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Ever since the riots began happening, Scott has been in the weightroom, the danger room, the war room, and in his bedroom studying. He hasn't been open, really, about his opinions, hopes, or fears and has been strangely silent. Written or unwritten Scott has sort of felt that there's been a rule that kids still in high school couldn't be full X-men. But he's 18, now. Old enough to fight, old enough to drink. Still not old enough to vote, and though that bothers him, he can help in other areas.
He's been begging, a bit.
He asked Bobby to test him in the danger room. Well, first, he wrote a note, but he wasn't sure Bobby ever got it. Then he called Bobby and left a message. It was not immediately returned, so he tracked the older boy down and tried to talk him into 'testing'.
For Kitty Pryde, he wrote a letter and was sure to use proper margins, salutations, and grammar.
Jean? He asked Jean to be here for moral support, frankly, because he thought anyone else would probably make fun of him and she seemed like she had too many problems herself to pick on him.
The blue suit is form fitting, a little too much really. It's a little snug in the pits and the crotch, but like was mentioned, he's been working out fierce. He's down in the Danger Room before anyone else (read: typical) and is mumbling to himself quietly.
Too many? It was practically cosmic the problems that she had! But still, moral support! Jean was there, sitting upon the floor off to the side, her own 'super suit' worn yet unzipped and unsleeved to hang about her waist. A plain white tee is worn underneath, and her hair was tied into a ponytail and out of her face.
"Face masks." Jean says aloud to Scott. "It's it bad that I wear a face mask? I mean, I don't know how to hold it up but with string but I suppose it's better than the paper or plastic method." Her hands were busy, for there were at least fifty jax upon the floor, and two small colorful balls were being bounced, jax swiped, ball caught. Repeatedly. On end. It at least helped with her motor functions.
"Maybe you're the wrong person to ask. You're not a girl and you obviously don't value vanity." So she was picking on him, just a little. "You should stick with the black ribbed option. It'll make you look hot." Still picking on him. It was possibly a bad idea to call her down here.
"No, we should have masks for our costumes." Bobby says, walking in to hear what Jean is saying. Unlike the others, he's just in normal clothing. "If we're going to be using our powers outside the school, I wouldn't want to chance anyone seeing what we look like, all things considered." He'd been meaning to get back to Scott. Really. He's just been preoccupied, what with everything happening since the disbanding of the Avengers. "I'm glad you're here, Jean. He'll need moving targets." Speaking of 'him', he nods a greeting to Alex's kid brother.
"You think it looks hot?" Scott immediately breaks his concentration just a second. It's been about the only thing to pull him from his goals the past few weeks, and it's momentary. "I value vanity plenty. I hang out with you, don't I?"
As Bobby regards him and mentions the targets, Scott nods and tries to raise his shoulders a bit to look taller. "Maybe I could make a hood," he offers, but then realizing he's not part of the team in an official capacity and that he might be putting the cart before the horse, he quickly follows, "I mean, for whenever that is."
"Well. Yeah." Jean answers honestly, thumping the balls down to quickly grab for a few more jax. Though she wasn't quick enough, and the ball itself goes rolling. "Crap." She stands then, just as Bobby makes his appearance, a slight shrug given as she begins to scoot across the floor to grasp the runaway ball. "Well yeah, you do but.. hold on! You want me to be a moving target for him?" She gestures towards Scott, addressing Bobby. "You know I can't run that fast. He practically looks at me and I'm toast!"
Aw man. She wasn't going to refuse, but it was easily told that she wasn't too thrilled about the idea. Her shoulders were slumping, her hand lifting as she approaches her little play area to draw the jax and last remaining ball into the air to collect it into a grouping that creates a shiny little off-colored hovering ball.
"The hood is actually a nice touch. I may borrow that idea myself." She asides. "Thankfully, I got away from being identified by the skin of my teeth but.." Ayep. Totes outed herself. "..I figure if we don't have to go all color coded, wear black like those people in those James Bond books, we'll all look pretty swell."
