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The last day of the big multi day event here in Vienna, and it seems there's a small stall set up by a Mr.Jacobs. The room has been set up as something more of a concert stage with a large curtain set up above with a number of chairs set down bellow for the introduction. Seating began half an hour ago, and it seems that this particular hall is less then half full.
There's very little security for this room, and the whole thing seems to have been set up at the last possible moment but considering how little notice there was on this new invention there seems to be a decent little crowd, and even a small band set up before the stage.
As the last of the crowd gathers filling up only half the rather small show room lights shut down, and music beings to play, a soft friendly backing to help set the mood. From the side of the stage a man dressed in a rather understated brown suit slowly walks up one step at a time. He moves over towards the microphone, but with the lighting it's very difficult to make out his features. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we've all ridden in a car at one point in our lives."
There's a natural charm and confidence to his voice as the lights start to shine still hiding his face. "Now what you may not realize is that in the past ten years the price of a gallon of gas has almost doubled, but before any of us start to panic, there is a solution." He's making a good use of his hand motions as he stands at the stage still all but impossible to make out his face.
The last day of the big multi day event here in Vienna, and it seems there's a small stall set up by a Mr.Jacobs. The room has been set up as something more of a concert stage with a large curtain set up above with a number of chairs set down bellow for the introduction. Seating began half an hour ago, and it seems that this particular hall is less then half full.
There's very little security for this room, and the whole thing seems to have been set up at the last possible moment but considering how little notice there was on this new invention there seems to be a decent little crowd, and even a small band set up before the stage.
As the last of the crowd gathers filling up only half the rather small show room lights shut down, and music beings to play, a soft friendly backing to help set the mood. From the side of the stage a man dressed in a rather understated brown suit slowly walks up one step at a time. He moves over towards the microphone, but with the lighting it's very difficult to make out his features. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we've all ridden in a car at one point in our lives."
There's a natural charm and confidence to his voice as the lights start to shine still hiding his face. "Now what you may not realize is that in the past ten years the price of a gallon of gas has almost doubled" He's making a good use of his hand motions as he stands at the stage still all but impossible to make out his face.
Somewhere in the crowd sits a young black woman, dressed simply in a deep purple sleeveless sheath dress, simple open-toe flat-soled sandals on her feet, a belt of interlinked golden plates about her waist and a necklace with ivory 'claws' and a large onyx central stone about her throat. T'Challa is here because energy alternatives are a personal quest and interest for her. Automobiles are relatively rare, still, in Wakanda, but they are far more common there than in any other nation on the entire continuent, outdoing as a percentage, if not in absolute numbers, even Egypt. T'Challa is exceptional in many ways, but even she cannot pierce the veil of darkness disguising this man's identity. Not yet, at least.
"Follow that trend along its logical path and things grim." The man speaks as the music still softly plays. "But, I'm not here to tell you what you already know, I'm here to offer a solution." He holds up a single finger on his hand as the curtain starts to raise behind him revealing first a small platform and then the tire of a vehicle of some kind.
There's a murmer through the crowd as his face slowly becomes visible. "In 1939 I gave the world its first flying car," His mustache becomes visible the mans well warn features and bright smile coming into focus. "and now in 1963, almost a full thirty years later" The curtain continues to raise as does the music. A murmur coming from the crowd. "I, Howard Anthony Walter Stark give you the solution to what might be the biggest problem humanity faces, before it even becomes a problem!" There's a long pause his face fully visible.
The sleek silhouette of the vehicle comes into view, with each slam of the drum down bellow a new light shines down in rapid succession down onto what looks to be a somewhat sleek bright red mix between a limousine, and an aeroplane. Its curves and edges mix together around the central grill of the slowly spinning car. Its back bumper holds what looks to be the end of a jet engine its front a sleek redesign of the standard Radiator.
The man kneels down slightly picking up a small glass that he holds over his head. "I give you the Persius, the first modern car entirely powered by hydrogen fuel cells."
