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It's midday at Alias Investigations and it's been a relatively eventful day. It seems people are in need of resolving mysteries of all sorts. Mind, some are legitimate and others? Not so much. The latest in the irrational edges of mystery sits across from Jessica Jones as she leans on her elbows to spy the man who seems like he's speaking another language. "So," her speech slows, "you're saying you think you got assaulted by your dead mother in the cemetery…?"
Her eyes narrow. "I think you're at the wrong place. I'm a Private Investigator, not a paranormal investigator — "
"My friend Mindy said you looked into the grave robberies and that you saw — "
Jessica holds up a hand, "I investigated some grave robberies. It was a dead end," she states flatly.
Remy Le Beau opens the door about a full day after he may have been expected to. He had told Jessica he was returning, but he never did. Until now, of course. He's followed by his friend, a young Redhead…maybe too young, named Ava.
"Dis de gal I'm workin' wit. Good for a laugh and a drink, but she'll bite yo' hand if y'aint careful, Ava." Once in the door, Remy gives an upwards nod to the guy in the chair. "Jess, Ava. Ava, Jess."
A fellow in a suit comes into view at the end of the hall just as Remy and his friend are making their way inside. David pauses where he is and peers towards Jessica's door, eyebrows leaping up his forehead in mild surprise. This is… much livelier than he's used to Jessica's place being. A good sign for a business, at least, but it does give him some pause.
At least Ava doesn't look like she's hanging on Remy or anything. (She's definitely too young.) But she also doesn't look horrified by the state of the apartment, so there's that in her favor. She does look around as she follows the mutant inside, hands in the pockets of her oversized coat. As it appears the woman is in a meeting, though, she doesn't quite chime in on Remy's greeting, instead echoing the upnod with a faint smile.
Perhaps the sound of a toilet flushing is louder than it usually would be in a situation like this. But considering the character that's coming out of there right now, it may make things make a lot less sense.
"Don't you mean more sense?"
No, Wade. Less sense. It's always less sense when you're involved.
"How rude."
No Full(er) House references!
Random 4th Wall Shatterings aside, the door from Jessica's Bathroom(tm) is swung open and the DELICIOUS DEADPOOL steps right out, toilet paper stuck to his boot and everything. He's got a newspaper under his arm as he makes himself quite at home during his walk into the area where there are voices and faces that he may not have seen before. And by that we many any of these faces. Not that he actually would recognize anyone here. He's deep into Pool-O-Vision at this point.
"Attention Assholes!" Deadpool points at everyone that's hanging around in here. "Don't anybody go in the bathroom for about 35, 45 minutes! It is not a pretty sight." Deadpool takes a moment to realize that maybe the people reading this aren't going to understand what he's saying. So he leans towards everybody's screens and whispers, "I made poopie."
The fellow in the chair attempts to object, "I've heard that you take hopeless cases — "
Jessica is getting annoyed and it shows, "Only when business is slow." Her head ticks towards the door where Remy and Ava have entered. "Go," she states blandly, prompting the would-be client to his feet.
"You'll regret not taking my case — "
"Not likely," she arches a wry eyebrow as the man leaves. Once he's out the door, her attention moves easily to Remy and Ava stand. A wry eyebrow with some unspoken intrigue seems to follow introduction. If she has a question, she is clearly not asking it, instead settling on, "Hey." Her neck cranes to watch the man leave, and while she's convinced he's still in earshot, she says, "Sometimes the crazies come to get bullshit help." Her head turns back towards Ava and Remy, "Still not the craziest one I've heard," no, that case she took because they were sparse at the time.
When Deadpool exits her bathroom, Jessica openly stares at him. "What the fuck." Because sometimes abbreviations just aren't enough.
"A wonder folks ain't tinkin' we de crazy ones, non?" Remy gives Ava a wink and takes a look in one of the cabinets for a glass. Rather than pour himself a drink, he goes for the tap. "Ava, you want any-ting, love?" As Deadpool emerges, Remy's eyes go a bit wide, but he never breaks his drink from the glass.
"I tink I'm already regrettin' not takin' dat crazy's case."
