1964-01-20 - Coming Out Of The Spaceship
Summary: Teddy fille Billy in on the latest SHIELD stuff and makes an admission.
Related: Yes
Theme Song: None
billy teddy 

When it's too cold to hang out outside, where to talk about superhero things without being overheard becomes a problem. Teddy settles on a diner and a booth all the way in the back where they'll just have to keep their voices down. He gave Billy a call and asked to meet there and he's seated, watching the door and waiting.


Diner's are good: diners have food, and Billy hasn't not seen a pile of food he wouldn't be interested in diving into one day of his life. He's a growing boy! There's an infinite black hole in his slender waist that makes it all just voosh! Well, at least, pure physics seem to demand that. So he settles into the table across from Teddy, flashing him a quick grin and grabbing the menu, eyeing it curiously. "Hey, whats up?" he greets, lifting a hand to rub at his nose. He's got a bit of a sniffle it seems, though nothing severe. "I'm officially *over* with winter."


"Hey." Teddy says once Billy sits down. "I wanted to let you know the latest on what was going on. And find out how you're doing on finding me. Cause that's going to be happening pretty soon and knowing you can figure out where I am would be really good to know." He doesn't bother with a menu, having figured out already what he wants.


He goes silent as the waitress comes over, and he grins, "A chocolate milkshake, no whipped cream, and I totally want one of those metal cups that has the leftovers from making it.." It's freezing out and he's ordering a milkshake? "And a bacon cheeseburger." Pause, "I am such a bad Jew." But he keeps his order as it is. He waits for Teddy to make his order, and when she leaves he lowers his voice, "There's no real telling if it'll work until its time to do it. Its not like my stuff works in some predictable or reliable way. If you're relatively nearby, I can probably pinpoint you. They should have all the maps they can get— world, nation maps, etc— but if you're farther I might have to take more drastic steps like making a door.I still don't exactly know how IT works you know."


Teddy seconds the bacon cheeseburger but wants onion rings as well and hot chocolate. "Didn't you say you could just make one map into a different one so they didn't need all of them? But if you do, I'll tell him. We just snuck into SHIELD HQ." he continues quietly. "I was disguised as the agent who got replaced by the alien but was captured and I had this small communication thing that fit in my ear and a pair of glasses with a camera in them to photograph papers. It was really cool." Pause. "Though turning into a woman was really weird. They feel so strange."


"There's no certainty in it, Teddy. You really need to remember that. There's no telling how it will work. Stephen's type of magic is all about rules and rituals. He knows precisely what his spells do and how they work because he has to control all these …. things. I don't do anything like that. Everytime I do something it has every possibility of being different from every other time I do something. Its… a question of will and concentration but the focus is what I *want*, .. the *how* is totally up in the air." Billy leans back and rubs his nose a bit, and has to grin, "So you were a spy for the day. And you had boobs. I'm not even going to ask about any anatomical differences because I totally don't want to know." He can't help but laugh.


"What do you think felt strange?" Teddy asks, making a face. Girl parts. Eww. "Anyway, if it works, it works. If it doesn't, I'll manage. I was going to before I thought of asking you, anyway. And yeah, it was pretty neat. I did find a bunch of papers and photoed them. Bunch of super secret stuff and some other things Fitz had no idea about. Blueprints to somewhere that looked like a prison. Maybe where they're hiding that Director. They were also planning on replacing a bunch of others too, including Fitz, so he's going to need to be extra careful. If you can keep an eye on him once I get captured, that would be great. Alien blood is different so you can tell by looking at it under a microscope."


"I wonder if I could make a like… Reveal-your-true-self sorta woosh, you know?" remarks Billy thoughtfully. Milkshake! It arrives and he sucks some down until he's wincing and breathing hard to rid himself of the brainfreeze. Panting. Of course, such a spell around Teddy might not be a good idea, but he doesn't know that. "I can keep an eye on him. Any word on who else might be involved in the rescue mission?"


Teddy shakes his head. "No. We need to figure out who's still real. Who knows how many of them have been replaced so far. We need to figure out who's safe and make sure they stay that way." He runs a hand over his hair and watches Billy a sec. "Can I tell you something? But you can't tell anyone else. I mean, /no one/ else, okay? Even more than that other things that you shouldn't tell anyone else."


Billy lifts up his burger and takes a bite, eyeing Teddy for a long moment as he considers him for a long moment, then he nods his head, "Well, sure. I mean I can keep a secret. I'm not sure what a super-secret is more secret then a lesser secret— a secret is a secret." But he does add, "A reveal-your-true-self spell would pretty effectively tell us who's still real." he points out.


"If you can do that, tell Fitz about it." Glancing down at the table, Teddy picks up his glass of water and takes a drink. Then a second one. "You remember I said the alien blood looked different?" he asks, not quite looking at Billy but just enough to see his reaction. "And you remember I told you that I gave Fitz some blood to check for radiation? Mine looks different too. And not mutant different but alien different. Not the same as the aliens but close. He thinks I must be one too."


