1963-12-07 - The Circus Comes To Town!
Summary: The Circus comes to town and Kurt gets his fortune read by a young Roma woman.
Related: none
Theme Song: None
amanda nightcrawler 

It's been a day and a half since the circus arrived. The show the night before was apparently spectacular enough to spread the word. The morning is much busier than the evening was, people milling all about to play the different games, see various smaller acts outside, and many people, of course, gape at the animals.

Not one bit less busy than anyone else, Amanda Sefton stands outside the vardo she uses as part of the act. Because somewhere, somehow, people have come to associate fortunetelling with a very precise set of criteria, especially when it comes to someone who is Romany. And so here she is, checking off all of those preconceived notions for a fortuneteller, right down the 'typical gypsy' outfit she is wearing. Ugh, she cringes at even thinking of it like that. Still, it makes people happy in their way, and some people have come once, then dragged in friends and loved ones for card readings, so she can't exactly blame them, can she?


Circus! There's a Circus in town! As soon as Kurt heard the news, he grabbed the nearest newspaper to try and find the information as to where it was located, which circus it was, has he heard of it, and how long it would be in town. Once the information was found, he made his way there, catching sight of the 'Big Tent' from far enough away that he could teleport to it's spire and just savor the feeling of familiarity for just a few moments. He didn't realize how much he missed this feeling. New York was getting better, most of the time, but it wasn't quite right.

After a few moments, he teleports away and reappears, on foot, hands in the pocket of a winter coat, and joins the queue to get a ticket. He doesn't have much money but this is worth it. A program is also taken so that he can scan the names and see if he knows anyone.

There may be a shock from the one selling the tickets as he hands over the money for a ticket, but the shock is merely met with a friendly, albeit sharp-toothed grin as he enters the Midway area. The smile hasn't left his face, even though there may be stares and points in his direction. It feels so good to be 'Home!'


Oh, there's little doubt Kurt has heard of this one. They'd traveled all about Europe over the years, and just recently decided to head on over to America. One of the largest circuses in Europe? Yeah, he has to know the name. As Kurt walks in, workers and performers move through the crowd. When the speak amongst themselves, there's some German here and there, dialects of Romany.. English, other languages too.

Amanda's vardo is near the entrance, which means her shouts of advertising to have 'cards read!' at a reasonable price is something that chimes on and on periodically, as long as she has no one occupying her time. Everyone gets a warm smile from her as they pass by, Kurt included.


Sadly, not the smaller circus he worked with out of England, but the feel is much the same. Maybe he's recognized as well; he -was- fairly well known until some of the smaller villages forced him out. Maybe his circus joined with this one? As it is, yellow eyes flicker about, trying to see if he recognizes anyone or maybe he can find the one who runs it. Do they need another act?

It's the call of the Fortune-Teller that catches his attention and he turns to the vardo and the woman there, dressed in the Hollywood-ized Gypsy costume. There's a brief cant of his head before he steps closer, "~How much for a Reading?~' is asked in German-accented Romany. Maybe it's a test? He knows how this works…so he thinks."


Amanda's eyes light up and she smiles wide. "For someone from home? Free," she replies in the same German-accented Romany. Well, at least she's not putting on some airs? How likely would it be that someone not of the Roma people can actually speak Romany? She grins just a bit, "Mostly, because I think you're expecting the great trick?" She does not seem particularly offended. She knows that some people do this as just a way to make money, and to be fair, it is a very good way to do so. A lot of people want to know what the future holds. Of course… how many of them have magic at their disposal like Amanda does?


Nightcrawler shrugs in his winter coat, "Trick or not, it's a reminder of home and it's been a very long time since I've had this done," is answered, still in Romany, and with a wide grin. "I'm curious." And the 'Free' is even better. He might have enough to leave as a 'tip' so that he's not taking advantage of the young woman. There is a quick glance to the vardo before he looks back to the young woman, "I am at your disposal," and he even gives a flamboyant bow. Oh, it's going to be hard to go back to Hell's Kitchen after this!


Amanda says nothing for perhaps a little longer than she intends. There is just something about this man… Something she cannot quite put her finger on. She shrugs to herself and smiles, leading the way back into the vado. There on a table inside, wrapped in silk are her cards. "Is there anything in particular you're wanting to know?"


