1963-10-01 - What Fools These Mortals Be
Summary: Crystal stops by to talk to some Asgardians.
Related: Yes
Theme Song: None
crystal balder thor 

One of the rooms in the mansion has been equipped to be an entertainment center. A tv is placed on a low table against one wall with an assortment of overstuffed chairs and sofas placed for viewing. That's where Balder is. For a change, he's not in his armor, fortunately for the upholstery. Relaxing in one of the comfy chairs, he's staring at the tv screen with a vaguely puzzled expression on his face. For good reason: it's showing Mr. Ed.



For most of the last week, Crystal has been seeing to her responsibilities at the Institute. She'd left things in good shape before the trip to Asgard, so there wasn't much out of place when she returned, but she didn't want to abandon her responsibilities too soon after her absence. It's the first time she's come to the Asgardian embassy, so to speak, checking the address as she presses the buzzer outside the door.


Asgardian embassy? Wait.. wait.. isn't this their subtle 'hang out' while they're on Midgard?

Of course, when are Asgardians.. no, check that.. since when is Thor subtle?

The door is opened by 'staff', one of whom Crystal might recall from their night of revelry. Or not. Regardless, the door is opened to reveal that the downstairs looks regal; a touch of Midgard, old style, meets ancient Norse, high style. Crystal is recognized immediately, and the door opens a touch wider to allow entrance, and the retainer offers a flourished bow, "Princess."


Balder hears the buzzer but doesn't move, it being just another noise to him. And if there's one thing you can say about Midgard, it's noisy. Besides, there are important matters to consider. "Why is this horse talking?" he asks no one at all. "Is it a warrior who was enchanted into the form of a horse? Though I do not think even Loki can talk when he assumes the form of an animal." Midgard is a very strange place.


Crystal smiles ruefully to the person who opens the door. "Good afternoon, thank you," she says politely. "Is, ah. Is anyone in?" She didn't really have a plan when she arrived, but since she clarified the policy for visitors at the Institute, it seemed prudent to pass that information along before there were an incidents.


Thor is in the sitting room with Balder, and is in short sleeves and jeans, wiping his hands on a towel to dislodge something from his hands from his grand attempt in the kitchen which is now pretty much ignored. "What? Did you not hear the beginning, in song? He will only speak should he have something to say." There's a laugh before, "That must mean that Loki cannot speak when he takes the form of an animal."

To hear the voices from the hall, an 'Ah!' rises, and Thor reaches out to backhand swat his brother. "We have a guest." In the next moment, he's striding out into the foyer, and holds out a hand in greeting, "Crystalia.." is offered happily. "You are finished there for the time being? You have been sorely missed.

"Mead for the princess."


"Would that others were of the same mind." Balder says, not meaning Thor at all. Nope. Not at all. He ignores the swat though the reason for it does get him to look over a shoulder toward the foyer. Giving the television one last look, he shakes his head and stands to go out to the foyer. "Princess. Welcome to…" Pause. "Does this dwelling have a name?"


"Please, just Crystal is fine," Crystal says to the brothers as she steps inside, taking the offered hand with a brief squeeze as she looks around. "It's quiet lovely, whatever you decide to call it. I'm impressed you were able to find it and settle in so quickly. Though no doubt Loki has had some thoughts in mind for centuries." Schemer that he is. "I was just thinking our family ought to look into something similar. The Institute has been wonderful, but I don't want to take advantage of the hospitality there."


"I do not think it does as of yet, brother. Think on it, then, and tell Loki your mind upon the topic."

Thor gives her hand a light squeeze, and once he lets it go, he's at her side, his expression lopsided and boyish. "Yeah, well.. it was pretty much Loki's doing. With Scarlett's aid, no doubt." A gesture is given in general to encompass the downstairs while at the same time, he's tossing his towel away. (Which the staff have to pick up!) "All that is truly needed is a place where we could all meet and discuss our plans while all together. You know how difficult it can be to get everyone on Asgard at the same time." Uh huh.. And he says that as if he's never at fault? Frigga would be rolling her eyes at her eldest! "And you should. Or, I will speak to Loki and perhaps there is room for you and your sister here?"

