1963-10-13 - Acceptance at the Frost Institute
Summary: Lorna gets accepted by the Frost Institute for college. With Emma Frost's personal support on the committee
Related: None
Theme Song: None
emma lorna 

The number of young women headed off to college in the early 1960s is far higher than at any point until then in US history. But it's still not even a simple majority. As such, when those young women head off to college, they tend to gravitate as often towards institutions specifically geared towards them as not. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why an application from Lorna Dane to the Frost Institute happened. But the real question would be why that application has yielded the young woman an invitation for a tour and a meeting with the Meritorious Scholarship Committee. It sounds really impressive, perhaps because it is. The Chairwoman of said committee is none other than the redoubtable Emma Grace Frost.

The college has a campus covering two city blocks in the heart of the East Village of Manhattan in New York City. A heavily refurbished gothic religious construction of years past, it has been updated inside, but remains true to the wonder, majesty and beauty of that gothic structure today. A small parking lot adjoins the administration building, which fronts on the street. The rest of the campus comprises a number of buildings, most of whom are connected with covered walkways and surround a moderately sized green space at their heart which serves as the quadrangle, including a school garden and a statuary garden. One end of the structures is dominated by the gothic cathedral, housing the philosophy and religion departments, while the other end is dominated by the library. Other notable buildings include two dormitories for gentleman students, and two for women students, as well as a humanities building, a math and science building, a laboratory building, a parking garage, and an athletics building.

The plan for Lorna's visitation starts with an appointment to see Meredith, the secretary on duty in the Administration building today for the Meritorious Committee, who has promised to set her up with a tour, and help her find anything else she needs while she is here.


Lorna Dane has had her ups and down. Attempts to get into various colleges had taken most of her summer up, and she spent it shadowing various professors. All for various schools to come back with an 'Apologies, but..' following a rejection. So she had loss almost all hope for getting into a program that wasn't just nursing, teaching or some other profession that her mother hoped for.

The offer of a scholarship had her driving out to the school in an estatic manner, her dyed hair held up in a high ponytail with a powder blue satin ribbon, bounced as she parked and left her car behind. There were perks to being Mommy and Daddy's only child after all, and a car at 18 was one of them. Paying for college, however was not.

Lorna arrived early, a good ten minutes early, as she made her way to the administration building, opening the door and shutting it gently behind her. She approached, gave her name and sat to wait until her appointment. Even if she fidgeted nervously, smoothing her hands over her skirt and checked her watch over and over again.


As soon as Lorna arrives, Meredith welcomes her warmly, and offers her tea, water, or anything else she might require - sodas are available too - before getting her settled into a comfy chair with some school literature to peruse while she waits for her tour guides. Meredith also informs her that after her tour is over, she has an appointment with the Meritorious Committee.

Just in case she wasn't nervous enough, right?

At the appointed time, two students approach Meredith's desk. Neither looks terribly unusual, and both are dressed in a loosely relaxed private school wardrobe, each with patch-embossed navy blue blazers, the young man with khaki slacks and the young woman wearing a three-quarter length gray a-line skirt. After they speak with Meredith, Meredith brings them over and introduces them to Lorna as Michael and Carol, her tour guides. "You three have fun exploring the campus. Lorna, dear, you ask them anything you want, ask to see anything you like. This is a chance for you to really get to know us, our school, and see if you can find a place for yourself here, so try not to be too shy." Meredith offers encouragingly, before shooing them off to get started.


The good natured woman earned shy smiles and faint mumbled 'no thank you's at the offers to tea, water and even soda. She bit her lower lip at the mention of meeting the committee, but nodded and smiled all the same. Nervously smoothing her already flawless skirt again for invisible wrinkles that weren't there. As the two students enter, Lorna's gaze follows raptly, though she does attempt at least to not stare.

As Meredith approached again to introduce them, Lorna rose and grinned, offering a hand as introductions were made. Even though she was gently encouraged to not be shy, it was painfully obvious that that was her weakness. Even as she attempted a sheepish start of conversation as the tour started.

