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There's a great benefit to having Lockjaw available to move the royal family around at the drop of hat. But rather than go straight away to New York City, Crystal is sent ahead to make arrangements while Blackagar and Medusa take up brief residence in a chalet in the Alps, often used as a waystation for exiled Inhumans in need of a safehouse.
Medusa has been, best to say, uncertain of where she stands with Blackagar. It can't be called being cold toward him, but she seems inclined to respect his space. It is morning, she is seated by the window, and the scent of chocolate is in the air as she sits and contemplates the snow and sips from a mug.
The whirlwind of chaos that had ensued for Blackagar after leaving Nepal and then making their way to the Alps had been hidden behind a passive expression and a calm demeanor. He had spent the night prior in meditation; as was needed, only now walking out of the room he had claimed for his own He was rested, of sorts, but still rather weary based on his expression; tired from the travel and the issues awaiting them.
Walking into the common area, where Medusa is at by the window, the man remains quiet as he glides across the floor wearing pajama pants he had taken from the dresser and is attempting to figure out what there is to eat.
"There's sipping chocolate on the stove." she says, curled up in the window seat and looking at him over the shoulder of her sweater. Whatever reply he might give, A few tendrils of hair undulate their way to the kitchen area, opening the cabinet for a mug and and fetching the kettle. He'll find food in the larder and fridge, staples mostly. "We can stay as long as you like before going to New York."
A small shudder passes through Blackagar at the mention of New York but he shakes his head and let's it pass. «That city is so very foul.» He moves to look for healthier options then warmed chocolate, settling on tea and getting to work preparing some for himself. «What is the reason behind going there?»
The tendril that moves to the chocolate withdraws, but the lock of hair fetching an empty mug extends toward him with it in offering. "We have allies in New York." she explains. "Crystal arranged an agreement with one of the sons of the royal house of Asgard, and she and I have taken refuge with a group who call themselves the X-Men. Mutants. Most of them believe her and I to be mutants as well." She adds in an attempt to be playful, "Not to mention I've been invited to the Wakandan embassy, and was really hoping you'd escort me."
Blackagar pauses at something Medusa says, a bare smirk touching his lips. «I have encountered those that call themselves Mutants before, in various places and … planes. Interesting people. Some are quite certain of their superiority.» He accepts the mug before letting the water boil and dropping a bag into the mug. «I do not know if it is wise to present ourselves as anything more than refugees until we have reclaimed Attilan. To do so is presumptious. Nor do I believe it wise to have outside help. They will expect it in turn.»
The lock of hair retracts, and if it briefly skims his wrist as it retreats, there's a very curious, tentative air about it. Assuming of course, it was on purpose. "The Prince of Asgard struck a bargain with Crystal and I. He is bound to his promise, if we choose to take advantage of it. The debt for it has been met. A small group of mutants know what we are, they are the ones who've given us refuge and helped to protect us. But for others, we allow ourselves to be mistaken for mutants." There's a pause. "Some mutants are quite powerful. The leader of the X-Men, Charles…he is an incredibly powerful telepath."
«You know as well as I, that one's power does not define who or what they are.» Blackagar retorts, the brushing of hair against his wrist causing him to glance at her, not coldly but curiously. «Powerful or not, we must treat the affairs of Inhumans as our own. Or else we risk alienating our people. Restoring Attilan to what it is meant to be does not include doing so on the backs of others, this would be weakness. Powerful or not, these X-men and Asgardians are not to set foot on Attilan soil.»
"By your command." Medusa inclines her head in acknowledgement. "Crystal and I still owe the X-Men for helping us. We'll see to repaying the debt, but I would ask that you think kindly of them in the future." There's a sip of her chocolate, and she watches him now quite carefully, every micro-expression, every nuance of his posture. "Blackagar," she says softly, "What are we to be?"
There's silence for a bit before he responds in expression and posture, moving as he does so. «Inhumans. This world is getting smaller as the humans, the mutants, and others spread. It is a matter of time until their threats and their issues spill over into Attilan. Our duty is to our people, that is what we are to be. Inhuman. We have moved Attilan before, we will do so again. This time to a place where the issues of this world will no longer bother us.»
