1963-12-23 - Old Friends Reunited
Summary: Tommy and Julie run into one another after years in Juvie and California, respectively
Related: None]
Theme Song: None
julie tommy 

It's the night before the night before Christmas, and all through the city, desperate shoppers are shopping in an effort to get those last minute gifts. In truth, it's probably one of the busiest December 23rds in a long time, given how the city was under siege by frost giants and the nation itself had recently been shocked by the assassination of the President, and now things are slowly starting to return to normal… so there's a lot more people out there than usual trying to get those last-second gifts.

As for Tommy? His shopping - what little of it there was - has been done for a while, but the platinum haired speedster has always enjoyed watching chaos… and not to mention, a center of activity is a good place to go girl-watching too. Never know when a pretty lady will need a hand grabbing something out of a crowd… and as fast as he is, that part of the equation would actually be really easy to manage. However, at the moment he's just on the hunt, walking from department to department while dodging in and out of the crowd.


Julie is meandering through the departments, herself, seeming somewhat on a mission, however, whatever shopping she's trying to do: it's been a busy week for her family, given the chaos in Brooklyn, but she'd found time to clean herself up for the outing, and pauses to just glance over the busy scene. New York's still New York, after all.


The universe tends to revolve around coincidences. Chance encounters that could have happened between anyone; Tommy could have focused in on any girl in the place; it just so happens that Julie is the one he's walking behind, and he doesn't even realize just who it is. "Findin' everything alright, cutie?" comes the voice that might just be familiar, complete with the same Jersey accent he's always had.


Julie says, "Peachy keen," Dizzy says, her own accent all Brooklyn, as per usual, before she sees who it is, or maybe it registers, given it's a different context. "Ay, Tommy from Jersey, isn't it? I suppose so, just gotta find a bit of something for my little cousins and all, crazy time as it is to have Christmas in Bensonhurst right now."


Well, there certainly aren't a lot of teenagers out there with properly seasonal hair… so the options of who he is were fairly limited. However, when /he's/ recognized, that kickstarts his own memory and… "…Diz?" he asks, blinking once, twice… and grinning wide. "Dizzy! God, haven't seen you in /years!/" Not since before his time in Juvie, to be exact, which seems like forever and a day ago… but, she's definitely the type who sticks out.

"Yeah, makes me glad I did my shopping before the city went to Hell and froze over." he admits, chuckling a bit at that. Never one to take things too seriously. "Got your mental list all planned out, at least?"


Julie smiles, and nods. "Been out in California, so I did most of that shopping along the drive across country. if not before, didn't really think to hit any toy departments and the like. What you been up to, then?" She smirks a bit, that Tommy seeming the type to be kind of prone to mischief.


"Cali? Very nice. Been a while since I've been out that way…. might take a run over there sometime." he replies, reaching a hand up to brush his hair back. A little trim of the locks might be in his future, he thinks. "Still, you probably couldn't beat the city when it comes to toys, though. Between here and FAO Schwarz, you'd probably find just about anything." he agrees. As for what /he's/ been up to? Well, Tommy glances away for a moment — trying to decide what to admit, and what not to. "Mostly staying out of trouble. Kinda went overboard with a prank at my high school and did some time in Juvie because of it, but… you know. I'm always gonna be me." Which means yes, he's always going to be involved in some sort of mischief. There's a grin to that thought.

"Found out I was adopted, apparantly — which is kind of a relief. Turns out I have a brother, even… and more family than I would've ever expected." …and way younger than he expected, either. "So what brings you back home? Visiting, or back to stay in this crazy town?"


Julie says, "Ah, long story, I suppose, it seemed like it was about time to see mi familia, and, well, I wanted to make the President's funeral, actually, but things got pretty crazy. City's pretty much called up every wrecker in town to clear the streets down Brighton Beach way, and there's plenty of folks don't want to go get their own. So everyone's been hopping with all that."


Tommy lets out a long low whistle to the story, nodding once. "Yeeeah, I can imagine it's been pretty crazy." Pause. "Hell, I bet the fam's been going crazy about not being able to go out and race with the streets the way they are… I still remember when I, uh, 'borrowed' Frank's old beater to join in a couple times." Frank, of course, being what Tommy calls his (now-adoptive) father. A man who Tommy doesn't care for at all — and the feeling's mutual between them. "He got /so/ angry and it was /so/ great."


Julie nods. "Not much this time of year that way, anyhow. Different on the other coast, though, you can run all year round if you feel like it." She thinks back, "That thing might have had some potential with the right gearing, if I remember, you can do just about anything with a flathead. Box the frame, channel it, take out some weight…" She winks, "You ought to see the custom jobs over there. Heckofa thing."


Tommy has partially disconnected.


Tommy can't help but grin at the topic of conversation, rocking lightly on his heels. Oh, he /wants/ to show off. "Yeah, he ended up selling it when I was in the big house… I bet the West Coast designs are somethin' to see, though… and the weather has to be at least twenty times better." His turn to wink, "Maybe you can show me around sometime."


Julie smiles. "Yeah, a lot of it's all show, mind you, but some of those get pretty wild. Real big beach scene around there, really, whole different world from Jersey in a lot of ways. …my Uncle's got a speed shop and stuff over there, sometimes we run drags right out on the old airstrip and all. It's a real gas."


"Oh, man. I can imagine. What I wouldn't give to be on a beach right now…" …actually? That seems a really good idea. He might take a run over that way. …maybe even now. "Look, we're definitely gonna have to catch up a bit more, but I've gotta check in witht he rest of the family, and I know you got your shoppin' that I'm distracting you from…" he pauses, digging into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulling out a small piece of paper. On it? His name, a telephone number and address. "That's where I'll be this week — give me a ring when you get a chance to breathe, and we'll grab dinner or somethin', alright?"


Julie smiles, there and nods, "Yeah, sounds good, been wanting to catch up with the old crowd before everyone gets old or something," she smirks, taking the number. "Don't get stepped on by no ice monsters or nothing, and, hey, Merry Christmas and all. I'll probably be at Uncle Sal's a lot at least once things slow down a bit."


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