Life has been nothing if not busy of late, but hostile alien machinations on a global scale are the sort of thing that don't bear sitting on the back burner for long. It's a part of the reason Xavier had chosen the time he did to try to reforge relations with SHIELD…only to find out just recently the Director he'd met with had been an imposter the whole time, the woman herself missing along with her unborn child.
With SHIELD being difficult to reach in the wake of this discovery, Xavier tries another approach— the Fantastic Four after all are known to be involved with the task force meant to handle extra planetary affairs, and so today finds him making his way to the Baxter building, with the purpose of requesting a meeting. You can tell it's serious.. he's actually sprung for a tie and suit jacket today under his winter coat.
The building, unlike many in New York, is very secured. A guard lingers in the lobby — although he's easy enough to convince that Charles belongs here — a strange receptionist stands at the front of the Fantastic Four residence on the top floor. She speaks in tinny words, saying things like: The schedule is full.
But even the sound of Roberta's voice draws a single figure from the residence itself. Dressed in her Fantastic Four uniform, Sue Storm looks somewhat worse for wear. Shadows encase her eyes. Her skin is pale. A mug of something is cradled in her grasp. "It's okay Roberta," she says smoothly towards the robotic figure. Roberta isn't much in terms of AI, especially in light of what Sue had paid attention to as of late (Vision is incredibly impressive), but she acts as a receptionist enough. "You can power down," Sue offers before the life drains from the would-be receptionist.
The Fantastic Four residence has been incredibly rebuilt following its assault in December. It gleams brightly and Sue issues Charles a brief shrug, not at all sure why he's here. "Hi. I apologize if — " but the thought isn't finished, instead she lifts a finger. "I assume you're here for the grouting in the kitchen? I was supposed to have my assistant take care of this, but flu season is upon us — "
Apparently even the smart tie can't save Charles from generally coming across as rather unimpressive — ah well, the effort was made! He gives a rueful smile as he answers, "I certainly hope not! I don't know the first thing about it, to be honest. Though as I was just about to ask if I might be of any help to you, I suppose I could learn — Charles Xavier." he says, offering his hand. "I'm actually here about the skrull matter, miss Storm."
A vague arch of Sue's eyebrow followed by the briefest upturn of her lips gives her a nearly comical look. She emits a fatigued chuckle and her head shakes, "I suppose you really don't look like the grouter." The smile edges on self deprecation as she motions for Charles to follow her into the residence. While she doesn't correct Charles aloud, follow the phrase 'Miss', she mentally corrects, Doctor.
The residence is sparsely furnished, nearly empty. "We … uh…" Sue's eyebrows knit together, "are in the process of redecorating," but even the polite turn of phrase meets clear weariness. "But," she shrugs. "It looks pretty good again." She swallows hard. "So. Mister Xavier. You want to discuss the Skrull matter." She pauses. "I take it you're rather in the know in order to, well, know their name."
Charles nods, "Somewhat at the least," he agrees, following Sue into the barren residence. He glances about and slips his hands into his pockets, unperturbed by the unacknowledged handshake. With how busy she must be to radiate such exhaustion, he's probably fortunate she was willing to make time at all. He nudges some of her weariness away, mitigating that somewhat for the moment.
"Thank you for seeing me by the way, Doctor Storm. I realize you don't know me, but I believe I might have a means to help you in identifying those who have been replaced."
ROLL: Xavier +rolls 1d10 for a result of: 2
The nudge is effective enough and some of that weariness seems to dissipate. But oddly, strangely, something else is just off about the biochemist. She trails back towards the kitchen. "Can I get you something to drink? Tea?" Her eyebrows lift lightly and she manages a very soft, very stifled sigh. Her lips twitch slightly, "And herein lies the problem, Mister Xavier," she looks over her shoulder towards him, "I haven't yet decided if you aren't one of them." She shoots him the sweetest smile she can muster followed by a hollow chuckle, "Evidently replacements are far more common than you'd think."
"Tea would be lovely, thank you." Xavier steps into the middle of the living area with it's sparse furnishings, tilting his head slightly as she speaks. That's strange…He does chase after that comment about replacements being common, half wondering who else she might know who's turned out to be replaced and half curious if the strange displacement in her mind is a constant thing.
Aloud however he replies, "Understandably. If you've any means presently of verifying that, any non-lethal ways rather, perhaps it would be best if we started there?"
A quiet chuckle follows the remark as Sue starts the kettle. "Believe me, non-lethal ways remain incredibly important." Her voice softens and she notes, "We have ways. My lab is a bit," she rocks her uncertainly. "At least here. Down at the DoD," her eyes turn upwards and her shoulders shrug, "well, current resources are set for there. Like I said, redecorating." Not by choice.
She pours Charles a cup of tea in a blue mug — Fantastic Four blue; most things are in this space.
"So how do you think you can detect them?"
"It's still a work in progress, but at the least if it works it should work remotely. But did you wish to verify I was of this earth before we speak further?" he wonders.
Charles does try to mentally get some context for her comment on replacements being common. Who was replaced? How does she feel about it? He's telling the truth about not being positive about his usefulness, he has only two test cases thus far to go off of, both with limited data. But he's hoping he can verify she's genuine by how she feels about these replacements.
