Earlier today the Sue would of gotten a couple of messages. Wether forwarded, or sent directly the first mail would state.. "Dear to whomever it may concern.. We have need of you to take a new member. We understand the circumstances may not be to your likeing, but we hope this new member will help us all in the times to come. <Redacted> is a expert marksman, and was a proud member of the Canadian army, but has <Redacted> so we need you to take him in at least for a probationary period. Your goverment thanks you, and we hope putting this through the proper channels will reach you soon." it is signed, and though the name does not seem familer it also states it is from a General in the army. Though he would not of sent it to you directly, a contact for the goverment would of sent it to the office.
Later that day..A little before sunset
A unmarked van that is painted black with tinted windows pulls up infront of the building. The plates are goverment plates, and no-one seems to get out as it just sits there. There is a call to the office.. It seems to be a man who only says.. "We are outside with the person you were contacted about." before hanging up rather rudely. There is no further contact, nor does anyone leave the van as it just sits there quietly still idling infront of the building waiting for something it seems.
LOG EDIT: It was signed by one of the Senators.
A… decidedly odd arrival turned up for her meeting with Sue, precisely on time. *Very* precisely. And now Laura is sitting patiently, hands in her lap, posture-perfect in her seat while she waits for Sue to catch up with her schedule. She's here… well, because Karolina suggested it and she agreed it was a good idea, really. Good enough reason for anything, one supposes.
She's dressed decidedly out of season, in a light, white sundress and matching sandals, with a wide-brimmed straw hat neatly in her lap. It would have been very nice about five or six months ago. Lucy told her it might be a good idea to dress nice, and Laura… is not good with appropriate dress for anything, except maybe lethal combat. Whatever, it was a good try, at least. She definitely doesn't know what to do with her hair, though— she's still wearing the warrior's braid she's become rather attached to since appropriating the affection.
Somehow, the cumulative effect is just… so very her, though.
LOG EDIT: Bleh, Karolina should read Lucy that first time.
The letter had been curious enough to leave Sue questioning whether or not she should be cooperative, yet she when she'd made a call to request further information, a future favour seemed to be something worth having.
Regardless, life carries on. Which is why Sue had just slipped out of the lab to meet Laura (five minutes late — how dare she). A smile tugs at her lips as treads towards the girl. "Hello, you must be Laura — " she offers with that same smile and an extended hand. "Welcome. I've heard good — " the thought is interrupted with the familiar ring of the phone, pronouncing her visitor waiting on the street below. Her eyes darken at the request, and her eyebrows draw together. With a faint tick of her head, she evidently intends Laura to come with her to the elevator and back down the stairs.
Once the pair find their way down to the street, Sue's eyebrows knit together, and her arms wrap around her. It would've been helpful to grab a jacket on her way out, but that just wasn't in the cards, it seems.
As the pair approaches the tinted window would roll down only slightly, as a clip-board with a paper is pushed through by a gloved hand. "Sign the bottom Miss, it just says we deliered him to ya in one piece like we said we would. Darn politicians want everything in triplicate ya know." and gives a little chuckle, as the back of the van opens. If they were to look in there is a man there dressed head to toes in a black and red outfit. He seems to be in a straight jacket tied to a dolly with some kind of plastic mask half over the bottom of his mask. The man in the van that handed her the papers notes, "Careful his is a bitter.", and falls silent.
The man seems just like any other though a bit round around the stomach area. He seems calm unless you go back to look at him, at which point he starts trying to say something though only muffled noises come out. He doesn't seem to be going anywhere though as he is quite secured to the dolly waiting to be rolled out, thankfully a ramp came down when the back opened just to make doing that easier.
Laura rises when Sue approaches, and only takes a brief couple of seconds too long to reach for the woman's hand in response. When the phone call comes in, she tilts her head in a sort of detached curiosity, and simply falls into step with the silent beckons. Okay, so maybe it's a little weird that she doesn't actually say anything, but she's never been much for speaking more than is necessary.
So she simply follows Sue, and after some internal debate and consideration, put her hat back on somewhere on the elevator ride down, deciding it falls within proper manners. She thinks.
