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A note, left for Director Carter of SHIELD:
//My fiance Reed Richards connected with several of your agents recently, and suggested that you and I have a conversation around Earth's current alien troubles. I agree with this assessment and would like to venture a meeting at your convenience. As I'm sure you're aware, the Department of Defence is not keen on having SHIELD partner with ACT-F in resolving this endeavour, however, I believe some coordination and discussion is in order. While I would like to maintain our autonomy as an organization, I also feel it's imperative that we work with the resources we have, including our connections to others, if humanity is to survive the suspected incursion that has already taken place.
Consequently, I request that you contact me for a meeting at your earliest convenience. I can be reached many ways. I was unsure how to get the Director of SHIELD on the phone, hence the reason I chose writing instead, but you should feel free to call me according to my contact details appended to this letter.
Doctor Seo (Sue) Hyun Storm, PhD//
Such a thing was not something Phil Coulson could ignore. As Acting Director of SHIELD in Peggy's absence, it was his duty to see to her affairs. A SHIELD courier answered the message, and coordinated for the two to meet at Wing Sing, the Chinese restaurant below which SHIELD HQ was secretly hidden. After all, one way to keep your secret base hidden… is to meet someone on its doorstep.
Finding Carol Danvers, Coulson had insisted she come along. The two of them are seated at a relatively quiet booth near the back end of the room, with drinks and appetizers ready. Coulson's choice is, of course, a pot of hot Chinese tea, served in a tiny cup, and a plate of braised abalone. He's dressed a bit more casually for the encounter; meaning, the suit has removed his necktie.
Foster has arrived.
Sue Storm, dressed in a pant suit rather than her standard Fantastic Four uniform, is, evidently trying to blend in. At least a little. She leads the way with two of her comrads in tow. She glances behind her shoulder at the other two — they'd met at the downtown Department of Defence office (ACT-F's current place of business). Sue's dark hair, pinned into a bun at the back of her head has an all-business appearance.
When they enter the restaurant, and Sue spots Coulson and Carol, she strolls towards them and extends her hand. "Acting Director Coulson, I presume?" she lifts a wry eyebrow. "I'm Doctor Storm." There's undeniable warmth to her tone and equal measure reflected in her posture and gestures. While she exudes confidence, there's no question that she has a maternal quality that seems to permeate each of her movements. She motions to the people with her, "These are two of my colleagues in ACT-F. I hope it wasn't presumptive of me to include them, but it seemed imperative we cut the governmental bureaucracy and form connections as quickly as possible." Her throat clears.
Meanwhile, Carol has a cup of coffee in front of her, as she tends to live off the stuff. Her attire is also pretty casual, in that she's in a silk blouse and jeans, an expression of curiosity dancing across her face as she takes another sip of her coffee.
When Sue arrives with the others, she rises to meet Sue, nodding politely as she lets the Director make the introductions. Though her eyes seem to take in each of the new arrivals in turn, her lips curving into a slight grin as she retakes her seat as she says, "Pleasure to meet you all."
She's still finding her footing as part of ACT-F, but Tigra's eager to come along. She's in feline mode at the moment, though wearing a bit more than her usual business outfit, namely a loose cream-colored silk blouse, dark green skirt, black boots and green broad brimmed hat. Nostrils flare as they step inside, drinking in a mosiac of scents. She'll readily offer her hand at introductions. "I'm Tigra," she says.
Dr. Bill Foster walks into the restaurant as he would into any other meeting, with a cool and confident look across his face, though today that face is marked by notably tired eyes. He clutches his briefcase tight and follows Sue across the room. The company they meet, despite their titles and influence, don't seem to faze him as he greets them with a warm, familiar smile, once Tigra finishes her introduction.
"Nice to meet you both, I'm Bill. Looking forward to working with you." He offers his hand to any outstretched and gives a brief, firm shake.
Rising to meet Sue, Coulson offers a smile that seems tired, though there is vigor in his eyes. He unfolds his hands and offers one to her in greeting. "That's me," he answers in a disarmingly innocent manner. "Pleasure to meet you, Doctor." There's something about him that just seems… nice. Far nicer than one might expect from the acting director of an international secret agency.
