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The city is covered in darkness, far more than usual for this time of night. The streets of midtown even just a few blocks north of Times Square are nearly deserted of cars or pedestrians. Whatever it is that's been plaguing Central Park is moving southward, maybe it wants to see a peep show? The streets may not have many people but that's not to say that there is nothing moving about. There are shadows and dark things roaming, looking for those foolish enough to come near. There's a little Irish bar uptown, well actually there's about fifty of them, but Sean has been frequenting one in particular. Sadly as Sean approaches it he can see that he's going to have a bit of difficulty. The sky over this part of the city is unnaturally blackened and even the lights of the buildings and street lights seems to be dampened. For once something stronger than his desire to get a drink kicks in and Sean clicks over into mission mode. He reaches into his jacket and flips off the strap that holds his gun in it's place.
This is not Wakanda; the people here are not her royal responsibility. But the Black Panther lives here, now and for this period of time. And, as the philosopher once said quite prophetically, "All that is necessary for Evil to flourish is for good [pople] to do nothing." T'Challa cannot do nothing. Hence why as the supernatural dangers of Central Park have crept out beyond those boundaries to endanger the homes of citizens, the Black Panther has taken to the streets - or in this case the rooftops - to keep an eye on matters, and do what she can. However little that may be. At least she was not raised to ignore magic or believe it a lie. She does not inherently disbelieve the strange and fantastic when she sees it.
The nice thing about Brooklyn, about the only nice thing, is separation from all Manhattan's woes. A few hundred feet of water prevents the black death cloud from interrupting the view. For once Brooklynites, always treated like the black sheep of the city, have something to be proud and smug about. They go about their days without a huge gaping hole to Hell in their backyard. Manhattan has about the reputation of Staten Island right about now. Right now, Jennifer's neighbours stay home and gloat over their beers and chicken casseroles. She gets no such pleasure. No, she slips in the alleys between the pricy real estate of Midtown pretending to be a mistaken tourist. Clearly turned around, right, headed for a costume party in that lovely green getup. At a distance she doesn't quite look seven feet tall. Right now she edges the fringes of the black cloud, waiting to see what comes out.
Ava hasn't really been assigned a senior agent to work with yet. And Sean may not actually be on duty. But she's not the sort of girl to sit idle and wait for someone to give her an assignment. So apparently she assigned herself to tail Sean. He seemed…interesting, after all. When she sees him reaching under his jacket, though, she pauses for a moment. That's probably not a good sign.
After a moment's consideration, she speeds up with a few jogged steps until she's behind his left shoulder, looking ahead of him. "What is it?" she asks, voice low. Good way to try to get shot. At least she's on his off side.
Darkness doesn't bother her: in a way, she's more at home at night then in the day. During the day people sometimes notice flying women, but its a lot harder to make out at night.
And the sky is Ororo's home. High above, cradled in the embrace of the wind and clouds, Ororo is content. She is content to watch this strange city, this place of her birth that she still does not know, she is content to watch these people who look upon her as often with scorn as companionship.
Storm rides the wind without really thinking about it, the pure white of her long hair curling about her above. She is dressed in the adaptable black leather armor that was the gift of her second home, and behind drifts the cape as the wind seems to play upon it. She'd probably be impossible to make out in the sky were it not for the stark white of her hair: but for now she is above and beyond anyone. She watches. For now, she watches. There is darkness and despair below, but she is above it— for now
And because she watches, she sees the Black Panther, and this draws her attention more then the death cloud. The winds carry her swiftly down towards the black shape.
It's a lot easier to creep in alley's than on fifth avenue, so that's where the small bands of creatures are forming. As the streets empty they are getting more antsy and brazen. Up on 55th two vampires and a shadow that seems to flicker come down the street towards Sean and Ava. Just as Sean's about to move into an alley of his own he hears his previously silent tail ask him a question. He turns, but doesn't draw his gun on her. "Shut it." is hissed at her in a whisper as he moves into the alley, assuming that he at the very least doesn't have to tell her to follow him in. She was talking to Peggy like she had some experience, despite her apparent age, well let's see how much of that was talk. He does make a three and motion to where he last saw the creatures, which he know concentrates on trying to find again.
