1963-10-27 - Requested Visit
Summary: John gets the nurses to contact Kitty to help resolve a problem: Akihiro has a bomb in his brain, and someone has to get it out.
Related: Missing Pieces
Theme Song: None
sinjin kitty 

Sinjin is about out of his head with boredom, especially since the nurses took away his scotch. Akihiro's scotch. Well, they put it across the room, which might as well be back in Scotland for how easy it is to get around with his midsection stitched up and all these lines running into (and, unfortunately, out of) of his body.

Still, the kind of excitement he thinks he's going to get from Kitty's visit is not what he's looking for. One of the nurses was kind enough to call and ask her to come. Sinjin is terrible at asking for help and, honestly, that's been the most trying thing in al this. Fresh piece of paper waiting, pen tapping nervously, he's ready for Kitty to arrive. He'd be more ready if they'd just pass him that bottle.


Kitty is amiable enough that she came without hesitation. And, she came bearing gifts of a different sort. While the scotch is on the other side of the room, she's come with a puzzle book tucked under her arm. Something to pass the time seems wise when stuck in such monotonous quarters.

She checks in with the security and then, once having rounded the corner, manages a bright effervescent smile. Evidently good spirits are easy to come by in Kitty-land despite all of the challenges she's felt as of late. Resilience really is bliss. "Hi John," her hair, tugged into a tight ponytail seems to indicate she's come from work, especially when paired with the yellow frock and apron she's wearing. Waitressing may not be glamorous, but it does pay the bills. She sets herself down in the chair adjacent the bed and leaves her offering for the man on the bedside table. "Don't know if you like crosswords or cryptograms, but I thought it might be helpful to pass the time away — " clearly, even if she's here to help, she won't waste the opportunity for a social call as well.


«Puzzles are always welcome, since I'm stuck in here without much to think about. They're making noises about sending me home,» Sinjin notes without enthusiasm. «Where I'll also be sitting on my ass. Good thing I can't eat.» The wired jaw is taking a toll, it seems. He looks haggard under the fading bruises and swelling.

«Had a visitor the other night, though.» No smile, can't have been anyone he wanted to see. «Akihiro? Spelling? Him.»


"Well, I'm happy to still visit when you make it home," Kitty replies with a vague shrug. "And just because you're convalescing doesn't mean you can't write. You definitely have your faculties together and could put something together. Jaw wired shut or not." Her eyebrows lift to punctuate the point.

The smile flattens at the last, and a vague sense of panic kicks in, "He made it in here?!" Knowing full well what Akihiro did to John, concern writes easily over her expression, "We need to ramp us security — I'll get in touch with the hospital staff, that is unacceptable! You think you have good help and then suddenly you get a murderous person in this space, someone who actually tried to kill you!" She rises from the chair.


«Window.» Sinjin points over that way. «He's not… okay, he's dangerous. But he's a kid. And he needs help.»

Sinjin is infuriating for a wide range of reasons and this is apparently one of them: too-easy willingness to help out someone who tried to kill him.


Kitty's expression deadens. The level of seriousness of the situation does not have her running to easy humour or even easiness in manner. Instead, she slowly sits. "He made a bad decision. How the," it's not in Katherine's nature to swear, so instead of a traditional expletive, she goes to, "cheese," go Kitty, "did he end up stuck in their web again?! I already saved his patuttie once!"


«Looking for info on his mom. And something about adamantium.» Sinjin is moderately encouraged by her unwillingness to swear. Anyone using the term "patuttie" isn't necessarily on the war path. «Trade off was following orders and a bomb in his head.» Pause. «Which is where you come in.» Then, «??»


Kitty pinches the bridge of her nose. "Geez! How many times do I have to save that guy from the same people?! He knew they were bad. He knew they were the worst kind of people, and yet — " her head shakes and her eyes roll. She stares at the last sentence/question and her eyes finally flit to John. "Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait — " she holds up a hand " — you want me to pull a bomb out of someone's head?!"


«If they had their shit together, they could have set it off the other night,» John writes firmly. «I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm saying a kid with completely bullshit judgment is walking around with a head full of explosives and someone out there has the button.» He knows Kitty can extrapolate the level of damage from that. «Whatever it is, it has to be so big he can't come back from it.»


Kitty squints at John and she quite blatantly begins in Kitty panic mode, "You know I know nothing about bombs right? I mean I've never been around explosives outside a lab setting and even then, chemistry the goal was NOT to blow up the lab, not set fire on everything around — so I'm not exactly sure what I'd even do with the thing once it was out of Akihiro's brain. Also, if I was them, I'd probably have accounted for some kind of pressure sensor. There's no telling if I even try to dematerialize the thing that it won't just automatically go off — plus there's the whole potential for me to cause brain damage and I won't be able to easily see what I'm doing unless," she squints, "I put my head in his head?" Her nose scrunches.

Notwithstanding all of that, however, she emits a heavy sigh. "I. I suppose I can try?" And maybe kill everyone in the process.


«You won't be hurt,» Sinjin points out. «Akihiro got himself into this mess. You're not responsible for him. If you can phase the bulk of the device out of his head, that's all that matters.» He can be a little bit ruthless when he needs to be. «The kid heals. And there's no telling that brain damage wouldn't be an improvement.» That comes with a dramatic, irritated eyeroll. He's really, deeply unimpressed by having to deal with this — that does come through. Helping someone who tried to kill him isn't a walk in the park for him either.


There's concession at the first. "No, I wouldn't get hurt. I've withstood some pretty amazing things. It's true. Being able to let things pass through me is a pretty awesome talent." Kitty's shoulders slump. "Fine. I'll try. I do what I can do," because that's all Kitty can promise. "Where do I even find him? I can't imagine him being seen talking to me will be good for the people he works for… or his image with them."


«His dad is Howl something? Sounded like two last names.» Sinjin wracks his brain. There was scotch involved. And morphine. L-Log-Loggie… «Logo…» Sinjin scribbles it out. «Something?» He gives Kitty a helpless look. «I got drunk. Ish.» He points at the scotch. «Before they took it away from me. He said it like it should mean something.»


"His dad is Logan," Kitty replies. She doesn't even know Logan's last name, but manages, "It's kind of a mess." She lifts a hand. "Alright. Is that where I find him? He's seeking out Daddy?" In which case Kitty is heading back to the mansion only days after having moved out. Evidently she's not done there yet.


«He just mentioned it. I figured the guy knows where his kid is. No?» Sinjin isn't up on all the local mutant drama. «Otherwise…I guess we find someone to track him down. I could get someone on it.» Now Sinjin is actually worried. There's a kid running around with a bomb in his head and no way to find him. «Goddamn it.» He writes that in blocky letters that dig deep into the page.


"Alright." Kitty lifts a hand. "I can get someone to find him. I know a way," Cerebro is always an option, she just needs to talk to the Professor. "Don't worry, I'll find him. Just would be easier if I had fewer hoops to jump through." She reaches over to squeeze John's hand. "Don't worry, I have this in hand. You just worry about getting better. Call me when you head home and I'll pay you a visit there."

And then, as she trails to the door, she notes, "I got this."

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