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Evening has settled upon the Xavier Institute. It's been two days since the Kennedy assassination, and the world is tearing itself apart. The government is in shambles under President Johnson's heavy hand, the world cannot choose which minority party they want to hate, and to make matters worse, mob violence in the city is threatening to boil over after the Paul Cavassini assassination.
Yesterday, Erik Lensherr called the Frost Institute and told Lorna what had happened in Dallas. He told her not to cancel her plans to see her family on Thanksgiving, but… he didn't really expect her to listen.
Thanksgiving dinner ended a couple of hours ago. It was a quiet, tense affair. Not much talking. The staff and students (those who hasn't gone home to see family) were still in a state of shock over the week's events.
At the moment, Erik is resting in the main study. He wears pleated slacks, a light colored polo shirt, brown shoes. A pipe burns in his hand, a glass of brandy on the table next to him, and yesterday's newspaper in his hand. Brow creased, he reads more reports about Dallas, eyes dancing from side to side, absorbed in the ink.
Crystal did her best to make Thanksgiving enjoyable for the students and staff still at the Institute. It probably didn't help that she isn't terribly familiar with the tradition, but she tried. The food, at least, was good, and she made sure there were games for the students after the meal. Now that the meal is finished, though, and the students have been supervised through clean up, she's ready to settle down for a bit.
When she steps into the study, she drops heavily onto the couch, already pulling her shoes off with a heavy sigh. "Well. That is an exhausting tradition. Which is probably considerably more enjoyable most years," she allows.
Lorna had 'mostly' listened to Erik's words in regards to not missing Thanksgiving dinner. She had gone dutifully up to her adoptive parent's home in Upstate, and had dinner—which was promptly served at 2 in the afternoon. And then promptly, she had started to drive back down to Westchester afterward. If the car rattled slightly as she pulled off the exit to the Institute and pulled up to the drive, well.. she was worried.
She thumbed the intercom, drove up the rest of the way and hurried up to the front door. Biting her lower lip, she waited for a student to open the door before rushing inwards with a quick explanation. At least she'd been there enough to be familiar to some of the students. Small favors. More metal rattling along her path as she hurried along toward the study.
It was easy to find her father, the sense of magnetism that both shared allowed her to find the displacement in the magnetic fields to be able to find him without asking. Likely, he'd known the second she'd pulled up the drive.
A beautiful, sea-green, Cadillac Coupe De Ville pulls up to the front gate. The man in the driver's seat is pale, blond, wearing a classy, tan suit, with his hair pulled back into a tight tail. There are two more people in the car, another in the front seat, this one dusky with short, black hair, and the final, a man in the back seat, wearing a black suit. He has black hair as well. Bits of gravel crunch under the tires from the vehicle following Miss Lorna's car, and when it stops, the dusky male reaches out and says simply, "Family visit." Which is totally true. Assuming the gate lets him in, that smoooooth ride flows down the drive and into the round.
"Truly exhausting," Erik tells Crystal. "I only partake so as not to be rude; American traditions sometimes perplex me." He leans over to Crystal then, smiling, and kisses her. "You did well, my love."
Erik's magnetic signature is certainly dimmer than usual. Lorna's arrival tickles his senses, which is the first time he's felt his innate power since Charles disconnected him. This is likely critical timing, for unbeknownst to Erik, the next page of the newspaper tells the story of a mutant massacre in Sacramento, California.
Instead of reading it, he closes the newspaper and reaches a hand for that same table lamp, the one he's tried to switch off yesterday. Brows furrowed, he focuses… the chain tugs once, then twice, and the light switches off.
"Incredible. It's coming back. I think-" His brows rise, and he seems momentarily distracted. "I believe Miss Dane is here."
"It's part of who you are, I didn't think it was going to disappear forever," Crystal smiles faintly back at Erik, giving her shoes a forlorn look at the news of company. "Well, she did say she wanted to come." She stands up, slipping her feet back into her shoes and pausing on the way to the door to drop a kiss to Erik's brow. There's a low buzz from the intercom as well, earning a faint frown. "And another car, it seems. I wonder who that might be?"