"If possible, but," and this sounds like an important but, "assuming you're not here to try to replace me, I actually suspect that whatever you have to say is valid. At least, valid enough. I don't know why one of them would try to find me here, and, to be honest, I'm not sure they'd be prepared to take me on." Sue offers him a small smile. "Logic seems to suggest you think you have a way. Which is why we've talked as long as we have without verification."
She inhales a slow breath. Charles's efforts aren't exactly circumvented, but Sue's thoughts and access to Sue's thoughts almost moves like static. Her mind doesn't block him, exactly, but it doesn't readily open either. He can feel sincerity in her words; quiet thoughtfulness. But it's challenging to get a cursory feel… oddly.
ROLL: Xavier +rolls 1d10 for a result of: 2
ROLL: Xavier +rolls 1d10 for a result of: 7
There's no immediate response from Charles. His brow furrows, and for a moment he seems distracted by something… But then his expression relaxes into one of surprise.
It would seem the cover story Peggy's imposter had given is upon closer inspection actual fact in Sue's case… That's certainly the sort of thing to keep one's sense of irony healthy.
"..Alright. Then I'll get to the point, Doctor Storm. I'm a mutant, you see. And my particular ability gives me a sense of the minds of others… I've met one skrull imposter, and their mind was distinctly odd. I have hopes that oddity will prove consistent, though of course one can't make generalizations with a sample size of one."
All this is explained matter-of-factly now Charles has resolved to be frank. He's never been the best at maintaining a suspicious nature.
Sue takes a long sip of her tea. When the mug drops to the counter, her eyes seek out his. Thoughtfully, she considers him and then manages a very small nod. "I take it I passed the test?" her smile warms some and her head shakes. "There's something really unsettling about these skrulls." She inhales a slow breath, "I would advise, however, we aim to keep your particular talent under wraps. I'm not saying I don't want you on my team, I'm just saying…" her eyes turn downwards, "..not everyone we're in contact with is so well-intentioned." Her lips twist to the side, "The Department of Defence has a tendency to breed men who engage in black and white thinking. Someone that can sense anything to do with someone else's mind? Well, I suspect that would upset General Ross's sensibilities."
She pauses. "Come by our offices," she scribbles down an address on a pad of paper. "Pepper Potts operates as our office manager — please feel free to call," the number is left on the notepad, "and we can get a blood test underway. After which, I'll be a lot more candid."
Xavier sips his tea in turn while Sue speaks, leaning one elbow on the counter. He listens intently, and seems to relax slightly as she goes on. "I appreciate your advice. I've tried working with the government once before.. it went rather poorly. In fact I was myself meaning to request we keep the matter 'under wraps', as you say, so I'm pleased we're in agreement."
Xavier straightens up, his generally light expression turning serious. "I want to help stop these dopplegangers, Doctor Storm. To recover those who were replaced if at all possible. But I'd prefer to avoid any entanglement with the government."
That said, he accepts the paper, glancing at it and then tucking it into his vest pocket. "As to the blood test, I'll arrange it now, if you like. And ah.. yes, you have passed my little test, though you're somewhat odd yourself, if in a different way. Or, well." he corrects himself, "Rather, your son is."
The mention of oddity has Sue's chin lifting curiously until the last that prompts her cheeks to flush. Her eyes widen slightly and her lips part wordlessly only to press back together moments later. Her lips twitch and she flushes further, once more trying to find some semblance of language. There's a long pause as her gaze trains on the floor. "…we haven't really told anyone yet…" the flush furthers.
"Doctor Richards and I are engaged and haven't said — " her lips twitch again. "Wait. We're having a son?" her eyes brighter further. "I mean, I knew, but not…" she fights the idiot-smile that pulls each of her features upwards. "A son." She grins all-too-warmly.
With a sharp sniff, she seems to cut that line of questioning at its knees, but there's undeniably softness that colours her expression. "That's incredible." She swallows hard. There's a long pause and then a quiet observation, "So, he's odd… odd how?"
The comments about not having told anyone and her unannounced engagement are answered with a nod of acceptance from Charles. "Of course," he says. "And also may I say, congratulations." he's beaming right back at her, giving no indication he thinks any less of her for her show of parental joy. If anything perhaps, quite the opposite.
"And, 'unusual' is perhaps more accurate. I may still be finding my feet at recognizing the minds of extra terrestrials, but I'm quite practiced at recognizing that of a mutant."
"Thank you," warmth reflects in Sue's tone. The suggestion that her son is a mutant earns a small smile. "Well, unusual is better than odd. And…" her gaze flits around the residence, "..unusual is a bit of our bread and butter, I'm afraid." She inhales a deep breath, and then quietly reiterates, "Thank you." Her gaze turns upwards, "I can't imagine it's easy. We're lucky in a way. We got our abilities from an accident that semi-pegged us heroes as well, we were put into space." Her smile turns bittersweet. "What happened to us was public. Incredibly so. And it's given us some credit with governments, the public, people in general. But. Raising someone born different. Being born different" She frowns slightly. "Hopefully the world changes. Keeps changing." She frowns slightly. "I…" she hums. "Well. I should let you go. That's enough musings of an already-too-concerned mother."
"No.." Charles says with a quiet smile. "I think the world could use all the hopeful musings it can get. Thank you as well.. I'll be in touch."