At Sue's apology, Phil looks toward her compatriots briefly. It's worth noting that he doesn't stare at Tigra; clearly, he's a man who's come to find such unique individuals to be no different than their human companions. She does, however, earn a slightly wider smile. "Bill," he repeats each name in turn. "Tigra." Then, he turns back to Sue. "No need to apologize, Doctor, as clearly I had something similar in mind. This is Carol Danvers. Previously with NASA." Now, with SHIELD. It goes without saying. "I thought her expertise could be useful as we make acquaintances," he says while reclaiming his seat. "Plus? She's one of our finest."
Much like Coulson, fatigue colours some of Sue's expression, but something underneath that tired-edge exudes a nearly maternal amiability. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet both of you." Once introductions are made, she settles into a seat, and straightens considerably while she tugs a pad of paper and a pen out form her shoulder bag.
She shoots the group a practiced smile. "I'm sorry that this meeting is so overdue. The note I sent to the Director was of my own accord." Her hands fold lightly atop the table. Her smile turns somewhat self-deprecating, "It was made clear to me that your lot would not have the interests of the USA at heart." She inhales a deep breath, "But when I spoke to the President," Johnson appointed her, after all, "he told me to follow my gut in all things pertaining to this task force." She swallows hard and turns her gaze towards Tigra and then Foster, "To me, alien incursion is a larger scale problem. We aim to protect American and Soviet soil, but more than that, we aim to protect our planet. To persevere humanity. And it's becoming ever-clearer that we are, thus far, out-planned, likely outmanned, and out-resourced. Quite simply: we need partners. We need more hands on deck."
Carol shakes the hands offered, letting Phil do the introductions. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you." She smiles politely at Tigra, not seeming fazed by the feline nature of the woman. "Hopefully my experience will be helpful to what we're dealing with here." Glancing back at Sue as she says that, she takes her seat shortly after Phil sits back down.
Carol gives Sue a nod at that, "I don't know that much from my own brief encounters, but I can tell you that your assessment is correct. There are powers out there that are far beyond our own understanding, particularly in the sciences." She doesn't elaborate further on that, though she passes a glance to Coulson as she finishes.
He's almost like a favorite college professor, Tigra can't help but think. No, more of a high school teacher. Much nicer. She notices the lack of staring, and also the fact that Carol's called one of their finest. Definitely enlightened, these people. "By the time this is all over, I sure hope they'll learn to regret having messed with Earth."
Bill settles into one of the seats at the table after shaking Coulson's hand. He pulls out a small notebook and pen from his case while Sue lays out her reasoning for this meeting, then sets the case against the base of the chair. Ready for note-taking, he looks around the table at all involved with an eager glint in his eye. Despite the world-threatening concerns at hand, something in all of this is unquestionably exciting for the young professor.
"Doctor Storm says it like it is," he notes in way of agreement with Sue. "As a representative of the biochemical research branch, I can honestly say putting a few more heads together will be a huge advantage. Hopefully to us all." He doesn't feel the need to say why. They all know the scope of this threat.
Similarly, Coulson produces a briefcase from beneath the table. He sets it down and dials in a combination, but when his hand rises to lift the case, it seems to be trembling a bit. He looks up slightly, smiling quietly. "Haven't been sleeping much," he explains, then opens the briefcase and removes a tablet and pen of his own. That done, the briefcase is secured once more and set down by his shoe.
His shaky hand drops beneath the table, leaving the right hand to hold the pen in a manner that seems calm. Sue's remark about SHIELD's interest earns a rueful grin, but he spares any remark on that subject. He's not here to prove SHIELD's value, or their loyalties. That he leaves up to its AGENTS, whom he's come to trust. Largely.
"SHIELD exists to protect the world from the big guns," he explains. "Supernatural issues… the mutant phenomenon… extra terrestrials are a given factor in all of that, especially now that we know they're not just holed up in Roswell." That last part was intoned as a joke.
Coulson then looks toward Tigra. "Perhaps," he offers. "We have reason to believe that these extra-terrestrials have a particular fear of what Earth has to offer. One might suggest it has to do with 'the bomb', but… pardon me for making assumptions here… a species capable of traveling from a realm presumably beyond our Solar System likely has technology more advanced than Fat Man and Little Boy."