A knock on the door follows as Lorna slows her steps, the knob rattling slightly as she caught her breath from the speed she'd taken to climb the stairs. "Tata? It's Lorna.." As if he didn't know. Still, it was polite, and her rush up the stairs hadn't exactly been.. She bit her lower lip. Fidgeting on her toes as she tried to calm her breathing, the rattling of her powers on various metal objects calmed and she waited.
"Can I come in? I know I should've called.." She added after a long moment, wringing her hands slightly as doubts boiled up.
YEAH! WHO might it be, indeed, Crystal? The car slows to a stop and the passenger in the front gets out and opens the door for the passenger in the back. The man slides out and stands for a moment, letting his suit settle and his gaze linger on the mansion. "This is like walking through /fire/." He draws in a deep breath, and then his lips curl into an over-broad smile. Its there for a flash and then he holds out his hand. The guard goes to the trunk and pulls out a few slender velvet bags and hands them to Maximus, who tucks them inside his suit jacket. "Wait for me here." The guard looks /decidedly/ concerned about this idea. "I will be /fine/." He grunts with confident disgust and then clip clip clips his way up the steps to the big, grand door. Once in the foyer, he just stands there, not belonging, watching a student skitter by with a snack, another pair engrossed in conversation, until finally a 4th student asks if he needs help.
"Yesss, I do." Maximus pauses. The student waits. Finally he continues. "I am looking for Erik and Crystal." He knits his brows. "Do you have…ah…servants here? Some sort of…" He wiggles his fingers, "Autonomous pixies to do your bidding? Or do you just…/wander/ until you find a place?"
Another car? Erik lifts an eyebrow, but before he can attend to the intercom, Lorna is there. He walks to the door to meet her, a warm smile on his face. "Of course you can, my dear," he tells her. "You're always welcome in my home." He opens the door wide for her, but before she can get too far in, he's pulling her into a hug.
There may be a smile upon his face, but he's worried for her. He pulls away but keeps his hands on her shoulders, looking her over. "How are you?" he asks, earnestly.
Crystal may notice, next to the intercom, a tiny black and white screen. No doubt one of Hank McCoy's inventions, there is also a dial that allows one to power the screen on and dial through various cameras throughout the mansion with little clicks.
The mansion isn't nearly as full as it usually is, what with so many people away for Thanksgiving. The student looks up at Maximus and explains, "Well, on Thanksgiving, yeah." He blinks his eyes, revealing that he has a set of inner transparent eyelids that also blink sideways. "You mean Mister Lensherr and Miss Crystal? They were at dinner. Are they expecting you? I'm not supposed to use the intercom without an adult." He looks over toward a similar device fixed upon a nearby wall, it's screen blank and currently switched off.
"I'm sure it's nothing." Crystal gives Erik's shoulder a squeeze, flashing a small smile to Lorna as she enters. "I'll be right back. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorna," she offers the girl before heading to the stairs to the foyer. Her cousin is not what she's expecting, but she's wary all the same, watching to see just what is coming.
Lorna throws her arms around Erik as he brings her into a hug. She hold onto him tightly, and her shaky grip on her powers fades into a deep and resounding calm. A smile pulls at her lips, bright and cheery as he asks how she is.
"Well, I've been busy. I lifted a table the other day! Miss Frost had me keep it up for a whole conversation." She bit her lower lip, clearly there was /quite/ a lot she wanted to say, but was fighting the urge to just unload everything.
Instead she glanced toward Crystal as the woman smiles and leaves. "Happy Thanksgiving Miss Crystal." Then her gaze swung back toward Erik.
"I've met like, a /ton/ of mutants in the city, Tata. Like this guy that's gold and he can heal people! And then this girl, her name's Hope. I promised Professor Xavier to bring her to a cafe away from the school, ‘cause like she can /borrow/ powers. And Tata, she's from the /future/! Doesn't that sound crazy?" Her attempts to /not/ unload clearly did not last long.
"Oh, it is…" Max sucks his lips in, "a surprise." He flashes a smile, nods to the student, doesn't harm him, and moves to the intercom system. He is a quick study of such a thing, and he is about to start flipping switches and dials when his sharp, blue eyes are drawn to strawberry-haired movement along the railing. Pale fingertips caress across the panel without actually pressing anything as he looks up at a woman he hasn't seen in 10 years. It doesn't matter how good memory might be, there is a sudden wash of it, filling in the gaps with new details that he had forgotten.