Billy looks like he doesn't quite understand at first, his head tilting to the side, his brow furrowed. He runs the statement through his head once, twice, three times: Teddy's an alien? He's way too hot to be an alien. He blinks. He doesn't look alarmed or bothered, just baffled. "Wait, you can shapeshift." he says quietly, "So can these aliens. Are you like one of them? Like… I don't know. A secret agent who had amnesia or something?" He doesn't sound accusing, just trying to work out what the heck this means, "That's… Man, that's heavy. Yeah that's totally a super secret. I won't tell anyone, promise."


Teddy shakes his head. "No!" he says firmly. "I've lived here all my life. I went to school here. I can remember kindergarten and birthday parties. I'm not one of them. And like I said, my blood looks different from theirs. It's close but different. But… I don't know. What if they've been here a while? And what what if my mom… They can change into human so…"


"Maybe, she, like…" Billy makes a vague gesture, "You know, had a thing with a guy who was an alien do you're like a hybrid?" he ventures, pursing his lips thoughtfully, "I mean… I have no idea. I'm still having trouble with the idea that aliens exist— or rather I always knew they would exist cuz the universe is too big for us to be alone, but that they could possibly be HERE, across the vast distances of interstellar space. Aaand… you're…" He blinks slowly, tilting his head, squinting, trying to see if he can find any obviously alien signs in the all american jock.


"That's what I was thinking." Teddy agrees with a nod. "How would she know? Though she told me my father died and this would mean she lied and just had a one night stand or something." Cause no invading alien is going to marry a human woman even if they do have sex with them. "I don't know. Fitz is sure of it. He says human blood never looks like that, not even on mutants. I only had high school bio so…" He shrugs.


"Or, the alien faked its death." counters Billy in an effort to save Teddy from going down the 'she lied' route, "If you can impersonate someone you can fake a death easy enough. Its not a lie if you believe it to be true." he shakes his head and looks thoughtful, "You should ask this Fitz guy to destroy the blood sample as the payment for you trying to rescue their Director. Even if he can be trusted, this is ALL the more reason you don't want your blood floating around in a government agency's hands. Bosses change. Politics change. Policy changes. But." he shrugs, "FItz seems smart enough so if he says its not human blood, I don't see why I wouldn't believe him."


"Well… maybe." Teddy allows. He does look a little happier about the possibility. "Yeah, I'll tell him to do that. He says he hasn't written a report or anything on it. Just him and his friend Simmons have seen it and she's the one they're trying to kidnap who I'll be replacing instead. I don't think he'll argue about doing it. We don't want the aliens to get their hands on it either."


"Right. So get him to destroy it and you're good." Billy takes a minute to dig into his burger as if he hadn't eaten in weeks, chewing and letting himself take some time to think about it. "You're a jerk." he says after a moment, "A big, ugly, jerk. I just want this to be said and clear: I'm going to do my best to save you but you're still totally a jerk. A huge jerk. Like. The hugest jerk. They should build a statue to your jerkness." Whaaaaat is all this about?


Teddy takes another bite of burger and pauses in mid chew to blink at Billy. After a moment, once he can actually talk without a full mouth, he says "I am not ugly." He might or might not decide to argue the rest. "Still want to turn me into a rat?" Seems like he caught at least the beginning of Billy's rant the other day.


"Yes." says Billy with *deep* enthusiasm for the prospect, glowering. "You don't go .." He lowers his voice very low, "..and kiss a guy just to try to make a like thing to like get him to come rescue him! It's like, using me! And not in any level a fun way. Just like, here, I'll make you remember me, smooch, now you can go save me! Like. You could not possibly… I mean not even if you had tried…! The first time you're supposed to kiss someone should not be for a reason like that!"


"Actually" Teddy says quietly, "It was because I wanted to. Otherwise I wouldn't have even if I did think it would help you find me. I'd never done that before and… I mean, how do you ask something like that?" Dropping his gaze, he picks up an onion ring and eats it.


Billy glowers a little bit longer, then he can't really find any good reason to keep glowering, so huffs, and … grins. "You ask. Or… Lean in." he explains, shrugging, "I think I did it before, but that was then and all those memories are fuzzy so I can't really make a comparison. You should perk up and stop being so shy. Man, you're a jock, blond, built, you've got it all. Relax! Smile more." And with that he takes a french fry and, … tosses it at Teddy's head.


Teddy gets hit in the head by a french fry and looks up to blink. "I thought I was a big ugly jerk. And it's different here from wherever you come from. Or whenever. You don't do things like that. If you hadn't said something I never would have…" Pause. "It's difefrent."


"Pfft." counters Billy with a shake of his head, "It's not that different. I got the crap kicked out of me in school more times then I can count. For being that way. Among other things the jocks found offensive." He takes up his half-milted milkshake and gulps some down, "And you are a painfully handsome jerk, okay."


That gets a quick smile from Teddy. "Thanks. I umm… wouldn't mind trying that again, if you wanted. Sometime. Not now." Not here, no way. "Maybe after this is all over? You can think about it."


"Maybe. But you gotta do it right if you try it again. Nothing quick about it." Billy gives a firm nod at that. "And not for any reason but to convince me to immitate a puddle." With that, Billy grins, even as he blushes a few shades of red.


Teddy just nods and eats his cheeseburger. Time to go back to an easier topic, like alien invaders infiltrating the government.


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