Her first real reaction to anything other than Sue's greeting is the men in the car. Her expression goes promptly flat, and while she doesn't say anything, she does give the subtle impression of an animal with hackles raised. Like she's coiling for action, in case she needs it.
"Doctor," Sue corrects lightly, not that Miss is terribly off-base. Her cheeks puff out and she accepts the clipboard and the pen. Her eyes narrow slightly and she casts a glance over her shoulder towards Laura. An unspoken question, that will likely remain such, lingers over Doctor Storm's mind. Her jaw tightens and her brain works around the consideration as this new charge as a biter. Something about her entire demeanour flattens. Evidently, she's displeased. Already.
Sue's arms tighten around her body in a warming hug and her eyebrows lift with slight irritation at the man on a dolly. That is not promising. Her jaw tightens and she glances towards Laura — silent confirmation of backup, even if it's not backup she knows. "Are you sure you've delivered your — " Sue arches a wry eyebrow " — package to the correct address?"
The person upfront speaks up.. "Yup, thats him.. just wheel him on oot, and we will be on our way Doc." he says shortly thought the man that is tied up mumbles something again, seeming a bit more desperate. He tries to strugle a little bit, almost falls then falls back to mumbling. The voice from the front comes back again.. "Don't worry doc he won't hurt ya.. Prob more scared of you as you are of him." and laughs again. The windows don't roll down, or someone doesn't come out so it is just you two and the tied up man in the back though he doesn't seem to be getting lose just mumbling almost to himself at this point hoping around just a little to try to move what maybe towards you very slowly, or off the truck at least.
For a girl standing in New York in December in a sundress… Laura sure doesn't seem cold. At all. Her eyes turn to meet Sue's supportive gaze, and she gives a very small shrug, with an air of… well, not indifference, but perhaps a silent indication she'll be fine. It doesn't stop her returning to glaring at the suits in an unfriendly fashion, though. Fortunately, that probably doesn't even ping their radar as unusual. Noone likes g-men.
Her green eyes turn towards the man bundled up on the dolly, floating over a number of reactions before settling on a temporary 'unimpressed'. So pretty much the default, there. She arches an eyebrow, looks to Sue, and arches an eyebrow, nodding towards the 'package'. Should she… open it? Throw it back? Wheel it upstairs and dump it off the roof?
An eye roll follows the remark about the package hurting Sue; evidently that isn't a point of concern for Doctor Storm. Instead, her teeth play at her bottom lip as the man on the truck is regarded carefully. With a faint lift of her eyebrows she nods towards Laura. "We need to get him off the dolly."
The short, dark haired girl nods once in response to Sue, and steps forward to turn the man loose. She flicks her wrist, extending the first two fingers of her right hand. The motion and the fingers make it seem a little less like she's SNKTed one claw out of her hand and more like she flicked a concealed knife open. It's so easy to let people assume what they feel more comfortable with.
The razor-sharp adamantium blade goes through the binding like they aren't even there, and Laura's motion is precise enough she doesn't even snag clothing underneath the straps. Another wrist motion, another quiet SNKT, and the blade's disappeared.
And what of Wade? Well, she just tilts her head to one side, watches the man, and waits to see if she's going to have to murder him or something. It's not entirely unlikely, by her estimation.
A couple of important things happen when she frees him, but first as she goes to slice the binding he seems to wince in fear. Though after they are cut and he is sure he isn't going to be killed the man takes off his mask, seeming to remove the sock in his mouth. "I am the Driver!" he exclames, as from the front the door flies open, and the wierdest thing happens.. A man dressed in what looks to be in a delivery outfit with gloves, a red and black mask much like the man in the back, and a basball cap over it jumps out the front.. "You aren't taking me back!" he yells as he takes off running away from the Van! Strapped to his back are two katana's, and on his legs are two pistols though he hasn't drawn any weapon on them. He runs laughing, "Told you that would work… what do you mean of course it worked look at their faces!' and continues running.
The guy in the back looks at the two.. "Oh man I am so fired for this.. It took all we had to catch him last time." and watches him run. Then turns.. "Who is he talking to?" though the chatter of the man still running can bearly be heard, he is all alone but talking up a storm."