Kurt slows, stepping into the Vardo. It brings back such memories…old memories, but of a time that he won't ever get back again. "I'm sorry," he finally offers, "It's been a long time since I've been in one of these. It's beautiful." Yellow eyes then go to the table and the cards before he takes a seat, "I may be a bad customer," is said with a wry chuckle. "I don't have anything specific to ask. I suppose…'What will my future bring?'. Is that too vague?" He then pulls his hands out of his pocket to rest lightly on the table. "You see, it is a little uncertain at the moment."


"No, not too vague. That's what most of the visitors ask for." The inside is decorated precisely in the way most (non-Roma) visitors would expect. It's all to play to the expectations. Amanda removes the silk from the cards and hands the deck over to Kurt. "Cut it as you please," she tells him. "How long have you been in America?" she wonders. One of the arguments she's heard is she should be able to tell, but of course, her counter is always the same: she needs more information on the subject if she's going to consult the cards. "We just arrived." The we pretty clearly means the circus as a whole.


Nightcrawler takes the cards in his three-fingered hands and just holds them for a long moment. He then cuts them a couple of times before handing them back, "Ja, I know! Abour the Circus. I was performing in one in Europe until…well, some found out that this was not a costume," he gestures down at himself with a sad little smile and sigh, "So I had to leave. I have friends here, so I came over in the Summer. So I haven't been here very long either."


Amanda furrows her brow. "I thought you looked familiar," she admits. Maybe she saw a poster or something in one of the many towns they stopped in? She's still unsure. Then again one of the workers here does collect such things, maybe she saw it in his collection? The thoughts get pushed aside as Amanda takes the cards from Kurt and begins to lay them out in a typical cross pattern. "How are you finding this country?" Small talk she doesn't get into with most customers. Probably because he spoke to her in Romany first.


And he's still speaking to her in Romany! It's not a language he gets to practice very often and a few words might get defaulted into German. "Some parts of it are incredible! I have only been to New York though and I haven't seen the rest of the country. Maybe one day. Some of it…well, it is not quite as bad as Germany was." He looks down at his hands again before his smile returns, "It is very easy to get Coca-Cola here."


Amanda was just a baby when World War II happened. She has no memories of that time, though in her nightmares, there are flashes of… something. Things her mother would never clarify for her. But she has seen how it has affected others. Indeed, most of the circus workers are in situations that should be familiar to Kurt: exiled Germans and displaced Romany from different clans. She has seen how that time has affected others, and has made it a personal promise to never judge anyone by looks or origin or anything else that may remind people of that horrible time. "It was hard for many," she agrees with a sad smile. "Coca-Cola? I have never…" She frowns, interrupting herself as she finally looks over the cards.


"No? Really? It's very good. The hamburgers are also very good and the pizza is the best I've had outside of Italy!" Kurt starts but then quiets at her frown as she looks to the cards. His eyes go from her to the cards…he saw his mother with them before, and saw others use them, but he was never taught how to read them. A hand lifts to run through his dark hair as he waits. "Is it that bad?" he finally asks quietly.


The cards are in fact the same set that Margali once used. Ones she trained Amanda to read, and ones she left behind when she vanished. "No," she says, shaking her head. She gestures at the cards. "At the centre, you." The Page of Swords. "You are good at observing others and keeping your wits about you." She then points to the card she laid over top the Page. "The Six of Swords - The Boatman. You have a perilous journey ahead, one that you must overcome." And then to the left. "The Tower. A criss in the past. Danger. To you and others." Across to the other side. "The King of Wands. A man who is decisive and passionate, his future ahead without limit." And above. "The Nine of Cups - sometimes I call this the Wish card. It means what you truly want will come true, provided…" She taps the Six of Swords. "And below, the Justice card. Something that drives you, whether you know it or not."

Amanda holds the deck in one hand, looking expectantly. "Should I continue, then?"


"So many swords," Kurt notes, "That means something too, ja?" He looks back to Amanda, nodding as she speaks…it does make sense. It's not hard to deduct, however, seeing how he looks and what, if he knows Romany, would have gone through. "The King…is that me as well or someone else?" But he nods and gives a gesture for her to continue. "Please."


