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Where the old Thornton Bakery used to stand are just the shattered remnants of its walls - while the rubble has been cleared away, no one has yet demolished the few pieces that weathered the blast.
While she wasn't back on shift, Hilde needed something familiar. To say the week had been hellish was putting it mildly. So, she came back in the direction of the old bakery, hoping to find the woman who had practically become a grandmother to her, and some crappy coffee. It was familiar. But, as the ragged, lanky, all bones and height medic makes her way down the street, she sees the shattered remains of the being-cleaned-out building. She just stands there, blinking, being stopped in her tracks. It's hard to keep back the sudden sting in her eyes. "…No… nono…no…" She mutters raspily, beginning to look a bit harder, searching for the ghost she dreads finding. If the little old lady was dead, Hilde was going to lose her mind.
Mildred drifts back to float far overhead. The bakery may be gone, but she has a lot to think about, and… wait, is that..? She can figure this stuff out later - right now, she's more concerned with that strange but sweet medic who never seemed to eat enough.
She drops down behind Hilde (not wanting to startle her), and then gently asks, "Are you alright, dear?"
Someone once said Hilde was like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, so not startling the skinny woman is probably wise. She still jumps a little but as she hears that voice behind her, turning around, but at least she isn't seeing the lady floating. Her glassy eyes go just a bit wider, "Oh…god…thank fucking god you're okay….what the hell happened?" Hilde breathes out, the profanity something she TRIES not to use around Mildred. But it just sorta happens with her. Like it's a built in part of her Bronx accent.
Mildred tries to smile comfortingly (but just reveals her tiredness) and says, "It's… well, some people got angry at other people - something about a cat, I think - and someone started shooting. I think there must have been a gas leak…" She sighs. "I'm sorry, dear - the coffee-maker's broken too. At least…" She pauses, then amends. "Well, I think I've enough money to rebuild, though it'll take some time."
The medic still blinks back a bit of moisture from her gaze, she looks so exhausted that probably someone dropping a hat might make her cry or scream, but a few breaths and Hilde has better hold on herself. "I…am so sorry. This is… everything's going insane. This is awful. Have you eaten? Do YOU want coffee? I…I think I got enough money for coffee for both of us… I can get… it's cold out here. You shouldn't be out here in this cold…" Hilde's ever rasping voice rambles quietly, protectively.
Mildred blinks. When did she last eat? Is that why she's feeling so tired? She doesn't want to worry Hilde, but it seems like she wants to talk, so maybe… "I think I've a little money of my own, but if there's somewhere we can sit down… I think maybe we could both do with that." She's trying to help calm the younger woman, futile though it seems.
While Hilde seems perpetually tired and too skinny, well, that's just life for her. So it's not a big deal. When the lovely old lady seems that way? The medic's brain goes into over protective mode. She straightens up a bit more, reaching her good hand out (the other is tightly wrapped up in a heavy cast all along her wrist, the edges of it stained dark reddish brown, probably blood). "Here, yes… let's find a diner. Get you some food. When did you last sleep?"
Mildred gently pats Hilde's good hand and says, "Oh, you needn't worry so much about me, dear." Hilde probably won't miss the question-dodging. "I think there's a nice little place just down… oh, no, that closed ten years ago. Well, I'm sure we can find somewhere."
"I know some places, come on." Hilde actually seems a bit MORE steady for having someone to take care of. Her good arm loops through Mildred's, letting the little old lady lean on her if she wants, and she begins to lead the way down to the closest diner that will be open. It might not be good, but it's food and it's warm. "And you didn't tell me when you last slept, young lady." She teases the woman gently.
Mildred mildly replies, "Well, my clock's broken", with a shrug. Possibly evading the question still, but it's hard to prove. She doesn't seem to need someone to lean on, however.. and, in fact, if Hilde tries to support her anyway, she'll notice the old woman's surprisingly light, even for someone of her appearance.
In fact, if Hilde needs it, Mildred'll be supporting her instead.
In general, Hilde doesn't really need it. Sure, she's like some too stretched out raggedy doll most days, but she seems to maintain with a surprising amount of deceptive strength, despite her body. She keeps walking on with the woman, looking for that diner down the block. She smirks, "I'm getting you food then tucking you into bed somewhere… You got somewhere to stay now?"
Mildred can't figure out a way to avoid that question, but she tries to look unconcerned when she shakes her head. "I'll find somewhere, don't you worry. And I don't want to keep you from your work… oh, or do you have some time off?" She glances at Hilde's bad arm - it looks nasty, but she wasn't sure how to raise the subject.
Then it's around the corner and into that shady old diner that always smells like eggs. At least it's not rotten eggs. She grunts a greeting to the waitress and nods towards a far booth, not stopping until they are actually *at* the booth and sliding in to sit. Hilde's expression looks even darker at the comment about finding a place. "…Uh, no work, yeah.. can't exactly lift anything with a broken wrist. And… we're gonna find you a place. You… you know what? You can stay at my place. I ain't really crashin' there right now anyway. Might as well have someone to keep an eye on it."
Mildred wrinkles her nose at the smell, but is too polite to voice her distaste. She settles gingerly into her seat (briefly floating above it before managing to convince herself it's relatively safe to sit) before asking, "That's sweet of you, dear, but I don't want to impose. If there's anything I can do to help you, though…"
"Nah, nah…I'm fine, my guy just got banged up a bit so I'm stayin with him for a while…" The older woman is probably savvy enough to read that there is a WHOLE mess of lies (or understatements, at least) in pretty much everything Hilde just said, but she had to try. The thin medic shrugs and motions for coffee for both of them. "It ain't an imposition. Seriously. Would be good not to leave my place empty. Ya never know, these days." If she catches the fact that the woman is floating, she doesn't seem to comment on it. Maybe too tired to notice.
Mildred nods and smiles, letting the not-quite-truth pass. "In that case, I'd be happy to house-sit for you. I might have to step out a few times, though - would that be alright? It's such a bother arranging to get the bakery rebuilt…"
The blonde nods rather eagerly, a slightly more relaxed smile crossing her thin lips, "Yeah, it really would be a help to me, then I'm not worried about goin' back there every night." She reassures the older woman, "You don't gotta stay all the time, just overnights, maybe? It'd be real nice'a you.." Hilde might be ragged and half asleep, but she's a smart cookie. Turning it to make it so the woman is helping her? Clearly this is effective.
Mildred is clearly won over. "I can look after it as long as you need, dear. And I'll try not to have too many loud parties." It's a weak joke, but when you're this tired, anything can be funny.
A slight laugh from Hilde and a single, teasing brow is arched, "Just have your friends clean up after." She banters back lightly, giving a little wink to the woman. Then the waitress comes over and they fall into a quiet, exhausted comsumption of a meal, both of them too spent for much conversation. Hilde will take the woman back to her place after. At least it's somewhere mostly warm.