It's a busy night at O'Rourke's Bar — meaning most of the tables in the Brooklyn Bar are occupied. But such is Saturday! It means that even strangers are becoming friends in, relatively, short order. Sitting at one of the many crowded table, Kitty's eyes are alight with excitement at the hustle and bustle of the Bar. Her lips quirk into an easy smile — a near smirk — complete with mischief in the corners.
Her neck cranes and she spies the kitchen. "I could definitely work here," she murmurs before raising the glass in a cheers motion.
Doug Ramsey is not known for coming to places like this — little ethnic pubs set back away from the madding crowd and all that. But that's precisely the reason he's here tonight. He's had enough of translators and ambassadors for one week, and has decided that if he's going to have a drink, it's going to be somewhere nobody knows his name and everybody speaks English. The size of the crowd was unexpected, though, and it's thrust him into the middle of a crowd that surely speaks his native tongue — but loudly, and with much vulgarity.
Doug can handle this.
He has a mug of something dark and yeasty in his hand, a fistful of pretzels in the other, as he edges through the crowd in search of a seat or, if not that, at least company.
Psyche has a flannel thrown on over her t-shirt and her braids bounce on her back as she tries to find a place at the bar to grab the bartender's attention. She's a little stiff from her workout the other night and is moving a little slowly. But she seems in fine enough spirits as she tries in vain to flag down the bartender for some guiness.
"It seems like a friendly place." Piotr is more circumspect. He sprawls opposite Kitty, hands folded across his stomach, looking thoughtful. He's watching the waitresses but mostly to see whether or not anyone gets handsy with them and, if so, how that gets managed. He trusted Harry's but this place is new and not everywhere is as safe as Westchester. He keeps his voice low, because Russian accents are not always welcome.
"It is a little further from home than I'd like, but you can handle yourself. I just do not like the idea of you walking so far after a shift," he continues, softening up enough to take a drink of the beer in front of him. He would feel better if there were some other mutants about, to be honest. "So long as you are happy, Katya."
Thea is also tired of ambassadors and fancy folk. The little Irish pub seems perfect as a refreshing change. Blonde hair curls over the shoulders of her black peacoat that's open over the peacock blue-green dress paired with the matching heels. There's a faint smile along her lips as she shifts between people, making her way for the bar.
There's a higher pull of Kitty's lips at the comment. Her smile hesitates a moment only to return seconds later, "It's not, I'm not, Pete — " She sets her glass down to reach across the table towards him, "I will honestly be okay!" She smirks, "Unless there are spiders en route, I should be good to go." Her tongue clucks.
She glances around the room and spies all of the people looking for seats. "We have a bit of space, we should probably — " she's already standing and tugging the table away from the wall to create more space. "There's some extra spots!" she calls to no one in particular.
Doug hears the cry of 'Extra spots!' and turns to consider the person calling. The young woman is pretty. Her boyfriend (he presumes) is, frankly, huge. That's alright. He edges through the crowd until he can set his beer on the table. "Good evening," he says. "Thanks for putting out the call — the place is packed."
Psyche hears 'extra spots' and recognizes Kitty and Piotr from the school even if they don't recognize her. She's the type to hang to the shadows but since there is an open spot, she heads over there after she gets her Guiness. She then heads over and tells the couple, "I wouldn't mind joining you either…if you don't mind."
"I'm permitted to worry," Piotr rumbles. "And to help." Still. He does let Kitty have her way with the table, since she doesn't ask him to help. He settles for moving himself and the chairs so they're out of the way of her table wrangling, then putting things back in place for those joining them. A man at a nearby table pushes one of their chairs away — so as not to invite more guests — and Piotr rescues that as well before someone tripes on it.
"Please, sit," he says to Psyche, before he scoops up his beer and takes a seat next to Kitty. "Company is always welcome." He's terse but his smile is warm enough.
Thea gets her preferred drink, something mixed and not on the girly side. There's a glance towards the shout, before there's a faint blush in her cheeks. Shoulders square as she lifts her chin. "Room for one more?" She'll ask politely.
As she goes about her rearranging, Kitty replies to Piotr: "It'll be fiiiine. It'd be a job, and it's close-ish to home. And if it made you feel better and you were available, you could come and walk me." She returns to her seat next to Piotr and nods emphatically, "Absolutely. Please, do come join us! It's insane!" she agrees with Doug before turing back to Piotr, "But imagine the tips," she nods emphatically following this point.