"That's not what I meant." she admits ruefully, but seems inclined to address the point as raised. "But the world is changing, and perhaps it is time we changed with it. We are Inhuman, but being human is part of that is well, and we are no less or greater for the mistakes we make. The world has a lot to offer, I have found." Perhaps now is not the time to mention she's met a Kree. Or someone who claimed to be a Kree.
His eyes turn, brilliant blue to fall on Medusa with an eyebrow quirked up. «This world does not accept mutants, who are nothing more than genetic alterations to their species. You think they would accept an entirely different species? One that has been here among them for millenia? You give them far to much credit. There are some, yes. But many others will not.» He walks towards the window she is by now, looking out at it. «How many of those out there would seek to destroy our people? This world may have much to offer, but that does not mean it is an offer we should accept.»
Medusa points out mildly, "And we are of that species too. Simply a different evolutionary branch. As are mutants." She sighs, lowering her head. "I have no wish to argue with you." And she's willing to lay the argument aside for the moment. No doubt it'll be one they'll revisit. "Blackagar," she tries again, sumonning her courage once more. "What are we to be?" He's standing at the window now, and she looks up at him. "You know what was planned for us. But I don't know if that was ever your plan."
«I never possessed any plans. I was told what to do, and what to be.» Blackagar responds still looking out the window. «I know it is something that troubles and weighs on you. For now, all I know is that until Attilan is secured once again, and the people are taken care of… I do not know.»
Blackagar has disconnected.
"I don't know what to say to that." Medusa's gaze is kept lowered. "Those who know of us consider me queen of the Inhumans. Our fellow exiles do as well. But I will avoid use of such presumption from this point."
«Unless you are with Maximus, you are not Queen. For until he is removed, I am not King.» Blackagar responds back to Medusa glancing at her. He hesitates for a moment and then leans against the window frame. «You will make your own choices. Not because of what our people think you should do or be, but because of what you want to do, or be. That is my intentions.»
Medusa looks up at him, from her seat. Leaning against the window frame puts him in even closer proximity. She lifts her head to look up at him. "That is not the Inhuman way, Blackagar. We know who we are and who we are meant to be. That is how it has always been. I've loved you since I was a child, and you stood on that beach nine years ago and it seemed like you rejected not just the exiles, but me. And here, again, for me it feels the same." Her hair swells, coiling a curtain around them on one side, but leaving the window's transparency available to them both. "Could you really bear it? To see my eye turn elsewhere?"
«Our ways … are not to be in exile either Medusa. That is why you will make the choice of what you wish to do. I will not make it for you and neither will the Council. What burdens I bear, I bear.» He glances out the window again then looks back to her, that stubborn look with chin set.
Medusa puts her feet down so she can rise, turning so that she is between him and the window. Now her hair does curl all the way around them both, tightening a little to force them closer. "You didn't answer my question. This isn't one sided for either of us. I know what I've always wanted. But unwitting or not, you made me feel as if I might not be what you wanted. So tell me."
Looking at her, Blackagar glances around at the curtain of hair that is bearing down then back into Medusa's eyes. «I do not answer questions that need not be answered.» His hand rises, fingers to trace her cheek before coming to cup gently under her chin. A tilt of his hand and he is leaning down to kiss her.
She smiles around that kiss, arms curling around his neck. "You may find that it never hurts to remind me. When occasion calls for it." Her hand rests on the nape of his neck so her nails can scrape gently against her scalp. Tilting her head back, she looks up into his face. "We will take back our home. Nothing will stop us."
«Nothing?» Blackagar mimics, his head tilting to the side with a bemused smile. «You best believe that there will be many that will try to stop us. Maximus, those that have gained from his reign, and those that still fear what I am.»
"Trying isn't the same as succeeding." Medusa insists stubbornly. Her hair relaxes, settling around her in a halo. "I think it will do us well to bring something to the battle he won't expect. The others will come, when they learn that you're ready to claim your rightful place. And I will be by your side, as will Crystal."
