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It had been days now since the initial attack, and with the help of both inside, and outside forces, the slums of Mutant Town were becoming a bit more…normal. A crisp chill has settled along the streets, and most of the shops are still closed, or flattened spaces of real estate, waiting to be rebuilt. Most families continue to refuse to leave their homes, living their lives by watching through thightly shut windows, and others of different shapes, sizes, and colors, help where they can, delievering supplies door to door. There's a small space of sidewalk marked off with flowers, cards, photos, and constantly blazing candles, each a vibrant memory of those lost in the attack.
Lynette has seen her fair share of troubles the past few days, and now, free from her 'prison', she was back to working in the town. Her expression flat, lost in a daze, she picks at grit and rubble, working on clearining out one final shell of a burnt out home, seeing if there was anything to save for its owner. "Cain," she questions of the massive lug that's close by. "M'too little t'pick dis up. C'n y'help me, chere?" She requests, pointing toward a rather massive collection of wood and debris.
Cain makes his way over. He's clad in a wife-beater and a pair of rough canvas workpants, booted feet clomping around as he continues to help move some things around. At Lynette's request, he looks up, his bald dome gleaming as he makes his way over to start shoving some of the rubble out of the way.
"Gettin' a little tired o' havin' to clean up after messes. Startin' t'think it's gettin' time to make some messes of our own, ya dig?" he says, rolling his massive shoulders as he turns to gaze off into the distance.
Walking alongside Xavier, Erik's X-Men uniform remains safely concealed behind outerwear; a collared shirt, sweater, and a long trench coat. The trilby hat sits low on his head, just above a pair of sunglasses, helping to add a bit of enigma to his frame. "Look at this place," he says with reproach to his old friend. "It's a bloody ghost town."
Xavier has been quiet as they approach the scene of the attack. It's all too easy to pick up the permeating emotions of the area, magnified as they are through numbers and through that subtle vivid quality the minds of mutants have to him. The heavy haze of Fear, despair, resentment.. though other things too. Solidarity, compassion, determination. Charles takes a deep breath, and picks his way through the streets alongside Erik, gloved hands shoved in the pockets of his peacoat, a wool scarf around his neck. "After what happened, one can hardly blame them." he replies, his own tone subdued. He heads for the makeshift memorial, mind reaching out to locate those who might have been first-hand witnesses to what took place here.
Concealed uniforms behind a peacoat and .. well, that was it! No one would really give Jean a second glance as she trails behind the two men. The general attitude of the area is what gives her pause, all which brings a frown to her lips as she keeps a pace at their six, a bag of cheese and meat sandwiches hung upon one arm as another bag filled with bottles of Coca Cola were filled in the other. The only noise that comes from Jean was the little clinking of glasses, the thought that if there was a relief effort already in play? She'd be there to offer them aid with free food and a fizzy drink!
One step is taken and then a pause, a slight tilt of her head given as she stares off into the distance. Ah! People -were- here working! All of her slapping processed meat and cheese in between two slices of bread weren't for naught!
"Non, I get y'. I 'gree, too. S'too much. First all d'blood in Ha'lem, den dis?" Stepping back into the mess, now that it's a big clear, she digs around a bit more, ripping at her gloves before pulling the blasted things off and shoving them into her pockets. Her jacket has a bit more stains on it now, and she's lacking her pale blue scarf. "Found it." She explains, pulling up a small wooden box from the rubble and dusting it off. Apparently, it belonged to someone, and it was important enough to dig for. Standing, she cradles the object and moves closer to Cain, gripping his arm to steady herself as her boots slip in the slush. Eyes up, she licks her lips, picking up a scent on the air. "Huh..funny." She murmurs, glancing down the street to notice two of the three coming their way.
A number of minds pay witness to the events, but one is stronger, and happens to be walking down the sidewalk. It was a boy, about 8-9 years of age, with dark as pitch skin and swirling eyes of burning embers. Dressed for the weather, he gives a tug at his flat cap, and pulls along behind him a rusty, Radio Flyer, filled with small boxes, each with names written on their tops. Walking along with him is an older man, with a hump in his back, and what appears to be some type of ashen fluid gently leaking form his eyes and lips. The pair share in idle conversation.
Cain nods, "Good," he says. He doesn't necessarily pry into everything that's searched for or how Lynette knows about it. Other people might have curious natures, constantly questioning, looking for answers and explanations. Not Cain. He tended to like things straightforward, black and white.
Huge complications are, of course incoming. He spots the group moving towards their direction and narrows his eyes. He can't guarantee to recognize Charles at this distance, but the gait and the company would certainly seem to indicate a strong possibility that his brother was incoming.
-Just swallow it- he tells himself. He wasn't to lay a hand on Charles, that was part of the deal.
"They shouldn't be hiding," Erik points out. His tone remains quiet, but there is a tension that bubbles beneath the surface. One might see fit to judge, but for those who truly know him, they will understand just how well he is, for lack of a better word, behaving.
"It will only fuel the flame of these fanatics," he resumes. "They will see what they've done, and they will come again."
Erik knows full well that Charles would not see to it that the X-Men reveal their presence and enact some sort of vengeance. To be truthful, his capacity for vengeance is presently settled upon one individual who doesn't appear to be anywhere in the vicinity, thus leaving him to think more sensibly in this scenario.
Erik turns a quizzical expression upon Charles, which soon turns into a smirk. "You do realize you have quite the megaphone, Charles."
At such a distance, it's impossible not to see Cain. Erik lifts a curious eyebrow, missing the passing of that young boy entirely. "Goodness," he murmurs quietly.