Creatures clearly not citizens move in the alleyway below. Though the Black Panther's senses are such that she could have spotted the flying mutant above, her concentration was on the threat below, and remains so. Masked, the Black Panther takes action; she has found that the vibranium of her claws is usually sufficient against mystical foes, whether that be because of its metallic makeup, or some ritual magicks placed upon the weapons by the shamans of the Panther Cult.
Unaware, as such, Black Panther avoids immediate contact with the descending Storm because she leaps off the rooftop into an alleyway, arms outstretched and claws popping into place. In daylight, such an address would be a shopping establishment that would almost never deign to allow such as her within its rarified precincts. But now she will fight to save the lives of those who live and work here, lest they die of this unnatural foe. Even as she falls, claws swipe, and the Black Panther unleashes herself upon the shadow creatures with - almost - no sound. Just fury, signifying something.
Nothing like a pretty stroll up the block, towards the darkness, on a friendly evening to invigorate the body. Jennifer puts her hands in her coat pockets. She walks steadily over pavement usually busy with pedestrians, framing the route off Fifth Avenue. A bit of attention invariably falls her way.
Unavoidable being green. The ambulatory statue of justice from outside the state court buildings cuts down the alleyway, sidestepping questionable puddles and other trash accumulated throughout the day by businesses all around. Prime place for a vampire to step out and think itself blessed by an early Thanksgiving arrival. A human that tall probably has a lot of blood. They would be right. A lot of irradiated blood, harder to see or smell differently in the dark. One turn, another turn, and Jen probably gets close enough to fall right into the danger zone.
Ava blinks at Sean for a moment, nonplussed. Maybe it's the Russian version of teenage girl sass. Probably. She does, however, follow him into the alley after waiting outside long enough not to be clearly following him. Her hands move beneath her oversized coat to the small of her back, drawing out a pair of hilts that, with a flick of her wrist, extend into sabers. She doesn't act yet, but her readiness can be seen in the slightest blue-white spark in her pupils, energy gathering to be unleashed.
A small smile plays upon Ororo's face, for though the Black Panther does not see her, she sees the grace and natural ferocity that the other woman displays with her leap. Her eyes, pure white and luminescent, see much from the heights. But there is danger here, and dangerous things: she finally truly takes notice of them.
Storm frowns and lifts a hand: from black air above brew dark clouds, churning, boiling, black and grey. Thunder can be heard in moments, just as her feet touch down upon the ground. Behind the Black Panther but not far, she faces the darklings that the Wakanadan Queen herself faces.
For a moment Ororo does nothing, she simply holds her hand aloft— and then the brewing storm that came as much at her displeasure as her will answers the call. There is a flash of light bright and sharp and the shock of thunder, and lightning strikes from the sky and into her hand as it has been called, electricity dancing around her body for a moment as she drinks it in.
Only that, though. For now.
The two vampires and the shadow that Tchalla attack are confused at first but quickly adapt to their predator. The shadow seems to be able to expand to form a sphere of dark and cold that makes it impossible to see and difficult to hear, breath or move, except it doesn't impact the vampires.
Sean is glad to see that Ava at least appears to be prepared to stab something. He gives a smile and nod to the swords "Pretty." before looking back in time to see the Black Panther attack the small group. He has just enough time to draw his gun before the creepies in his very own alley jump to attack Sean and Ava. A shadow expands to cover Sean as at least two if not more vampires move in to strike. The darkness comes on so quick and unexpectedly that Sean is thrown off guard and goes down under one of the vamps.
Blinded, and with little sound to work from, T'Challa breathes only a little, and that only because of the vibranium woven into her suit. Even so, she was not entirely prepared to become utterly blind and mostly deaf; she has not encountered that kind of threat previously. So too, she is not exactly an experienced and professional vampire hunter. But she is a very gifted fighter. Each strike that lands upon her is answered swiftly and ferociously, vibranium claws ripping into flesh that is likely unused to suffering damage from such mortal constructs. And the impacts given cause her not nearly the damage these preternaturally strong predators expect. Indeed, though they can surely scent her mighty blood, rich and heavy, they have yet to draw any of it, though not for want of trying. That is unlikely to remain the case, but that it is even after that surprise says something about the threat she represents.