Psyche earns a flicker of recognition, and Kitty straightening, "Hey!" And then Thea is there in short order and Kitty motions to the last seat at the table: "Please! A person has got to have a place to roost."
Doug nods toward the two new arrivals in turn. He doesn't know any of these people… but clearly a few of them know each other. "Doug Ramsey," he says by way of introduction. "Pleased to meet you all. I feel like I should've gone someplace closer to work, but I couldn't stomach the idea." Anyplace closer to work is likely to be less populated on a Saturday, he figures.
Psyche gets settled down, makes sure that there's enough room for the others too and then takes a sip of her drink, just listening to Kitty and Piotr chat about some job. She smiles at them both, "Thanks…I'm a little too stiff to workout today so I figured I'd just relax." Have a drink is left unspoken. Doug and Thea gets smiles too.
It'll be fine. Piotr has the look of a man who has heard this before and it was absolutely not fine. He is also not arguing with his girlfriend and, after a moment of watching her play organizer, the corner of his mouth quirks upward in a smile he can't quite suppress.
"I think you would fit in fine here, Katya," he allows quietly, before giving Doug a nod of greeting.
"Piotr Rasputin," he says. "And this is Kitty." She might fit in, she does most places, but he most certainly does not. It's not the T-shirt and jeans, it's the size and that accent that marks him as Russian as much as his name.
Thea slides free of her coat so she doesn't overheat, a beaming smile for the group of strangers. "Thea Harman. It's a pleasure. I didn't have any idea this would be so packed, when I thought it would be an interesting place to stop off for a drink." She perches on that seat, taking a sip of her drink as she smooths down the skirt of her dress.
Kitty beams at Piotr's agreement. The concession may be worth the reaction. "Kitty Pryde," she clarifies after everyone seems to have shared their last names. "And no worries. We didn't know it would be this crazy either — just were lucky enough to come early." She grins. "So, Doug, where do you work then? Just… needed to put some distance between you and it?" Her neck cranes to see the bar.
She nods towards Psyche, "What kind of workout? There are some really awesome running paths by the beach that we scoped out yesterday. Brighton Beach is actually really pretty. I mean… the area." She shrugs before taking a sip of her beer.
It takes only a moment for Doug to recognize Piotr's accent, and when the man gives his name it only confirms things for the blonde youth. In Russian he says, "Welcome to America, Comrade Rasputin. You seem to find yourself in good company here."
He follows this by answering Kitty's question. "I'm a translator at the UN. Arabic primarily, but a little of everything as needed."
"Dani Moonstar," Psyche introduces herself to those that may not know her name and then tells Kitty, "Boxing…I did a little sparring." She wrinkles her nose, "I did poorly but I'm training and getting better so eventually I do a bit better. And I like hitting the bag…it's relaxing." She takes a sip of her drink, "And I do jog too but mostly just around the school." She pauses as Doug starts speaking in Russian, finding it interesting that he works as a translator. Just out of curiosity, she speaks in Tsehesenestsestotse, "Do you speak Cheyenne or other Native American dialects?"
Piotr looks startled by the Russian, especially in an Irish bar, but Doug looks like one of the pack here and his American English accent seems natural so it's likely he'll draw a little less attention. «Thank you kindly, I am in good company, yes.» He glances over at Kitty with a smile. That's enough Russian for the moment.
Paying attention to the others, he does recognize Psyche now. He has been preoccupied and hasn't kept as good track of people as he might. "Ah, yes. Dani. Apologies for not recognizing you at first." He turns to Thea, looking her over as well, more than he normally would, in case he might have forgotten her as well. "You are from the neighborhood, Thea?"
Thea nods. "Nice to meet you both. Nice of you to share your space." Her eyes dart to Doug at the change in tongue, one blonde eyebrow arching a bit. Then the other young woman adds another tongue.. and Thea buries her nose in her glass for a moment. "I've been meaning to look into some self defense training. My mother is terrified I'm going to be mugged." There's a hint of a smile for Dani, before her attention shifts again. "What do you do, Kitty?" Eyes look back to Piotr. "I don't live in Brooklyn, no. I met my parents for an engagement. I live over in Hell's Kitchen."