Absolutely recognizable as her cousin, there are minor changes in Maximus as well. He has weathered the years extremely well…it’s good to be the king…but his shoulders have broadened out, his face has lost its baby youth, and he cuts a fine figure in American clothing. "Crystal." He forms a less manic smile and then lifts up a hand. "Do not /rush/ to assumptions…before you hear me." If he manages to get all that out, that is.
Lorna's unloading isn't bothersome. In fact, it is a relief, refreshing, to hear such enthusiasm, especially given recent events. "That does sound incredible," he answers. He doesn't ask her about the assassination; she's bound to bring it up on her own, at this rate.
"A man who can heal people is quite a talent," he tells her. "Please, come in." He reaches to remove her coat. "We have hot tea brewing if you'd like." He turns away to place her coat upon a coat rack, which brings him close to that intercom. "I could fetch some for you?" he asks.
Casually, then, he clicks the screen to life, and begins dialing through until the foyer comes up. He's about to look away, but he looks back, squinting at the small screen.
Crystal freezes on the balcony when she sees who waits below, the color draining from her face. Ten years of running. Months of promising Charles she would do her best to keep this place safe. And there stands the greatest threat she's ever known. Her fingers tighten, white-knuckled, on the bannister as she pauses, taking a deep breath. After that moment, though, she starts down the stairs, moving not so much toward her cousin as past him.
"Not here," she says in a low, flat tone as she walks past him to the door. "Outside."
Outside, where at least students won't be in danger.
The teen lets Erik remove her coat, the Frost Institute emblazoned on the back. She practically bounces on her toes, "Oh, sure! I love tea." She wandered around the study, head tilting back as she peered over the books and glanced about curiously.
"Oh! And then the other day, in Central Park, there was this.. uhm thing.. I dunno, it was a green rage monster, I guess?" She wrinkled her nose, "I didn't run to fight it, Hope did, and I was sort of protecting /her/ so I had to go too. But it was attacking this apartment building, and I used part of a fire-escape to snatch this woman that was falling right out of the air! And then we flung it into the river—Well, Hope did mostly, just kinda offered more juice… and.." She trailed off.
Her brows furrowing as she realized her father was looking at a mini-screen. "Tata?"
Maximus pivots slowly, watching her come down the stairs and towards the door without moving. "But, then I do not get to meet your new…love. I believe that what I have to say…to /offer/," Maximus tips his chin down and leans on the word, "would interest him as well. I am not a fool." His voice raises. "I have not come to pick a fight in the midst of a /school/." There's a beat where his face shows frustration. Then it changes to a toothy smile, which softens back into a more elegant expression.
Erik looks at the screen far longer than he'd intended. Something about what he sees is striking him as odd. "That sounds terribly exciting, Lorna," he tells her matter of factly. "I am concerned with this visitor, I'm afraid."
Turning, he switches off the screen, then focuses his attention upon a box kept in a high shelf. Setting his face, he reaches a hand toward the box, and attempts to grab at something.
The box rattles. Two, three seconds of rattling. Then, there is a snap in Erik's mind, and his magnetokinesis is restored. The brain can only be required for so long, after all. A shiny metal sphere tips the box over and flies violently through the air into Erik's outstretched hand.
"Come with me," he tells her. "I want you close, in case of danger." Erik tucks the ball into a pocket in his slacks, then turns toward the door. Moments later, he can be glimpsed in the open hallway above, walking toward the stairs with his eyes upon the foyer below.
"Maximus, I am not having this conversation inside." And not only because she's much less encumbered once she's in the open air, with all of the elements at her command. Crystal continues through the front door, only turning around once she's outside to wait, arms crossed over her chest.
Lorna hurried along to Erik's side as he mentioned being concerned about a visitor and she frowned, trying to peer over his shoulder at the screen before he clicked it off. She took a step back just as quickly as he held up a hand, and she could sense the building of his power and then the moment his powers return. From that muffled dullness, to the strength she was more familiar with.
Her brows furrowed, head tilting to the side as he grabbed up the metal ball. "What's.." She frowned, following after him. "Danger?" Her voice wavers and she hurries along to stay beside him. Her steps short and quick to keep up with his longer strides.
Her powers quivering up again and setting smaller metal objects trembling faintly.
