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Overlooking the Potomac just on the outskirts of Arlington, there are rows of lovely townhouses that give a place for society's elite to keep an eye upon the center of government across the river. Some of them are connected, others are split off in small groups of two or three. Yet they all provide at least a decent place for individuals to reflect upon the world only minutes away from the heart of the United States.
It's the early evening at just one such a residence. Outside in the half-circle driveway are a handful of black cars as well as some men dressed in black suits with conspicuous earpieces. They bar the way to most, preventing access to their charge inside. Yet with the right credentials they have allowed a few to speak with the otherworldly fellow in custody.
Currently that fellow is sitting on the top floor balcony, a place that gives him a good place to observe the water and the small ships as well as the traffic across the bridge with people heading home. The man known as Loki of Asgard is wearing a bath robe, has a rather fine cigar, and is holding a newspaper open before him, a small tendril of smoke wending its way up from the corner of his mouth as he enjoys at least this small aspect of his presumed captivity.
Crystal offered to provide a certain manner of transportation for the trip to DC. Not that there aren't mundane transports, but at this point…The convenience of teleportation outweighs the oddity of exactly how the teleportation is managed. Which is to say, giant bulldog. Lockjaw teleports the pair to a park not far away, blinking out of view shortly after and leaving the pair of women to walk the final block and a half to the brownstone.
Crystal has settled for her usual attire for this particular interview, the oft-worn dress of green silk embroidered with colorful flowers worn beneath a warm, tan wool capelet, white gloves protecting her hands. "Well," she observes as the pair approaches the brownstone. "At least Asgard can't complain he's not being held according to his station."
A smirk pulls at Sue's lips. "I think we should be friends," she replies to Crystal. Her hands tuck into the pockets of her yellow dress, and she balances the bag over her shoulder. Arrangements had been made for this particular meeting, and in no time, the pair are ushered into the brownstone by some gentlemen in suits.
A gentle knock at the door gives a note of warning before the men usher the pair into the room where Loki lingers. "Greetings, your majesty. I'm Sue Storm — "
But before she can finish her introduction, she's interrupted. " — Ma'am," the suit states as he stands by the door.
Sue's gaze shifts between the Asgardian and the Inhuman before she offers towards the suit, "You don't need need to linger. I'm sure our chat won't be of interest anyways." She pauses. "Unless the Prince would appreciate your presence." She smiles. Politely.
Gaining his feet with a faint rustle of newspaper, Loki climbs to his full height which is fairly considerable though not quite as imposing as say, his brother. The Asgardian looks between the two women and his smile broadens effortlessly. "Crystal. So good to see you." He announces his recognition of the one woman and then espies Sue and offers his own greeting. "Your highness, actually. If you wish to stand on ceremony. But Loki is fine."
Hands are accepted if offered and then he steps back to wave them towards the seats that most likely had been set out for the visitors. "Please, sit. Make yourselves at ease." He adjusts his bathrobe over what looks like a t-shirt and pair of shorts or swim trunks. His brow furrows as he ashes his cigar and looks from one to the other. "Oh no. We'll be quite fine." The trickster god motions towards the man in black and gives a nod. The fellow dutifully withdraws, though most likely all of this is being recorded for posterity of course.
Once they're reasonably clear, Loki moves to retake his own seat. "Forgive me, time must have slipped. I had intended to cut a dashing silhouette with such finery, but I got lost in the moment."
Crystal leaves her coat and her purse at the door, gloves removed once she's inside. There's a brief, wry smile for Loki's greeting. Your highness, indeed. But she doesn't seem flustered by the robe, settling into a chair with a smoothing of her skirts, ankles crossed neatly beneath herself. "Loki," she greets, a note of amusement in her voice. "I can't say that this was how I expected to meet again. But they do seem to be keeping you well," she observes, looking around the room.
"Loki then," Sue offers in return. She lives in a house with Johnny and Ben — robes don't scandalize her. Her lips quirk in vague amusement as she shifts to one of the seats and smooths her dress. Carefully, without regard for the rest of the room, she lifts an invisible veil around them to keep others from easily hearing their conversation. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." Her gaze flits towards Crystal.
"I'm not sure how much you watch the news, but my brother was the one to capture the President's murderer." Her gaze flits towards Crystal. "Crystal filled Joon and I in on information bout the Skrulls, and it's clear to all of us that you are clearly not guilty of any crime. But someone is obviously trying to make you take the fall."
"Au contraire, Crystal. I had imagined seeing you again in some form of incarceration. Peering at you from between bars, offering forlorn words of support." Loki's smile is wry as he watches the Inhuman woman, "But alas it seems fate enjoys a lovely turn of the moment." He makes light, of course, but he seems amused at the very least.
It's then that his attention shifts back to Sue as she speaks, bright green eyes meeting hers and as she makes a point here or there he'll share a nod. "That is apparent. But I felt it best to minimize the random motive elements at play in the crisis and thus removed myself from the board for the nonce."