Kitty's lips part wordlessly at Doug's Russian and her head cants at Piotr's reply. Despite consistently working at learning, her knowledge is incredibly novice. She can, typically recognize it and do little else. Dani earns a smile, "Ah-ha! I knew I knew you from somewhere," she taps her nose. "So boxing? I imagine that has some wear on the body.."
Kitty tilts her head, "Well, I finished my degree.." her cheeks flush "…not long ago. And then I took a hiatus to — " explaining the whole Japan thing to strangers doesn't seem wise and so she just waves her hand as if to brush it off while a skinny could-be-underaged freckled teen stares openly at her, prompting Kitty to lean back and use Piotr as a shield of sorts. "Anyways. Just settling in Brooklyn now to establish a life after being away." Her eyes widen, "My gosh! You folks in Hell's Kitchen have had it hard!"
The freckled faced kid reaches into a backpack and fishes through a mess of what look like newspapers.
Doug fluidly switches to Cheyenne. "Like I said, Moonstar, a little of everything." And then he returns to English — because it's rude, he supposes, to speak languages the others don't, and really, he speaks other languages all week. It's his day off.
Though he'd be lying if he said he doesn't like showing off a little.
"I've had a talent for languages my whole life," he explains. "And if you know a lot of them and don't mind wearing a suit all day every day, you can pretty much assure yourself of employment." Granted, right now he's wearing nothing suit-like. A casual shirt and jacket, a pair of jeans.
"Yeah, I'm sporting a few bruises even though we were both wearing gloves," Psyche tells Kitty. Sadly, healing fast isn't one of her abilities, "But I'm not discouraged. He offered to teach me some more things and I'm going to take him up on it." Then her jaw drops as Doug demonstrates that he does speak her native tongue, "I never met anyone outside of the tribe that spoke my language…that is very impressive."
Piotr knows what's coming, he's seen that look before. He slides an arm around Kitty, somehow managing to look even larger now, like a cat puffing up its fur. Posture is everything and Piotr spends most of his time trying to look smaller, less threatening, unassuming — until he needs to do otherwise. He's sympathetic to hero-followers, but he isn't about to let Kitty be uncomfortable. People have to come through him first.
"Hell's Kitchen has been troublesome, I hear," he says to Thea. "Will you be safe travelling there by yourself after dark?"
Thea notices that posturing, but remains unsure of the source. Her head tilts a bit to the side, before she nods. "I've just recently enrolled in nursing school. Much to my mother's dismay. But it's a direction, I suppose." She offers to Kitty, before wide brown eyes land on Piotr. "Me? Oh, I'm fine. No one troubles me."
Kitty leans back even further if at all possible. It's incredibly relieving to hide behind Piotr, and actually sinks into that arm around her. But she tries to resume as if never missing a beat: "Really?" Kitty's eyebrows lift at Thea's remark about nursing school. "My mother would've loved for me to have done nursing. She wasn't a fan of physics," she smirks. "Something about laws and the way the world is not being very useful for a woman."
The freckled faced kid has managed to pull out a very crumpled looking copy of Monday's late-edition Bugle. Complete with a mutant showdown between Kitty Pryde and some woman with knife-like nails.
But Kitty ignores him, focusing on their company instead. "Where do you learn?" she asks Psyche. "And who do you train with? It's always good to get some training in — "
Doug smiles at Dani. "Like I said, I've got a talent for languages. I wind up picking them up just by exposure. Though, admittedly, I had to go out of my way to get exposed to some of them." He might not have known Cheyenne two minutes ago, for that matter.
He may be unable to read body language (it's so not a language), but he can certainly tell that something is making Kitty uncomfortable, and a glance around the room gives him an idea what. "I need another beer," he says, draining his mug and rising from his seat. "Anybody else need anything?"
"His name is Victor? He's huge…but really nice," Psyche tells Kitty with a smile, "And it's a gym nearby Hell's Kitchen, not the frills or yoga kind but old school boxing gym. I like the atmosphere there. Most folks are there to work out or spar, not show off." Like the health spas that some of the other gyms are, "And I also do stuff at the school. Haven't found anyone there yet that likes to box." She looks over at Doug when he offers to buy drinks, "Another Guiness would be great." She admits to Kitty, "I like the heavier stouts." She's still paying attention to Thea and Piotr too, flashing them siles as she talks to Kitty. She hasn't noticed Kitty's uncomfortable yet.