"What do you both study?" She toyed with the edge of her sleeve as they walked, tugging it this way and that between her fingers. Even as she kept pace with the two students. "Is it typical for a possible student to meet with the Meritorious Committee? Should I be nervous?"


Carol and Michael seem to work well together as a team, neither one dominating the other as they lead Lorna on the tour, happily showing off the various buildings, the classrooms and spaces within, even touring the statuary garden, all to help Lorna get a sense of this whole place.

"We're both sophomores." Michael offers, and Carol nods. "I'm studying Mathematics and Psychology, hoping to go for my MBA." Carol explains. Her hair is dyed too, bleached, as the hint of roots indicates, as she has gone blonde rather than staying her natural brunette.

"I'm studying Physics and Architecture." Michael offers. "One of the reasons I love going to school here is studying the actual architecture of our own campus. It's pretty amazing stuff."

Carol fields the question of the Committee first. "It's not uncommon for prospective students to meet with the Committee, especially if they were invited by the committee to take the tour." she explains.

Michael adds, "The committee selects and invites students that they believe have great potential. But they try to make the process very personal. Speaking from my own experience, every student they invite has been sponsored to the committee's attention by one of the members. So the students meet with the committee so that everyone on it gets a chance to know the student, and the student gets a chance to know the school even more, before deciding whether or not to accept the invitation."


The campus draws the Lorna's attention almost entirely and Carol and Michael hardly have to work to sell her on the beauty of the buildings, gardens or little else. Overwhelmed, would be an accurate word to apply to the situtation that Loran finds herself in, her eyes wide and her mouth falling open at every new sight. She seems to relax more and more as Carol and Michael share and talk in turn; at least until mention of the committee.

A nervous tick follows as Lorna chewed her lower lip, pushing her hair back behind an ear. "Someone sponsored me? That's just so.." She blinked repeatedly, her brows held high as she glanced between the two. "I mean.. I don't even know anyone.. I'm from Upstate.. I wow.. just I can't imagine why me.." She mumbled.


Michael nods. "I get that. I felt the same way. I'm still not entirely sure how I came to the attention of my sponsor." He's open about admitting all of this. "But thanks to that, I've been given a chance at an amazing college education. Totally top-drawer. And I could never have afforded that without the committee's scholarship."

Carol smiles, and chucks Michael on the shoulder. "He's being humble. He's pretty awesome, and I'm sure so are you. Believe me, this school is a really special place. There's no school I've seen that is coeducational and still as female-forward and woman-positive. We actually have a female Dean."

Michael grins at that. "We do, that's true. But that's not what really inspires Carol." The dyed-blonde stares playful daggers at her companion as the tour continues. "Carol's real inspiration is Miss Frost. Then again, she's definitely a lady to be a powerful inspiration."

Eventually, the tour will include actually walking the halls of the library, and even taking a visit to a women's dormitory room, before swinging by the cafeteria, which is quite a forward sort of place. They have multiple lines and specialties, and will make anything for anyone, apparently almost twenty-four hours a day. And paying for food is as simple as swiping their college IDs, which have magnetic strips on them. Michael explains that the computers only track to see what students are eating to make sure they are eating, and that the 'meal plan' here is as simple as 'you have one, you are fed, period'.


Lorna seems to be awestruck at the dorms, the library and even talk of the female Dean. The playful jab at Carol went over her head and she arched a brow. "Miss Frost sounds amazing then, to be Dean of such a college like this… everything just is.. it's totally everything I thought college should be and wanted it to be, but I never imagine it could be.. Does that make sense?" She flushed, rubbing the back of her neck.

The cafeteria, and more over, the fact that the meal plan was simply /there/ stole Lorna's voice for some time as she scanned the lines of students and food on offer. "That's so far out!" She seems to practically vibrate with the energy of the grin on her features as she looks around.

"I can't believe all of this, it's simply amazing!"


"It is all pretty amazing." Michael admits, grinning, both of the tour guides clearly pleased to see Lorna coming out of her shell and really expressing herself. They do gently clarify that Miss Frost is not the Dean; she is 'simply' the chairwoman of the Meritorious Committee. Though given that the school bears her name, one can imagine she is highly invested in its success, even if she doesn't run it herself.

