It's been… rough for Thea, going down to Mutant Town. Healing isn't the hard part, it's seeing the damage, noticing the pain, acknowledging it even as she takes it away. Despite what some would say to the contrary, being a healer is not for the weak, or the cowardly. The toll on Thea shows in the slight hint of pallor where there was glowing good health earlier, a trace of shadow under her eyes, a lack of spring in her step. Still, she's being a gracious hostess, settling Jamie in with a drink. Some bourbon this time, versus the usual greek liquers. Sometimes a girl needs something less elegant to get the job done.
She'll sit on the couch, slipping out of her heels, sipping at her glass. "Thanks. For taking me down there. I hadn't heard how bad it really was."
Mutant Town was a mess, to be sure. The damage to the community was one thing, but the human (mutant) cost of the attack was immense. Many families had lost someone dear to them, and there were plenty of injured that needed tending to. Thank whatever gods you believe in for Thea coming to help. Jamie knows it wasn't easy, either to see, or for her to use her powers to the extent she did, but it was for a good cause, so he's happy for it. Those people need all the help anyone can give them. Even after he and Thea said their goodbyes, several of Jamie's duplicates remained behind to keep on doing the good work.
Back at Thea's apartment, after the drive back to Hell's Kitchen, Jamie settles into a chair, glass of liquor in hand. "Well, thanks for coming to help, darlin'. Those folks need as much as they can get, and you're a good woman for doing what you did today. I know it's a lot to ask, but it's worth it. Nobody deserves the hand they've been dealt," he says, raising his glass in a bit of a toast.
A knock at the door announces another arrival. Warren stands there lookin a bit upset, but otherwise impeccable as usual. WIth his long coat in place, he is can pass for any other man on the street. THough he is way too well dressed for this neighborhood.
Thea turns to look at the door, sipping at bourbon. She'll glance at Jamie with a hint of a shrug, before she's padding in stocking feet to the door. "Warren!" It comes out. "Oh god, were we supposed to meet up tonight? Come in, come in.." She'll all but usher him in, brown eyes wide. "I got.. sidetracked. Went down to Mutant Town to help out with some of the injured.. you want a drink?" She's flushing, all of a sudden. "Warren, this is Jamie. Jamie, this is Warren. "
Warren is surprised to see someone beside THea in the apartment, but he givs a polite nod and offers a handshake at the introduction. He looks to THea, "You were down there? I… saw what happened. Couln'd't really do much." He seems upset by this fact. He shakes his head, then asks Thea, "Are you doing alright?"
Madrox stands up when the knock at the door is heard. Force of habit, maybe. Warren enters, and he's visibly surprised at who it is. Of course, given the circles Thea's family moves in, maybe he shouldn't be. "Mr Worthington," he says, a little bit hesitantly reaching out to shake the man's hand. "Didn't know our girl here was on a first name basis with one of the richest men in America," he says, failing to suppress a little chuckle. "And I didn't realize you two had a date. Sorry if I interfered with your evening, I asked Thea to come with me to do a bit of charity.. the attack on Mutant Town left a lot of good people in a bad way." He pauses, looking back to Thea a moment. "I can clear out, if you two had plans."
Thea looks a bit embarrassed. "A Drink, Warren?" She looks at Jamie, before it's a flat glare. "Think about where you met me, Jamie, and what you know. Why would you think I would discriminate against Warren here for being rich and pretty?" There's a smile there, and she'll pour Warren several fingers of bourbon and offer it to him. "I'll be fine. Just a little tired." She'll say softly to Warren at his concern. "I need to figure out a way to get down there tomorrow and do some more. Maybe juggle my trust fund some and see if I can buy supplies people need." There's a hand up through blonde hair she's let down. "Jamie. Drink your drink."
Warren takes the glass of bourbon and sips. He shakes his head, "Thea, leave the trust alone for the minute. Tell me what you need. I've got the Worthington Foundation for this sort of thing. I had supplies shipped in after the giants, I can certainly do the same for an attack like this." He pauses, then comments, "Particularly in Mutant Town." He shakes his head and takes another sip, then looks from Thea to Jamie, "If I'd realized where she'd been today, I would've have come expecting a date."