He sets the cigar down upon the edge of the ash tray, letting it continue to smoke faintly as he folds his arms over his chest. "I gain the impression from them that they may not be very aware of Asgardians as it stands. With a little effort and research or insight they could have made a much more convincing effort. I get the feeling that my name was invoked as a sort of… spur of the moment."
"You went on the Ed Sullivan show and started an alien panic," Crystal points out, dry. "You were a convenient stalking horse. Not to mention, it immediately casts suspicion on you and on Asgard, which reduces the chances that we might actually accept any assistance from you. You claim to have removed yourself from the board, but I believe that was entirely the goal of the Skrulls."
She keeps her hands folded neatly in her lap, looking back to Sue in consideration before she turns back to the prince. "Though I do appreciate that you've not caused a fuss yourself. Over this. Yet." So little faith. "How likely is your father to take exception to this?"
Sue allows Crystal to ask her questions as she maintains the shield to protect the group from the microphones of the presumed cameras. She manages a tight smile and simply listens as Crystal speaks. "To be honest," she tags onto Crystal's thoughts, "we think that it was a calculated decision." Her eyes narrow slightly. "Right now it appears that someone purposively selected the Asgardians to be scapegoated. It's easy for many to believe you hurt the President. They have a warped view of who the Asgardians are."
Her lips purse lightly. "And right now, no one is openly questioning your guilt. I suspect these Skrulls intended that. Whatever they're planning, I think they're hoping your people hold the blame long-term while they enact whatever plans they actually have."
A hand gestures absently as Loki addresses Crystal's concerns. "It was clearly a job with brief planning. If they had altered a few words, a shift of focus, perhaps a different approach then we would not be having this conversation. The Skrulls could have made this assassination stick." For a moment there's a slight hint of the wild in the trickster's eyes as he adds, "It would have been _much_ more interesting."
But then he peers back to Sue, "Or I could be overestimating them." He offers that as a possibility, probably out of politeness' sake.
Yet now Sue offers her insight and he is forced to give it further consideration. He lifts his eyebrows and then spreads his hands. "Well, if you say this is so then I shall have to give thought to such." He reaches forwards and turns over a pair of glasses, offering them some brandy with the silent gesture. If they accept he'll pour sufficient drinks for them, though if not he'll at least have the one for himself.
Once that's done he leans back, "For our part, Asgard does not take it negatively. The sentiment from our side was that this was an attempt to shift blame, yes. And of course we shall hold those responsible in ill light. But it changes little for us. My brother, Thor wishes to work with ACT-F as a member if possible, to cement our alliance with the people of earth."
He takes a drink, "I imagine in a month's time people will know enough that we were not to blame."
Sue has long dark hair, dark almond eyes, and pale skin. Most would describe her build as petite, particularly as she stands just over five feet.
"How many people know what a Skrull is, what it looks like, and know you?" Crystal arches a brow at Loki. "I think were it not for a very small subset of overlapping people, they could certainly have made it stick. But. I'm glad to hear that at least we won't be dealing with an angry All-Father." Priorities!
She takes one of the glasses, though she doesn't drink yet. It's just polite to take one. Which is when she has another thought, looking to Sue with furrowed brows. "Out of curiosity, how do any of them think they're going to punish Loki?"
Sue shifts in her chair and her legs cross at the ankles as she does so. Her dark eyes follow the trickster god and then flit back towards Crystal. "To be honest, no one has talked to me about it at length — or any of this. While I'm rumoured to be the leader of this endeavour, I'm still, relatively, in the dark."
Her lips purse lightly and she notes: As it stands, Joon, er, Johnny was certain it wasn't Loki he caught. He couldn't be sure what he'd seen, but he knew something was off." Her hands fold in her lap and she ponders this further. "That said, the papers didn't report that, the government hasn't announced it at length, and the world thinks you're guilty." She sucks on the inside of her cheek, "And while I would support any endeavour to get you out of here, it's becoming clearer to me that, with an enemy that can be anyone, it might be…" her lips twist to the side, "…useful to let them think that the government, Americans, and ACT-F participants seem to believe you're guilty. Lest they have to pose as anyone else." She lifts a hand, "I'm not suggesting you are guilty, but instead we work on this in the background. Quietly. Before we find and encounter more of these Skrulls."
Looking between them, Loki follows their words with that same calm smile that touches his eyes in a fairly friendly way. He takes up his glass and takes a sip of the caramel liquor and then sets the glass down with a faint clink upon the tabletop. Distantly a passenger ferry sounds its arrival with a horn, even as it creeps up the river slowly.
"I am entirely at ease with continuing my vacation away from responsibility until you and yours sufficiently feel you have pursued the matter." His hand rests light upon the arm of the lounge chair, "And please do not be concerned that Asgard or the other realms might ascribe the charade any weight of merit. They could perceive the difference. Those that have met me or are passingly familiar with me…" There's a pause as he considers his phrasing, "Well, the main difference between myself in my true form… and the pantomime the Skrull attempted was primarily in…"
His eyes lift up for the briefest of moments as if searching for the perfect word, but then return to Sue's gaze as he says simply, "Presentation."