Hearing more rustling of fabric and thunder echoing, Black Panther moves to put her back against the wall or nearly so, but she does not realize who or what is at her back, until some of the darkness recedes in the face of the white-hot bar of lightning cast from the heavens into the woman now behind her. A masked face with an evident feline motif framed by a necklace of bone-white claws turns, lenses regarding the other woman in that moment, and then turns back as darkness descends again. The fight is on.
No noise passes Jen's way, and one can call that a beneficial thing. She steps out to Fifth Avenue, continuing her patrol up the sidewalk that lines the far side across from the park. Ugly things are known to walk in plain view, herself included, so it can hardly hurt. With a purposeful stride longer than many a human's, she eventually comes to be lost in the gloom at a distance.
"Pretty?" But before Ava has time to properly take offense, the fight is on. That electric crackle in her eyes spreads, running through her body until it lights up the edge of the sabers like living lightning. It may not be daylight, but it's every bit as bright, and doesn't disappear like a lightning strike.
A vampire leaps toward the girl's back, but Ava is already lunging forward at the vampire that's tackled Sean, blade aimed at its heart. She's fought these creatures once before - the heart was definitely the target.
One doesn't just call lightning down when people are fighting in close quarters— do vampires count as people?— it's simply not done. Especially not when one of the fighters was once a friend. That said, Ororo is kin to patience, and while the Black Panther has most of the vampires attention, she waits.
The lightning is inside her, in a way. Fused through her being, ready. She can feel it in the air, in the live way her hair moves in the air, it *wants* to connect to something, to run through something, and reach the ground.
She waits until one vampire steps back and regroups, and then with a gesture, the lightning she called and cradled surges out of her hand and strikes into the … thing. Is lightning an effective way to attack the undead? She isn't sure. In the meantime, and just in case, the wind rises and surges around her and lashes out, pushing into that just-struck vampire and sending it slamming back and away.
Lightning is certainly effective against these vampires if by effective you mean enough to burn them, piss them off and make them a slightly crispier form of evil dead. However the lightning has a more pronounced impact on the shadow globe, though it wasn't struck directly it recoils from the light and is forced back into a human like form.
Likewise, hissing and recoiling from the lightning around Ava's swords the shadow that surrounded them is forced back by the lightning. It regains a corporeal form and now launches a more direct attack. It extends it's arms like swords stabbing at Ava with something akin to darkforce. The two other vampires in their alley are also clawing and biting at Ava attempting to stop her assault on the one that has Sean pinned.
Between the sudden dark, sudden light and sudden biting Sean is having trouble getting focus. A blip of a noise is made as Sean fights to keep the bitey parts of the vampire on top of him from the Sean parts that is rather attached to. Ava's swords don't hit true but it's enough to let Sean out from underneath. Once he's to his feet and he's sure of where Ava is he cuts loose with a sonic scream that shakes the buildings and sends the Shadow, his blade arms and one of the three vampires slamming into the back of the alley, not down but at least it gives the two SHIELD agents space to work.
As the darkness recoils back to a more palpable form, and one vampire is seared and thrown back, Black Panther takes the opening and unleashes a rapid series of dangerous blows upon the one vampire still in close contact, accepting blows upon herself to get close enough to rip and claw through the thing's neck, until she can rip the head from the body, which she imagines is going to take some of the fight out of it, even if it's not enough to end its threat entirely.
Of course, she's thinking that a lightning-fried vampire isn't going to quickly become a threat. T'Challa turns out to be wrong, because by the time she can manage to do enough damage to take the head off of one, the other has taken advantage of the opening of her focus to leap at her flank, and its claws manage to penetrate that vibranium-weave suit and draw blood for the first time. And oh, what blood it is, carrying the vibrant and heady power of the Heart-Shaped Herb within. It's like vampire catnip, as if that was at all necessary. Finally, the Black Panther gives out more than a momentary huff as she cries out, her voice altered by the suit but still clearly a cry of pain.