Maximus definitely knows that Crystal can do whatever she wants outside, which is why…Max is definitely not out there. He arches his brows as she goes outside and crosses her arms. "Crystal, I have no desire to be tossed about by your abilities." He cocks his head. "All right. /Some/ desire. But its entirely unhealthy." He flashes another smile her way, wrinkling up his cheeks and his eyes. When metal fixtures about the place start rattling and he looks up to the bannister as the Daddy and Daughter arrive.
"Oh is that him?" He takes a slithery step more towards the wall. He curls an arm near to his chest and then flourishes it slowly forwards, unfurling his fingers in an introductory gesture. His voice follows in a sing-song tone. "Ohhhhh, I feel the house buzzing with excitement. A new face. Ho ho. Threat? /Friend/?" His face drops from merriment into seriousness. "Both?" Blue eyes flash. "Let me introduce myself. I am the King of Attilan," His shoulders square back and his chin lifts, imperious, "Maximus, the Magnificent. And I can stop the humans from /slaughtering/ your people." The imperiousness fades and he becomes more animate again, like some sort of door-to-door salesman, his speech moves very swiftly. "Interested? Get her to come inside and I will tell you all about it."
"My dear Lorna, we are mutants." He looks her way apologetically. "There is always danger."
He positions himself at her side, then leads her toward the stairway. There he stops, however, taking great care to observe everything he can about the self proclaimed King of Attilan. His dress, mannerisms, dialect; his eyes, the shape of his face, the way he uses his body. "My dear," he asides to Lorna, "My instruction to you is simple. Remember the Earth, and remember yourself. It is not in control. You are."
Finally, he begins walking down the stairs, his attention upon Maximus. "Erik. Lensherr." His own manner of introduction is less regal, but it carries a secret easily obtained within his mundane, European voice; there is unspeakable power buried deep within, a thing he neither hides nor displays. It's simply there, with confidence.
At word of stopping a would be slaughter, his eyelids squint just so, but that dark expression lightens into a coy smirk at his last. "Your Highness. You, of all people, should know… Lady Crystalia will do as she pleases."
And indeed, Crystal will absolutely do as she pleases.
When Maximus refuses to step out of the foyer, she uncrosses her arms, raising a hand, as a shelf of air forms beneath his feet bands of air wrap around his ankles and his shoulders for support, deftly lifting him from the floor and floating him out to the lawn where she gently sets him down.
"I had no desire to toss you about, Maximus," she says in that same flat tone once he's there. "But as I said, not here. This is a school, and the people who run it are my friends, and they have asked that we not have visitors who've failed to pass a stringent security test. Not to mention, I'm sure you've heard there are Skrulls about."
Lorna remains in Erik's shadow as he walks down the hall, biting her lower lip as she calmed her breathing again and the metal slowly ceased the rattling and shaking it had started. Yet as they came to the staircase and she could spot the Inhuman King, her brows lifted, head tilting to the side as she glanced from Crystal to Maximus and back to her father.
She remained silent, watching with an intent focus that many of her age lacked.
Maximus seems pleasant enough as he starts to quip, "Nice to me-" But he doesn't get that far. He grooooans and rolllls his eyes as Crystal lifts him up and takes him outside. Once he's set down he makes a mildly affronted sound and smoothes a hand down his chest. "My, my skin is all prickled with the feeling of that again. Are you feeling tingly as well? The /thrill/ of potential, of the future? Here. Stands. /Max-i-mus/." He makes a sweeping gesture to the right. "What a treat." He wets his lips. "I did hear about the Skrulls. And you know where there are skrulls…there are even bigger problems." A beat. "Are you going to ask your boyfriend and his…nnnnnnn…kid? Is she his kid? Other lover? Student?" He tips his chin down. "/Complicated/." He shakes his head. "Are they going to come out?"
When Crystal so gracefully removes the King from their foyer, Erik simply can't help it. A very small grin appears.
"Very good," he tells Lorna, recognizing not only her level of control, but also, the focus upon her face. "At least he isn't a big, green monster, yes?" He looks her way with a rueful grin in his attempt to keep her morale bolstered. Then, he leads the way outside.
"There is exactly no reason for you to be speaking with them, Maximus." Crystal is carefully controlled, her features fixed as she watches him. She may have brought him outside, but she's not foolish enough to think that means anyone is safe here. For the first time, there's someone here who can match her strength if it comes to a fight. If it comes to fists. That in itself is something be aware of.
