Heather is in a hurry. She's so busy what with losing time to being sick and a backlog of work due to her intern dropping out. She's back at this bar. She's getting tired of this bar. You'd think the man she's after could at least spare her an hour to talk about his child.
Heather blows through the door on a blast of crisp fall air. They're getting used to seeing her here, and she's getting used to them. That's how she knows there should be a bouncer at the door — she relies on them to pummel people who get handsy with her.
She gets two steps in, takes in the scene and those claws, and she knows exactly who she's dealing with. She also decides to give the little vignette a wide berth until things settle down. Her heels clatter on the floor as she breezes toward the back. So. That's Logan's boy. Some things never change.
Unfortunately these people aren't regulars, and don't seem to think much of those claws. Luckily for them they turned out to be a fear tactic, and withdraw when the men begin their charge.
This isn't Akihiro's first rodeo, not even his second or third. He sidesteps a punch, grabbing the fist and bending it back before quickly snapping it. He turns to intercept the next next man, slamming a fist into his jaw and dropping him just as easily.
Somehow the teen doesn't notice the smallest man in the group vanish from sight, at least not until a jagged stool leg bursts from his stomach. Somehow it only seems to make Akihiro angrier, and he turns on the man and proceeds to slam his fists into his face and midsection over and over again until he stops moving.
"Guess you wanted to ride the bus." he grunts, ripping the wood from his midsection and limping over to a booth. Surprisingly the hole seems to have completely healed up by the time he takes a seat.
Well. Heather steps over a fallen man who's wailing and clutching at his arm. For such an elegant little woman, she's remarkably undisturbed by the chaos and the bloodshed. She doesn't smell distressed — she actually smells warm and pleased and comfortable, her heartrate trips along steadily. She's happy.
Heather shifts her satchel and her clipboard around as she approaches the booth. "Hi," she says, giving Akihiro a warm smile. "I'm Heather. Can I buy you a drink?" she offers.
Behind her, the bouncers and the bartender are scooping up what's left of the troublemakers. She glances over, takes it in, and then amends the offer. "Well, maybe get you a drink, since it looks like the bartender is busy."
Akihiro looks up from the hole in his shirt to Heather, who gets a smile despite what just went down. "Hi, I'm Akihiro." he indicates the seat across from him, "I'm fine right now, but thank you. Think I need a smoke after that." He fishes out a cigarette pack and fetches a hand rolled cigarette, before offering the pack out. "Would you like one?"
"Sure. Thank you." Heather takes one and then slides into the seat opposite Akihiro, lets him light it for her when he gets around to it. "I was hoping to run into you some time, to be honest." He's not who she was looking for today, or who she expected here where she runs into Logan, but here he is and she's not going to pass up a chance to talk to him — even if he's not happy to see her when he finds out who she is. She is really pleased to see him, perhaps oddly so.
Akihiro's brows furrow slightly, "Have I met you before?" He sits up a little straighter and looks Heather over. "You're not with Weapon X, are you?" He reaches up to tap behind his ear, "Hate to have this bomb go off already. Haven't even found the man who killed my mother yet."
"No, I'm trying to track them down, though. But that's a story for another day." Heather gives him a smile. "That's not why I wanted to meet you. Full admission, I used to work with Logan, in Canada. He was a friend of my husband's, and a friend of mine. When he mentioned you, I just really wanted to meet you. Sentiment, maybe."
Akihiro freezes slightly at the mention of Canada. "No offense, but I hate Canada. Can only spend so much time with Burr before the thought of the place gives you nightmares." He takes a drag from his cigarette, thinking quietly for a moment. "So I guess that means you're in the business of killing too? Well, maybe not as literally as myself or my father, but I don't see him doing much else."
"Killing was sometimes a subset of what our work was. A side effect. Not the purpose. In theory, we leveraged people's skill sets — voluntarily — to do some good for others. In theory. You know how theory goes in the hands of people with too much power and too little vision." Heather looks grim now, sad. "Now, I work for the UN as a researcher. Basically, I'm a secretary who does interviews. The work was my husband's work, now he's gone, and here I am. But it's always good to see people with any kind of connection to the old days."
"I didn't really have a choice. I got shipped off to learn how to kill when I was fourteen. Managed to escape earlier this year, wound up in Westchester. Got kidnapped by Weapon X not too long after that, then they came back and tried asking." Akihiro reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, "Probably shouldn't have, but I said yes. So, now I have a bomb in my head and adamantium claws. Not really sure where it'll take me, but here I am."
"I'm sorry you didn't have a choice." Heather's very sanguine about the story. "Who knows about the bomb in your head?" She's thoughtful, actually, as though she's planning something. "Any other adamantium? If you don't mind me asking," she adds hastily. "In a way, you're family. I'd like to help if I can."
"Nobody. Just the Director, Stryker, Yuriko, and yourself." Akihiro takes a moment to tie his hair back before ashing his cigarette and taking another draw from it. "And just my claws for now. I'm trying to see what it'll take to get the bomb removed and then have the full procedure done, just like dad has."
"You'll go back to Weapon X for it?" Heather isn't upset, still just curious. "The procedure is excruciating and can have some terrible side effects — though I understand why you'd want it. Breaking bones is a hindrance for someone with your strength. Though. I guess if Weapon X didn't have their equipment anymore, it wouldn't really fall to them to do it. It'd be in someone else's hands. I hate the idea of you being beholden to them. And that bomb has got to go. Why did they put it in there?"