Ava cries out as one of the vampires claws across her ribs, but she doesn't falter. As it leans in toward her neck, she shifts her weight and wraps an arm back around its neck in turn, turning with a twist that lets her fling the attacker toward the shadow with its stabby darkness. She's just bringing her blades back up when Sean's shout pushes the attackers back, wincing just a little bit at the sound. Still. That's a handy trick.
"Fire, stake through the heart, decapitation," she pants in their free moment. "Those seem to work. Try not to let them bite you, someone said you should see a sorcerer if that happened. I don't know if it's true, but I don't know any sorcerers, either."
Storm reaches out, nearly calling lightning— and only barely resits the urge, when she sees the fried vampire leap upon the Black Panther and draw blood. What is she to do? She is not unskilled in combat, but she knows she is not the equal of her old friend. And lightning is as likely to strike her as the vampire, so for the moment, Ororo can think of nothing to do.
So she does the only thing she can: she trusts T'Challa to handle her own, and she looks to the creature that was once darkness. Eyes bright, the clouds above churning in a fury, she lifts a hand again and lightning once more strikes down into her, only this time she does not hold it, her other hand making a gesture both graceful and forceful as she channels the lightning to strike into the… thing.
"I don't happen to have any stakes on me." she remarks with a voice that sounds calm and collected, though she is not truly so, "But this is as close to fire as I can do."
Shooting the closest vampire in the head is not very effective, it keeps rushing at Sean, but it felt right. The same goes for punching the bitey demon from hell in the face, it doesn't do much to stop it from attacking, but it still somehow feels like the right thing to do. And soon the creature is once again attacking Sean and down he goes again, just not his night it seems. Thankfully he is still able to hear Ava, and the Shadow is still recomposing itself. He repeats the words loudly. So loudly that Storm and Black Panther can easily hear him, as well as everyone for a few blocks. "FIRE! DECAPITATE! STAKE TO THE 'EART!" Now whether they can understand his stupid thick Irish accent is another thing.
Once that is done, he catches his breath and screams again, but this time it's not a wall of sound, it's a vibration, one that takes a few seconds for Sean to get right. The vampire has just enough time to let go of Sean and attempt to cover his ears before …POP! The vibrations shatter the skull and leave one headless body to slump down and turn to ash.
Sean stands and wipes the goo off his face with a grimace. He glaces down at his gun and then at Ava's swords. "Wish I had a bloody sword." He takes the brief pause to see how the other fight is fairing, it's a brief glance but it's enough for the now recovered vampire and shadow creature in their alley to launch the next attack. "STAY DOWN!!" the yell becomes a scream becomes another wall of sound that slams into the two. That leaves the one Ava is engaged with and two incapacitated in the back of the alley again.
When the shadow is unable to pile onto Black Panther, that gives the Wakandan queen a chance to get her feet back under her, and get this battle back under control. She is in pain, she is wounded, but she is not down and out by any means. If all it took to defeat her was to wound her, she could never have become queen. A low growling sound comes from her masked visage as she twists about to face the vampire, launching a furious kick into its midsection to send it hurtling back to gain the room she needs.
Then battle is rejoined, and this vampire meets the same furious vibranium claws and lethal intent as did its compatriot. T'Challa has no fire to offer, so she concentrates on slicing and slashing, aiming for the throat and neck, until she can get through. She ends up taking several more stabs and slices to her midsection, and the vampire chips a fang trying to bite through her vibranium weave suit, before she can finally get her clawed hands on that head and neck … and end this. Messily. Again.
"That one is not like these. It reacts to the light and power of the lightning. Strike it again, and keep it up until it dissipates." Black Panther offers to Storm, trusting the other woman's accented tone to mean she will understand Black Panther's strong Wakandan accent, even in the midst of this chaos.