"With the things in the street right now, I'm not sure it's that crazy," Ava muses, turning to watch the man leave the office. "There were shadow creatures the other night. With the vampires." But someone said the magic c-word (crazy), and apparently they summoned an avatar of crazy from the bathroom.
Ava blinks a few times at Deadpool, brows slightly furrowed as she tries to decide how to react. "Hello," she says slowly. That should be safe, right?
Any thought David might have given towards coming back another time goes out the window when he spies a familiar suit of red and black in Jessica's apartment. Looking slightly alarmed, he quickly starts up the hallway, squeezing past the departing would-be-client to try and make it to the door before it can fully close behind Remy and Ava.
Once at the door, David points towards Deadpool, his eyes squinting. Just… dive right on in. Maybe he can get his attention before he reveals he's there to kill somebody, or something. "I remember you. Few weeks back, that protest, right?"
Check your logs, Wade.
"One sec." Deadpool holds up a finger to David and whistles an annoying tune that may or may not be invented by this time period while he seems to just be standing there. If there was a speech bubble over his head there'd be … sitting in it for at least six panels. The long eternity finally ends and Deadpool shrugs. "Me no hasta lasanga engles." With that, Deadpool heads off in the direction of the nearest seat that doesn't put his back to the window or any of these people in here. In fact, he just flops down onto the seat and—
"OW!" Wade pops back up and reaches into the backpocket of his suit and comes out with a flip notepad. "Alright, let's see. I know I'm here to kill one of you. I just can't remember which. Gimmie a second, guys. I think I wrote it down." And with that Deadpool takes to flipping through is notepad which is filled with nothing but pictures of unicorns, ponies, tacos, boobs and various attempts at a cool 'Deadpool' autograph.
He's going to be a little bit, it looks like. He's got a lot of notepad to flip through.
While the others react to the invader into Alias Investigations, Jessica Jones eyes remain trained on Wade. Unwelcome guests who aim to kill her almost-welcome ones are to be removed. She stands from her chair and her gaze, momentarily, turns to David. Her expression for a moment is entirely readable. There's no liquor in her system. Nothing to slow her senses. Which is why she treads with heavy combatted booted steps to kick the chair out from under Wade. "Get the hell out of my apartment. Now." And now it's a home and not a business — a quick paradigm shift in space.
Remy's already got three cards in hand, though it should be noted that they are not yet kinetically charged. He keeps forgetting that Jessica doesn't really need his help (he also forgets that once she was pretty close to killing him, but it appears he is the forgetful sort). His eyes flash towards Ava, then rest upon Deadpool. "Juss got dis place cleaned up; ain't lookin' to make a mess. But bet she will if ya press her."
Ava has moved a hand to the small of her back, though it's the only indication that she might be taking any threat this man in red and black represents as serious. A newcomer to the space, she's more than willing to let the locals handle the issue. Still, she takes a few steps - subtle ones, but ones that put her in a position where she's free to move without stepping into anyone else's line of fire.
David does not look remotely surprised when Deadpool is… well, himself. He just casts Jessica a mildly apologetic look. Unlike the others, he doesn't seem to be making any move to intervene. All /he/ does is step inside, holding the door open — presumably so that Jessica has a nice, clear path should she decide Wade's not moving quickly enough on his own.
Having kicked the chair out from under him Jessica Jones takes out the trash and quite literally throws the red and black clad man from Alias Investigations. She slams the door behind him and skulks back to her seat behind her desk. "How the fuck did that creep get in here. I've been sitting here all day." She maybe should start locking the door. She frowns and her fingers knit together atop her desk.
She nods her head towards David. "David. Remy. Ava." There, now they're all friends. And then, as a point of fact, she rises to her feet again: "I need a fucking drink."
Remy takes in quite a bit of air and lets it out slowly. "Much obliged, David. Remy LeBeau. And my sidekicks. You can call her Ava. I see you know my partner. Welcome to Alias Investiga-shin' We have water." He motions his glass at David. "And whiskey."
"Sidekick?" Ava echoes, arching a brow back at Remy before she looks to David to assure him: "I am not a sidekick." Although she does wince a little bit when she moves her hand away from the small of her back, stepping out of Jessica's way and moving to somewhere she can take a seat. "But it is nice to meet you Jessica, David. You…seem to get interesting visitors here," she notes, glancing toward the door as if expecting another any moment.