Sitting in her seat, T'Challa straightens at the revelation that this is Howard Stark. Believed dead for two years, Howard Stark wasn't even on her radar. But now, here he is. Alive, and making an impromptu preesentation at the conference. She has to wonder if his son was here because he knew his father would be unveiling himself, or not.
A part of the Wakandan potentate watches this, as her memory replays a council session back home. Several amongst her chief advisors in the Panther Clan are of the opinion - and not without good reason - that Howard Stark had at some point secured a quantity of vibranium stolen from Wakanda. There was no direct proof, although the fact that he helped force Captain America's shield from primary adamantium and vibranium certainly implies it is true. But the investigations were called off, because the man was dead. There was no need to pursue the question further.
Now that has changed.
But for the moment, most of T'Challa simply remains in her seat, keyed up and tuned into the presentation, which really is on a subject of great personal value to her.
There's an awkward silence through the crowd for a long moment of confusion, thankfully it's covered over by the music from the small orchestra. "Now you might be asking yourself: Stark, how do you expect me to believe you can take that glass of water in your hand and turn it into fuel." He walks back away from the front carrying the mic with him as the light follows.
"It's a lot simpler than it might sound." Walking over towards the display car Howard steps up and it stops spinning. With little effort he splits the mock up display car from one side to the other to show the workings. "Hydrogen is fed into the anode of the fuel cell.
Howard comments while pointing to the rather complex display that's been set up inside the cars frame. "Aided by a catalyst, the hydrogen molecules split into electrons and protons, with the electrons guided through a circuit to produce electricity." He makes hand motions along the way. "The protons pass through an electrolytic membrane, where they combine with oxygen molecules in the cathode." A quick point to a small section of the rather strange collection of what look to be propane tanks hooked up to some sort of jet engine? "As the hydrogen electrons enter the cathode, they, too, combine with the oxygen in the cathode, and the end result…" He hoists the glass into the air. "Water."
The rest of the presentation lasts about an hour with a series of video footage of the actual test model working the visual aids of the process, and more. Near the end of the presentation the actual car itself drives out onto the main platform from behind the curtains and is almost silent save for the whirring hum of the jet engine. He goes on about safety features included with the vehicle, the general design philosophy and everything between. One of the most revolutionary things from the safety side being the inclusion of Air bags for driver and passenger, something normally reserved for military vehicles. All the while he avoids that nagging question of how much it'll actually cost.
By the end of the presentation he has the small crowd standing with applause as his plants in the audience make sure. Once everything is said and done he ends the presentation with a quick. "And to those of you wondering, no, I'm not going to be taking back Stark Industries, this is a personal project.", before starting to walk back off stage. "Any other questions can be asked after this whole business is sorted."
T'Challa watches the entire presentation with avid attention. Being an aloof, often stoic young woman, she doesn't say anything, doesn't make any sounds, doesn't actually make any facial expressions of disbelief, joy or anger. She just watches intently, with focus, until it's all over.
When the presentation is over, and people start mingling about, the Wakandan young woman takes to her feet, and glances back over her shoulder to another young woman, making eye contact briefly to hold that woman where she is rather than see her summon herself and two others to T'Challa's sides as a security detail. She may be a Queen and a sovereign, but she relishes still the easier anonymity of not being constantly surrounded by an entourage.
T'Challa doesn't set out to bring herself up to Howard Stark. But she does set out with the purpose of mingling closer and closer to the actual prototype, with a desire to look it over, to actually feel its minimal vibrations, to see the seams of the airbag deployment installation, to examine the installations of the seatbelts. In short, to experience the reality of the car, rather than the glib salesmans' hype.
The engine hmms slowly but surely along like a jet engine simply waiting for takeoff. Though the actual functioning car seems to have a good deal of craftsmanship itself, seemingly made by hand. The fact that this thing even works is something of a wonder and yet every little strip of leather on the interior has been crafted with utmost care. This reeks of someones baby, not the literally child kind, more the dream project.
Howard slowly walks back over towards the one functioning prototype, with hands down inside of his pockets. It will however take him some time to make his way over with the sheer amount of questions he's being asked, by the small crowd around him. Even with the crowd he's still deflecting and firing off comments of his own like a true politician.