"Catch," is Ava's response to Sean's wish for a sword, the electric crackle dying out from one just before she tosses it toward him. Taking a running start, she leaps to a fallen trash can, bounds off the alley wall, and launches herself neatly at one of the remaining vampires. The weight of the impact is enough to send it tumbling as she grapples, and when the pair hits the pavement, Ava plunges the other crackling sword into its heart with an explosive sizzle. She doesn't stop there, either, following it up with a slice that sends the vampire's head tumbling free.
Ororo inclines her head lightly, the Black Panther's accent indeed proving no difficulty for her. She turns to regard the darkness-become-vampire and high above, the boiling storm intensifies. It is only through sheer will that the rain doesn't come, but she has will in abundance.
"This city is not for you, demon." Okay so its a vampire and not exactly a demon, but as far as Ororo is concerned, it's a distinction without a difference. For the record, her accent is distinct and actually somewhat british if one listens. She doesn't really mean to fly, but flying is as natural to her as breathing, and so as the winds shift around her and lift her a couple feet into the air, and as the winds play in the curling of her white hair, she regards the vampire seriously.
And this time the lightning doesn't come through her: thunder cracks like a car crash and a flash of light comes again, and the lightning strikes down directly into the creature.
"Oh. Fu**. Yes." Sean grabs the sword left handed and has to do an awkward gun holster and switch so it takes him too long to get to the vampire at the end of the alley. This time, it takes a different approach launching itself into the air where it hovers and hisses down at Sean. Whatever the creatures intent, it probably wasn't expecting Sean to smile in response. With a different type of scream Sean launches himself airborne and clumsily swings with the sword. He makes a few successful swipes and manages to block some claws but it's not quite as easy as Ava made it look, especially not while keeping himself aloft. Finally Sean manages to stab somewhere heart like, but misses the organ and finds the sword trapped. The creature is not all that perturbed by the sword but Sean manages to get in a headbutt and then dip down around the creature and send it hurtling towards the street near Black Panther and Storm, Ava's sword still stuck inside. That leaves only Shadow monster coming for Ava in the alleyway, which Sean turns back towards.
Their opponents - those faced at first - have been dealt with. Black Panther turns, staggering slightly whether because of her wounds or the close-up sound of thunder and the staggering brightness of the lightning against the darkness. When she catches full sight of the white-haired weather witch, she pauses, thankful for her mask to cover the mouth agape expression on her face: Not only is this woman someone with power over weather, but it is in fact the ONE woman with power over weather that T'Challa actually knows personally, and has not seen in years.
Yet before T'CHalla can address Ororo and speak to her friend, another vampire has been thrown in their direction. Black Panther shakes her head slightly, and then leaps past the weather witch, claws extended, and aims to take the battle to the creature. She is not nearly so swift as it is, and ends up having to battle hard, taking more than a few shots and more damage, before she finally seizes hold of the sword in its chest, ripping the blade out.
T'Challa is not, perhaps, a master swordswoman, but she knows how to fight with one, and she'll take the reach it offers right now, and its greater cutting surface. So she re-engages, keeping the creature back by sheer force of continuing to advance. When it tries to use altitude against her, as it did against Sean, it will find she cannot fly … and she does not care, as evinced when she leaps up, springboards off of a lamp post, and sweeps the sword in viciously.
What a mess.
Usually, Ava keeps a careful, tight hold on the electricity inside of her. It takes effort to to show that spark behind her eyes. Not to let it out when she's upset. Right now, though? With a creature made entirely of shadow bearing down on her. She lets go.
Actinic blue-white energy starts in her eyes, glowing at her lips and snaking down her arms to set her fingertips aglow. The sword in her hand still crackles, but in the span of a breath, her entire body is wreathed in the glaring bright energy. And that's when she breaks into a dead run toward the shadow, a blur of hands and feet and blade slicing into the darkness.