The question of whether Scott looks hot or not does, not so briefly, pass through Bobby's mind now it's being talked about though he's not going to share his opinion. Fortunately, Jean distracts him with her protest. "No." he says patiently. "I want you to use your power to float a bunch of targets around for him to try to destroy. I'll make them, you levitate them. For each one he misses, you get a point. Each one he destroys, he gets a point. The winner…" What? Given it was a spur of the moment idea, he hasn't quite worked that out. "…can ask a reasonable favor of the other. Buying dinner or something."
"I mean, I can lower the charge," Scott says absently as it seems like Jean is concerned about getting blown away. He twists the dial quietly on the right side of his visor, doing just that. But as Bobby begins talking about the plan he clicks it back one, to make it a tad more powerful than stun.
Scott can't help but grin a bit as he nods to Jean, "Hope you got money, girl, because I like steak."
Phew. That was fair. But it still didn't stop her from getting suited up and ready. Her zipper was pulled up beneath her chin as she pats herself down, her elbows lifting at the same height of her shoulders as she twists back and forth. Her head nods a little in understanding.. and the suggestion of the reward? It gets her to wrinkle her nose ever so slightly. "Lame! Dinner is lame. I want to go to Montauk Point."
She shakes her head a little at Scott, her tongue quickly sticking out. "If you win you're getting pizza." Since that's all she could really afford. "Though, I have objects right here.." Without moving her hands this time, the ball of jax swings in front of Scott and around him, breaking apart to create a tiny little orbit of metal. "Can we use these? If I'm buying this guy a -steak-, he better be able to hit small moving targets too."
"I'll make them." Bobby tells Jean. "There'll be about five different sizes. And the larger ones… Well, you'll just have to work harder to make sure he misses them, right?" This is a test for Jean too. True to his word, different sized ice balls start appearing on the ground and range in size from smaller than a golf ball to a softball. "Jean, you have to use one of each size before you can repeat a size. Scott, no very wide beams. This is a test of reflexes and accuracy."
Scott mutters as he begins to walk away from both Bobby and Jean, "Dinner with me isn't /that/ bad. And I like pizza." Once he gets a decent distance, he nods to Bobby. "Got it. No cheap stuff. Straight up." He reaches up to his temple, holding his finger over the trigger. "Ready when you are, Lucy."
Awh. Jean would mutter underneath her breath, but her eyes were following Scott as he moves off. A jax breaks apart from it's little grouping to ping right towards his backside as she too, begins to move into position. "Steak is expensive." She says, which was her only good reason to offer up a challenge. But she gets the game. And now she was ready.
"Okay, to clarify, I have to move these around and -not- hit him, right?" She grins, her fingers lifting to press against her temple as the smallest ball begins to move. If one could hear it, she was already imagining the sounds of Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy play within her own mind as a soundtrack for the snowball. For it flits here and there.. up and down, around in a circle, it's movements erratic but clear from the door, herself, and Bobby. Don't want to have a little mishap!
"Right, full contact is for another time." Bobby agrees. "There's fifteen balls. If one gets destroyed, move on to another obviously. If one gets missed, also move on to another. Whoever has the most points after all 15 are gone wins. And to make it interesting, a win of 10-5 gets a bigger favor than one of 8-7 so even if you're behind, don't slack off."
Scott doesn't even flinch when the piece of metal hits him in the ass. "Guess you'd better eat something light, then," he says with a grin. "Sounds fair, Mr. Drake." He pushes down the desire to make a smart alec remark about wishing Jean good luck, but it's getting serious now. He's got to impress Iceman if he has any hopes of joining the team.
"What.. noo…" Jean says quietly to Scott. "..I mean.. shit.." There was seriously a moment of distraction at the prospect of eating something light. Should she eat a small bowl of sliced carrots? Diced celery? Aww. Color her stomach sad! The smaller ball dips in height as she thinks, her eyes soon drawing up to hoist it high into the air again.
"Full contact will have higher stakes, right? Cause if I lose this game, I'm totally going to flip Scott into a wall or something." Yes, she was already planning for another training session. Cause dear god, she needs more.
"Call me Bobby." He leans back against the wall and folds his arms across his chest, prepared to watch. "What the two of you do in your off time is up to you." he responds to Jean. "And go."