With a gesture towards the living room, Thor is ready to offer a tour when the mead arrives. The servant pauses before Crystal, bows while offering the glass from off a round tray. "Be careful with that, though.." and now, blue eyes are gleaming with mirth, "That is from Asgard. It can be quite heady."


"And if there is not room, you may have Thor's bed." Balder suggests. "It would not be the first time he has bedded down with his goats." When a servant arrives, he takes a glass from the tray as they all know better than to not have enough drink for all. "But as it is just you and your sister - or are there more? - I am of mind that there should be room enough."


"It's a kind offer, but if we're going to retake our kingdom, then we need to start standing on our own some time," Crystal says as she takes one of the glasses, quirking a brow at Thor's jest. "Duly noted," she assures, raising the glass in a silent toast. Balder's comment about the goats gets a curious look, but she doesn't pursue that line of questioning. Sometimes it's better not to ask. Especially when it involves Thor's bed.

"It's part of why I came, actually. I know you all have your own means of transport, so I wanted to let you know that visitors aren't…" She pauses, considering her words. "The Institute where I work is a school, and as such, does not allow visitors. I'm happy to join you here if there are things that need to be discussed, of course. But I would ask that you respect the Institute's boundaries."


It's a light-hearted response that comes from Balder's teasing dig, "Have a care, brother. They are noble creatures that have satiated your hunger on more than on occasion." Thor also takes one, and with a brief salute, takes a long draught before the final 'ahh'.. and he looks to Crystal on the next breath. "We will aid in your endeavor, then." As if it's decided?

It's the next news that deflates him just a little. Thor looks disappointed. "I.. see. Even if I wished to visit you in where you call 'home' at this moment? Isn't it customary that one arrives with a chariot for a 'date'?" Chariot. Goats? "Standing upon the threshold?" He's trying!


"Of course." Balder agrees, not that he has any idea what she's talking about or where this school is. "It is no different than respecting the borders of Hel or Nornheim." Though mostly because they're powerful and pissing them off would be a bad thing. Plus treaties. "You can meet in a neutral location, brother. It is the diplomatic approach, just as our father would have you learn."


"Usually a car, rather than a chariot," Crystal answers Thor, amused. "And if I were a normal girl living in a normal house, of course. But the school is…Well. There are children, we're responsible for them. It would be disruptive. Besides, as your brother says," she nods to Balder. She takes a sip of the mead, blinking at the taste. "You are quite right, this is powerful stuff."


"Diplomatic approach, brother? Tell me how Father would react to such a suggestion; to tell him that his path is barred from a place upon Midgard. I think I am taking it well. I can pass the border of Helheim untouched if I tell Queen Hel that I wish to speak with her. I can pass the border of Nornheim should I do the same. Now speak to me of courtesy." Thor might sound a little testy, but it does pass. This is a set-back, nothing more.

"I would never harm children, Crystalia." Thor exhales in a sigh and takes a couple of steps away after, coming to rest leaning against a couch. "You are aware of that, right?" Another swallow is taken; obviously he's used to it, and they have a stock of the stuff in casks in the basement.

"Car, then.." and Thor half-bows. "I do not have one of those, but should I acquire one? Then when you and your sister find a residence, will I be granted entrance, or will the way be still barred?" Pique?


"And if you were to wish to speak to the ruler of the school, no doubt you would given leave to pass." Balder counters. "Crystal, though, is a guest there, if I am interpreting her words correctly. And that changes the situation. She is not spurning you, brother. They merely do not wish strangers to be coming and going at will, no more than we wish it in Asgard." Draining his glass of drink, he sets it down on a table. "Perhaps when the mortals remember who we are once more, the situation will be different."


Crystal arches a brow at Thor, glancing to Balder to let him handle his brother first. "I don't think you would harm children, Thor," she adds softly after. "But you would be a distraction. And as your brother says, I am a guest there. Thus, I would prefer to respect the rules."