"I don't think he's going away, Katya," Piotr murmurs in Kitty's ear. "I will ask him to leave if you like." Ask. More like glare, but he likes to save that for emergencies. Until he has the go-ahead to run off Kitty's admirer — and he'd be more eager if the boy didn't look like he'd blow away in a strong wind — he turns back to Thea.
"Good to hear. We would accompany you if you thought there was any risk." They would, too. Even partway across the city. Neither Piotr nor Kitty are going to let a young person wander off into vampire territory on their own.
Thea shrugs at Kitty. "She had other plans in mind for me." She shakes her head at Doug's offer. "No, thank you, I'm fine still." Brown gaze sharpens with interest. "Near the Kitchen? I might have to ask you for the address. Go check it out." Then she's looking at Piotr. "That's very sweet, but I've got no worries."
A small nod is given to Doug, "Yes, thank you. I could use another pale ale." She beams at Dani and makes a confession of her own, "I'm not much of a beer drinker to be honest. Or a drinker, really." Her lips edge upwards. "Beer is slowly becoming an acquired taste. VERY slowly."
A smaller, grateful smile plays at her lips when she nods slightly towards Piotr. It's a small drop of her chin, "Please. Just.. gently?" She cants her head to catch his gaze for a beat.
Kitty's eyebrows lift at the question about the Kitchen, "I've heard of it." She sighs softly, "Lots of rumours about whatever's gone down in Central Park and then Hell's Kitchen. Even the papers suggest trouble's been brewing for awhile."
"A lady after my own palate," Doug says, clinking his empty Guinness glass against Dani's. He nods to Kitty as well. "No problem. I'll be back in a few." He wanders toward the bar, but cuts in behind the freckled youth who's eying the brunette along the way.
"My friend," he murmurs to the boy, "consider the size of the muscles on the large fellow sitting with her. She's a lovely young lady, but I truly think you will suffer less damage to your pride and your person if you look someplace else. Just a word to the wise." With this he proceeds toward the bar to retrieve drinks.
Psyche nods to Thea and pulls out a napkin, writing down the address of the gym where she works out. She then pushes the napkin to her, "Here…here's the address. They're a decent bunch of guys." She then shifts a little in her seat as she notices the tension finally when Kitty asks Piotr to be gentle and then Doug says something to the other boy. She looks at the boy and frowns but doesn't get involved with it…yet.
Piotr is rather grateful for Doug's intervention. Hopefully that will help. And the huge Russian won't get swarmed by Irishmen for looming a little too much as one of their young. He gives Kitty a little squeeze, then frowns at the boy. He's usually such a calm, sanguine person, that dark cloud is rare to see on his face. But he is getting irritated by people bothering Kitty — they do not take hints very well and, as good as he is at it, he doesn't like this thing where he has to run people off.
"Beer is certainly an improvement on…whatever it was you were given when you were out before," he says dryly. He's not annoyed with the reporter for that incident. Just. It should not be repeated if possible.
Thea offers a smile. "Thanks. IT might come in handy, if I want to learn self-defense like I promised my mother I would when I moved into the Kitchen. She worries about the bad neighborhood." Her tone is light, teasing, as if she doesn't think the Kitchen deserves its reputation.
The freckled faced kid that Doug speaks to, strangely, follows him as the other man treads to the bar. "I just — I didn't know — " his eyes narrow slightly as he stands next to Doug at the bar. "What's her name? I was going to ask her, but — " his eyebrows draw together.
Kitty chuckles and looks towards Piotr. "I'm pretty sure John drinks turpentine. It was barely palatable." But she still drank it. Her lips hitch up on one side in a wry smile as her eyes flit towards Thea, "Self-defense is pretty straightforward. Honestly. It'd be easy to teach you a few moves to be able to look out for yourself." She glances towards Psyche, "Your boxing gym teach self-defence as well? What about martial arts? Been looking for a new place to train…"
Doug considers the young man at his side for a moment. "Her name is Kitty," he says, deciding there are plenty of 'Kitties' in the city. He knows at least one other, himself — over at the Eleventh Hour Club in Queens. "Better for you to find somebody else, my friend. But I'm sure you'll have little trouble in that respect. My advice? Try the bars over by the UN on a Friday. Ladies from around the world who want to have a good time in New York. Two Guinnesses and a Bass Red Triangle, if you would?" he requests of the Bartender, leaving him a ten in exchange for the beverages before returning to his table.