David calmly moves aside and, once the door is closed, helplessly spreads his hands. "Think he has a teleporter. Or is one. Something." Ah, well. He's gone — for now — so David just moves inside, offering Ava and Remy a slightly odd smile. "Nice to meet you both. Partner, huh?" He aims a smile towards Jessica, seemingly unbothered by the prospect of day drinking. "Things are going well, then?"
"No one hires women investigators on their own," Jessica calls from the kitchen before returning with a glass of amber fluid from which she takes a drink. Oh. So. Much. Better. She treads back to her seat. "Officially, on paper, I'm just the associate." She rolls her eyes. Anyone that's met her would probably question her ability to take orders from anyone. Jessica Jones certainly has a problem with authority.
"Things are going," her lips curve upwards into an amused smile. "We have an ongoing gig with the Bugle. Can put several folks on payroll on Jameson's dime. That douche has it coming. He wanted me to identify Spider-Man." Her eyes roll. "So. I negotiated an expense account, an hourly wage, and we're going to look for Spider-Man in Soup Kitchens and the Children's Hospital. Fuck Jameson and his fucking money."
"You're my sidekick," Remy mutters to Ava before he nods to David, "Really we—" And he gets cut off by Jessica. Who pretty much makes it seem as though he is worthless. Same shit, different day. Rather than go for the whiskey, like he is tempted to do, he reaches for a cigarette.
"Is the sidekick the person who gets the other person out of trouble?" Ava asks with a faint smirk for Remy. "Like Tonto. I'm Tonto, and you're the Lone Ranger. All right, that might be all right. You'll need a mask, though." Jessica's explanation gets a more serious look, though. She even nods in agreement.
"In my experience — yes." David grins at Ava, oblivious to poor Remy's lot in life. Or just distracted. Jessica's explanation of their current clients, and their plans for their money, has him looking highly amused as he makes his way over to a free chair. "Well. Since that matter I asked you to look into has been more or less resolved, I was wondering if you might be interested in a little something else."
A wry eyebrow is arched at Remy and a smirk follows Ava's explanation of her and Remy's roles. "You can bring her around more often," Jessica states towards Remy. The notion of another job prompts Jess to lean forward. "Yeah, I read the paper about things exploding with that shit. What's the new matter? If we're strategic, we may be able to get Jameson to pay for it." She shrugs her shoulder, "How the fuck am I to know where Spider-Man is to be found?"
"Thought you knew everythin, chere," Remy says with a snicker towards Jessica as he plops down a bagel on her desk that he must have gotten at some point. "Dey always plucky, love. Always," he says to Ava.
"We interested," Remy replies to David.
"Plucky," Ava echoes, considering. After a moment, she nods acceptingly. From her spot in the chair, she watches the business negotiations between the others, piecing things together.
There is a downright playful glint in David's eye when he begins to explain, and the reason why is immediately apparent: "Well, I have it on very good authority that Spider-Man is tied up in this Weapon X business," he lies, making no attempt whatsoever to make it convincing.
Settling into the chair, he folds his hands in his lap and glances between the trio. "But the man I'm interested in is the new Director. Malcolm Colcord. If they were closing the Project down, that'd be one thing, but all they're doing is giving it to a new suit. I don't like it." Slowly, he shakes his head. "They were up to no good before. This will not be any different."
"Well, there you go. Of course Spider-Man is tied up in this bullshit. That guy is a fucking menace to all of New York. He probably caused the mess," Jessica smirks and brings the glass to her lips again. The smirk subdues and Jessica's nose wrinkles at the name, "Colcord. I remember reading that name tied to denouncing whatever bullshit they were up to. So… what the hell are they even doing if the project was taken over? Weren't they taking people and experimenting on them against their will?" her eyebrow quirks. "How can that kind of shit be redeemed?"
Remy scratches at his cheek and as the topic drifts to Weapon X, he can't help but think about Raven and the rest of the Brotherhood. What they wouldn't give for a crack at those guys, he's sure.