Crystal casts a wry look in Loki's direction. "Yes. The presentation. I'm certain." She takes a sip of the drink, relaxing enough to lean into one corner of her chair as she ponders. "I agree that we're best suited letting them believe that we're falling for their charade. The other question, though, is that if the Skrulls are here and meddling, then how long will it take for the Kree to show up and join the fun?"
A discerning arch of Sue's eyebrow suggests she's not up to speed on this entire situation. She lifts a single finger, "You said that the Kree tried to create super soldiers… I take it the war between them and the Skrulls isn't over?" Her eyes narrow. "Well that's concerning."
Spreading his hands a bit, Loki looks between them. "I should remind you that Asgard does stand at the ready to aid. Her crown prince to stand by your mightiest heroes, and her army ready to take a stand in protection of the people." He glances back and forth for a moment. "And, of course, I could be of aid in the investigation. However, I felt it best to keep myself a touch distanced for the comfort of all parties."
There's a pause, then he adds with a smile, "Of course."
"As of ten years ago, they were still trying to make deals with certain factions of Inhumans," Crystal explains to Sue. "Now, that could mean nothing. But since ten years ago was after several thousand years, I doubt it's changed things considerably." She rubs a finger at her brow, working through a few thoughts of her own. "I'm not sure if it matters, or how. I don't know that turning the Kree and the Skrull against each other does anything but turn us into a battlefield."
There's little question that Sue's mind is working out the thoughts. "Well, I suspect we'll nee help in the background. Knowing that you are the real Loki and not a stand-in makes you uniquely positioned to help us as an advisor of sorts." She presses a hand to her forehead. "I can try to encourage easier access to you for…" her eyes turn up to the ceiling "…our investigation. We're fortunate that the Fantastic Four has incredible clout with current administration." Her lips flicker into a small smile.
"There were elements that wished for us to conduct our own investigation." Loki confides as he settles deeper into his seat, one leg crossing over the other and a house slipper dangling from the toe of one foot as he considers them both. "Yet the risk of working at cross purposes and conflicts arising from that were too great. Luckily, wiser minds prevailed." Which, of course, probably means his own.
"Please, Crystal. Sue." He seems so comfortable with the first names, "Aim me as you wish, loose me with a gesture and I shall serve your goals in this. Or hold me aside simply for the calm assurance of having a gambit without answer that these Kree and Skrulls cannot counter."
His own smile mirrors their own as he adds, "I am quite enjoying allowing someone else to take lead in these matters. It is quite rejuvenating."
Crystal trusts Loki almost as much as she trusts Maximus. At least she grew up with Maximus. Another sip from her glass, and she nods to the prince. "I appreciate your willingness to be cooperative," she says politely, because it must be said. "Sue, if there's any way I can help, please let me know. I think I can be a benefit to the task force, given my…particular knowledge. And skills, as well."
"Theoretically, assuming these rumours materialize into something, I should be able to have some say," Sue answers earnestly. "Loki, we will certainly tap into your knowledge. For the moment, I would rather you lay low — weeks only. But maybe I can make it simpler to ensure access to you to coordinate some of these efforts." Or move him, but that much is left unspoken. "And, of course, I would appreciate any help you can provide to the task force. If we're going to identify these aliens and whatever plan they currently have, we will require as much help as we can acquire."
Hands spreading wide as if to encompass all of reality, Loki answers them with that same smile. "I am entirely at your disposal." He pushes his chair back a bit and then looks between the two of them as he sits forward, feet settling upon the ground. "Is there aught else you would have of me, or have our purposes been served sufficiently for the nonce?"
"I'm still wondering how they planned to hold an immortal or prosecute someone who's from another realm entirely," Crystal muses. "Asgard really ought to look into some extradition treaties." She gives her glass a swirl, apparently having moved from the more mundane matters of warfare into the more complicated waters of politics. "And honestly, if Loki's assistance is needed elsewhere, I'm quite certain he's capable of covering his absence and disguising himself while he's out and about," she adds with a faint smirk for the prince.
"Lovely," Sue rises to her feet and smoothes her dress after doing so. "It's decided then. Loki, please try to lay low. I will be in touch, and will ask for your assistance as needed. I think we have satisfied our needs for the moment." She manages an easy smile when she notes, "And we can ensure that we keep the Skrulls in the dark." The invisible field falls and she issues the pair a nod. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me…"
Gaining his feet in time, Loki offers his hand again in departure and then steps around to the side to gesture towards the exit. "Please, do feel free to call again. I will enjoy hearing any word you grant and whatever news you care to offer."
He looks between Crystal and Sue, smiling easily enough. "Until the next time, good luck on your endeavours." With that said he lifts his glass of brandy towards the in a faint salute even as the door opens to the balcony, one of the government agents making ready to aid their departure.
Crystal tosses back the rest of her drink, setting the empty glass down with a small smile for Loki. "Until next time, your highness," she says with a graceful dip of her chin, joining Sue on the way out to reclaim her purse and her coat. Just a normal social call about the possible end of the world. Nothing to see here.