Ororo did not see this new vampire, so it is with some surprise on her face as the Black Panther leaps past her. Yet she is quick on her feet, and quicker in the air, so the wind that holds her spins her around to face the new foe. She doesn't act, though: T'Challa is upon the demon. For the moment she waits in readiness, watching and looking for an opening— but not acting. Not here, not now. Not yet.
And it is only then that she really notices Ava, and notices the woman, in her own fashion, seems to command something not unlike her own power. A white brow on her dark skin arches.
Seeing that the last shadow monster is meeting it's fate at the hands of a very capable and scary electricity wielding woman and that the Black Panther is capably decapitating the last vamp, Sean lets his guard down and slowly floats down to the ground. Once he is reasonably certain that nothing else is going to stab or bite him, he pulls off his shredded jacket and starts checking himself for serious injuries. There are no shortages of slashes, and blood which assumes is his.
Once he is fairly certain he isn't going to bleed out and die in the next few minutes he calls out "Ava..?" only half sure of her name from the other night. "Ye alright?" And then remembering that they weren't the only vampire hunters tonight. "Everyone? Are we all.. alive still?" Alive is a good start.
No longer in the alleyway, Black Panther lands in a three-point stance, the sword in the remaining hand dripping blood and gore, as the decapitated body of the vampire falls to either side, head one way and body the other. Her head sweeps one way, then the other, looking for any further threats, and only then does she lift her lensed gaze towards the man and woman in the other alley across the street. Then she turns back towards the one person here she knows.
"Is it really you?" T'Challa asks, in that altered voice but with that keenly familiar accent. There's a real tone of wonder and shock. She cannot imagine that this could look so much like the Ororo she knew, with her powers - even if far more powerful and much more controlled than ever before - and not be her. But she is astounded. Shocked. She honestly never imagined she would ever see her friend again, let alone here, in this 'alien' land.
When Sean calls out, Black Panther is pulled from contemplating her weather witch ally and turns back to look at him, then regard her own wounds. She, at least, was wearing a kind of armor. Her wounds are likely far less severe. But she is not unwounded, and she will want to take time to clean them and bind them soon. "We are alive, Irishman." she answers in that altered voice with the African (Wakandan) accent. 'Not From Around Here' should be bloody obvious to anyone who is not deaf.
Under the assault of light, the shadow creature explodes, leaving Ava crouched in the alley, still crackling with energy. The girl looks up, and it's hard to see through the glare, but there's a faint edge of panic in her features. "You should…stay back," she pants, grip tightening on her blade as she tries to focus. Blood drips from her side, but it's not her main concern just yet. Containing all that energy again is. She lets her head fall, trying to force the electricity into her blade first, siphoning some of it away.
As the last of the vampires lay dead, Ororo settles to the ground once more, but her eyes do not lose their white shine: not yet. She tilts her head a little, her expression becoming intent, and high above, the storm begins to quiet. It's not immediate: in fact its slower in going then it was at coming, but slowly, Storm pulls the fury out of the sky.
She smiles, the smile small but no less warm and sincere for all of its slight, "Hello—" A pause, and she continues in nearly fluent Wakandan, "…old friend. I did not expect to see you here. Or anywhere, ever again, in truth. Not for a lack of want, but my life…" She shrugs, continuing in the african language, "I'm sorry about your father."
Ororo's voice returns to accented english as she turns to regard the others, "Thank you for your assistance. Is anyone seriously injured? I can get you to a hospital far faster then any other method, if so." A glance to T'Challa is meant to include her in the offer.
As it becomes clear that Ava maybe isn't quite as alright, Sean ignores the whole stay back warning and takes a few steps towards the alley. He isn't quite dumb enough to approach her too close, but he gets close enough to say "Are you alright? Should I call in for help..?" He glances back as Storm offers help, but lets Ava decide what she needs.
Given another is distressed, T'Challa watches carefully, though she finds her attention still drawn back to her friend, whom she has not seen in so long. "< Nor did I ever expect to see you again. You look … well. >" Amazing, in fact, but T'Challa has always been a woman prone to understatement. It's her thing. "< You clearly have become much more in tune with your essence than before. You no longer hide it, nor hide from it. I am pleased. >" All of this is said in her native Wakandan, before she turns back to the others in the other alleyway.