"Hey, I'm not makin' judgements here, darlin'," Jamie says, putting his hands up a bit defensively. He's not offended, and certainly meant none on his part. "Just surprised, is all. Not every day you meet a genuine billionaire." He reaches down to the table he had set his glass on, and raises it in a bit of a toast. "That'd be awfully decent of you, Warren," Because now Jamie's on a first-name basis with a billionaire, too! "Money can't fix everything, but it can definitely go a great start," he says with a smirk. It's a bit of a joke, because that's what Jamie does, but it's also intended as an appreciative comment, of sorts. He's an odd fellow, this Jamie. "The string of disasters never really seems to end around this city, does it?"
Thea pauses, looking up at Warren. Her eyes shift over to Jamie. "He'd be far better at composing a list of things most needed. He's got… people working down there even now. If I'd kept going, I would have been useless for a couple days." There's a hint of a flush again. "Trust me, fellas, we're all on the same side more than you know." She says quietly, sipping at her drink. "Take out and drinks okay?" She'll ask Warren, apology in her expression.
Warren nods at Thea, "Sounds fine." He looks to Jamie and nods, "THe city has face a lot of rough times, it's true. Manages to pull itself through, somehow. I think people can be surprising." He shakes his head, "THis mess in Mutant Town.. more needs to be done there. I've been making some changes at WOrthington, Inc., trying to open yp more opportunites for mutants… but that doesn't help with things like this."
"It's a good start. Folks are stuck in Mutant Town because they don't get many opportunities to make a better life. If we got to a place where there wasn't a 'Mutant Town', we might not be such an easy target for groups like this 'Friends of Humanity' to focus an attack. But at the end of the day, we can't blame the victims for being in the situation they're in.. it's hate, pure and simple, and you can't fix what's wrong with Human nature so easily," Jamie says. "Take-out sounds great to me, darlin'," he responds to Thea with a smile. "Anything you're in the mood for. I'll pick up the tab," he says with a look to Warren. "My way of sayin' thanks." Never mind that between the three of them he's the pauper.
Thea gives Jamie a /look/. "I will pay for take out. You've got enough on your plate. It's too bad we can't get barbeque at this hour, huh?" There's a wink for MAdrox, as she moves to refill her glass. She'll get a pad and a pencil, and move to sit down again. She left your favored chair for you, Warren. "Should we make a list? "
Warren gives Jamie an odd look as he notices a choice of words. It may strike the other man as odd that Warren does not remove his jacket before he ists down, and hwhen he does so he stays sitting very straight instead of leaning back in the chair. He looks to Thea and gives a small chuckle, "I say list of takeout first. Chinese or Pizza?" THe two main types of takeout in the city. Then he looks to Jamie, I've been having similar thoughts about Mutant Town myself. , honestly. NO one asks to be born a mutant, but so many just can't pass for "normal"" He shakes his head, "If people don't have any opportunity to get along legitimately, is it any surprise when some of them turn their powers to criminal uses? " He shakes his head, "Which, of course, just fuelds people like this "Friends of Humanity" nts."
Jamie's not one to argue too hard about money. He's not destitute, but it's not like he's rolling in cash. He made the offer, that was the polite thing to do, but he also knows that Thea's not poor. So yeah, if she wants to pay for the food, he won't make a scene about it. Really though, there's a billionaire in attendance. "Alright darlin'," he says with a smile and a nod, before taking his seat again. "Barbecue would be fantastic.. really oughta talk to Freddy about startin' up a delivery service," he says with a grin. "I could take another job as a delivery boy.." He trails off, and then refocuses on Warren. "No-one asks to be born human either. We are what we are, right?" He shrugs, and then continues. "Plenty of criminals on both sides, after all. And when it's a matter of their situation being beyond their control, or their ability to escape it, I've got a bit more sympathy than when it's just a case of being a hateful asshole. It's those people who need to purged from the gene pool, if you ask me." Strong words. Maybe the bourbon is hitting him harder than it might appear.
Thea chuckles at the idea of Jamie taking another job. Her hand rubs over her face. "I vote pizza. I'm starving, and Chinese doesn't have enough carbs. I need fuel." She probably should stop drinking the bourbon. "Jamie.. can you just /tell/ him? Or hey.. boys. you both know, I'm a mutant!" There's even jazz hands, as a very tired nurse gets tired of the elephant in the room.