T'Challa doesn't seek Howard out, but when she turns from an examination of the headlamps and finds him there, she does not shy away either. She stands her ground, proud and regal despite her obvious youth, and femininity. She turns a piercing dark gaze upon the Anglo scientist and inventor, and simply offers her hand. "An eminently practical and elegant solution, Mister Stark." she offers with that strong, whiskey-toned voice with that difficult to pin down African accent. She speaks English perfectly, but it is in no way her native tongue. "I hope the business affairs of bringing it to production will be successful."
"Anything less and I wouldn't be a Stark." Howard offers with a bit of a defusing chuckle, taking the hand and giving it a shake. "A few hundred prototypes in the shop, and she's almost street legal, if I can manage to break through the wall of lobbyists." He pauses for a moment just to stick a smoothly refreshing Lucky Strikes cigarette in the corner of his mouth.
"The platinum on the circuit boards makes it a bit pricey for civilian use but I'm hoping to find a nice alternative." He offers with a smile, before flicking a small lighter out from the same pocket. A quick spin of the vibranium lighter around his finger before he flicks out the vibrant blue flame from the side of it. A small light glows on the side of it which dims slightly while the flame is up for that brief moment.
The dark-hued woman in royal purple's eyes sharpen like lazers on that lighter as it flicks around Howard's fingers, glows, and then disappears. It isn't until the item disappears again that her eyes return to his, and despite how cool and aloof she can be, she can't hide the hungry predator behind her eyes. It's subtle, but it's very there. Thankfully, they're not touching anymore, so the instinctive clenching of her hand doesn't give it away the way it would have.
"I suppose that is one difference between attempting such a revolution of concept in America, and doing so somewhere else, with a different system." T'Challa offers. She wouldn't have to worry about lobbyists in Wakanda. Her authority is almost completely absolute, one of the last true monarchies in the world. "That is a rather interesting design for a lighter, Mister Stark. A gift from someone?"
Howard pauses for a moments thought as he puffs away at his cigarette. There's a certain satisfaction only nicotine can provide. "Well the materials were. Put it together myself out of the leftovers from a little project." He lets the smoke drift out the side of his mouth before taking a deep breath of fresh air.
"Might call it a waste, but anything else I made out of it would have wound up with Uncle Sam eventually anyway." A bit of a light hearted joke as visibly he seems just that same slightly aloof confident man. "It's a keepsake of a past life." He takes another drag, smoke still raising up into the air, even as he taps off his cigarette into the conveniently placed ashtray.
T'Challa's tension ratchets a bit higher, but she makes no glaring outward sign of it. She may not be Peggy Carter, but she's very tightly controlled. "Interesting." she offers. Nothing more. But oh how she longs for there to be much, much more. "Such keepsakes can be very important." Oh, how she longs to say more. But not now. Not yet. "I assume you have not yet secured the contracts for production, given your concerns with the lobbyists." Yes. A safer topic. Stepping back on the rage.
"But if I had a thousand lives to live it would be still not enough time to right past wrongs." Howard idly says popping the lighter up in his hand again a quick toss back into the pocket even though it had just been there a moment prior. "Just the one," He says after prolonged silence of smoking. "I'm running into the same problems I was with the flying car." He places a hand into either pocket of his understated brown suit. "In that case I had a… semi affordable production line ready, but Uncle Sam stepped in and put the kibosh on those plans." He smirks. "Now I've got people claiming that putting water in the atmosphere will cause global cooling." There's a deep shake of his head. "Funny, no one complained when we invented the bomb, yet everyone wants to step in and stop real progress."
The Wakandan Queen - they haven't even been introduced; does he know who she is? - merely nods her head slightly. "No doubt inspired by the venal greed of lobbyists driven by the money of those afraid of that progress." T'Challa offers. "I wish you luck with that battle, Mister Stark. I do not envy you it." That said, she gives him a few moments, enough for a response, and then she turns on her toes and starts walking away through the crowd, apparently satisfied that she has wasted enough of his time in front of the eager crowd.