"There's some MMA fighters that train there but I haven't asked them to spar. I have enough on my plate just figuring out how to box," Psyche tells her with the smile, writing down the address again, this time for Kitty. "And I've been in Hell's Kitchen a few times, it's not so bad." She gives a shrug, "I think it just depends on time of day when you go."
Pretty straightforward. Piotr doesn't laugh when Kitty puts it that way, he's sure it is to her. If he weren't so big, she'd just toss him around like one of Yana's dollies back home.
"Kitty is a very good teacher," he confirms. Of course, if she weren't so good at the martial arts, with that sword of hers and all, she might not have made the paper. But it's a small price to pay.
"I know a couple moves, but I need to expand on them. I don't like people worrying." Thea shrugs. She nods. "I'm sure she is." She agrees with Piotr. There's a glance barward, before she's sipping at her drink again.
"Kitty," the freckle-faced teen confirms. "Alright," he hums quietly. "No last name?" He finally pulls up the paper to show Doug excitedly, "Look, the Bugle wants her identified. Anyone that can do so gets a reward — she's a hero. Did you see this?!" he taps expectantly at the very crumpled photo.
Kitty hums quietly at Psyche, "Well, whatever opened in Central Park," she knows full well how that happened thanks to multiple firsthand accounts from the people there. "And good to know. Not that I'm looking to fight anyone, just a place to practice. I was really out of practice when I came back to New York in July."
Piotr's praise causes Kitty's cheeks to hue pale pink. "You think so?" Her lips hitch up on one side into a lopsided grin, "Well, I had a pretty… aggressive teacher. Not methods I'd use. But honestly, it'd be easy to give you some tips. What kind of moves do you have, Thea?"
Psyche feels a buzzing of her phone and then looks down. She gives a look to the gang and tells Kitty, "Hey…I really got to take this and I can't hear in this bar. I'm going to step outside." Even though Doug is bringing her another Guiness, she has got to go answer that call. She then takes the call, warns the person on the other end and steps outside to take the call.
Doug finds himself waylaid by the teen once again. "No last name," he says, "and that's not her. It's the Bugle, my friend. The worst sort of newspaper. You shouldn't read that trash." He sets down one of the beers to pluck the paper from the young man's grip. "You make more friends by -not- spreading misinformation," he continues calmly. "These are the guys trying to call Spider-Man a criminal all the time."
Psyche was having a nice time talking but then she glances down at her watch and realizes that her quick pint took much longer than she originally planned. She tells the gang, "I'm sorry…I was suppose to head out after one drink and…" Yeah, she's late so she gives a quick wave of her hand and then takes off, hoping the person waiting isn't too mad.
Psyche has left.
Piotr has decided that he likes Doug, mostly because he likes anyone who is (however inadvertently) on the Kitty Defense Squad, but also because the man has such a calm and pleasant demeanor. And he speaks Russian. "I think the gentleman you invited to sit with us has intervened," he points out to Kitty. "So at least you can have a drink in peace."
"Old Sailor scrappy sort of moves." Thea tells Kitty with a grin. "My grandfather isn't the most…conventional man. I am his oldest granddaughter, so.. " There's a hint of a shrug, a faint glow to the words. "Speaking of drinking in peace, I should let you guys do that. I better hustle on home before all that's left on the streets are malcontents." She finishes her drink and rises. "It's been a pleasure, though. "
The freckled man issues a sidelong stare to Doug, but then nods meaningfully. "Sure. I get it. You want the reward they've offered for themselves. That's real heartless, you know. Real heartless." He turns to face the table in question and watches Piotr a few beats. His lips turn downwards. "Fine. Have it your way," yet something in his tone sounds unconvinced.