Programs? Experiments? Making weapons of people? Ava may not know what Weapon X is, but she knows the vocabulary. And she knows the way those things work. She blanches as it starts to sink in, folding in on herself a little bit. "If they are what they sound like, no one will be looking for redemption," she says quietly to Jessica's question. "Governments want things. And if they cannot keep them on the books, then they will keep them off. But as long as there is conflict, as long as people will pay, they will keep looking for their solution."
David gestures towards Ava and although he's smiling, there's no good humor in the expression. "My thoughts exactly. There's no coming back from what they were doing before, only doing it differently. So, since I can't get my hands on Stryker… I'll just have to settle for the new guy." To Jessica, he lightly taps his temple with a pair of fingers. "I got this taken care of. So if you'd like an extra set of hands on this that have some experience with the Project already, I'm available."
Jessica slides up from her seat, abandoning her liquor as she does so. A nod is given to David and then a glance is stolen towards Remy, "We'll need to work angles. Each us. And we'll need to pool resources to see what we know. If they managed to disappear people, and got away with it, these guys don't fuck around. Which means we need to be careful. For now, anyways." Things could always turn antagonistic if needed. "If this guy works for government, someone will have record of him somewhere. The trick is finding that record and getting access." Her eyebrows lift at Ava, "You in? You're blonde and petite. You'd probably have the easiest ability to get into records. We need to figure out where."
Jessica rubs her cheek, "David, I have the files you gave me about the project from before, I don't recall Colcord being mentioned, but it's probably worth a second look. Plus, I think everyone involved will need to get an understanding of what these fuckers do. The question is: under public pressure have they switched mandates?"
"Gun want a look at dose files, too, Davey boy," Remy replies. "Fam got a friend down in Baton Rouge who be knowin de Senator. Mebbe I can get a favor dependin' on how connected dis government type is."
"If they're what they sound like, and something went public, they'll just split the program and bury the new dark ops deeper," Ava says quietly, looking pained. She takes a deep breath, letting it out in a rush as she pushes a hand through her hair. "If-" A pause, as she looks to David. "This is what I think it is, yes? This is people who are conditioning people to do the things that no one can admit they're doing, whether they want to or not. If that's the case, then yes." She turns back to Jessica, jaw setting. "Yes, I will help." And it sounds…personal.
"The files I gave her are all yours," David tells Remy, nodding once. They're not pleasant reading by any means, but. Once again, he finds himself nodding in agreement with Ava, his expression troubled. "There were… experiments, torture. Mind control. The reporter who brought it to light got put in the hospital for it, and they had a second whack at finishing the job before he could even be released." He smiles tightly. "Nice people."
"Then it's decided. We're all taking the fucking case. And we're stopping these assholes in their tracks. Any way that we can." Even if that means actually using J. Jonah Jameson. Imagine the horror. Jessica returns to her seat and leans back. "Consider this our base of operations. We can centralize our efforts here — no one is going to fucking look for anyone looking into this in Hell's Kitchen." She nods once. "We'll find out what this Colcord is up to and kill this program once and for all."
Ava's face is pale, making the freckles across her nose stand out all the more, but she nods in agreement with both. "These things…If someone does not take steps to stop them, then they will never stop." She shifts, then winces slightly, looking to Jessica. "Do you maybe have bandages?" Stupid vampires.
David offers Jessica a grateful smile. "Yes ma'am. Thank you. I'd been working on Stryker with a few other people — I can put you in touch, if it would be helpful to compare notes." Clasping his hands, he turns another look towards Ava, his brow creasing slightly in concern. "Rough night, huh?"
Jessica's eyebrows lift, "Always." She gets up from her seat and retreats into the bedroom. A few minutes later she returns with a first aid kid that she sets upon the desk. It's incredibly stocked — possibly never used. "You should see the gal in the clinic. It's free far as I know."
"Just the vampires," Ava sighs, standing up a little stiffly and taking the first aid kit. "Thank you. And I don't need a clinic. It's not deep enough for stitches, I just- It's bleeding through and I won't make it home before it does and people tend to notice if you start leaking, so." She smiles faintly, taking a stack of bandages and heading for the bathroom. "Thank you," she says, sticking her head out the door before she disappears in there.