Warren sips his borurbon as Jamie SPeaks. He give sa wry smile, "And there's no shortage of hateful assholes on either side, either.' He says it like he's not actually accustomed to using that language, but doesn't particlarly object, either. He seems on the verge of adding more, and then Thea speaks. He chuckles at THea, "Pizza it is then. I could go for a nice pepperoni slice.." he gets to his feat, looking like he intends to walk to the phone. But instead he goes towards the coat rack, "ANd Thea… I did catch when he said "We". And then Warren hangs up is coat. He returns to his seat with the big white, feathery wings on his back in full view.
"Pizza sounds good to me," Jamie says. Really, at this point, food, and he's not picky about what. Well, maybe no snails. Pizza is great. When Warren removes his coat, Jamie can't help but suppress a smile. What would the tabloids say if this got out? And how much would they pay? Not that he'd ever.. no, of course not. "So two angels and bunch of jerks walk into a bar," he jokes, practically laughing it out. Two guesses who's who in this scenario. "Not picky about toppings, darlin', but do me a favour and put bacon on it." Because bacon is life. "You got a permit for those, Warren?" He cracks an even wider grin, if that were even possible.
"I am so glad neither of you are above pizza." There's a soft smile, a lean for a kiss to Warren's cheek as she goes to the phone. A two large pizzas. One pepperoni and peppers, one bacon and mushroom. And because she's Thea, there's a salad ordered. She'll hang up, a long groan as she puts her hands on her hips, stretching her back. "I call this first meeting of the Good looking mutant club to order." She smirks, moving to pick up her pad and pen again.
Warren chuckle sand shakes his head, and answers Jamie Flippantly, "Well, I have a pilot's license, does that count?" He flashes that brilliant smile that the newspapers lovesso much, "I'm sur eyou can appreciate why I've developed a taste for a lot of long coats in my wardrobe?" He chuckeles agian as Thea kisses his cheek, "Only way I'm above pizza is when I fly over Little Italy. If you're too good for pizza, what the hell are you doing living in New York?" He gives her a wink, then refocuses on Jamie for a moment. "I'm trusting you because Thea trusts you."
Jamie laughs, "That'd cover it," he says, raising his glass again before finishing the last swallow. "You can trust me," he says, letting some seriousness come to his face at last. "I'm not in the business of letting secrets out. Loose lips sink ships, and all that." He's got plenty of secrets of his own, after all, and people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. "My gifts are a little less, and more, obvious. Wings, though. That must be.. well, gives you a certain amount of automatic 'good guy' points, right?"
Thea laughs at both of them, before she's moving to the bourbon bottle on the coffee table. Better for free for all. "Well, they're really neat when there's bad traffic." She grins, sitting back with the pad in her lap. "Actually.. I'm going to go change before pizza. Talk amongst yourselves, fellas?" She'll slide past them, and slip into her bedroom. Where the door firmly shuts and locks.
Warren watches Thea depart, momentarily distracted by watching her go. Then he chuckles and shakes his head to Jamie, "I've had some interesting reactions, it's true. People do make assumptions. Then again, one of the nicest guys I've met looks like a blue demon, so you can never tell." He shrugs the and smiles, "I Told Thea about a time I pulled an old lady off a burning building up in SPanish Harlem. I think she said half a rosary before I got her to the ground."
"Sure thing, darlin'," Jamie offers as Thea retreats to her room, the door shut for modesty's sake. His attention turns back to Warren, and he listens as the man speaks, that grin never really leaving his face. "Never would have thought, to be honest. You, that is. You keep it under wraps, I'll give you that." Jamie stands, and goes for the bottle, refilling his glass a couple ounces worth. "I guess that's the risk you take, lookin' like you descended from heaven itself," he says with a chuckle. "Old women are gonna think you're takin' em up to meet the Almighty. Makes for one hell of a story for 'em, though. Saved by an Angel of the Lord, and all that." He holds the bottle up toward Warren, offering in case the winged man needs a top-up.
Warren takes the offered refill, and gives a nod, "Honestly, my wings are nothing compared to the things I've seen other mutants do. THey're just… showy." He smiles and shakes his head, "And extremely problematic at times." He takes long sil from the bourbon, "But at least you know my company's efforts on behalf of mutants are sincere. And, for the record? Lookig like God's on Angel is usally good for about 10 seconds before the one making trouble deicdes I'm just another mutant to deal with."