Kitty casts Psyche a small wave and then sidles against Piotr. "Mmm. Making friends pays off." Her grin turns toothy and she rubs her eyes lightly. "See, working here could be good. It's a good place. Good folks around…" Thea earns a small wave, "Hey, thanks for joining us. Always good to meet other folks!"
Doug snorts softly, watching Dani walk away without her beer. "Listen to me," he tells the man. "I have no intention of claiming any such reward. How much is it? I'll give you double to just let it go. If she's a hero, she doesn't need the Bugle poking into her life." Made a mess of this one, he has.
"I will rescue our new friend," Piotr offers. He plants a quick kiss on the top of Kitty's head. "I may suggest you start carrying your sword, at this rate."
When he wants to, he does not walk softly. Piotr lumbers over to Doug, all but running over the hero-hunter in the process. "Let me help you carry those, friend," he offers. "I am certain this young man has somewhere else to be." He'd better have somewhere else to be or Piotr is going to crush him like the ginger insect that he is.
"I do hope to see you all again, some time." It's an easy, honest statement for the blonde to make, as she slips back into her coat. "Enjoy the rest of your night!" She watches Piotr go over to help Doug, and she follows in his wake to leave her glass on the bar and slip out.
Thea has left.
"I… don't know," the freckled faced teen scans the paper and reads, "Here… 'The Bugle is offering a reward for the identity of this young swordswoman, who we understand to be a mutant and possibly a native New Yorker.' Whatever the Bugle wants to offer — " he shrugs. "Life around here isn't amazing you know, we could use a better lot in life…"
And then there is the large Russian. Looming. "Uh…" the skinny teen just stares up at the much larger man, and his hands, still holding the piece of newspaper, begin to tremor. He takes a step back. "Y-yeah, somewhere else to be…"
"I'm sure you will — might seem like a big place, but New York really isn't," Kitty replies to Thea.
Doug smiles wryly at Piotr. "This is Kitty's," he says, handing the man the Bass. "This one, apparently, is for our friend here." He pushes the beer toward the young man on the bar, using a twenty as a coaster. He picks up the remaining beer, his own Guinness, and leaves the freckled boy behind, not listening to any further nonsense from him.
When he sits down with Kitty and Piotr, he shakes his head. "Honestly, it makes me glad I just do languages."
"Indeed. I am usually the one drawing attention." Piotr sits back down with Kitty and puts an arm around her protectively — protecting her from unwanted attention is something he can do, at least a little. "Thank you for diverting him. Things have been trying since that picture came out."
With the new beer set in front of her, Kitty observes: "I like New York, I've just had… a bit of excitement lately." Her eyebrows draw together. "Yeah… the attention is weird. I mostly just blend." She leans into the arm around her and issues the pair a small smile. "Thank you. I can take care of myself, I just… I want to live still, you know? I can always walk away, but… it eats the bit of normal that I've got in my life."
"Don't thank me too much. He got your first name when I thought he was a kid with a crush," Doug replies. "I don't read the Bugle because it's full of trash. I think between Piotr's intimidation and my twenty bucks that kid'll probably leave you alone, though."
"I'd like to meet this Spider-Man," Piotr says, with a dry humor. "I am beginning to doubt he exists. I just wonder why they had a reporter there at all. What is that term you use here?" He looks at Kitty, frowning. "Ambulance followers? I think it is about lawyers but it is also true about some journalists."
"Hopefully," Kitty replies to Doug. "And let's be honest, Katherines are a dime a dozen. Anyone could be Kitty." The mention of Spider-man has Kitty chuckling at Piotr, "I met him….twice. Once I thought he was attacking this poor man," her eyes roll. "It was just a really bad misunderstanding. The second time we saved a bunch of people from an apartment building on fire. I wouldn't have been able to get everyone out fast enough without him."
"Well… considering they snapped a photo of me fighting an agent in a reporter's hospital room, they were definitely there to see if something exciting went down. Else they wouldn't have had the camera at all."
"Chasers," Doug puts in. "Ambulance chasers." Language is, after all, his thing. "You lead an interesting life, Kitty." He raises his beer to her, then quaffs.
"That is a vast understatement." Piotr looks down at Kitty fondly, then laughs. "If you want excitement of any sort, you only need to stick around. Kitty is a magnet for it. I simply try to keep up. And I cook. I have my uses."