"They learned their lesson when dad rampaged out. Easier to kill us and get it back if we try to run." Akihiro turns his gaze towards the table. "I don't even want it for that. Figure if I could do that it'd be easier to go to Madripoor and find out who put a hit on my mother, and who carried it out. Once they're dead there will at least be some closure."
"I'm so sorry about your mother." Heather reaches across the table but stops short of touching his hand, as though she's waiting for his response. "I'm a pretty good researcher. I still have friends in some odd places, and access to information through my work at the UN. If I can help you, I'd like to. Same goes for that thing in your head. Someone I know might be able to do something for you. Fixing things is what I do, or it was."
"I hadn't even been born yet when she died, so I can't really miss her." Akihiro turns his attention towards the bar, sighing quietly. "Pretty sure they'd know if I got it removed. Think they can track me with it too. But with my luck it's tamper proof, and would go off if we tried."
"Honey, you don't have to have known your mother to miss her. I didn't get lucky enough to have my own kids but I helped my own mother raise seven that came after me and that bond, between mothers and children, it's something logic doesn't cover. You wouldn't want to avenge her so badly if you didn't feel that place where she should be." Heather pats his hand, just lightly, and then sits back. "You'd be surprised what we can do about that bomb. Infinite variety. Weapon X can't think of everything. But. Let me see if I can't find a way to get the schematics for it — one way or another — and then we'll know." Heather gives Akihiro a wink and something about her suggests that she might actually be serious about being able to do just that.
"Maybe so." Akihiro allows. "Well, I'd appreciate the help. Not sure I'm comfortable knowing that any second they could decide I'm useful and just dispose of me. I've survived some gruesome shit, but I don't think I'd get up from that."
"I won't have them hurt people if I can help it." Heather's jaw clenches. She rummages around in her satchel for something — a business card — and comes up with one, and a pen. "And like I said, Akihiro, you are family as far as I'm concerned, for whatever that happens to be worth. We were loud and we hated each other some days and we fought nonstop, it felt like, but we were a family when the chips were down. I was hardly more than a kid when we started, I grew up in the team, and I feel responsible — especially now that Mac's dead."
Heather stops to write something down on the card. "Where I live isn't exactly a secret or anything, but this'll make it easier if you ever feel like tracking me down. And there's my number. I'm in the Baxter Building, you can always leave me a message at the desk. If you need help, trying is the least I can do. If I had a child out in the world, I'd want them to have some friends."
"Baxter building.." Akihiro clucks his tongue a few times, trying to place where he's heard of it before. "Oh yeah, the Four own that. Met three of them at a party not too long ago, though the only person I knew there was Danny Rand. Smoked a joint with Sue Storm that night." He does take the card and flash a warm smile. "I appreciate it. If you run into dad before he finds me let him know I'm alright, just staying away from the school until I know I'm not a threat to anybody there."
"I will. It really is… of all the people to get kids, out of all of us." Heather can't help laughing — she seems both amused and delighted. "I'm envious. I mean it about coming to me if you need anything. David — David North — is around sometimes." She waggles her hand back and forth. "Sometimes more, sometimes less, but he never goes far. You shouldn't have to be out alone if you don't want to be, but if you're anything like your dad, I know you probably prefer it. Just so long as it's a choice."
"Well, if he handles stress and trauma anything like I do, I'm sure I have plenty of half siblings." Akihiro shoots Heather a playful wink. "I've met David, I think. Pretty sure he was the man I met in Central Park that ended up being stuck in a cell across from me. I'll be sure to check in from time to time, but I usually do handle things along. Easier than worrying about other people the entire time."
"Don't worry about me, young man." Heather frowns at him. "David and I have this argument all the time and I always win. This is my job — or it was my job — and I can't just stop doing it. I looked after things when Logan was on the team and when David worked with us and I've done it since I was seventeen years old and I know the risks." She taps the table in front of Akihiro with a finger. "If you need anything, or if you just want a place to sleep, you come see me. And don't worry about the rest. Okay?"
"If I was anybody else, I'd be dead thirty times over at this point. Pretty sure I get shot, stabbed," Akihiro indicates the blood stained hole in his shirt, "or ran over every time I go out. So, I tend to worry. Hate to see somebody get hurt over me." Regardless he does nod, "I definitely will come by and see you though. A touch of normal every now and again is always a good thing."
"It's not always about the physical. You're right about needing a little normalcy. So come by and I'll feed you, at least," Heather offers. "I'll cook for you and you can get a little rest somewhere safe. And you'll be doing me a favour because then I won't be worried about you because, now that I've met you, I will worry." She checks her watch, then looks around the bar. "I should get going if the person I'm trying to track down isn't here. But you know where to find me and, with my luck, I'll be back here in no time."
Akihiro nods, then taps his nose. "If I lose the address, I'll just sniff around." He reaches over to give Heather's arm a pat. "It was nice meeting you. I should clear out myself before those assholes that got dragged out wake up and try for a rematch."
"If only for their sake." Heather gets up, slings her satchel over her shoulder. "I'm sure you wouldn't pass up a bar fight. Heck, I won't pass up a bar fight. But it was good to meet you, too, Akihiro. I've been hoping I'd run into you since Logan mentioned you. I won't forget to pass that message on, either." She gives him a little smile and a wave as she heads out. "Take care of yourself."
"You too." Akihiro waves, before leaning back in his seat and watching Heather depart. Several long moments pass before he pushes to his feet and slips through the crowd and out the exit, wandering off into the night.