Her brows furrows. "You've no need for a car, though. And- Where is this coming from?" she asks, rather than beat around the bush.


"Perhaps," is murmured before he shakes it off. Taking a deep breath, the mood passes him before he moves to settle in a seat, booted feet upon the table before him. "I personally feel it would be a welcome distraction. Brother, do you not remember the tutors droning on and on.. and the least flutter of something different was a glorious reprieve from all the study?"

Thor waves a hand before he looks to Crystal again before he sighs and rises, taking the steps to close the distance. "My apologies, Crystalia. Of course there would be no issue. Forgive me? I know so little of your life here, that I do forget myself." He reaches for a hand to kiss the back, "Forgive me?"


"I welcomed every distraction." Balder agrees with a grin. "And the tutors did not. It is they making the rules for the students here much as it was when we were young." Seems they still have no sense of humor. Thor's behavior gets a bit of a roll of his eyes but it's Crystal he's looking at speculatively.


"You don't need to apologize for your feelings," Crystal replies, giving his hand a slight squeeze as he takes hers. "Just…" Be an adult about them? No, that's certainly not what she should say. "Say what you feel. That's all." Her smile flickers as she steps back to actually look at him, amused. "The jeans are an interesting look. Planning on going shopping soon?" she asks, leaning around Thor to look to Balder.


"Then we should give children respite from their studies." Thus is an idea formed! "If their taskmasters are as harsh as ours?" Thor grins in answer to his brother's own and shakes his head theatrically ruefully. "Though then again, we gain to incur their wrath. It will be just like old times."

Thor.. well, his feelings are rather out in the open about most things. That's pretty much what gets him in trouble! He's not as even-tempered as his mother. (Though no one is!) "Will you introduce me to your friends, then?" It's a murmured question, and he makes the reason known once more. "I would hear stories of you from them. I know not one of them."

When Crystal takes the step back, Thor's smile turns lopsided and he quirks his head, "You.. don't like it." There's that theatric sulk before light tones continue, "I was assured that it is the fashion. A kind lady tailor said that it suited me." He pauses before his voice drops again, "Is it that bad?"


Balder holds Crystal's gaze a moment before looking back to Thor and pointing out "Incurring the wrath of the ruler of the school where the Princess is a guest does not seem to me to be a good strategy of gaining her affection, brother. As for the clothing - jeans they are called? - they do not suit you. You are the Thunderer. You should not seek to blend in with the mortals."


"They suit you well enough," Crystal assures with a low laugh at Thor's dismay. "It just isn't quite my style. But I've been informed repeatedly that my style is old-fashioned and stodgy anyhow, so I'm sure the woman in the shop knows better than I do." She takes another measured sip of her drink. "I don't have many friends," she admits. "And I suspect most of them would be more interested in talking about you than about me. But I could introduce you to some."


"The time will come, brother. Now is not a time for armor and weaponry. Now is a time for the mortals to understand that we walk among them and share their trials." Thor reaches to put a hand upon his brother's shoulder. "What was it you said, brother? Diplomacy?" He can't help the smile reaching blue eyes. Nope.

Thor turns around, his hands lifting so they're not in the way. "Old fashioned.. and stodgy? Old fashioned, there should be no apology for that. But, you can wear anything with ease. I find you just as lovely in Asgardian clothing as I do in such.. 'old fashioned' clothing."

Thor wanders back to the couch and flops down gracelessly, taking that last drought from his mead and tossing the cup away. "I am certain I can get along famously with those you would call friend. They must be a great deal like you.. intelligent, funny.. and I will be sure that the conversation is pressed upon you."


"And how will they know that if we hide within their clothing?" Balder asks. "Armor and weaponry can be as inspiring as threatening. The difference is whether the one viewing them has something to fear. Besides that." he continues, "The realm has been invaded by at least one Jotun so far. Best we be prepared for conflict until the matter is resolved. And speaking of such, I should continue my investigation which is what I had intended before getting distracted by the talking horse."