The forcefield that the non-delivery-guy faces is hard, invisible, and doesn't even reflect light (which would be a grace if the invisible wall were made of glass). The sturdiness of the energy emitted from one Sue Storm has no pliability, no flexibility, and no malleability. It is hard. Solid. Unrelenting.
Much like Sue's expression.
Laura is quick to move when things get crazy, ignoring the impropriety of acrobatics in a sundress to take that tense coil she's been holding and handspring over the car in pursuit. She doesn't question the forcefield— there is a time and a place to be surprised, this is a time and place to use what's at hand. In any case, it's effective at stopping the escape, and Laura's sandals touch down quietly on pavement.
She raises an arm, pointing a finger at Wade, standing in a sort of loose posture, and her voice is… dispassionate. "You should stop," she advises with an emotionless detachment, like it's just a fact being stated.
The man runs into the wall full speed with an "Ooomph." but backs up knocking on it like a door.. "Huh… didn't know there was a wall here, wonder if there is some secret stealth base behind it…" he is interupted by a voice, he stops and turns squinting at her. His voice falls flat in a dismissing tone.. "Kid, you almost had me there.. Go away you don't want nothin to do with these people, and besides." he whispers to her.. "I think they have a secret base behind this wall!" and gives her the thumbs up. He still doesn't draw his weapons, just looking at her before he turns. Though he is looking at the Wall Laura would know if it were her she could prob still react if it was her at least. "I am not going back to a padded cell, or to be experemented on by the good Doc back there.. I am done with that. If you take another step I will stop ya kid.. I don't want to, but I aint goin back.. It is boring, and their food stinks." his tone seems deadly serious for just a moment before at the end it seems a bit more light hearted, but then he seems to interupt himself. "Yes yes I know.. But how do you suggest getting around it, Well.. why didn't I think of potato.. Of course!" and he crouches a bit starting to dig under the wall.
A curious cant of Sue's head has her eyes narrowing. The Fantastic Four are rather well-known — a position they've embraced for some time. She treads towards the pair. Absently her arms rub one another, a futile attempt to create friction and warmth as she does so. "I'm… not entirely sure what you think is going on?" her eyebrows lift as she regards the trapped Deadpool.
Her lips purse and she notes with an air of consideration, "Someone told you that you were coming here to the Baxter Building, correct?" There's a long pause as her fingers drum lightly against her arms. "I'm assuming based on the message I received and its source that you're here to help fight the alien problem plaguing our country?"
Laura frowns thinly at Wade, rolling her eyes, which then slide towards Sue as she steps up. "He talks too much," she opines, disinterested. Then she just leave it be, clasping her hands behind her back. Sue's talking, time to listen, watch, wait.
Deadpool stops digging, and looks back.. "The Baxtor what?" he looks up at the tall building.. "Waaait.. You mean you brought me here to fight?" he stands and looks at the two.. "They don't tell me nothin, just strap me in the back of some van tie me up like I am going to eat them and ship me off. Well that is until they had to stop." he grins under the mask.. "Aliens huh.. I can kill some aliens if that is what ya need why didn't you just say so!" he starts walking back.. "But ya need to do somethin bout that wall, I mean your base is super obvious!" and laughs to himself. He strides back over to the two, "Name's Deadpool… my friends call me.. Stop please don't shoot!" he puts his hands up like he is fending off an attack then lowers them turning to look at the guy they released.. "Uncle Sam better be paying me for this, I do good work, but I don't work for free.. I mean a growing Deadpool's has to eat right?" and laughs again. "My friend here.." he wraps his arm around nothing.. "I call him Yellow, he helps me when I need more of a sane mind to think of things." he leans in a whispers.. "I think he is a little crazy too but don't tell him that" He starts walking to the front of the van not getting in, he just pulls out a large chest dragging it behind him with one arm.. "Aliens huh… I knew those Nazi's were up to some wierd stuff, but aliens.. Shoulda known!"