He looks toward Bill for a moment, but withholds remark for now. He only nods his head to show he's listening, before diverting his attention to the others. "We have reason to believe that these visitors have a particular concern over Earth's 'powered people'. Men and women like Steve Rogers, Iron Man, the mutants." He draws a deep breath, directing his attention solely upon the representatives of Act-F. "Tell me what you know about the NATO construction site at Governor's Island?"
Sue flashes a small smile towards Tigra, "That's the hope," that they'll regret messing with Earth. Her gaze turns downwards, "But, ultimately, this is a prepare for the worst situation. We simply don't know what their fire power is, and we are coming into this fight late. It wasn't common knowledge they were here until Kennedy announced it in November. And it we didn't exactly deem their intentions ill until they saw fit to assassinate the President."
"Why do you believe that? I mean," her head cants to the side, "the logic of the problem makes sense. Powered people stand as Earth's best defence."
She leans forward as Coulson offers his take and asks a very important question. "Little. My personal assistant," Karolina, "suggested it might be an important resource to hold any we capture. We already have two known extraterrestrials on our radar, but as it stands, I refuse to move on it until we can consider a strategy to keep them contained. They're already dangerous. And while I'm certain I could contain them, I have no desire to try to maintain a forcefield for an extended period of time." Her lips turn downwards.
But because they are sharing some info, she offers: "We have reason to believe that the alien threat is… complicated. And not restricted to one species." This may be new information to even her own colleagues at the table.
Carol nods, "I can confirm that there's at least two different species involved." She glances over at Coulson, then looks at the Sue, "And it seems like they don't like each /other/ very much, either. At least it doesn't seem like they are operating in lockstep." She looks down at her coffee, then looks to everyone else at the booth, "And I do believe that the human potential for 'powers' is one reason that they are interested in our world." Force fields, felines, and sparklefists, oh my.
"I wonder, are they scared of something here? Or something about us?" Tigra muses. "Wouldn't be the bomb. At least, I wouldn't think so. The energies required to travel interstellar space would make a nuclear weapon like a grenade. At least, as we understand physics currently. Which also tells us it's not even possible to do what they're doing," Tigra adds with a wry smile. "Uhm, back on point, I'd like to know if it's safe for us to use ourselves." She knows the danger of the One Ring. "Governor's Island? Don't know anything about it," she admits.
"Governor's Island is the site of a top secret NATO project," Coulson explains. "A prison, designed to keep 'powered people' in lockdown, safe, unable to harm others."
If they're going to be sharing secrets… this is one hell of an olive branch.
He sets the pen down, reaching forward with his right hand to pour a fresh cup of tea. He'd finished the last of it while the others spoke. "SHIELD believes that the extra-terrestrials held a vested interest in making sure that prison got built, and quickly. Assuming that's the case, then we also have to assume that whatever they have planned, it's coming. Soon." He looks around the table, letting his calm eyes fall upon each person, looking them squarely in the eye. "We believe they mean to use this prison as a place to 'store' these powered people, so that they can't serve as a threat to… whatever they have planned."
Setting the kettle down upon its trivet, he looks toward Carol for a long moment, as if he were considering something else. He finally turns back to the others, a grave expression coming over a face that, moments ago, didn't seem capable of such a twist. "Thanks to the news, we know that one species is capable of impersonating humans. We've just learned recently that one of them was impersonating the Director of SHIELD." Which… must explain why he's here as acting director, not simply a senior agent. "She'd adopted an uncanny interest in seeing the prison built, as well. We… unfortunately assumed it was because of intelligence that was beyond our clearance level. We were wrong."
Bill listens attentively to all at the table. The ideas and revelations wash over him, each earning a nod or a furrow of his brows. Something to indicate he's paying attention. Here and there, he scribbles something into his notebook. A word here or there, just as a reminder. To Coulson, he looks up and says, "Please, tell us a bit more about this place."
Sue levels a look at Coulson. Her jaw tightens, her posture stiffens, and that glimmer in her eyes reflects something wholly different. She's already been building something, pulling people together, and drawing together a team, but a quicker timeline is altogether concerning. Her chin drops into a small nod. "We need to build a weapon. Something large, assuming, and able to knock them out of the sky." Her eyes flit towards the others, "I think we can get Forge to start something — if the incursion is soon, we need to prioritize that." She pinches the bridge of her nose.