"My friends are, by and large, much more prickly than I am," Crystal laughs softly to Thor. "So you'll have to try not to get into any fights that not everyone can walk away from. What were you planning to investigate?" she asks Balder, moving to sit on the arm of the couch, glass cradled in her hand.


"Armor and weapons are the least of our concern, brother. We have good people to fight by our side. I hope to enlist more; now that I've spoken to a Lady Peggy of SHIELD." Thor watches as Crystal wanders closer, and he offers a hand while he's seated. "'T'is a fine name, SHIELD. I met her upon the ground of battle. Apparently Midgard has more concerns than just the Jotun."

Thor looks up at Crystal and feigns innocence, and might succeed or might fail. All depends! "I would not dream of causing conflict with your friends, my lady. I would not put you in such a position."


"The Jotuns." Balder tells Crystal. "What was it doing here? Was it a lone incident? Was the creature exiled or was it the first of a large number that will be coming in the future? Did it have the permission of its ruler? There are many things we must know before we decide to take arms against the Jotun." And while he needs to go look into them, he makes no move just yet and instead asks Thor "SHIELD? What is this you speak of?"


Crystal stiffens a bit at the mention of SHIELD. "Be careful with them, Thor," she cautions. "Some of my friends at the Institute spoke with them, and it didn't go very well. Granted, everyone involved was being…a bit overtly paranoid, at best. But SHIELD is a government agency. They will act for their own benefit, not for yours. And allying yourself with SHIELD could mean alienating yourself from other groups."


"We do not yet know the answer to those questions, brother, but we will."

Crystal is given a puzzled look and he considers before he begins slowly, "Lady Peggy was forthcoming and kind. Gave me her information. Those at your Institute seek no contact, no message of welcome. All being equal, whom do you think I would speak with at length?" Thor shakes his head, his voice rumbling, "I do what is right for Asgard. My brothers are tasked with keeping Midgard safe to their own reckoning. In this, I trust them. If our purpose and SHIELD's are the same, then there is no harm. Your friends must understand that should they remain hidden in their keep, their purpose will be their own and they will be outcasts." Inclining his head, he does concede, "I thank you for your counsel, and your information."


Crystal ends up answering the question and Balder gives her a nod for the information. "I see. My brother speaks true. The protection of Midgard has always been of import to us. If this group called SHIELD is also tasked with it, then they are a natural ally for us to make use of. Are they rivals with others in this realm? Must we navigate politics as well as cars?" Crossing at the light was a new concept and one that almost damaged a bus.


"Well, there was no Lady Peggy when they met with my friends, either," Crystal grimaces at Thor's assessment. "The female of the species is usually more reasonable than the male, though." Was that a bit of a dig at Thor? If so, at least it's delivered with a small smile as she takes another sip of the mead, savoring the flavor. "Politics are inescapable here. Earth has hundreds of nations and very few of them agree on anything. Frankly, it's a wonder some haven't destroyed each other yet."


Thor looks to his brother and inclines his head, "Good point, brother. It is good to know this. The only thing that I am aware of that they now fight are demons of some sort." does that count? "She did not say they were from Midgard, however."

Crystal's comment does gain a soft laugh and brows rise, teasingly. "We all know how important women are." Thor reaches to nudge Crystal, with a smirk. Though word of politics? "Midgard has forever been a Realm of chieftains, Balder. Do you not recall being carried by longboats across the sea for battles glorious?"


"It has been a very long time since I was in this Realm brother but I remember well that when one chieftain offended another, battle was joined." Balder tells Thor. "Or perhaps weregild was levied against the offender. Yet the words of Crystal imply nothing so honest and straightforward but rather the venom of serpents where even if Midgard is threatened, there will be those who refuse to take arms because of offense taken against this SHIELD." Turning back to Crystal, he asks "Is this the case?"