"I heard you were looking for us again. I'm afraid you're out of luck, though, if you're looking for Medusa and Blackagar. There's only me here. Ten years of exile, and I decided I'd make a home for myself elsewhere. Medusa has been missing for years. And Blackagar hasn't the heart to try without her. So. You can return home safely. You've nothing to fear from us."
Lorna didn't know that Crystal had powers, much less did she understand this whole complicated scenario before them, nor its impact. But when Erik compliments her she grinned up at him, "Yeah, that's true." She murmured, following along beside him as they stepped outside.
At Maximus' words of who /she/ was as they too exited the school building, she pursed her lips, color rising high on her cheeks. Her arms folding in a decidedly unladylike manner as she remained close to her father, but kept her silence.
"I believe I have acquired the means and the trail to find Medusa. But it is not /you/ I am afraid of. You are Inhuman. You are one of us. And we deserve to settle things among us. But apparently you /stirred up/ Asgard, and so there is a little…" Maximus wiggles his fingers and takes a step towards her, his voice growing more intense, but not louder, "tingle in the air that the Prince of Asgard…a certain…ex fiance of yours, might come bring the hordes of Asgard to bear upon Attilan in order to displace me!"
As he grows more turbulent, he calms again in the same short order. "/That/ is hurtful. That it should be any of Asgard's business. To kill the president? To attack Attilan? To attack /any/ Inhumans? Do you think that Asgardians would not kill our people? Is that what you want?" Blue eyes dart to Erik, then back to Crystal. "Ohhhh…he knows right? That he's following Thor?" Maximus makes a distorted wince-face.
Erik seems nonplussed by the flamboyance projected by King Maximus. Nor does he have any intention of engaging in verbal sparring. No, the Master of Magnetism is quite intent upon standing there, just beyond the front entrance, with his daughter by his side and his home at his back. The King's treat as dangled may be truth or deceit, but Erik does not bite. This show belongs to the Inhumans.
The information provided? That's just icing on the proverbial cake.
Crystal smiles faintly back at Maximus. "You left me with few options, Maximus. Did you think I would do nothing? Yes. I spoke with Asgard. Yes, there was talk of an alliance. And yes, Erik is well aware of everything that happened. Do you forget? I played as many games of chess with Karnak as you did, even if I lost more often."
She watches him closely still, head tilting slightly. "You could, of course, cede the throne to the rightful heir. Your brother. The one you've been chronically unable to stir to the great failure you need to justify what you believe is your rightful place in life."
Lorna's brows furrow, and she blinks repeatedly, gaze swinging from Crystal, to Maximus, to her father and back to Crystal in confusion. At least, it would seem, her father was informed.. even if she was confused and utterly lost. Thor? Asgard? Inhumans? None of it made sense to her and she curled her hands into fists beneath her arms. Unmoving otherwise.
Still, the teen managed to keep her silence, even as a million questions burned in her green eyes.
"I. Think. Not. Attilan deserves better than a man who has cried 'boo hoo, my brother stole my throne wah wah'," Here Max changes his voice to a mocking crying tone. Then shifts it when he's done imitating Blackagar, "for ten years, while I have been an inspirational ruler. Muster up Asgard, and there will be /consequences/. Leave it alone. After all, you said that Blackagar doesn't even want the throne without his /precious girlfriend/. What pathetic behavior. I didn't have her and I did just fine. I. Offer. /you/." He points at Crystal three times. "The opportunity to come home. Now and then. When you aren't…cavorting. And I will paint your room in the palace with the unicorns frolicking through the snow like you always wanted. " Maximus begins walking in a half-circle, "Just keep Asgard out of the family drama."
"You know…" Erik looks to Crystal briefly, with no apology in his face. He takes a couple of steps forward, simply to put himself into the conversation, but keeps a healthy and respectful distance from royalty. "In my experience, it takes much more convincing an argument than you're offering, Highness. All due respect, but exile is a fairly harsh sentence. Removing someone from their family?" He shakes his head. "It never ends well."
As a Holocaust survivor, he would know. All too well. There's a certain power in words spoken from raw experience.
"Asgard is just as caught up in all of this as everyone else," he points out. "Nobody can ignore them. Not even you."