"Either that," Scott adds, not realizing how Jean took his comment, "Or you'll have to fill up on the bread they bring out before. I don't intend on losing, Jean." Apparently he's trying to psyche the older girl out. Which probably means that he's worried.
"Just.. what in the world Bob-.." And then there was Scott taunting her. "You have -no- idea how weird that's gonna look Scott!" If she had the mind to send him an image of her eating bread while he has a great, big steak dinner, she would! "Now I'm going to use -two- hands!" The other hand raises to her opposing temple, and for shits and giggles? The tiny ball of snow flies right towards Scott! It's game time!
It's difficult for him to judge the distance sometimes of an object coming at him because everything he sees is red on red. As it approaches him, he realizes it a moment too late and barely dodges out of the way. Not one to give up, however, he goes into a roll and fires up and back with a quick tap of his muted power.
The quick and probably ill timed movements has Jean already on the move to stay out of the line of fire, keeping a slight circle around the area that he tucks and dodges into, the ball lifting a little bit higher than it's intended but keeping on the same path going forward. Away from Scott. It stalls within the air, then shoots downward, creating an L formation as it flies right towards the young man again, at least to give him an easier target. She was secretly going easy on him, at least for now.
Scott is stuck now, pinned as the ice ball comes at him. If he moves, it's likely to hit him, so he just lies there and fires straight at it, given that it's his best shot.
The little ice ball was shattered almost immediately, but Jean wasn't about to give him any rest. A normal sized ball (baseball sized) was already in the works, rolling upon the ground first and kicked up into the air, aimed low towards his knee with the intent to trip him up. With one down and fourteen more to go, Jean was already picking out the third ball to hurl towards Scott, should this one fail.
Scott doesn't see the second one coming and as it punks him hard around the knee he grits his teeth in frustration. Dammit. 1 to 1. The third one he turns on and blasts out of the sky almost as quickly as it comes towards him.
4. That one took a little bit of time. Granted she was borderline cheating, for the fifth one was already rattling in preparation to move. But the fourth one rolls across the floor, zig-zagging in an unpredictable movement. Where one would think that it was aimed towards Scott from the way it suddenly juts from the air, it blasts back towards the opposite wall with a high arch into the air and a freefall to the ground.
Scott sends a few shots at 4, but Jean's movement is quick and it gets past him. He doesn't even see the fifth coming, and before he knows it, his early lead has evaporated in a 3-2 margin for her. What would Alex do? Scott knows what he, himself, would do if this was real. A wide, low level beam to take out large parts of the enemies, stun them rather than maim. But that was against the rules. What would Alex do? He'd probably say move, you idiot. So Scott begins to run.
Alex would probably kill her for stealing his clothes! But number 4 dashes towards the wall, shattering itself, discarded for now, and number 5 was honing in fast on Scott. Six was already in play, lifted in the air and stationary, waiting for it's turn. But five, five was being tricky. She was already starting to feel her head hurt, but it was minor, something that she pushes through with a quick whipped fast strike to aim right at his backside again.
"I want to go to Empire Diner! I don't know what's there but I want to go!" Cause clearly she's going to win.
Scott begins to fire over and over again, deciding that more is better. Careful not to hit Bobby or Jean (although the level of his beam is just above stun…it wouldn't actually hurt them any harder than a punch), he begins lighting up the room with small blasts of red over and over in quick succession.
This time, her hands come away from her temple, with Scott amping up on his power blasts, Jean does the same. Each ball flies towards him, she herself taking to moving to avoid the blasts and the rain of ice that may come her way. Maybe Empire Diner was too rich! But dammit, it should be a lot cheaper than a steak dinner.
"I'm not settling for cheeseburgers!" Scott exclaims as he begins to blow ice balls out of the sky even as others begin to hit him. The entire thing is over quickly, but he's not sure how many he hit or how many she hit him with. When things have died down, he walks over towards Bobby and Jean. His hair is wet and covered with ice in spots, and parts of his blue uniform are damp with where he was snowballed.
"I totally won that."