Then again, Emma's apparently CEO and Chairwoman of the Board for a multinational multibillion-dollar company. So she's a little busy.

Carol makes sure to get Lorna something from the cafeteria to enjoy, as they continue the tour. "We get it, though. The Institute is pretty amazing. They really are doing the sorts of things we've always hoped to see schools doing, and never have. It makes perfect sense to be amazed. And ecstatic. I know I am."

Michael chimes in, "So. We've shown you a lot. Not like we're done or anything. But do you have any questions for us? Anything you'd like to know? Anything you'd like to see? It's what we're here for, after all. So ask away."


The correction, and clarification as to Miss Frost's resume, earned even more raised brows and widened eyes from the young woman, even as a flush crossed her cheeks at the fact that she had misspoke. Yet as Carol ensures that Lorna gets a bite to eat too, and continues onwards in the tour, Lorna's eyes widen. "Wait, there more? What else is there?"

A pause at asking if she had any further questions gets Lorna fidgeting again and she bites her lower lip, tugging at her sleeve between her fingers. "Well..err.. no? I mean, this is all too fantastic. I can't believe that I'm getting a scholarship for this place. I don't even know how I'm here.. it's like a dream. I mean.. I got a lot of rejection letters.. like a lot. And I didn't think I could get into a school this nice.."


"Well, like I said, that's one of the wonders of this place. That's why the Meritorious Committee exists: to seek out and recruit students, to give them opportunities many would never have anywhere else." Michael explains. "Believe in yourself. Someone else clearly does."

The tour will take a pass through one of the science labs, a few more classrooms, and then through the glittering, stained-glass-bedecked gothic Cathedral as they finish up, giving Lorna plenty of chances for any more conversation or questions before they head back to the Administration building, where Meredith can welcome them back, thank Michael and Carol for their time, make sure goodbyes are given, and then settle Lorna in for a few minutes while she lets the Committee know that she's back and ready to meet.


Lorna didn't offer more questions aside from a few about the buildings themselves as they passed through each. Her step light as they continued the tour and conversation naturally flowed to light hearted subjects. Yet as they circled back toward the Administration building, Lorna's nerves returned. She fidgeted and offered thank you's and goodbyes to both Carol and Michael, sitting down and smoothing out her skirt and hair as she waited.

Her gaze locked onto the clock as she fidgeted on her seat, her feet tucked under the chair as she squirmed under the weight of the ticking sound.


After a pause of a good ten minutes to give Lorna a chance to compose herself, visit the restroom if she'd like, etc., Meredith appears once more with a warm, reassuring smile. "If you're ready, Lorna, the Committee is ready for you. Follow me?" And they're off!

It's not a long walk at all, and then Meredith opens a pair of double doors and escorts the young woman in to the near end of the large conference table inside. Seated around the table are nine adults, the youngest of which is the radiant white-clad platinum blonde at the far end head of the table. Four more are seated along each side, with two men and two women on each side. Meredith sees Lorna to her seat, and then exits, closing the doors behind herself as she departs.

"Miss Dane, welcome." Emma herself does not speak, at least not yet. Instead, a raven-haired brunette with some silvering, seated at Emma's right hand, speaks. She looks to be in her early fifties. "I am Doctor Alexandra Poplin, the Dean of Frost Institute. Please, have a seat. I'm sure we all hope that your tour went well, this afternoon? You saw everything you wanted to see?"


A nervous smile was offered to Meredith as the woman ushered her into the committee room and she sat on the edge of her seat, smoothing her skirt out beneath her as she crossed her legs primly. Lorna maintained that smile, shifting only once as before going still as her eyes scanned over the occupants of the room. She spotted Miss Emma Frost immediately, the pure white of her clothes catching the eyes as much as her stunning good looks.

Then the question from Doctor Poplin follows and Lorna's smile warms immediately. "Yes, and more. It was a lovely campus. Thank you so much for the opportunity to visit and see everything. It was simply beyond my imagination! Everything you have here is just.. it's amazing. I said that already, uhm…" She bites her lower lip and then promptly stops.

"Thank you for the tour though, it was really just perfect.. And Carol and Michael are great tour-guides."