«I am what they will not expect.» Blackagar explains to Medusa with a smirk, «You do not think I have spent the past ten years doing nothing, do you?»
"What have you been doing in the last two years?" asks Medusa, expression wildly curious. "If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine, though I suspect mine's less exciting."
Blackagar has disconnected.
Medusa leaves, heading towards RP Nexus [O].
Medusa has left.
Wanda arrives from RP Nexus.
Wanda has arrived.
Blackagar arrives from RP Nexus.
Blackagar has arrived.
A young woman in her mid-twenties, she is striking for several reasons. Her height, standing at just under six feet tall, her build, curvy but clearly strong, but most notably, her hair. Red - a rich, vibrant red that no bottle ginger could ever hope to achieve, and when at rest, is about six feet long and animate, often creating its own volume around her head in order to keep itself out of her way, drifting lazily almost as if under water. Her hair caps a face of beautiful features; green eyes, widely set cheekbones, and pert lips. Her voice is a husky alto and she exudes an aura of confidence.
It had been an uncomfortable couple of weeks in the city of New York. Uncomfortable for Blackagar as he did not much like the city, but made more so by the constant evaluation within his mind of what should be done and what must be done. The onset of what he has deemed attacks by the Skrulls on the world proper has done nothing to lighten the man's mood but rather pushed him into a further dour disposition. The length of his time meditating has grown and then, abruptly, he simply summoned forth Lockjaw to take him away.
It was just now breaking dawn on the island in the Pacific Ocean, just south of the Bering sea. It was a beautiful place, an isolated place and one that he had visited before. Being dropped off, he had sent Lockjaw back to New York city.
But this was not a fleeing, it was not an escape or abandoning of the other Inhumans. It was not a vacation either. For the note he had left behind for Medusa was rather plain: 'I am giong to a location, Lockjaw knows where it is. You may join me. Any may join me. I must get out of this city, for what I intend to do must be far away from where the humans are.'
Medusa has felt like she's been walking on a tightrope. Walking on eggshells around Blackagar, feeling as if her own hair was keeping her hands tied as she supported Crystal's desire to take action and her desire to affirm Black Bolt as king. In some ways, it's been unbearable, and finds herself wondering if her life as a criminal may have been an easier one. But this is here, and here is where they are, and so she doesn't hesitate to let Crystal know that Blackagar has called for them, and waits for her to catch up along with Lockjaw to be taken to their waiting king.
Crystal has been busy lately. In ways that she well knows Blackagar is unlikely to approve of. But she's also run into Maximus, and that is a thing that needs to be discussed. So she joins her sister, passing her a small golden ring with garnets set into it. "Hold it and think of being blurry," she advises, holding up her hand to show a matching one on her finger. "It should protect us from any prying eyes while we speak with Blackagar. From the Sorcerer Supreme," she explains. A nod to Lockjaw then, as she sets a hand to his shoulder, ready to join their king.
The Inhuman dog brings the sisters to Blackagar, where the Silent King stands at the edge of a cliff side watching the water lap at the base, the waves crashing steadily against it. He glances up only momentarily to the pair before he looks back out to the water and 'speaks' to them in that way he has; the telepathic body language that has permeated since their youth.
«You came to me. You sought me.» He begins still looking out across the waves. «I did not seek you out for this, but you came to me. To remind me of who I am and who I am meant to be.» Slowly, very slowly, Blackagar turns to look at the two sisters, first at Medusa then at Crystal. «Now it is time to return the gesture?»
Medusa accepts the ring with some surprise. "The Sorcerer Supreme?" she echoes uncertainly, but then there's no more time to ask about it, and well, once the news about Maximus comes to light, Medusa is going to be a very unhappy young woman, not to mention frightened. (Fright won't stop her, but it will be present.) And now they are here, on this island. Standing next to Crystal, there's a careful cock of her head as her hair whips about from the seabreeze.