"I should be able to treat my own injuries, but thank you." Black Panther offers in English, so everyone can hear and understand. Then she walks away from Ororo towards Sean and Ava, stopping when she reaches the same distance at which Sean - who apparently knows the other woman better - does. Then she lowers the blade in her hand to the ground, laying it there respectfully. "Clearly, this is yours. I return it. And I thank you both for your willingness to sacrifice for the safety of the people in this land, tormented by darkness." They are the words one would expect of a figure of authority. Like a Queen, even one not in her own land.
"No, you should stay-" A spark snaps out at Sean and Ava winces, but it seems the threat of hurting him is sufficient motivation to get everything back under control. One deep breath and the glow fades into her sword. Two more and it dims, no longer blinding. Two more, and the spark is only in her eyes. One last, and she looks up on the exhale, looking to Ororo as she places a hand on her side.
"I…think I can make it. Thank you." She pushes up, sword collapsing with a flick of her wrist before she clips it onto her belt again. When T'Challa sets the other down, she smiles faintly, rueful. "Thanks," she murmurs, maybe just a little bit bashful as she reclaims the sword.
"< I found my mother's people, and spent some years there honing my power— and being worshipped as a god, for I brought fair weather to those in need and dire storms to the imperialists. >" The british, that is. As for the god thing? Ororo doesn't sound even slightly joking about that. "< I … was not wise, and allowed myself to be led astray. Now I am here, for here is where my father was from. I search for my place in the world. >" All this is said in Wakandan.
Storm regards Ava somewhat skeptically, her dark blue eyes settled on the woman's side that she holds, "Are you certain?" This time it is in English once again, "It is no inconvenience, if you have need. I am daughter of the sky and He will take me and mine where I need go with haste. You have fought these demons bravely." That said, she accepts T'Challa's declaration that she can take care of herself without question. She does look to Sean a moment, uncertain if he is wounded at all.
"You are welcome." Black Panther offers Ava. She waits for the young woman to gain control, and then rise up to the care and attention of her friend, or at least the one who knows her, where she is stranger to both T'CHalla and Ororo. Then she steps back and to the side, including both the weather witch and the lightning swordswoman in her gaze. "If you want help, even if you do not need it, help is available. You have fought bravely, and leant aid where it was needed. The least others can do is return that kindness with their own."
Yes. Panther is an idealist. She's just a sometimes-aloof and distant idealist with a strong awareness of reality. And she will exclude no one - of any gender, of any race, of any species - who does what she thinks is right. She will judge on actions, and nothing else. Nothing less. "I am called Black Panther. Might I know what you are called?" It is an open question, in accented English, because she wants something to call everyone, even her friend whose given name she should perhaps not use unless told it is OK.
Ava pulls her hand from her side, pulling her coat aside to get a better look. "I think…I'm all right," she says after a moment. There's blood on her hand, but she thinks she's all right. "I don't think it needs stitches. If I go to the hospital, I'll end up sitting there for hours just so a doctor can put a bandage on it for three times what it would cost to get some at the store."
She winces a little bit as she straightens to clip the second hilt to her belt. "I'm Ava," she introduces herself, a faint smile touching one corner of her lips before she tries out her own moniker. "Red Widow."
"I am the storm. Storm." Ororo's voice is calm and clear: it almost seems as if she identifies more as this name then any other, a clear change from her younger years in Wakanda. "But I am also Ororo." Apparently Storm isn't really a secret identity. She inclines her head in agreement with T'Challa's words, but when Ava doubles down on not needing aide, she gives a slight nod as well.
She looks to the Black Panther for a moment, her head tilting to the side and the fall of her white hair shifting over her shoulder, "You are far away from home, Panther." A smile is given once more: still small, but warm despite it. "Are you here to answer this… demon infestation? Or do you come for other reasons and aide where you can regardless?"
"An honor to fight along with you, Red Widow." Black Panther offers, with a little nod. She's not any oriental race, she's not going to bow, but she will acknowledge the other woman with respect. Everyone deserves respect; that's one of her core principles.
