Fandral is in his quarters, gathering what he'll need for the trip back to Midgard. He gathers a few of his favorite weapons, a few items that will remind him of Asgard while he is away from home and a set of Midgard clothes that he arrived in with his wallet and other mortal garments that he'll need to slip into once he's back in the city.
His cheek has a fading mark, perhaps from a lady's hand that's should be gone by morning. His hair is not in place, a little ruffled and first couple clasps on his dress shirt are undone. There is a tankard of mead nearby and it's partially drunk. While the adventurer should probably get a night's rest before leaving, it appears that his activities are keeping him from sleep.
What an interesting day it's been. A formal court, prisoners, exiles, mortals, sorcerers, possible future queens, spurned lovers, and prodigal brothers. Some he got to talk to, others he just watched appraisingly. Still others he didn't have a chance to speak with before they disappeared from the hall. Rapping on the door of one of the latter, Balder waits outside Fandral's door.
Fandral puts down the shirt he was holding and makes his way to the door. He opens it up and there's a look of surprise when he sees who's standing on the other side, "Balder." He takes a moment to look the man over who he hasn't seen in some time, "I'm sorry…my manners. Please, please come in." He steps aside to allow Thor's younger brother to come into the room, "How are you doing? I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to speak after court but I had a matter to attend to afterwards."
Balder gives the man a smile when the door opens. "No need to apologize. We all had things to do and it was full of surprises for us all." He looks over at the pack and asks "You're preparing to go to Midgard with Thor?" It's not really a question as he continues on without pause. "Good. He's been tasked by the All-Father with learning diplomacy. I can think of few better to help him with that than you."
"Diplomacy?" Fandral says with a raised brow and laughs, "I thought we tended to leave those missions to Loki. In fact, I offered my services in case Thor didn't need me." But clearly he does by the expression on Fandral's face, "And you…I heard from Sif that the two of you are going to meet the Jotuns' head on." He gives Balder a smile, "I'm almost jealous. I doubt my visit to Midgard will be as eventful."
"Loki is now the Protector of Midgard." Balder tells Fandral with a quick grin. "The All-Father has decided to shake things up. And yes, he has tasked me with figuring out exactly what the situation is with them. Whether it's head on or not remains to be seen. But if it is, and I am in need of warriors, I know who to call on and being on Midgard is no bar."
Fandral shakes his head in wonder, "The Protector? Now…that is an interesting new development." He gives a little chuckle and tries not imagine what Thor's reaction must have been to all of this, "Well if you head into battle and need me at your side, my sword is yours." He gives Balder a wink, "I can't let you and Sif have all the fun, now can I?" He walks over to where the pitcher of mead is and offers Balder a drink, "Would you like some? I was just about to pour myself another tankard."
Balder nods at the offer. "I never turn down mead." Or ale. "Yes, a day of interesting developments. Speaking of which, do you know this mortal princess Crystallia? or know of her? Can you tell me anything about her and why Thor is suddenly set on courting her?"
Fandral pours a tankard of mead for Balder and hands it over, "I wasn't with him when he met her." He then tops off his own tankard, "But from talking to him, it's a bit of a worry." He takes a sip and notes, "She loves another, but he's not appropriate so she's set him aside and accepted Thor's suit." Before Balder can get annoyed, "He's well aware of matter, even told me himself about her feelings. I warned him to take it slow, see if the maiden falls for him but it's Thor." The Thunderer always plows ahead despite the potential for disaster.
About to say something, Fandral heads it off so Balder just accepts the tankard. "I see. Well, a Prince of Asgard and next in line for the throne is certainly appropriate. Though I question just how appropriate a mortal is, princess or not. But Thor will be Thor." A pause to take a drink and then he asks "And what of these others? The ones named Scarlett and Strange. Are you familiar with them as well?"
"I didn't get a chance to meet Strange," Fandral admits to Balder with a shake of his head, "But Scarlett is not your typical Midgardian. I saw her take Amora in her arms and shoot straight up in the sky before I could take Amora into custody for casting dark runes on our feast day." He takes a sip, "Prior to that she seemed studious, interested in spending as much time in the library as possible. Very interested in learning all about our world. Wanted to know how the Bifrost and other wonders in Asgard worked."