Erik is well aware that his words bear little to no consequence upon the real conversation at hand. What he provides is a chance for Crystal to breathe… and a subtle destabilization that might provide her an opening, should she need one. He's played plenty of chess, himself.
"In truth?" Crystal takes a step back as Maximus turns, buying herself a moment of physical space as Erik buys a moment to think. "I didn't invite Asgard into anything. The prince was taken with me, and as an exile, I found myself with little room to turn him away." She glances to Erik then, a small smile curving. She can guard her features, guard the affection there, but she can't quite hide her pride in him.
"I will consider your offer, Maximus. I hope you will consider the rest of us. Attilan is our home as well. We all wish for the best for it."
Lorna stayed out of the conversation. Stayed out of the chess game and stayed right where she'd last stood beside her father. She didn't move, though she shifted her weight upon her toes awkwardly. Her brows still pinched as she tried to follow the conversation, when in fact, most of it went well over her head. She was lost, well and truly, about what was going on exactly. Kingdoms and exiles, Asgard and Princes.
She frowned.
A small shiver crawled up her spine, not having expected the need to be outside, and her coat was still /inside/ up in the study. Ugh.
Maximus regards Erik for a moment, "You know…its very /stressful/ when you have recently taken power. I am /trying/ to make amends now that I have ruled for /so long/." Crystal's words though, make him smile slowly, his eyes bright. "So, Blackagar has his queen after all. And motivation? Does he shiver with anxiousness to come shouting into Attilan and rip the crown from my head?" Maximus touches a crown on his head that isn't there, presently. "And here I was…intending to help your precious love and welcome you home. /Home/. And you busy yourself /lying/ to me." His face goes through a few distortions. "I am the King. You will have to set bitterness aside and come into my favor."
There are a number of snide remarks that come to the surface, but Erik does not give voice to them. His part in this now finished, he steps back to Lorna's side, giving her a long look with eyebrows raised.
Bet you didn't expect dad to be going steady with a Princess.
"Mutantkind will always need help, King Maximus," he tells him. "Long after they no longer feel the need to hide in the very places where they belong, because the people of our realm…" He gestures toward Lorna. "Are a complicated people, with as much hatred in our history as we have goodness and love. We will always welcome help when needed, and we will stand up for any society, and species, that calls upon us for aid."
Mutantkind may have no collective voice, but in this place, for this moment, that simply isn't true.
Crystal arches a brow at her cousin. "You are paranoid, Maximus. I told you, Medusa has been missing for years. It's another part of why I'm staying here. This place collects exceptional people. I hope that if she's still alive, something may draw her here in time. That I won't miss her if she does arrive here." She cuts the truth thin, with no hesitation. It was true, just a few months ago. The reasons were true. That her sister has been found doesn't change what brought her here.
"Blackagar is…" She grimaces, looking away. "You know your brother, Maximus. I'm not Medusa, to read him so clearly, to know his very thoughts. But I don't see him moving. Especially not while Asgard shows the world the worst way in which to come out to humanity. Rest easy, Maximus. Your crown is secure."
Lorna edged closer to her father as he stepped back, and she returned his raised eyebrow look with her own. Her arm brushed against his side, it was still after dark and in November, warm in the sun during the day, but now? More than a little chilly. She hunched her shoulders forward, stubborn determination keeping her rooted to her spot to watch and listen.
While confusion reigned supreme for her, she knew enough to catch that Miss Crystal was much more than she had initially believed.
Maximus suddenly claps his hands together. "Then. You know…" Maximus tilts his head and angles his body to address the three instead of just Crystal. "I truly pictured this going differently. Warmer. Certainly. I see your young one is freezing." He locks his blue eyes on the protected Lorna. Lorna of great power, just simmering under the surface. He might be crazy, but he's not an idiot. She's out here for just as much reason as Erik is. He smiles at her. "Have you ever dined with a King?" He draws his gaze back more neutrally to the trio.
"I had something like that in mind. However, this is not a complete loss. I have contacts at the Hotel Chelsea, once you consider all the options. You know my talents, Crystal. You know what I could offer your mutant allies, should they throw their support around me…and that Blackagar would offer them nothing, /ever/." He holds out his hand towards Crystal.
With a simple gesture, the metal sphere rises from within Erik's pocket. The Institute's front door opens just so, and the sphere floats inside.