Pnather also notes, curiously, Storm's change in demeanor from the younger woman she knew, and her new moniker to go with it. She will likely use this new one, until they are in fact alone, and she herself safely unmasked.
To answer the questions put to her, Black Panther shrugs her shoulders slightly, with a tiny wince which evinces that is not painless, given her injuries. "I came to this land to complete my education. While here, however, I have found that I cannot merely leave the peoples of this land to suffer, when there is something I can do to help. So too, there are things to be done here to help my own people. So now, the Panther stalks this concrete and steel jungle."
Curious, then, Panther turns back to Ava. "And you, Red Widow? Your Irish friend? What is it that brings such as you out to these streets, beneath this pall of darkness, with blades and guns and the willingness to battle that darkness?"
"That is a very long story," Ava answers the Black Panther. "But…someone once saved me and said they would be there if I needed them. And then they weren't. So I made myself a promise that I would never fail anyone else the same way." She looks to Ororo then, curious. "You called the lightning." She looks between the other two women. "You know each other. Some time ago. Did you always control it?"
"Where the people are in need, how can we not act?" This is Ororo's response to T'Challa's words to her. "I have been weak and powerless. And I have been powerful enough to lay waste to this city. I am not a creature to choose the latter, but I remember the former: and so act I do, when I see I can shelter the weak who remind me of my childhood. But this… this is the home of my father. You are far from the home of yours, Black Panther. Yet, I am not surprised you would act to aide these people who are not yours."
Ororo then turns to regard Ava for a moment, "I called the lightning." she agrees, "And when I call, the weather in all its forms answers. But no. Even now, control is difficult. When I was young, my very mood would shake the heavens and bring wrath: then I focused intensely on discipline to *suppress* the power. Even today, I must at all times hold will against the power simply acting … in every breath of my life, there is that strain to hold it at bay. To restrain it."
She nods then to T'Challa, smiling slightly once again, but she says to Ava of her knowing the masked woman, "She helped me learn the discipline and focus of will when I needed it most. It is a debt that can never be repaid."
"And yet it is a debt that needs to repayment, for of such are the gifts between friends." the Wakandan woman offers, in English so that everyone can hear and understand. But given Ava's answer to Panther's question, she nods again. "Then I am pleased to meet you all, and to reunite with my friend. What you have accomplished with your greater control is most impressive, and far beyond anything I had imagined for you when we knew each other before." Of course, T'Challa is now Queen, even if she has left her uncle to act as Regent while she attends school in this foreign land.
To both, T'Challa then offers, "We should, each of us, see to our injuries, rather than tarry overlong tonight. But should you ever wish to reach me, find the Wakandan Embassy. You can leave word there for the Black Panther, and I will meet you where you wish, if I am at all able." She could give out a phone number, but she honestly doesn't think of it. SHe's not used to conducting business of any kind in any other way than in person, or by handwritten missive. She's a Queen, and that's just how it's done.
Ava lets out a soft breath at Ororo's answer, a glimmer of relief in her features. She's not the only one who has to hold it in. She's not doing it wrong. She nods, smile faint at the interplay between the other two, taking a step back at T'Challa's suggestion. "Yes. I should go take care of this."
The Black Panther's words earn a moment of pause. Take this to the embassy. I will come if you need me, sestra. A familiar phrase for Ava, though the words are in a different language. One steeped in distrust. But she nods again, forcing a small smile. "Thank you. Both of you."
"I am learning who I am." is Ororo's answer to T'Challa's comment on her control, but she inclines her head in agreement, "My power is part of it, but it is not all. I do not yet know my place. Yet, part of that place is surely seen this night: there are those who must be fought and I can fight." That said, she nods again to T'Challa at mention of contact, "I… can be found in the Bronx soup kitchen, Mary's. That, too, is part of who I am." Still though she turns her small smile upon Ava, "Be well and safe, and may the Ngai sustain you." Ngai? This is something she never mentioned in Wakanda.