"That," Crystal points to Balder with her glass, regretful as she may be. "Nuclear weapons, my princes. They're…the very definition of weapons meant not just to destroy, but to spite. Radiation ruins where they land, poisons the land around them for miles. The radiation is even borne on the wind to places hundreds of miles away. And more and more countries are building more and more of them, under the premise that if one country uses one against them, then they will at least destroy them in kind. This is where human minds are now," she says regretfully, looking between the pair. "They see power, and they fear. And their only response is to build more power and attempt to take down someone else's."


"So even if SHIELD is in the right, others would refuse even if they are in agreement, just in spite?" Thor shakes his head. This.. this is different. "This concerns me. So, there is no uniting against a common enemy, should, say, the Jotun arrive. There will be battle and some would not support it simply because of their hatred even if they both fight the same battle and the same foe." Thor sinks back into the couch and looks up at the wrought ceiling, "I would think on this, consider it.. Loki must needs know this as well." What one knows, two and three must know.

"We must consider how to respond, then. Lady Peggy believes we should be silent. We look to do something more grand.. and if this is Midgard's truth right now?"


Balder frowns more and more as Crystal talks, her words painting a picture much worse than what he was thinking. "That… is madness." he says eventually and glances at Thor. "We should never have retreated from this world when the Christian god came." he says to his brother. "Not even when they turned away from us." This is what it led to. Madness. "This is why they need us once again."


"The Jotun are fond of ice and snow, no?" Crystal shakes her head, taking another sip of her drink. "The Russians would be thrilled. Yes, anyone with sense would realize that Jotun have no interest in working with humans. But they would more see that Jotun might be able to crush America where Russia alone can't. In the news just today they were saying that several countries walked away from the United Nations - the closest thing we have to a united government - over a suggested team of heroes. It was meant to be based in America, but even America didn't want it here because it wouldn't be theirs alone."

She leans forward, elbows on her knees. "The mutants hide for a reason. Many of them live in Mutant Town here, others try to keep what they are a secret. It was only twenty years ago that the nazis gathered up anyone they saw as different into camps. They experimented on them. Executed them. Even you…Most people will see Asgard either as something to be attacked, or something to be used to attack someone else."


Thor nods at Balder's words before he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "The All-Father wished our departure, and so we did." It's matter of fact, though what the brothers thought of it remains unspoken. "There were those who looked upon us for our aid; some spoke of glory when all it was was slaughter of innocent men, women and children."

The blond head rolls forward again and he looks to Crystal, and Balder, but he knows his brother will agree with him. "The Jotun are not so stupid and short sighted, my lady. If it suits their purpose and there is a common enemy, the Jotun will fight along side of anyone. As will any in the Nine." Including the Asgardians. "It seems to be Midgard that will not aid another in a common fight."


"He did." Balder agrees quietly. And he just said what he thinks of that decision. But who could have known? Except the All-Father, of course. "There are more Jotun than the ones of ice. They would like nothing more than to overrun Midgard. Except to overrun Asgard. And they will aid each other in that should the attempt prove to be promising. Tell me of these mutants." he says, in response to Crystal's words. "Mayhap they need us just as the mortals did so long ago. And we are far from the lands we once considered ours." Not that they couldn't go back there but at present, they are here and the Jotun was here.


"Some will come together against a common enemy," Crystal nudges Thor's shoulder, gently chiding. "It's just that it can't be counted on. And many will still always be looking for their own advantage in it. Mutants are…" She pauses, considering. "I'm not certain where it comes from, but it seems to be a natural evolution of humanity. It's genetic, and there are some who are studying it. But usually at puberty, those with the mutant gene will find themselves beginning to express certain powers. Some are hidden. Some are very much not. But predictably, when confronted with someone or something who has power they can't hope to achieve, humanity fears them and strikes out."


And this is the tightrope that Thor walks; his duty is to the Nine Realms and not just Midgard. It's a balance, making sure that one doesn't overstep another, or that a third doesn't find their way.. very much like the Muspell and the Jotun poking about, looking for another path to Midgard. The 'back end' of that is Thor's responsibility, shared by Balder, his 'General' on the ground as it were.