And as far as the director is concerned, she seems… oddly not-surprised, "All of our people have been subjected to consistent blood tests that compare it to the extraterrestrial that we performed an autopsy on." His jaw tightens further. "So… are they aware that you found out about the Director?" Her gaze darkens and a hand moves to her chest, "And, perhaps more importantly, have you located the real Director Carter?"
Carol shakes her head slightly, though to which question Sue asks is unclear. "Well, we need to figure out what they want… or rather, what they all want, not just one faction." She glances over towards Phil, "I mean, yes, the shapechangers wanted a prison, but that doesn't mean the other aliens wanted the same thing." She frowns, "If there was a way we could make actual contact with them…"
Bill continues to take everything in as best as he can. Clearly, among those at the table, he's working with one of the more limited sets of information. Unlike Sue, he is genuinely surprised at some of the things people are saying. He also notes the various problems circulating. A missing director. Two warring alien factions. The need for a big gun, for lack of a better term. "What if there was a way to counteract this shapeshifting ability," he tosses into the mix, because that's one thing that has been on his mind before coming here.
"They are," Coulson answers. "Three more of them tried to snatch up two of my scientists. Fortunately, we stopped them." A pause. "And… we're holding them."
It's a pretty big reveal, that SHIELD has three live alien prisoners in custody. Normally he wouldn't be so open with such sensitive material, but these are desperate times. He'll be judged harshly by all manner of people for this decision; it might cost him his career, but so be it.
"That, Bill, would be something close to a miracle," he tells the man, before turning toward Carol. "Perhaps it's time that we confront the ones SHIELD is holding. I've… kept them on ice, so to speak."
He then turns back toward Sue. "One of my scientists has conducted an autopsy of her own. Jemma Simmons. I'd like to have her first share her findings with you." He nods toward Bill in turn. "As for building a big gun…" He leans forward. "You and I both know there may not be time for that. Fortunately, between giant green men, super soldiers, and young women who can shake the Earth to its very foundation… I should say we have a number of big guns just waiting to be turned onto the right target."
Sue arches a wry eyebrow, "I'd say we have a lot more than that, Director. We have some of the finest scientific minds at our disposal. I feel like we may be able to construct something, but it may take collaboration and effort. My fiance already met with one of your scientists to discuss multiversal theory. I think there's a lot of promise at the table. And if we pool resources," her gaze turns expectant, "we may have a real short. Especially if we can keep people out of that prison." Her eyes lid lightly.
"And I think the bigger concern," she slows some, "is that this may just be the first of many. If we're on the intergalactic radar, we need to be prepared. We're a well-resourced planet. Anyone would want to occupy it."
Carol glances between Sue and Coulson, "Well, in that case we should probably create a separate agency to deal with extraterrestrial threats specifically, but that's something that can wait until the current crisis is resolved." She looks back to Sue, "As far as the Kree are concerned, I had an encounter with one of their devices that… modified, my own DNA." She looks a little awkward at that, but figures to place all the cards on the table.
Bill nods to Coulson, then blinks as the topic changes and SHIELD's own scientific minds are brought into the conversation. Not that he wouldn't want to meet them at some point. His attention moves to Sue and then finally to Carol, who provides yet another interesting revelation that makes him forget about his own plans for now. "That's facinating," he tells the woman, leaning a bit closer in the hopes of her elaborating on the situation.
"The Kree?" Coulson asks, eyebrows rising as he turns to look at Carol. "Lizard like? Or are these the other bad guys."
After scrawling some notes, Phil looks back to Sue. "I think we should put our collective scientific minds to work at once," he tells her. "If there's any fallout from the DoD, we'll deal with it. I'll get on the horn with Johnson himself if I have to."
Sue's gaze turns between Carol and Coulson. "Others," she notes quietly. "And their intentions remain mostly unknown." She leans back and drums her fingers on the table. "I don't think Johnson will be a problem. He trusts me resolutely. Generals Talbot and Ross," she actually winces at that. "It's fortunate my family," go Fantastic Four, "has earned a lot of credit with the government. I get unilateral say in the running of this group. Even with objection."
She slides out from her chair, "We have our work cut out for us. Get your people in touch with mine. I'm happy to talk to Agent Simmons if you get them in touch with me." There's a pause. "United we stand," divided they fall.