Poplin offers a small but genuine smile and nods towards young Lorna. "Good. I am pleased that you enjoyed your tour, that you appreciate what we have here, and that our young tour guides did an excellent job. I will make sure that your commendation is placed in their files." Clearly, Poplin takes her job in guiding the students very seriously.

"Now, what we'd like to do is take the opportunity to sit with you, talk with you, and get to know you a bit." Dr. Poplin continues. "Clearly, we're not going to become the best of friends in an hour or two here. But we have an opportunity, each of us, to ask questions of each other and try to get an instinct for whether or not we at the Frost Institute and you, Miss Dane, are a good fit for one another. I realize you are nervous. But I encourage you to do your best to speak your mind, and to ask questions of us, as we ask questions of you. I grant you, we are an imposing group of adults you have never met before. But making sure our school is a good fit for you is as important as our making sure that we feel you are a good fit for our school."

That said, a gentleman across the table from Poplin speaks up. "If you don't mind, Miss Dane, I would like to start. I'd like to know what you would like to accomplish here. We are offering you a great opportunity, one that has clearly inspired you already. You have to have some idea what you want to do with a higher education. Otherwise, you would not have remained so driven to find a fit for yourself at so many institutions. So … what are you hoping to reach for?"


Lorna exhales a slow breath through her nose as she composes her nervous energy and collects her thoughts as the committee members speak and finally, the gentleman offers her a question. A small smile pulls at her lips and she looks toward him as she settles her hands on her lap. "Well, I want to explore and learn more about science. It's hard to find a school that welcomes women in that area of study, but your college here seems to be the most forward thinking I have ever seen. I want to study earth science especially, even though the field itself is still growing and isn't very large.." She ducked her head faintly.

"I still think I have a better opportunity here than many other schools, that I might learn and grow far more than if I went else where.. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I feel comfortable here. Everyone is so welcoming.. and I just … I feel honored to even be here. I feel as if I could do anything almost.."


Earth science. Check. The gentleman nods, jotting down some notes as Lorna speaks, taking in her answer without interrupting. When she is done, he nods again. "Thank you, Miss Dane."

Another member of the committee asks Lorna about her own schooling to date, probing to find out what she liked about school, what she found challenging or difficult, and what inspired her to reach for Earth Science as her field of study.

Another member will ask about Lorna's extra-curricular activities, looking for which she enjoyed, and perhaps those that she never attempted that still interested her, those she might work up the gumption to try here at the Institute.


Lorna exhales a slow breath through her nose as she composes her nervous energy and collects her thoughts as the committee members speak and finally, the gentleman offers her a question. A small smile pulls at her lips and she looks toward him as she settles her hands on her lap. "Well, I want to explore and learn more about science. It's hard to find a school that welcomes women in that area of study, but your college here seems to be the most forward thinking I have ever seen. I want to study earth science especially, even though the field itself is still growing and isn't very large.." She ducked her head faintly.

"I still think I have a better opportunity here than many other schools, that I might learn and grow far more than if I went else where.. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I feel comfortable here. Everyone is so welcoming.. and I just … I feel honored to even be here. I feel as if I could do anything almost.."


Earth science. Check. The gentleman nods, jotting down some notes as Lorna speaks, taking in her answer without interrupting. When she is done, he nods again. "Thank you, Miss Dane."

Another member of the committee asks Lorna about her own schooling to date, probing to find out what she liked about school, what she found challenging or difficult, and what inspired her to reach for Earth Science as her field of study.

Another member will ask about Lorna's extra-curricular activities, looking for which she enjoyed, and perhaps those that she never attempted that still interested her, those she might work up the gumption to try here at the Institute.


Lorna seems to lose some of her nervousness as the questions continue and she warms to the conversation of question and answer. A smile pulls at her lips as she leans forward, her hands rising and falling with her articulation every now and then. "I've always been interested in how the world works around me. Why the planet is how it is.. I've always been drawn to rocks and minerals. The natural world at large I suppose. It's been a hobby that grew into something I feel academically interested in too.." She shrugged faintly and leaned back as she attempted to answer the other parts of the question.