An intricate dance.

"When you are done gaining your information about the mutants, Balder, I will need to go to Vanaheim to discuss with them the difficulties of Muspellheim." Thor does quiet down at the nudge, and he chuckles, lifting a hand to 'surrender' at the nudge.

"The problem is, they have forgotten how to find a friend in others and would turn down offers because of this fear. Everyone needs an ally. You, me, Balder.. Fan— maybe not Fandral." Thor can't help but grin on that one. "Closing your door to enemies is one thing, but to potential friends is certain destruction."


Balder grins at Thor's comment. "Fandral has too many friends at times. But yes, more is always good to have. It sounds like these mutants are in dire need of allies. And if they have power of sorts, they could prove to be good allies to us in turn. If we can not depend on the rulers of Midgard then we should look to those they cast aside. I would see these mutants, Crystal, and speak with them. They might not have any answers as to why the Jotun was here but perhaps they could be a solution as to what to do with the Jotun, should the worst case situation be the one we must deal with."


"Yes, well. Your desire to meet mutants should fit well with Thor's desire to meet my friends," Crystal smiles crookedly to Balder, taking another drink. She certainly has more tolerance for it than a human would, but her cheeks are starting to flush all the same. "My friends here are, by and large, mutants. Not only that, but they've been kind enough to let Medusa and I use them as camouflage. We'd prefer the world not know about us, but mutants are a known entity. Anyone seeing either of us would likely assume we were mutants, which helps to keep Attilan safe."


The flush is cute, and Thor watches as each sip is taken now. No fear, he won't take advantage, no. Never! Now, however, he falls silent as his little brother begins to make the connections necessary, potentially, anyway. Thor's purpose isn't Midgard, but rather, it's more personal.

Just as Crystal just mentioned. Brows rise, though he's not surprised by the news. The princess seems to gravitate to those with difficulties and is wise enough to help try and raise them. Nothing less would he wish for a Queen. "Attilan will be safe once she is freed."


"The school you spoke of is one of mutants?" Balder asks. How convenient that it's all connected. "It is in this Mutant Town then? Where is that located? And are they ones who would refuse to step forward because of this SHIELD?"


"The school is a safe haven for mutants, yes," Crystal nods to Balder. "But it isn't in Mutant Town. It's safely outside of the city, where it's easier to keep the children safe. Where they can keep their secret. Not…all agree that it should be a secret. Not all agree with hiding either. But those are the rules of the Institute, and for good reason." Relaxing some as the mead works through her system, she slides from the arm of the couch into a seat, leaning back a bit. "SHIELD somehow managed to locate one, though. They tried to recruit him, so some of our- Some of them met with SHIELD. I wasn't a part of the meeting, but from what I heard after, it didn't go well. And Charles mentioned just earlier today that he'd previously attempted to work with the government, only to find people trying to take advantage of mutant gifts."


Thor has reconnected.


As Crystal slides down, Thor rises; he's going to have another glass of mead. He's listening, and quite intently as well, but says nothing. His search brings him through the rooms, into the kitchen and back out once again; in the mean time, kicking off his shoes and going barefoot. (On this centuries old carpet?!) Once back, he flops gracelessly once more onto the couch, settling next to Crystal (and making sure he doesn't spill his drink!).

"They will have to learn that just because we may find common ground with this SHIELD does not mean we cannot be trusted and work with them." With that pronouncement, Thor lifts his glass in toast to brother and lady, and takes another drought. A breath is hissed and he looks between the pair, "Let us make plans, then. Move forward with what we do know. Over planning means we begin to second guess our own strategy."


Thor has partially disconnected.