Crystal should look ashamed. She's been busy, after all. But she doesn't. "Maximus found me, Blackagar," she says quietly. "I told him what I believed to be true just a few months ago - that Medusa was missing and you hadn't the heart to go on without her. I'm not certain if it worked. But he has our scent, and he is…restless."
She reaches for Medusa's hand as she speaks, perhaps to comfort her sister, perhaps to seek some comfort for herself.
Blackagar slowly clenches and unclenches his fist as he listens to Crystal's words, turning slowly to look back over the ocean again in thought. «What does Maximus matter, if we are not united?» He contemplates for a bit longer before turning to look at the pair once again, drawing in a breath as he does.
«We are created for the needs of our people. This is what we have believed for our entire history. Terrigenesis and our genetics guide us, bringing forth the gifts that are needed at that time. I did not understand myself in this light until a short time ago. I do not speak, for the Inhumans do not need a King that speaks. It needs one that is silent.»
For a moment Medusa doesn't move. Doesn't breathe. It's like her face becomes a mask, the swan gliding smoothly across a pond while its feet paddle furiously underneath. The hand in hers is held, briefly squeezed, and not let go. Oddly enough, thus far she remains the silent one in the course of this conversation, at least so far.
"He's going to matter a great deal if we're not united, Blackagar, because he's going to-" Crystal cuts herself off, cheeks flushed with the frustration. Medusa goes pale and silent; Crystal goes red and angry. She looks away, taking a breath. "I'm sorry. It's just…everything is happening so fast, and it feels like we're being left behind."
«I get the luxury of not having to rush my words. I do not always take it, but I take it far better than some.» The pointed look he gives Crystal is measured then, Blackagar looking at her steadily before his eyes drift to Medusa and taking time to note her silence. «He is going to what, Crystal? He is going to defile Attilan? He has already done this. He is going to ruin things? Bring chaos?» Slowly his eyes go back to Medusa, «You were right. I am not responsible for the death of the council. Maximus was. So I ask you both, what greater crime could be committed to us, than his murdering of our leaders, our family, our parents? He has already taken this, what more do you have to fear?»
Again, Blackagar looks to the ocean, even with his back turned the communication continues. «You wish to act. I wish to plan. I do not look at things and wonder what is to come tomorrow, or next week. I must look at what is to come in a hundred years, or a thousand. For that is how long our people will be. We existed before Human, before Mutant, and we will be long after they have passed.»
"We were Human, before the Kree altered us." Medusa contradicts. "But that doesn't matter. I do not believe we can simply say 'look at what was done to us, it cannot get any worse.' Maximus has decided to bring his madness to the world now. Do you have a plan?" Medusa's protestations don't seem particularly vehement. At this point she's just waiting to hear what Blackagar wants to do, but her hand stays in Crystal's, for comfort and consolement.
"Well, he could murder us, and I would rather he not," Crystal grimaces to Blackagar. "Or worse, he could not murder us. He could put us in his thrall. And I would rather die than that." She crosses her free arm over her chest, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she watches him. "What are your thoughts, Blackagar? What is your plan?"
«The first part of my plan, is to see if you two are going to remember who I am, and who you are. For if we don't have that, then we have nothing further to discuss.» He looks between the two sisters. «A Monarchy, a King is to be obeyed. To take council, but when a decision is made, it is made.» There is a pointed look from the man as he turns to face the two sisters, folding his arms over his chest.
Medusa seems filled to the brim with words, so it may come as a surprise when she says…absolutely nothing. Any point she has to make she's made already, and being a broken record won't help. She stiffens a tthe challenge to her identity, and continues to regard Blackagar with narrowed eyes, waiting.
Crystal gives her cousin a long, almost sullen look. She has plenty of things to say, it seems. She's just trying to decide if they need to be said. Finally: "I'm listening."
Blackagar's eyes darken a bit as he looks at the pair. «Do you remember who I am, and who you are? This is not a rhetorical question ladies. It is a foundational concept. If you do not, then we either part ways here, or I remind you of who I am. You brought me back, and all that entails.» He takes a step forward then. «There is no anger, there is no malice in this. It simply is a time to determine if you are willing to be who YOU are meant to be, as you both insist that I fulfill my obligations. I want to know if you will meet yours. So who are you, and who am I?»
