"Well, that's close enough, isn't it?" Alison laughs, grinning impishly at Noh-Varr, "I thought Canadians liked to drink, what with the freezing cold over there and all, no? Don't you have bars over in Canada?" She laughs even louder when told her drink smells of alcohol, "well that's kinda what you drink in a bar, I'm having a cosmopolitan," she tilts her head a bit, has a look around and nods, "oh, I see, you're used to fancier places aren't you? Well, drinks are much cheaper here at The Duck." She does doubletake, however, once she fully registered what Noh-Varr just said, "are you for real? Poison to human biology? What's next? Smoking is bad for you or something?"
"Considering all of the toxins I'm metabolizing right now…" Noh-Varr says in regard to so much smoking. "My name is Noh-Varr. And I'll try one of these alcoholic drinks." He points to her cosmo and nods to the bartender. "I'd like one of those." Then, looking over at her. "What's your function in this society?"
Alison pulls her shades down the bridge of her nose, her blue eyes peeking at Noh-Varr from over the shades, arching a brow, looking quite incredulous. "Metabolizing? My function in society? Man…are you doing a lot of drugs? You're weird," she nods at the bartender, "go light on the vodka for him, I think he won't like it as hard," and looking back at Noh-Varr she answers his question, despite the odd phrasing, "I'm a musician, I sing and play guitar, what is your 'function' in this society?"
"I'm not sure yet. I'm still figuring things out. I'm very new in this city. I can't go back home, so this is my life now." Noh-Varr answers while watching the bartender mix his drink. "Musician? Interesting. I haven't tried the music of this culture yet. I also know exactly what a guitar is."
"So where in Canada is your home?" Alison asks curiously, "well knowing what a guitar is, that's a good start. What about bands? You have any favorites?" Alison by now is halfway certain Noh-Varr has either had a very sheltered life, or is simply an outright alien, something about him feels just odd.
"Oh, you know, just a small mountain town." Noh-Varr seems to pause to consider her questions, taking his drink when it's served. He doesn't sip yet, he instead answers, "Well, I don't know, I haven't heard anyone impressive yet. By the way, what do you think is the most convenient way to listen to the music of our culture?"
Alison's jaw just about drops upon hearing Noh-Varr had never heard anyone impressive, and she sets her glass aside on the counter, in time to avoid spilling what's left of her drink. "You are not impressed by The King? Elvis Presley? The Fab Four? The Beatles?" She looks stunned, so much so she fails to answer his question, before muttering, "well, you clearly haven't heard of Dazzler, have you?"
"In this context, I take it that Elvis Presley is in fact -not- the king of your country, but is some sort of music king. And the Beatles are some sort of singing insects?" Noh-Varr crosses his arms as he attempts to grasp all of this. "No wait, insects aren't sapient. So I take it that this is some sort of stylistic name choice." He does, however, shake his head at her last question. "I have not heard of this Dazzler."
Alison stares at Noh-Varr, not to be rude, but rather because she honestly can't believe he exists. "I'm Alison, Alison Blaire by the way," she has no doubt he won't form the connection with Dazzler, he definitely isn't into music. Or from Earth. There's no other explanation. Canada can't be that detached that people never heard of Elvis or the Beatles. "What's your name?"
"Noh-Varr. Alison is an interesting name." Noh-Varr observes before taking a sip of his drink. "This is -definitely- poison, but it's a very interesting flavor. You really shouldn't drink too much of this stuff."
"Noh-Varr is quite unusal, doesn't sound Canadian to me…is it French Canadian maybe?" Alison wonders aloud, looking curiously at Noh-Varr trying his cosmo, "I asked him to go light on the vodka, it should be just like juice at this point." She shrugs, "how old do I look?" She asks, before asserting, "I promise you I'm old enough to make my own decisions."
"Very French." Noh-Varr is quick to agree, licking his lips. Then he looks over at her, eyeing her up and down. "You look like a fully matured adult, highly attractive, and tough enough to drink poison. So I would say that you are definitely old enough to make your own decisions."
"Ah…maybe that's why, I'm not good with French," Alison admits as she finishes her own drink, if only to not laugh at Noh-Varr's face when he describes her as a fully matured adult, "look, I'm performing in this club in the Village on Tuesday, you're welcome to stop by and see what music is like…I perform under the name Dazzler by the way," she whispers that last part, just to avoid being overheard. Not that the other people are really interested in anything besides their pool game, drinks or smokes.
"Oh, so you're Dazzler? I'll be sure to go see you, I'm very curious. I need to do -something- to occupy my time, I've been very bored and trying to find a good native to show me things." Noh-Varr continues to sip his drink, taking in the atmosphere around them. "I'm sure it'll be great."
"Oh, so you're Dazzler? I'll be sure to go see you, I'm very curious. I need to do -something- to occupy my time, I've been very bored and trying to find a good native to show me things." Noh-Varr continues to sip his drink, taking in the atmosphere around them. "I'm sure it'll be great."
"Yes, I am actually…nowhere near Elvis and The Beatles of course, but maybe some day?" Alison offers with a smile, "oh, whatever you make of my music, I think it'll be quite new to you," of that she has no doubt. "If you don't mind, I should be going on, was very nice to meet you Noh-Varr."