1963-10-01 - An Awkward Introduction
Summary: Noh-varr introduces himself to Medusa under less than ideal circumstances.
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medusa noh-varr 

She had received word of a lead that suggested Black Bolt might be in the area. Now, Medusa is on some random rooftop in Manhattan, drawn into a conflict with three Inhumans who are loyal to Maximus. Her hair is flared out into tentacle like sections, managing to knock one of her opponents off the roof while still having to deal with the other tw.


Noh-Varr occasionally checks into his downed ship to see if anything crazy is flashing or going off, and also to make sure that nothing's escaped and there's no alien bomb that could devastate the planet going off or anything.

One such flashing thing has led him to this rooftop. One of those Inhumans, perhaps some aspect of their Terrigen awakened power, has set off an alarm.

When he arrives, it's in his full uniform, and both of his gauntlets are in their advanced looking plasma pistol form. He just sort of shows up after running up the side of the roof, aiming a pistol at two of the three Inhumans. "My name is Noh-Varr, of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt. One of you has Kree technology. I'll be taking it back and/or vaporizing you depending on the outcome of this exchange." he says in a very casual tone, as if he's not particularly worried about the situation.


Medusa and her fellow combatants stop, and almost as one, turn and stare at the man. Kree? For two of them, the Kree are the progenitor allies of their usurper king. But for one, the woman with the long hair? Not so much. So after those first few seconds of the combative trio processing this new arrival, suddenly action occurs.

Two of Medusa's thick locks of hair flare out, knocking her opponents away, while two more form temporary limbs, thusting her into the air and rapidly propelling her across the rooftops.


Noh-Varr fires a plasma blast at the one that he's sure has that Kree tech, stunning him. But when Medusa runs, he finds it suspicious, so he immediately begins running after her.

He's -very- fast, much faster than a normal Kree, though he doesn't fire at her. "Why are you running? You seemed to be an enemy of the ones I was after. That only makes you suspicious." he casually points out while chasing after her.


At that, Medusa comes to a halt. "The Kree are not welcome here." she snarls, using her hair-limbs to back herself away and keep some distance between herself and the alien. "I suggest you return to whatever transport you have utilized to get on this planet and get off of it."


"I have no association with this universe's Kree. I'm from universe 200080, and I'm entirely stranded on this planet. I'm the only surviving member of my crew, and I have no means of returning home. However, knowing the temperament of this planet, allowing Kree technology to spread would be a hazard to this planet, which is my only resource for survival right now." Noh-Varr explains all of this as he releases his guns, which liquify and reform into his elaborate golden gauntlets. "Why would the Kree have anything to do with a primitive planet like this?"


"Then why are you chasing me, and not the others?" Medusa inquires. Her regard for him is still cautious and a touch frosty. She doesn't answer his question, either. At least, not directly. "Only a small group of beings are aware of the Kree here. They have been here before, and would not be welcome upon their return." Some of her hair lifts upward, as if floating in water.


"I shot the one who matters. But you ran, and you displayed abnormal abilities, so I assumed there was a reason I should chase you." Noh-Varr aims his hand back, gun temporarily reforming so that he can fire without looking back. He apparently knocks the man back down. "I find it difficult to believe that the Kree would have an interest in this planet. It's one step removed from a large rock."


"No reason you could deduce, other than the fact that you showed up and fired into the fray." Medusa narrows her gaze at him. "You are stranded, then? You're not some kind of advanced mission on behalf of your kind?" She's, suffice to say, skeptical.


"Yes, I'm stranded. I've never even met the Kree of this universe. My crew negotiated peace between the Kree and the Skrulls, and then we answered a distress call. One thing led to another and we were thrown outside of our universe, and continued to travel from universe to universe, until we crashed here for unknown reasons." Noh-Varr explains as he looks out over the skyline, taking in the view. "It seems like it would be a waste of our time to bother with this planet or its people. This isn't even Kree Empire space."


"If you're not in the same universe, why do you assume it will be precisely like the one you left? If everything was the same, there would be little sense in there being parallel ones." Medusa becomes…moderately more willing to talk with him. Of course, he could just be saying all of this, but for the moment, she'll take him at his word.


"While I haven't met the Kree of this universe, I have difficulty believing that we could evolve so differently. And there are lots of complicated science reasons." Noh-Varr stares at her hair now, taking a more detailed note of it. "How did you become like this? I've met other humans with abilities as well."


Medusa lets out a soft huff. "Complicated science reasons." She seems amused at that. "I am more aware of the forms of complicated science than you may have surmised. But it's neither here nor there, and for you to learn of my nature requires a good deal more trust than you have at the moment. But I'll give you this much: I am called Medusa."


"Well, knowing you will be valuable to my continued existence on this planet. It'll be good to have someone who seems to be so familiar with my people." Noh-Varr holds his hand out, offering it to her. "I believe that this is the customary greeting. And given your beauty, I am eagar to make physical contact with you."


Medusa's brows lift. "You are very blunt." she observes. "But you will have to forgive my choosing to forego physical contact. I still have no cause to trust you, and those of us who have the sense to don't trust the Kree at all. Those who do seldom have the best interest of everyone at heart. Where is the rest of your crew?"


"Irradiated and in a secret location I will not be informing any humans of. Really, I don't see the big deal, if I wanted to destroy humanity I would have by now. I don't require your trust to do whatever horrible thing it is you're worried about me doing, because most humans would be powerless to stop me." Noh-Varr says this all very matter-of-factly, oddly enough not in any particularly threatening manner. "I don't see any need for the impractical social combat of Earth."


For a few long moments Medusa seems to not know what to say to Noh-Varr. Then, carefully, "You may find that humanity in some parts, have evolved into something readily capable of stopping you from destroying the rest of it, were you to try. But neither of us can know for sure. What is it you might want from me, Noh-Varr of the Eighteenth Kree Diplomatic Gestalt?"


"I suppose I would like a unique and intelligent perspective on this planet. And given your unique condition, I'm very curious about how you function on such a backwards planet." Noh-Varr reaches into the neck of his uniform, pulling out a small piece of paper with some numbers scribbled on it. "Use this radio frequency to contact me when you'd like to meet again. I have to take care of that man back there." he informs her before offering the piece of paper.


Medusa's mouth presses in on itself. Then, "That man is an agent of one called Maximus. He is very dangerous, and he is a liar. If you do manage to capture him, think twice before believing anything he has to say." She accepts the slip of paper, and with that, a lock of her hair lashes out to wrap around a nearby flagpole, which she uses to swing away.


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