Balder just listens to Crystal, not having any further questions. "We can ride on Gisl then. On the morrow perhaps, if you are available." he suggests and nods to Thor. "Plans. We do not have enough information to make meaningful plans. I continue to look into the Jotun's appearance. I need to speak with the one named Scarlett and I have heard Hrimhari was also involved. I had intended to seek out where it was seen but have been told there is a gate of sorts that will make investigating the area difficult." If not impossible. "Plans. We look. We question. Regardless of what the situation with the Jotun is, we learn what has happened upon Midgard in the time we were away. We remind them of who we were and who we are. And we find those who will welcome us once more." Smiling at his brother and the object of his interest, he says "I think that will be a good start."


"What is Gisl, and where are we planning on going?" Crystal asks, a little bit fuzzy now that the mead has gone to her head. She's just about never had enough alcohol to get drunk before. She metabolizes the usual stuff too quickly. But this, meant for Asgardians? Another matter entirely.


"In your gathering to discover what Midgard is now, be sure you speak with your brother," Thor offers slowly. "He is sure to be questioned by Father at some point to give an accounting." As will they all, he's sure. Odin doesn't 'fire and forget'. Ever.

"I will speak to Vanaheim regarding any information they may give about the struggle of Surtur. Perhaps they have been watching this development and simply haven't yet found the time to inform the All-Father." Because that never happens, right?

Thor grins at his younger brother and inclines his head, "There are those who do believe. They are few and far between, but they can be useful. Heimdall will know where they are."

Looking down at the tipsy Crystal, Thor shoulder nudges her. "His horse. You see, we all have our own ways of getting around. I don't always fly with Mjolnir. Balder doesn't always walk or take one of those taxi-contraptions. Mother has a chariot drawn by cats. Father has a magnificent horse, unlike any other in these Nine Realms." Thor.. doesn't mention his goats. Nope.


"To Mutant Town so I may see these mutants and perhaps speaks with them." Balder answers, skipping the part that Thor already answered. "Aye, I planned on speaking with Loki. The time he has spent here will have taught him many things we need to know now. That's probably why father made him Protector." At least one reason. "And my brother's charior is drawn by goats." he tells Crystal. "Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr. Teeth-barer and Teeth-grinder. Many times we'd ride through the Realms and then make camp for the evening. We'd slaughter one of them for the pot and by morning, he'd be alive again. I think Teeth-grinder is a bit more tender."


"I knew your mother was impressive," Crystal laughs softly. "She can even herd cats." Yep, Crystal is a little bit tipsy. On the other hand, it seems to loosen up her sense of humor, so that's a plus. "But I think taking a horse into Mutant Town might draw a bit more attention than you mean to. It's a walkable distance. Or we could take the subway. Or a cab. And they don't generally like being treated like a circus show, but there will likely be some willing to speak with you. I could maybe have some people from the Institute come as well."


"Gisl is more than 'just a horse', and he will gain the attention desired. All children love animals," Thor reminds. He nods first in Balder's direction before finding a pillow and heaving it at him with his free hand, the one without drink. "There goes my surprise to bring them to her doorstep for what the Midgardians call 'a date'." He's kidding, but the fact that Crystal doesn't bat an eye to hear about Thor and his goats? That goes far. The fact that she caught the nuance of not only herding but driving cats? "Now you know Mother's secret on how to keep her family in line. Her cats are easy in comparison."

Thor leans to bump Crystal again and he grins, "Have faith, dear Crystal. All will be well." Maybe Thor's been working on the mead not only recently but earlier?


Balder reaches up to catch the pillow and then just drops it on the ground with a grin. "Attention is also desired." he points out to Crystal. "And will distract them from my looking at them in turn." Standing, he tells Thor "Now you will need to actually bring her something equally impressive." Which was the plan all along. Really. "But now I do need to go. Come by on the morrow, if you would." he says to Crystal. "We shall go see and be seen."


"It's easy to say all will be well when you live thousands of years in a realm no one can reach without your assistance," Crystal points out to Thor with a rueful smile, draining the last of her drink and setting the glass aside. "But it is a nice thing to be told every now and then. Tomorrow," she nods to Balder. "I will see if there is anyone who will be willing to meet us."

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