Erik turns to look at Lorna when the King questions get directly. There is no interference, for she is capable and free to answer for herself.
Moments later, a coat emerges from the doorway. It's one of Logan's, which is altogether unfortunate, but Magneto cannot see through walls. The zippo lighter within the item was his only guide. The jacket drapes itself over Lorna's shoulders, before the sphere emerges from its collar and comes to float over Erik's shoulder. Only then does his hand fall back to his side.
"Maximus, there is nothing for you to offer them," Crystal says wearily. "Evolution has given them the same gifts we've studied so hard to cultivate. No effort. No science. They're simply born. The world outside here is catching up to our science. What is it that you think you're going to offer?"
Lorna stared, wide eyed as the 'King' turned his attention to her. Her lips parting in surprise as he spoke of her and then she openly gaped, as she felt her father manipulate the metal to bring a jacket outside to her. She burrowed into it, color painting her cheeks red as she bit her lower lip. Even though the jacket had an odd smell to it that made her nose wrinkle faintly. Still, she was thankful for the jacket none the less, and Erik earned a faint smile from her.
"Uhm.. er.. no.. sir." She mumbled, clearing her throat as she pressed closer to Erik's side. Her gaze dropped and she rocked her weight upon her toes and back self consciously.
"Can you not even bear to take my hand, dear cousin? I am offering it." Maximus reaches over to his own wrist and lifts the sleeve a little to show that he's not hiding anything weird. "I am glad to explain another time. But this is just…" He makes a disgusted expression. "Outside…there is no warmth, no food…no dancing. You know I like the little teacups with the bending mermaids for handles…"
Erik steps a bit closer to his daughter. The cold doesn't bother him much; more of an annoyance than anything else. However, he watches the exchange between royalty with eyes that simply can't help narrowing a small measure.
"If I go with you, will you leave them alone?" Crystal looks to Erik and Lorna, taking a few steps to put herself between them and Maximus. It gives him a step closer to her, but it means he doesn't have a direct look to the others. "They have no part in your games, Maximus."
Lorna shifts until her arm brushes against her father's side, green eyes lifting from Crystal and Maximus with a faint frown tracing her lips. She had no idea what exactly to do or say given that the attention had shifted away from her. Still, she kept her tongue, slipping her arms through the sleeves of the borrowed jacket. Her attention focused solely on how Crystal put herself between the King's line of sight to both her and Erik.
She was still deeply confused, but was quickly putting together what pieces she could.
Maximus arches his brows and then laughs again. "Oh…no, you stay with them, for now." He looks down at his pale hand and flexes his fingers. He makes a groaning sound. "All I wanted was to clasp hands with the cousin I miss." His tone is hard to tell if he's being sincere or not. "I feels forced now though. You ruined it." Max widens his blue eyes and then turns his back on the group to walk towards his car. He does pivot back around to look at her. "Do not think that I have left Attilan unguarded while I am about my business." And that sentence is the most ominous one of the evening, his face drawn sharp with menace and a flash of capability of being far less polite than he was at this moment. He lets the warning resonate for a moment before turning away again.
The moment Crystal's words leave her mouth, Erik's expression turns ice cold. It's a subtle thing, lest one look directly into his eyes, or notice how his chest rises and falls differently, with deeper and faster breaths. The metal sphere hovering over his shoulder begins silently spinning upon its z-axis, a constant tug Lorna will easily discern.
No matter how this turns out, he's bound to have a great deal of explaining to do.
He looks on as it all happens, eyes shifting toward those other two who had accompanied the King. At long last, he turns toward Lorna, speaking quietly to her. "Diplomacy is never as pretty as it sounds." He maintains upon her for a moment, concerned for her confusion and for being witness to such a deceptively tense conversation. Then, he turns back toward Crystal and offers a hand to her.
As far as digs go? That one was a bit intentional, shameful to admit.
Crystal's eyes narrow for a split second at Maximus' final comment. Something she'd said herself just a day ago. That if Maximus was out here…Mad? Clever? Or something else? "The Hotel Chelsea," she echoes her cousin, dipping her chin in a slow nod. "Another time, then."
She turns then, only the strength of her grip as she takes Erik's hand a sign of the strain the meeting has placed on her.
