Crazy times, with missing teens, giant bugs, bizarre weather, and goddamn aliens. Makes a man want to drink, and play pool. Alex was in Harlem anyway, and a visit to the sleaziest dive bar he could find seemed like a great idea. Cheap booze is always a draw, especially since it takes a bit more for him to feel it than most people. The place is dark, and at this time of day not exactly packed, but neither is it empty. Barflies mostly, people who can't go two hours without a drink. Alex is playing pool by himself, having either scared anyone who might challenge his use of the table away, or just happened upon a time when it wasn't being used. His beer sits on the edge of the table, half-finished, which he lines up another shot. Nice and relaxing compared to what else has been going on in his world lately.
Akihiro hasn't been feeling quite himself. So, despite the risk, here he is at the Duck once again. He pulls his hood up and cuts through the few people gathered already, accidentally bumping into the table occupied by Alex, causing the beer there to rock uncertainly. Rather than stop and offer assistance, he keeps on going, heading to the bar.
The beer bottle teeters. And totters. And teeters. And then falls. Alex is quick to react, catching the bottle before it crashes on the floor, but in the process most of what is left spills out. "What the fuck, man," he calls after Akihiro, pounding his fist on the side of the table in frustration. Beer might be cheap, but it's still not free, and Alex' bank account isn't exactly flush with funds. "You're going to replace that," he says, his voice lowering in pitch, more of a demand than a request.
"Am I?" Akihiro counters, turning so his gaze is upon Alex. "Maybe say please. But don't ever tell me that I'm /going/ to do something." He lowers his hood, still not looking away from the other man.
Some of the regulars clearly recognize Akihiro, and when they catch what's happening, they turn to watch and whisper amongst themselves. The Duck isn't exactly fancy, and fights happen all the time. Somebody has to make money off of it.
Alex laughs, setting the bottle back down on the edge of the pool table. "At least you didn't mishear me," he says, moving toward Akihiro, still holding the pool queue in one hand. "You're going to replace it, because you spilled it. If it had broken, you'd be cleaning up the glass, too. Lucky for you, I've got pretty good reflexes," he continues. "We can do this one of three ways, friend. One, you can just pony up the two bucks, and carry on with your day. Two, we can fight, you end up with a six broken ribs and a concussion, and I take the money myself. Or three, in which you are reduced to a quivering lump on the floor. Same end result either way though. Ladies' choice," Alex says, unwavering.
Akihiro hears Alex out, nodding slowly. He pushes to his feet and moves towards Alex. "Well, when you put it like that. Three sounds pretty good to me, but don't worry, I won't take the cash off you when I'm done." He cracks his knuckles before nodding once more. "Well, come on. I don't have all day to play."
And this is exactly why Alex needs someone around to keep him grounded. He shrugs. "Fine," he says sounding even a little bit exasperated at the whole situation. His eyes start to glow white as he reaches into Akihiro's subconscious, looking for memories, thoughts, and feelings to draw out the young man's deepest fears, forming visions before his eyes. Alex takes a step back, keeping his eyes on Akihiro as his power goes to work on the poor guy.
"Fine." Akihiro smirks, starting forward once more. Except suddenly there's snow everywhere. "What?" Wasn't he just in the Duck? No, he's in Canada again. It's the sound of electricity that has him jerking away, only to find his hands bound.
It's not pleasant to watch from the outside either, the proud teen is now standing hunched over, clutching at the sides of his head. Something has clearly spooked him to the point he looks like he may run. Except instead he rears back and actually punches himself in the face. "No." There's a shift, anger starting to bubble up and replace the terror. "No, no, no, NO!" His eyes roll back into his skull, and he bares his canines, actually growling at Alex. Whatever he was trying has failed.
Well, this took a bad turn. Alex wasn't expecting it go this way, exactly. He takes another step back, watching Akihiro closely, ready for whatever move he might make. Doesn't look like he's going to just cower and dribble tears like an impotent toddler. The white in his eyes intensifies, amplifying the sense of fear in Akihiro's mind, hoping that it will overtake the feral rage. If not, well, there's a pool cue he can use as a weapon against the young man. That'll be effective, right?
Wrong. Akihiro darts forward, and he's fast. Clearly not a regular human, in case that wasn't already obvious. Whatever style he was going to try and use is left with his sanity, and he ends up throwing a wild punch. And then another. He is a /very/ unhappy elf at the moment.
Alex is fast, too. Olympian reflexes, and demonic samurai training. He ducks and dodges the punches, moving just enough to avoid being hit. Conservation of effort, and all that. His eyes don't fade, as he's still convinced that he can overcome Akihiro with fear. Silly godling. Maybe this'll be a good lesson for Alex to learn. "Down, boy," he growls, wielding the pool cue as if it were a sword, and moving to strike Akihiro's head. He's strong, and fast, but the cue isn't much more than a piece of wood; only so much damage he can really do with it, even against a normal human.
Akihiro looked to be completely lost in anger, at least until Alex chose to talk. "Not. An. Animal!" He swiftly brings his arm up, the pool cue snapping against it. Alex isn't the only samurai in the room. The Japanese teen readies himself before coming again with a feint right, only to actually try and sweep his feet.
Where's his sword when he needs it? The pool cue breaks against the teen's arm, and Alex lets the shattered piece of wood fall to the floor. "You sure about that? The teeth and claws say otherwise," he says, attempting to add vocal suggestion to the amplification of the young man's fear. He dodges away from the feint, shifting his weight just as Akihiro had intended, giving his opponent the chance to successfully kick Alex's feet out from under him. He breaks his fall, returning the maneuver with his own, aiming to hook Akihiro's leg with his own and force him to the ground.
ROLL: Akihiro +rolls 1d20 for a result of: 14
Akihiro has already pounced by the time Alex hits the floor. "Not. An. Animal."
The teen's adamantium claws drive into the ground next to the Olympian's head. "And you'd do best to remember that." he growls, rearing his head back before attempting to drive the top of his head into Alex's nose.
ROLL: Alexander +rolls 1d20 for a result of: 5
Akihiro is atop Alex before he can react; this boy is /fast/. Alex tries to maneuver out from beneath him, but the claw embedded into the floor next to his head, as well as his opponent's position of strength above him limits his movement, and he's not fast enough to avoid the oncoming head-butt. Forehead connects with face, and the white fades from Alex's eyes as blood pours of his broken nose, and he loses consciousness. He's going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up.
Learn your lesson, little godling. Not all mortals are weak.
Akihiro pushes to his feet and dusts his hands off, hoisting Alex and setting him up in a booth. "Sorry about that." he mutters, even though it's bound to fall on deaf ears. He fishes his wallet out and leaves the man enough to cover the bear, and about fifty more, before simply turning and leaving again.