"The cops won't do anything. Hell, they've 'allowed' those freaks into their fold. The government doesn't care about these people, but they don't do anything against them. It's not a permanent solution, and that, my brothers, is where /we/ come in. They are countless, but we can bring their numbers down. We have to protect ourselves from them. We will be like the heroes in storys of men versing gods. They are the old religion, and we need to bring them into the light!" The men cheer, and this was his audience. A few, however, don't seem to accept the mantra, and exit the basement to go about their own business. The rest, though, linger, chant, and cheer. "The world is struggling to accept those lessen than us. We are being 'forced' to be told what we should believe in, who we should be friends with, who we should accept. No more!" He slams a fist on the podium desk. "We will make up our own minds! It's up to US now, brothers. We'll take the power back into our own hands and shape our own destinies!"
So it is going to be like this then is it? VX shakes his head imperceptibly as he looks around noticing a few people leaving the room. Good. At least they will not get caught in this. Hopefully they have the heart to let go of their hatred. Many of the others in this room will not get the chance. He moves slowly doing everything he can not to draw attention to himself, his target the two men at the back of the room. But they will not be the only ones. VX gas slowly starts to seep from his skin as he moves, a lower concentration that normal. Not enough to truly notice the effects immediately. The scary thing about VX gas however is the effects are cumulative. The more they breath in the more fully they feel the effects. And the effects are devastating as it ravages the central nervous system ridding those affected of the strength to resist. He does not want to affect the speaker just yet though. So while he could fill the room, he doesn't. Not yet.
And breathing they do. The men who remained, the ones that believe, cheer when they should, boo and hiss when they get the chance, and jeer at the negative ideas being tossed their way. None the wiser, and attentive on the charismatic speaker, those remaining seem to care little about the world around them.
The men at the back of the room keep watch, standing sentinal with their arms crossed and wearing shades across their faces. Glasses at night, and indoors, seemed to make one look more hard, didn't it? Their eyes move behind the covers, watching the crowd, and one lingers his sights on VX for only a moment before moving on. "Yes, my brothers!" The speaker riles. "It's now OUR time!" The group cheers.
The effects of the gas are little things at first, a trembling in the hands. Something easily mistaked as excitement or adrenalin. A slight weakness in the legs, have they been standing for that long. And then it gets worse as the strength flees from their bodies and they start to have difficulty breathing as their body shuts down. There is no cure and they will never get better, unless they have some kind of special healer available.
Finally making it as close as he can to the men without alerting them immediatly VX starts in earnest. He concentrates for a moment the formula coming to his head. This time he does not dilute it at all. He breathes in deeply, feeling the slight weakness brought on by using his powers. An almost imperceptible ripple in the air around him tears through the crowd as he fills a 15 metres around him with the brutal chemical agent, careful to avoid his target even if it means he can't take out as many as he had at first hoped.
The shakes and tremors mean nothing at first, but once the cloud swallows the group as a whole, things become serious. The men start coughing, swallowing hard, and rubbing their caulosed hands over their arms and chest. More hacking, more gulps, the men sway before their knees shake and they start dropping like flies. One after the other folds, landing on each other in heeps of heavy flesh, leaving VX standing alone. The speaker, alarmed at first, glares out across the odd scene and to VX directly. "Mother fucker…" he grumbles through his teeth before drawing a gun from the inside of his jacket and leveling it the handsome, dark haired man.
Once a loss of life like that in such a horrible way would have made him sick. How quickly the world can change when it becomes you or them. He watches it in almost slow motion as the man goes for his fun, he can hear his own heartbeat as the blood rushes through his ears and adrenalin pumps. He may be a mutant, but a single bullet will still end him just as surely as any human. Another formula pops into his head and a huge rush of a white chemical agent tears out of his every pore, quickly creating a huge bubble around him and obscuring him from sight. With a machinegun he would still have a decent chance? But a handgun firing blind. He would have to get lucky. VX breathes in deeply, the CS gas filling his lungs and not effecting him in the slightest as he charges for the speaker.
ROLL: Lynette +rolls 1d10 for a result of: 8
There is one massive drive through a man once fear kicks in. The speaker's eyes water and his throat dries. Starting to swallow more of the covering gas around him, he growls in annoyance and presses her finger on the trigger. BANG! The sound rings out in the tiny area, echoing off the stone walls and sending a bullet flying through the air. Unluckily for the suited man, it misses its target by a long shot.
The gas has served its purpose so VX stops pumping it out. Once of the things that humans are constantly forgetting is that mutants can be just as capable as them even more so sometimes without their powers. VX comes barreling out of the thick smoke, tendrils of is streaming off his clothes as he leaps atop of the speaker. He takes him to the ground expertly. He goes for the gun. His hands wrap around the speakers, and with s sharp wrench he brings his hands down. One of the speakers arms break at the elbow, the arm not at a sickening angle as the gun clatters to the ground. Vx spins on his heel one of his elbows coming up into the mans nose, knocking him to the ground with a crack as his nose breaks. Finally with a grin VX lifts his boot above the mans head. "This is for mutant town." The boot comes down and the world goes black for the speaker.