Not many students are actually awake yet, but Akihiro hasn't actually went to sleep yet. The teen just moved back in, and has found his way down to the lake, dressed in a kamishimo and sporting two swords at his waist. Currently he's folded up in the lotus position, apparently deep in meditation.
A new face to the school, she at comes to find out that she knows the man down the way, who is set in his early morning routine. She doesn't disturb him, but she does watch. She was by the lake, reading some dusty book she had found in the library. But when she saw him in his traditional dress, and weaponry, it struck up a curiousity within the girl. She doesn't speak, doesn't move, doesn't make a sound. Down the shore from him, she watches, studies, listens.
"Didn't know you came up this way." Akihiro finally calls down towards Lynette, not opening his eyes just yet. "Seems like the universe doesn't want me to reach enlightenment." A few more seconds go by before he unfolds and pushes to his feet, heading over towards the woman. "How've you been?"
"S'new, n'I like walkin'." She explains, standing as well and dusting off her rear and legs with a brush of her fingers. In her other hand is the book. "Sorry. Y'keep on talkin' t'de universe. I c'n go read s'mwhere else." She offers, but as he's closer now, she stalls, and stands still. "Fine. Good, 'suppose. Got a room now t'm'self. N'a bed! So, dat's nice." Smirking, she cants her head to the side. "Been wonderin' if I was gonna run int' y'again. Talked wit dat fella y'said called y'a freak."
"That's positive. Glad to be back myself, a lot nicer than what I've been up to." Akihiro stops, flashing Lynette a warm smile. At least until Eddie is mentioned, "Did you? What'd that asshole have to say?"
"Well…I don' agree wit a numba a t'ings he t'inks. Dough, I undastand'm. Said y'told'm t'punch ya, den smirked as y'healed up or whateva? Did y'do dat?" Her hip rests to the side, arms gently crossing under her chest.
"I didn't smirk, I let him hit me so I could explain my healing factor. The second I healed he called me a freak. Said it was bad enough that I was a Daikon, said I was disgusting. That it was bad enough that I was walking around like a real person."
It's clear that the teen is getting angry once more, in fact his fists are clenched tight enough that his knuckles have turned white. "Sorry," he closes his eyes once more and takes a few deep breaths, "it just hits home pretty hard. I have a hard enough time convincing myself I'm not a monster without people saying it."
"I undastand, but most don'. People s'fraid 'bout what dey don' undastand, n'in a way, I get what he's 'fraid 'bout, too. Don' make what he said right, dough. We diff'rent, even jus' how we look. Ain't fair, but…y'can' let dat get t'ya." She reaches out to touch the youth's arm, but seems to reconsider once she notices his fists. Her fingers twitch, but her arm lowers to her side, slack and relaxed. The other hand still holds to the book, a finger kept between pages, keeping her place. "S'mt'ing t'do, dough, is don' let'm be right 'bout you. Don' give'm a reason t't'ink he is, neither. Eddie's…proud. Old fashioned, I t'ink. N'jus'…scared."
"I'm used to it." Akihiro flashes a smile, regaining his composure. He reaches out to pat Lynette's shoulder before pointing off in the direction of Logan's cabin. "My father lives out here. Logan. The Wolverine. I was raised in Japan by my adoptive parents though, nobody except Akihira treated me like a person."
"Eddie should be glad I got back in touch with the Professor before he said those things. I'd probably have killed him. Or put him in the hospital." He doesn't seem proud of that, almost ashamed really. "Just another face to see when I try and sleep."
"Don' gotta be use to it. Jus'…" Her words leave her then, and the pat on her shoulder causes her dark eyes to turn toward his touch, and then up again. She follows his finger, looking at the cabin and then back once more. "De Professor? Which one?" Then, she shakes her head. "Don' let'm get to y', but don' prove'm right, neither. S'fire on lots a sides. None of'm need gas."
"Xavier. This is where I came when I managed to escape my last situation. But I ended up making a deal with Weapon X." Akihiro pops his claws with a soft snikt, showing off the metal. "They gave me this adamantium, now there's pretty much nothing I can't cut. But they lied to me, turned me lose on reporters and gangsters. I've killed more than a hundred people, I think I've already proved them right."
He turns away from Lynette now, retracting his claws and looking out over the water. "Only thing left to do is make peace with myself. I mean, I'm eighteen. Seems like all I know is fighting and death, and I've got a few hundred years left. It makes me sick."
"Charles? He seemed nice. I liked'm." She acknowledges, but at the sight of the claws, she can't help but give a slightly jolt of surprise. "Weapon X?" She questions, a look of concern and confusion apparent on her face. The more he speaks, the more she listens. Her face flexes now and then, brows slowing, furrowing, quirking, relaxing. "Y'ain't de only one dat's killed b'fore. Jus', don' keep givin' reasons. Makin' peace is good. N'here? Charles told m'we c'n learn how t'not be so 'fraid of what we c'n do." She's silent for a moment before reaching that hand out, giving his arm a soft squeeze. "Hey, I stopped runnin' m'self. S'alright. Y'stop n'den y'start up new, non?"
"Government agency, turns mutants into weapons. Especially if they heal as fast as we do. Logan's entire skeleton is adamantium now, they call him X-1. Laura is X-23. Pretty sure I didn't have a designation." Akihiro explains. He turns to look at her again at the squeeze. "I appreciate it. A new start sounds nice."
"M'sorry. Kinda confusin' t'me. Logan? Laura?" Her lips purse to one side of her face as her hand removes itself from his sleeve, and up into her curls. Giving a scritch at her kinks, she then lowers her scrawny limb once more. "Yeah, don' worry 'bout it. Jus'…t'ink b'fore actin'. Do what y'need to, but don' give'm reason t'hate. Dey's lots a hate in de world, n'we shouldn'add to it."
"My father, and Laura was raised by Weapon X. Not quite sure /what/ she is to me. But we're definitely related somehow." Akihiro doesn't seem to certain on that part himself. "But, you're right. Aliens, demons, and mob wars are bad enough on their own. No need to add to it."
"N-non, dat…" The girl begins anew, her face twisting up with even more deep seated confusion. "Who de hell is Laura?" More blinking, she shakes her head and takes a step back. "I ain't talkin' 'bout dat stuff, jus'…don' worry 'bout it. Y'get back t'y' inner peace. Imma, ah, Imma go get back t'readin'." Thumbing back toward the mansion, the girl takes a few steps and then turns, walking off with set, sloping brows.