She looks over the cards again, as though considering. "It is your future. In this case… It means as long as this," she taps the 'Boatman', "..is resolved, your future has endless possibilities." She flips another card over, this time separate from the initial cross. "The Empress." Her eyes dart from the Six of Swords to the Empress, as though considering. "To come through your perilous journey, you must believe in yourself. Cast all doubts aside." Above that she places another card. "This card represents what will influence you on your journey. The Queen of Swords. A woman - or women - who have experienced sorrow and harm, but whose thoughts are clear and is unafraid of acting." Another card goes down above that one. "The Sun. Happiness. For yourself, with yourself, friends and others." And comes the last card, after which she puts the deck to the side. "The World. Accomplish this task, this journey, and a new cycle of your life will start."


The cards are looked at for a long moment before he smiles back at the young fortune-teller across the table, "It's a very positive reading. which is nice." But so much if it could relate to many people's situations. "I could see how it fits into my life, and it is nice to know that good can happen." He tilts his head, "Do the gadjes like the readings?" He reaches out to take the World Card to look at it a little closer. It seems familiar, "Do you get many coming to you for the readings?" Is it worth it?


Amanda smiles. "They like it well enough. Many are scared of the future, because of what lies in the past," she admits. "They want reassurance. I try to give them what I can." She allows Kurt to touch the cards, though if he looks like he'll damage them, she'll intervene. But she has a good feeling. "Some believe me. Some do it for fun. But they come well enough. I don't charge very much."


"Ah, but the future always changes. It isn't set." The card is set gently back down where it was in the spread. "We cannot ever know the future, but we can use the past to learn. Or to grow. Or to…leave it behind to not poison us." There's a nod then as if to an unspoken thought, "You are very kind and I hope that many people do come here to you. Even it it is only for fun," he looks around and that smile comes back, "You put on a very good show. How long are you here?"


Amanda's smile brightens at the compliment. "Not everything is set. But I think there are moments that are. How we react to them… that's what can change." The question receives a shrug. "There was talk last night of staying for a few weeks, perhaps more. It is a very big city, and there are many towns nearby." She considers a moment as she gently picks up the cards, replacing them in their silk wrap. "You should speak to Management," she suggests, "Tell them what circus you worked for in Europe. They may have heard of it. Are you looking for work?"


Nightcrawler tilts his head, "You think that there are moments that are fixed?" He looks over the spread, "Do you think any in there were?" There's a little sigh as the circus mught stay for only a few weeks, "Work would be nice, but…I don't know that I should be traveling. But I will speak to them as it would be nice to be with a troupe again, even for just a little." If he travels, he can't help the Civil Rights movement here and that's a cause that's become close to him.

There's another smile before he stands, "Thank you for this. I don't want to keep you from paying customers, but…" he gives her another look before offering his hand, "I'm Kurt."


Amanda accepts the hand and shakes it firmly. "I'm Amanda." As for the question posed, she just nods her head. "IF you decide to talk to them, tell Management I sent you by." She smiles again, a warmth that reaches here eyes. "We have to take care of each other, hm?" Whether she means 'circus folk' we or 'Roma' we… well, either is just as valid, right? "And… feel free to visit, if you'd like. Sometimes socializing with the same people every day gets boring," she says with a soft laugh.


"I will tell them, thank you." The hand is likewise taken and pulled back before it's too inappropriate. "Ja, we do. But you don't mind being seen around me? I would understand if you would rather not." Granted, she is working in a circus but it's a harsh world out there, even in suh a large, metropolitan city. "I would like to visit though, it's comfortable here. It reminds me of what I can remember from home…although our vardo was not this fancy!"


Amanda shakes her head. "I don't mind at all," she assures. She stands and heads back to the door. "It looks a bit fancier but our last few stops in England were very good to us. We all got to repaint our homes and by new things. We were very lucky." She smiles again, another big warm smile and opens the door. "I have more time during the shows in the big tent, if you'd like to come by again. I'll make sure to get some groceries from the city beforehand, though. I would not want to be a bad hostess."


"I'm impressed you brought all of this overseas!" Kurt grins as he follows her to the door. "I may want to see a show or two in the Big Tent, but I'll remember that. And you will let me bring the groceries from the city. I'm the one imposing." A hand goes over his heart for that, "I would not want to be a bad guest! What do you like and I'll see if I can find it?"


Amanda laughs. "I have no idea what they have here… you've been a little longer. Surprise me." Truth is, Amanda will give anything a try. She's not afraid of something new. But nobody in the circus is quite sure what will be available here, except they know feed for the animals won't be hard to find. "Watch the shows. The acrobats are very good. I've seen them so many times over the years, and I still cringe when they leap so far!" she laughs, shaking her head at herself. "You'll enjoy it all, I promise."


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