Lorna's gaze leapt to the ball spinning over her father's shoulder, head tilting to the side as she watched it and intently for a long moment. Then her gaze slipped back to Maximus and then Crystal as she drew closer to both Erik and herself. Her father's words about diplomacy earning a furrow of her brow. But she remained silent for as long as the 'King' remained in sight or in ear shot.
The self-proclaimed and apparently suddenly interested in his exiled cousins, King, slides into the waiting, sea-green caddy. The guards, for what its worth, do seem to recognize Crystal. Just that glint of familiarity. And also to like Maximus. But obviously, for his personal attendance, he would pick people ready to thrown down for him. He does give the group a last glance, particularly Erik the diplomat. Once the door is shut though, the guard gets in the passenger seat, and unless stopped, he will drive on out. And probably get some drive-thru. God damned Crystal…keeping him from getting X-Snacks.
Erik's fingers wrap easily around Crystal's hand, and he turns at once to beckon them back inside. The door opens before them of its own will, as does the wrought iron gate that would have blocked the car from Greymalkin Lane.
Once inside, Erik waits by the door until he knows that the car is surely headed down the lane, before closing up.
Crystal waits as well until they're all inside. Until the gate and the doors are closed. Only then does she allow herself the comfort of turning to Erik and wrapping her arms around him. She can spare herself a moment to actually feel the towering terror of a world of what-ifs. Just a moment.
Lorna needs no encouragement to step inside and hurry along before her father and his girlfriend. She /did/ take off the borrowed jacket as soon as they were inside however, glancing around to find the hook it had come from and settling it there while Crystal took the time to embrace Erik and hold onto him. She gave them what time she could, fiddling with the jacket, before she turned back.
"Tata? Uhm.. I.. I'm really confused.. about all of that.. but uh.. if you want, I can just.. well, if I could just have a place to sleep we could talk in the morning?" Her brows climbed higher, glancing to Crystal and biting her lower lip.
Erik's embrace is warm, in part because he's not terribly sure what might have happened had she gone with that man to salvage them from… whatever. He holds her until she's ready, at which point there is a subtle refusal at releasing her hand.
"That, my dear," Erik explains to Lorna, "is the ruler of Crystal's world. A place named Attilan. You see, she is neither human nor mutant. She's one of the 'Inhumans'." He looks from Crystal to Lorna, smiling tiredly at her. "What you just witnessed was a game. A very dangerous game, involving some very powerful people, most of whom were not even present." He looks toward Crystal then, while explaining, "Crystalia here is Maximus' cousin, and a Princess of Attilan."
Crystal doesn't wait for too long. She gives herself one moment, then lets out a deep breath and draws back, grateful as she is for his hand. "I am sorry, Lorna. And there's no reason you need to leave," she assures the girl. "He's left now. Though I'll need to speak with Charles, let him know that we should probably contact his friend, Doctor Strange, regarding further security here. Something about what he said…He couldn't have found me here without help. It bears investigation."
Lorna's eyes go wide at her father's explanation and it was clear that exhaustion from her day warred with her natural desire for answers. She bit her lower lip, practically bubbling with a million more questions, but then she yawned. Her shoulders slumping as her gaze shifted between Crystal and back to her father. Then she was moving closer, and threw her arms around her father briefly, giving him a squeeze.
"Uhm, alright.. erm. That's a /lot/ to think about.." A pause, "Think I want to go to sleep, Tata." Then she drew back and glanced toward Crystal, shifting awkwardly on her toes a beat.
"Good night, Miss-er… Princess Crystal?" She offered a sheepish smile, and darted in to snag a hug from Crystal too if allowed.
"Come Lorna." Erik reaches for her hand. "I'll prepare a guest room for you." Then he turns to Crystal, looking her deeply in the eyes. "Don't be long, my love," he tells her, before kissing her right on the mouth, in front of his daughter.
And the young mutant student who remains in the foyer, eyes wide, having witnessed the whole thing.
Crystal doesn't seem put off by Lorna's hug. A little surprised, perhaps, but she returns it easily enough. Erik's kiss surprises her more. For all they do in private, she's still been cautious about showing too much in front of the students. But at the moment, it's a comfort she needs before she gathers her resources again. "I'll see you when you're finished," she says with a small, weary smile, giving his hand a squeeze before she heads for the stairs herself.