"When we found you, you insisted that you did not know who you were anymore. And that you did not know who we were. But now you propose to know? What does it matter, Blackagar, who we think we are, if as a King, you seem to think we are whoeve we need to be?" She lifts her chin. "I am Medusalith Amequelin, princess of the Royal House of Attilan, sister of Princess Crystal, once beloved of Blackagar Boltagon. I am a patriot who wants to free her kingdom from a mad man who would put her in his thrall and force me to be his consort. I am a princess, I am a warrior, I am a thief, I am a diplomat. I am a sister. I am a daughter. I am an Inhuman. I was once a beloved. And I will do anything, work with anyone, adapt however I must, to restore Attilan and make it thrive. Who are you?"
"I know who I am. I never stopped." Crystal lets her sister's hand fall, chin rising as she matches her cousin's step forward. "I am and have been, without fail, a princess of Attilan. Dedicated to our kingdom, to the cause of reclaiming it. When Attilan was in danger of discovery, I was a child, and yet I lifted it. I moved it. For safety. When we were exiled, when both of you were gone, I stayed with those of our people who were with us. I searched for Medusa. I had faith in you. When Asgard offered a chance for aid, I put my life - my heart - on hold, ready to give even my place in Attilan if it would free our people and return you to your rightful place."
She takes a deep breath, eyes flashing. "What right have you to ask if I know my place, Blackagar? I, who have been the most loyal. I, who just days ago lied to Maximus' face to protect the both of you. He offered me a chance to go home, and still I stayed true!"
«What right do I have?» Blackagar's eyes flash as he looks at Crystal, then at Medusa. «What right do /I/ have? I have the right because by your desires, I am your King.» Turning he steps away down the edge of the cliffside some. «I chose this location, because it is far from any living being. But it is close enough that what I do here will be known.» Looking at Crystal in particular he keeps his eyes and posture level. «You will go back to Maximus. You will tell him he has until sundown over Attilan in three days to vacate. Or else he will face me, and all my wrath and I will show him no mercy. There will be no forgiveness, no quarter, and no exceptions.»
"If your plan is to introduce us by a show of force, then you will be inviting all to fear us when they shouldn't." Medusa says, brow furrowing. "But if you are set on your course, it hardly matters. What is your plan, then, beyond sending my sister into Maximus' clutches with news that will enrage him? It might be wiser if I go. He won't kill me. He might kill Crystal."
Crystal's jaw sets at Blackagar's response, though there's approval in it as well. Determination. "He won't kill me," she promises her sister. "He might try. But he won't succeed. I've been…practicing." Just what, she doesn't say. But she looks back to Blackagar. "And if he says no? Are we ready to make that move?"
«We? What we do you speak of?» Blackagar asks looking to Crystal then to Medusa. «Again, you two wish to debate, rather than to obey. It is clear, increasingly so, that you are not looking for a leader, you are looking for something else. When I step forward to lead, you rebuke me. When I refuse to step forward, you rebuke me. And you both wonder why I did not wish to return?» For once the calm demeanor of Blackagar is cracking, anger flashing in his eyes.
"You say you accept counsel, but when we give it, you accuse us refusing you, of rebuking you. All we want to do is free Attilan, and you take any presentation of a possible better option, any angle we consider that you may have not, as a criticism. Be a king, Blackagar. Not a tyrant. You have spent so much time alone that you have forgotten what it means to work with others, which even kings must do." Medusa takes a breath. "Crystal has not refused your command. I offered myself in her place because I love her and wanted to avoid her harm. But she says she can do this, and I believe her. So. She has her marching orders. What are mine?"
"Will you fight alone?" Crystal's brows furrow at Blackagar's response. "When I say we, I say we are at your side. As we have been. As we will be. You left us alone for years. Until we came for you. If we ask questions, it's because we haven't known you, and we're relearning the person you became. Don't be angry at us for caring."