"Steaks are expensive!" Jean shoots back, keeping up that rapid fire flow until there was nothing left for him to shoot at. She didn't even keep track anymore, the count was lost due to the most fun she's had in a while and she could see herself doing just a little bit more. But once it was all over, she shakes out her hands, joining Scott in his approach towards Bobby, giving the young man a bump with her shoulder to knock him off course just a little. "No you didn't. And burgers are great. You just haven't had the right one." A cheap one.. more or less..
Bobby shrugs a shoulder as the two walk toward him. "I wasn't counting so you two figure it out. But yes, burgers are great. And there's some very good places in the city to get them. If you can't decide on who won, call it a draw. Or assume you both won and you each get a favor."
Scott gets knocked to the side off his stride a bit and can't help but grin. "Well, I think Bobby's right. We'll have to call it a draw and we'll each get a favor," Scott says as he turns to Jean with a smirk. "I like burgers fine, I just wanted to stick it to her." He gives an upwards nod towards Bobby, "You should come. We could talk about the team." Settle, Scott, he tells himself. Don't get annoying.
"Draw is good." Jean grins towards Scott, reaching out to pick on him some more by attempting to pinch and pull at his cheek. But, Scott brought up a good point. Jean was curious as well, and if he wouldn't let himself be annoying, she would. "Yeah, about that. He's eightteen now. He should be able to join up, right? Unless you want to see him do a bit of fisticuffs in which.. well I'm out. I still need to work with Alex a bit more."
Bobby nods to Scott. "We could bring Alex too. And it's not just a question of age, Jean." he tells her though it's also for Scott's benefit. "It's not even a question of how good someone can use their power. It's how good they can work on a team. But." he adds, looking over at Scott. "I think you deserve a chance to show us that you can do that too. You can start training with others and learn how to integrate your powers with the rest of ours."
"Are you serious?" Scott says, aghast. It's almost immediate that he realizes he has to put his thoughts back into his mouth. He buries his excitement, "I mean, right away. I won't let you down." His mouth twists as he looks at Jean as if to show how overjoyed he is. He elbows Jean in the side.
Jean nods seriously. But she could literally feel the excitement from Scott. The nudge from him gains a nudge from her. Her head nodding, still! "Yes. Yes sure!" Granted, Bobby was younger than her but a had a hell of a lot more experience and common sense. She considered him older! But.. "So uh.." She finally turns to Scott. "..Think about what we said. Hottie pa-tottie needs a black suit. With a hood. I'm getting a hood. I don't know about you. I'm totally going to look like a Bond girl." She holds up her finger, then mock-shoots at the air, striking a pose even. "No more blue for you. Or yellow. Or red for that matter."
"Why don't you take care of that, Jean?" Bobby suggests. "Come up with a few possibilities that'll look good with our uniforms. Something that'll hide our identities but not limit our vision or hamper our abilities." Scott especially needs that particular consideration.
"I'm not good with sewing. Isn't that a girl thing?" Scott says as he grins evilly at her. "Bobby's right. If you want new uniforms, you're going to have to help out. I commandeered this one from leftovers of others."
"I hate you guys." Yes. Hate. Hate with the fury of a thousand suns that were lined up for the Phoenix for chow time. Hate with the fury of a thousand, extremely buff Maori men who perform the Haka before war; and hate with the fury of a thousand grunts of a constipated Thor. HAAAAAAAATE.
"Fine." She grumbles slightly, turning with a whip of her ponytail, which was hopefully long enough to give Scott and Bobby a sting as she marches off towards the door. "Consider that your favor, by the way, Scott! You owe me!"
Bobby pushes away from the wall and gives Jean a grin. "It's for the team, Jean. And it was your idea. You should get the credit for it. And since it is for the team, don't worry about using your own money. I'm sure the Prof can cover it with the rest of the expenses. And why don't you set something up for Sunday, Scott. I don't think Alex has any plans for then and I know I don't."
"Totally," Scott says as Jean begins to walk away. He chuckles a bit at the whip of her pony tail and then looks to Bobby as she is making her way out. "Totally too old for me, right?"