"We're two peas in a pod that way, then," Jamie says, pouring Warren two fingers of amber liquor. "My abilities don't really hold a candle to what some of my compatriots can manage. I'm just a lot of me, is all." And to make a point of it, Jamie stomps a foot on the ground, hard enough that the people below probably wonder if something fell over, and then suddenly there are two Jamies. They both smirk, but then because he's not out to exceed the occupancy limits of the apartment, the first touches the second's hand, and he goes back to being singular. "I can usually get away with people assuming I'm twins, even triplets, depending on how gullible they are."
Warren shows surprise for a moment, then chuckles, "Seems useful, but I can see where it wouldn't be a lot of help against some problms." He teases, "But at least you're never short players for a baseball team, right?" He sips his bourbon, "W do live in a strange world."
Thea emerges finally in some black satin lounge pants and a tank top that matches. She looks a good deal more relaxed now, hair twisted up in a loose knot. "Making friends, I hope?"
"I'm a one-man wrecking crew," Jamie says with a grin, and sits back down with his drink. "If you haven't been to Mutant Town since the attack, you should. Would do people some good to know they haven't been forgotten about by people like you," and he means that in the nicest way, really, though it might have been a poor choice of words. "Sending care packages and all is great, but it's feet on the ground and faces to recognize as friends that go further than anything, right?" Thea comes back, and Jamie turns to face her, giving a smile. "Thick as thieves here, darlin'," he says, maybe letting his eyes linger just a /little/ too long for polite company. Hey, Jamie's never made any bones about things like that.
Warren looks down at his glass, seeming a bit ashamed. "I've seen… from a distance. I thought someone like me, rich, powerful, seemingly normal… I thought my coming down there would ring false to a lot of people." He shakes his head, "I'm not ready to show the wings to the world. Not yet. ANd I don't want ti to look like I"m just some businessman looking for publicity, making a show of "helping".
Thea looks at Warren. "Do you have a less formal coat that can hide the wings? I'm pretty sure if we make sure there are no cameras around, and you come help hand out supplies, or hold first aid kits while I heal, people will know you're not doing it for the publicity."
Jamie nods as Thea speaks. "There are ways to do this without showing off your wings, or making it seem like a photo-op. I'm not saying don't bring the money, though." He gives a bit of a smile. What's the point of having a super-rich businessman show up without a hefty donation? "Honestly, you're not wrong. The residents down there haven't really been too friendly to the humans who have shown up, or even the mutants who have come down making a show of their good fortune." Some asshole in a convertible was a recent story he heard. "But if you make it about them, not about you, it'll go well enough."
Warren looks at Jamie and nods, then looks at his cup as he speaks, "THat's just the thing. I'll come down, I'll help but… I think publicity might be just what is needed. Right now, the newspapers mention this, it's just an attack on a bunch of mutants no one cared about anyway. THe world needs to see what this attack did. Real -human- suffering. That's how you make this do more damage to Friends of Humanity." He shakes his head and takes a gulp of his drink, "All the resorces in the world… and the question is always how do I put them to the most good…."
Thea gets up to get the door, hearing the pizza guiy coming up the steps. "So basically, we need the diplomat's daughter turned nurse, turned mutant sympathizer, on the society pages?" She asks over her shoulder, before money is handed over to the guy at he door, and boxes are pulled in. "Dinner is here, boys."
"I can think of a few others ways to do more damage.. and it involves human suffering as well," Madrox intones, his voice taking on a dark edge. It was personal for him, in a lot of ways. But the veiled threat isn't something he dwells on, especially since pizza has arrived! "It's a funny thing, that. Showing up and making a fanfare won't make you the community favourites, but drawing that kind of attention to the attack might help more in the long run than a lot of things we're trying to do. On the other hand, it might just make the situation worse. More publicity could just as easily lead to more attacks."
Warren gets up and makes sure he is not visible from the door when Thea goes to open it. As she comes in with the pizzas hw goes to offer a hand getting them over to the table and set out, then sees about getting himself a slice. He speaks while he does that, "Exactly the sort of thing that worries me. And Thea… I'd much rather we not paint a large target on your back for these "Friends"… but if you think it's a way to bring attention, I'll support it." He takes a bite of his pizza. "We stand to do a lot of good, or a lot of damage. Admittedly, the two aren't always mutually exclusive." That statment speaks toawrds the agressive tone in Jamie's statement. "Lets focus on the good first…" And he sits down to help brainstorm what supplies are needed so that he can set in motion their acquisition