A small nod is given to Laura. Yes, he talks too much, but Sue takes a single step backwards. "I'm Doctor Sue Storm. The Invisible Woman in the Fantastic Four. And this," she motions towards the Baxter Building, "is where people know to find us." Her lips quirk into a tight smile. "I know nothing of payment. The taskforce to deal with an alien menace isn't one that a person should be on lightly."
She turns on her heel to tread back towards the Baxter Building, wholly intending the pair follow her, "So far we've done little besides consider the alien threat and ways we can begin to identify aliens," which are few and far between, "and ways in which we may combat a full-on assault."
Despite turning promptly to follow Sue, Laura's eyes linger on Wade during the turn, like she's not entirely pleased by the other woman's willingness to show the man her back. But she keeps it to herself, and just holds onto her mild wariness.
"We are— I am not versed in strategy," she replies absently even while correcting her word choice. "But I excel at feild work and would like to help."
The man looks at her.. "Oh I heard that name before.. They had a contract… I mean information on you. And the Fire one.. wait don't tell me Jason right? Or was it Jack…" he ponders as he follows her just lifting his chest of goodies to carry with him. "And I have been part of many groups Doc, though none of them exist anymore. I guess where we went no-one survives, aint that right?" he waits a moment before laughing.. "Yea you tell em." still walking behind Sue. "Anyway, all this thinkin and plannin why don't you just hunt them down? I mean that would be the most direct way? Kick in a few doors, ask a few questions.. Bamo.. Aliens. Though I can say this country doesn't need another war.." He looks around a bit continuing to talk as they walk "We aint neccesarly winnin the one we got yet.." he turns to look at Laura, and grins making a finger gun he mock shoots at her, before looking back at the building. "I know what ya mean though kid, ya put em infront of me I will stab, shot, or blow up, but if I have to think about it… Ugh just thinkin bout thinking gives me a headache."
"There's nothing to hunt yet," Sue replies evenly as she leads the way into the Baxter Building. "Fieldwork is definitely on the menu, although as of yet, we need strategies first. We need to build up ways to identify our enemy. Otherwise we'll just end up taking everything and everyone down." She pushes the elevator button, calling on the elevator to get them to the thirtieth floor.
Laura rolls her eyes in response to Wade's fingergunning. And probably other things. She's becoming more like a normal young adult every day, clearly. She waits until they're in the relative prvacy of the elevator before she says anything further, settling into a corner.
"We were designed for targeted action," she says, in a tone of matter-of-fact agreement. "Infiltration, Removal, Disruption, Retrieval. Perhaps we can find a way to fetch information."
Wade shrugs, "Oh so angsty at your age.. At least it is better then those hippies. I ever tell ya about the story when I was going coming back with a war vet buddy of mine, and we were mugged? Oh you should of seen the look on the guys face.. Shot me five times, and I still broke him like a twig." he laughs at the thought. "All he could say was.. Sorry sorry! Darn hippies." he looks at Sue again. "So you don't know who your target is, you don't know where they are, and you don't know what the goal is? You know doc for smart people you sure don't know much. I mean I bet I could take miss angsty here, and hit the streets and prob find out more then your lab. Given time of course, and.. a little looking the other way."
Sue just hums in reply to Wade's questions. Purposely vague she treads into the Fantastic Four residence when the elevator arrives without further comment. Her hands clasp lightly behind her back and she notes, "We actually have everyone from the taskforce complete a blood test." For reasons she won't get into until they pass. "From there, we can start sharing information and resources. But there is a lot we don't know."
Her eyes lid lightly. "But we are learning."
Wade draws his sword half-way out, and just as quick runs his hand over it cutting off his pinky still he doesn't flinch, or make any looks like it is anything to him. His hands still move quick to catch it out of the air he tosses it to Sue. "There ya go Doc, test away." he chuckles, and gives a wave to Laura with the hand minus one finger. "I get it you don't know friend or foe, but lets see an alien do this." As he waves the bleeding from his hand stops, and though the finger hasn't regrown yet it had already healed over to the point where he wasn't bleeding anymore. He will follow Sue for the whole tour, and find his place to set up… At least untl he can wonder again!