"I've always struggled finding my place in school I guess, high school was rough when I was a girl better at science than most of the boys in my class. Similiar issues with coming from a small town in Upstate.. I just felt better about the field work, getting my hands dirty and being out there. Science seemed to be what I was good at."

The next question stumps her for a moment and she takes her time answering. "Well, I didn't have much of a chance for extra-curriculars. I was helping out with after school work either at my uncle's office, helping him file paper work. Or baby-sitting. I got a job as a waitress this past summer since I graduated and that has really kept me on my feet. I guess, I would like to have the chance to explore anything new that the institute has on offer.."


"Well, I imagine that the Institute has a great deal new to offer you, Miss Dane. But you will have to dedicate yourself looking for and embracing those further opportunities." Emma interjects, speaking for only the second time in the entire meeting. But her meaning is clear and direct. She can be rather incisive.

"I believe everyone has had their chance to question Miss Drake?" Emma inquires, looking around to meet the gaze of each member of the Committee. One by one, in turn as they are addressed, each nods. Then, at least, Emma directs her gaze at Lorna herself.

"So, you are the last, Miss Drake. So, what questions do you have for us? You have been very patient and frank with us, in answering our questions. It is your turn, now." Emma inquires.


Lorna sits up straighter as Emma speaks up, her eyes lingering on the beautiful, commanding presence that is Miss Emma Frost. Her hands smooth out her skirt again, as she feels a prickle of nerves but nods all the same to the statement about dedicating herself. As the focus of that intense gaze shifts back to the other committee members Lorna exhales a soft breath, at least until Emma's attention returns to ask if /she/ had any questions.

"Well, I am rather curious as to the nature of.. uhm.. Well, I mean to say that it's my understanding that a committee memeber must support an application for a possible student to be here. I have learned a lot about your school and what's available to me.. but I am still curious if I may ask, who has sponsored me?"


The other members of the committee look amongst each other. If Lorna is very careful, she may notice that none of them look at Emma. And Emma herself looks at no one but Lorna. There's a long pause, and then finally Emma speaks up.

"I sponsored you to consideration by the Committee." Emma finally offers. "And in answer to what I am sure your next question is going to be, I became aware of your multiple applications to other schools through contacts I and my company have with the science faculties at various universities, including NYU and Columbia." All of which is most likely true. But it's quite possible that's not all there is to it.


Heat dusted her cheeks as she met Emma's gaze as one by one the other members avoid glancing at the blonde. But she met and held Emma's gaze none the less, even as she fidgeted and chewed her lower lip. She felt almost pinned by that look and as the woman finally spoke, she swallowed a lump in her throat. "Oh.." She finally lowered her gaze for a moment and threaded her hands together and loosened them.

Then she lifted her gaze upwards once more. "Thank you, Miss Frost. I promise that if I come here that I shall try my best to return the chance that you've given me, with full faith that I am trying my utmost."


Emma Frost nods, calmly and almost coldly, acknowledging the younger woman's oath without judgement, for good or ill. "Well then, if that is really your only question, Miss Dane, then I think we are ready." Emma glances at the others. "Are there any objections?" She waits, letting everyone take their time and acknowledge her. And then she nods. "Very well. Miss Dane, Meredith will have your paperwork for you at her desk. Obviously, you will want to take that paperwork home with you. Go over it with your parents, and prepare."

Dr. Poplin speaks now. "We will open a dormitory room for you on the day we receive your paperwork back in completed form. You are welcome to use the library and other resources at that time, to prepare yourself for classes at the start of the new semester. We strongly encourage you to explore the campus and residential activities, and find your place, your niche here."


Lorna's hands leapt up to her mouth to cover the squeak of excitement that escaped her lips. She grinned widely, nearly bouncing out of her chair at the mention of her acceptance. She stood, practically vibrating with energy as she nodded to the committee members in turn. "Thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm honored so very much!" Her voice was higher pitched than she meant it to be, and her cheeks turned red.

"I look forward to coming back and finding my place." She couldn't stop grinning, even as she folded her hands behind her back to try to calm the ecstatic energy thrumming through her.

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