«You must see, that there is a fine line between questioning and deriding, particularly when it has been a continual battle.» Blackagar indicates to the two females. He then looks steadily to Crystal and nods his head, «I will fight alone. It… is what should be. If Maximus will not relinquish then he will face me and be destroyed. It took time, but I have finally learned what I set out all those years ago to learn.»
He pauses, there is a bare bare smirk on his lips. «You did not think I left just to leave, did you? I was learning something, learning to master myself… it simply took time.» Then he looks to Medusa with a bare smile, «You and your sister will be aside each other. Since you both believe it is important that we are known. I still disagree with this however, so all discussions will be tempered. As you said Crystal, I do not know /you/ either. I do not fully trust your ability to decipher an ally or not, not yet. So until I have decided, we will be wary with what we reveal and whom we reveal it to. In time, I will decide based on our experiences with who we encounter.»
There's a pause, as Medusa looks thoughtful. "If you are fighting Maximus, perhaps you would permit Crystal and I, and any allies we have made, to siege Attilan while you defeat your brother? I believe we can do this. Allow us the opportunity. I think you will be pleased with the result."
Crystal's expression softens a bit when Blackagar says he'll take Maximus alone, understanding at least that much. "He fears you still," she says quietly. "Your rightful claim. That, more than anything else, threatens him. I will deliver your challenge," she nods.
Blackagar smiles just a bit as he glances at Medusa. «Now you are seeing things, as I see them. While Maximus' eyes are on me, the rest of you will sweep his legs out from under him. But Attilan and the people are not to come to harm. The secrecy of our land must remain intact. This is why I do not want it revealed to many. As few as possible and only after I have met with them. I will not have the burden of allegiances on anyone else's shoulders.»
"The X-Men have offered their strike team already. And I believe T'Challa would be willing to aid us. She is a queen, accustomed to state secrets, and could be an ally to us in the future if and when we choose to reveal ourselves to the rest of the world." Medusa looks over to Crystal, but notes to Blackagar, "Asgard's heir has also promised his assistance. You aren't risking the truth spreading from the X-Men or the Asgard, as they already know something of our nature. The cat, as humans say, is out of the bag with them."
"I know you don't want it to look like we've regained the kingdom due to outside assistance," Crystal says on the heels of her sister's words, looking to Blackagar. "And I know that our powers are great of themselves. But two of us to fight the entire guard…I worry we'll have no option but to use lethal force. Allies will give us the breathing room we need so that we don't waste a single drop of Inhuman blood."
«Work upon a way to utilize your allies without bringing them within the walls. If you can accomplish this, you have my blessing. Else, we will need to discuss a more discrete method. The perception of outside influence cannot be present amongst the people.» Blackagar looks between the two women and then after a moment pauses. «You are both clear upon my wishes?»
Medusa looks askance at Crystal. They'll certainly try, but plans often go awry in the heat of battle. "We understand." she says. "And we will act accordingly." She looks back to Blackagar. "We will be home soon." She's unable to resist the sudden smile that comes to her face.
"The mutants can pass for Inhuman," Crystal points out. "There would be no need for anyone to know they were anything else. Asgard…" She trails off, shrugging. "Asgard is a nuclear option," she admits. "But they may be able to offer some resources for weapons or defenses, if they're to stay out." She dips her chin, smile flickering in answer to Medusa's smile. "Soon."
Blackagar nods his head then to the two women before he looks at Crystal. «Thank you. Both of you, for coming. But if you will excuse us Crystal, I need to have word now with your Sister. In private.» His eyes look over at Medusa then, face looking as unreadable as he can manage.
"It's alright." Medusa reassures Crystal, though maybe also herself. "I'll be along soon. I will see you at home." She turns then, to look at Blackagar, and takes a deep breath.
Crystal nods once, taking a step back to rejoin Lockjaw. "Home, Lockjaw," she murmurs with a hand on his shoulder, the pair winking away in a flash of light.