"I've heard tales of mortals with powers now, beyond those of magic. So she's one of them. And she initially helped Amora escape?" Interesting indeed. Balder takes another drink and asks "Do you know why? Is she in her thrall? Enamored with her? Is her study more than mere curiosity and she's actually studying us, perhaps with motives we'd not approve of?"
"I think that Amora was teaching her a few things," Fandral tells Balder after he thinks for a moment, "It was Amora who gifted the girl with All Speak shortly after we arrived. The two spent a lot of time together. She is with Strange and it's my understanding that he practices the arts like Amora." So it would gather that Rogue may practice as well, "I never got a chance to question the girl after the matter because I had to look into the matter of the runes as Frigga asked me too after I went to her about the runes."
"So it is possible these mortals might have an agenda that is not in the best interests of Asgard." Balder notes, nodding at the information given. "And they are being given knowledge that perhaps they shouldn't be. It's possible they're exactly as they seem, of course, but we do not know that yet from the sound of it. You will keep this in mind when you counsel Thor and observe them closely?"
"I am keeping my eyes open," Fandral assures Balder as he takes another sip, "While I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, I won't give a blind eye if they prove their interests will put Asgard at risk." He does note, "Loki, your brother, has lived among them for some time. Did he provide any observations on Strange, Scarlett or Crystalia? It's possible he might have met them while he was in Midgard."
Balder shakes his head. "I've yet to talk to Loki at length. Or Thor. BUt we intend to meet, probably on Midgard, and speak at length on all that's been happening. I admit to being somewhat curious about the place now, with all I've heard and now the strangers."
"It is very different from when I spent much time there before," Fandral admits as he sits on the bed, pushing aside some of the things that he's packing, "Their warriors have their own abilities. Their world seems to revolve their technology. Although, they seem to be distrustful of those that have abilities. I have even heard them segregating them away from others. Be careful on how much you display while there. Things could get difficult if we are too obvious."
Balder leans a shoulder against a wall. "Difficult? Are they a threat to us or could they be? Why should they not remember us as they used to?" A smile touches his lips as he thinks back to those times. "I'd think the Valkyries are bored with few mortals to bring to the halls of Valhalla. They still fight as much as they used to so they just need to recall who we are and we'll have warriors aplenty joining us once more."
"I think some of them could be," Fandral admits slowly, not wanting to prejudice Balder against the Midgardians, "And we are but myths to them now. Stories of Thor, the Warriors Three…even Odin are fiction to them. We are little more than a bedtime story of grand adventures." He pauses and then notes, "It's hard for me to explain because you haven't visited but it's a brand new world. And we have been forgotten."
"Then maybe that needs to change." Balder states. "It is our fault they have forgotten. It is our responsibility to remind them. We need to fill the halls of Valhalla with worthy warriors." For that things that almost no one speaks of but Balder, of all people, can never forget.
"I do not know what is the right path," Fandral admits to Balder, "I leave that to the All-Father and Odinsons to decide." He cracks a smile and tries to lighten the mood, "Now…we have spoken enough of Midgard. What have you been doing since we last spoke? Any new adventures worth noting?" He does want to know how Balder has been getting on, "Any new loves?" He gives a deep smile, "Surely, Thor is not the only one to find happiness."
"Who says a love is needed to find happiness?" Balder counters. "I am perfectly happy with a number of smaller likes. And after…" Trailing off, he shrugs. After the one he thought was the love of his life died a while back, he's not in a hurry to find another. "Maybe Thor has the right of it. I should go to Midgard and meet a mortal to dally with."
Fandral gives a deep laugh, "Now you sound like me." He shakes his head and sighs, "I will say the mortal or two I've dallied with has been fun." He thinks of something and laughs, "Although our Prince of Wolves did announce at a local bar that I was married so I may have more trouble the next time I am in that area."
Balder laughs at that bit of news. "Or just do not return to that tavern." he suggests. "Surely there is more than one to drink in. I have heard there are many more mortals now than there used to be." Shaking his head, he says "I am beginning to think I should have visited Midgard long ago. It has been many hundreds of years since I was last there. I look forward to seeing what they have built."