"They shouldn't have to hide; it's not entirely the same thing. But it's all the more reason to locate those responsible before they can do any such thing." Charles replies, though his attention is drawn from the boy and his friend towards Cain and Lynette with a puzzled expression.
"And you wouldn't be wrong my friend, but what would we be announcing at this—" he trails off as passing suspicion turns to certainty. It's been years and people do change, but if the sense of his mind wasn't answer enough Cain's towering silhouette is difficult to mistake.
"My god, Cain?"
"Most of them aren't like us. They're afraid and with families." Though, the two in front of her have families, Jean does as well in a sense. But none in direct correlation with her daily life, she was a self imposed orphan, an outsider to the Grey's. Erik's direct look towards the young boy has her eyes following in that direction, a little smile playing upon her lips as she watches him and the older man speak. "Excuse me for a minute.." She says to the two men, who were possibly locked in their own conversation as well. Jean was just a minor intrusion, following behind only with one mission in mind.
Though, hearing Cain's name, she stops near Charles to look in that direction, a wide smile growing upon her lips. "HI CAIN!" Wait, is.. is that Lynette? "HI LYNETTE!"
Jean Grey, the picture perfect and complete essense of stealth, she was! But with a meander towards the man and the young boy, she keeps up that cheery tone with a quick wave of her bag hand that seemed a little too heavy for her to lift. "Hello! I made sandwiches and I have soda pop. Would you two like some?"
Lynette stands with Cain, her head canting to the side as those snake like eyes stare out at Charles. Her brow quirks as he comments to Cain, face turning up to address the giant beside her. "Y'know 'm?" Apparently, but the question still stands. At least Jean gets a tired smile and wiggle of the girl's fingers. "How y'doin', Jeanie-Bean." Greeting over, the floofy haired girl stares at the two men that head their way. "N'how y'doin', Chuck. Nice t'see y'out n'bout." A pause. "Dis a bad time t'tell y'm'leavin' de school?"
Off to the side, the young boy and older man pause at a crossing, his eyes skipping about before offering a grin and wave toward Cain and Lynette. "Heya, Lynnie! Hi, Mr. Marko!" When noticing they're busy, he turns his head to address the older man with him, and then Jean comes into view. Grinning, he bounces a bit on his feet and lowers the handle of his wagon. "Do I? Sure, miss. Thank you." The older man coughs a bit, sputting into the fabric of a well used, and stained handkerchief. "Thank you, miss. I'm not very hungry, but I have't had a nice soda in a long time." A pause, "This is Jimmy, and I'm…well, call me Mr. Kellner. Pleasure to meet you, young lady."
Cain snorts, "Know 'im? Nah, not really. But he is my brother," he manages to say. He raises his voice a bit more as the group approaches, "Charlie. Long time," he acknowledges, then grins at Jean's enthusiastic greeting. He didn't know the girl well, but they'd crossed paths a time or two. "Hey there, kid," he says.
"I'd play catchup, but I'm doin' some work around here, as you can see," he says, reaching down and casually grasping a thick wooden girder, hefting it onto his shoulder before tossing it into the growing pile to be destroyed.
"I don't know," Erik begins to form a response to Charles. "Something -"
But then, there's… a bit going on, between Jean, Cain, Lynette and the others. He stops his approach for a moment, observing the faces and voices that go with them, only to find himself turning to look toward Charles with clear surprise upon his face. "Your brother?" he asks, before folding his arms and frowning.
With an effort, Charles reclaims his prior composure, though he's still a bit out of sorts as he nods back to Cain. "I'm glad." is the best he can manage, though weather it's from seeing Cain or in response to Cain helping the stricken residents he doesn't specify. He nods silently to Erik as well; he doesn't speak of Cain often, but probably enough that Erik could form a general idea.
Charles pulls his attention to Lynette, though her revelation comes as a bit less of a shock; he'd caught some sense of her deliberating over the past weeks. "You've decided? Then…you're welcome to visit of course…and I hope you find what you're looking for." he meant what he said about people having to follow the path that feels right to them.
"I'm doing okay! Present circumstances notwithstanding!" She calls out, though her tone lowers considerably since she was near the two new friends. The bags were soon put on the ground, rifled through as she picks up the soda first, offering it to Mr. Kellner first with a slight nod. "They're still cold. Which means they have a bite." She says to the man. "Are you ill?" But, for the boy, she takes up a slight little squat, holding the bag open for him to choose. "So, I have turkey, ham, and roast beef. All fresh. You can get yourself a soda as well."
So there wasn't a mention of Jean ever meeting Cain, but she knew of their standing. But ever since Moira, she's made it a clear point to stay out of other peoples affairs. "Cain, come here for a second and grab you and Lyn something to eat. I'll take over in a minute!" With a quick motion to draw him over, she finally looks back to her two new companions, a warm smile given as she speaks. "How are you two holding up? And your families? I've heard that there was a bit of a bad time over here in the city. Do you two need anything?"
"I have." The girl murmurs, somewhat defiantly. "S'wit m'people." The boy's call has her lifting her hand, greeting him with an adoring smile. Back to holding the box against her petite form, she glances from Erik, to Charles, to Cain, and back again. Finally, she asks, "What y'doin' here?"
By the side, the old man accepts the bottle with a smile, dabbing at his lips once more. "No, dear. I just happen to have ash in my system. It's been there for years." He explains, as if that made it fine and dandy. "Happened before I moved here, oh, years ago." The boy gives another bounce before digging into the bag and taking up some food for himself, ham, and a soda. Resting to the side of the walkway, he pulls his wagon along, moving it out of the way. Starting to dig in, he looks toward Jean with large, full cheeks, and eyes Mr. Kellner. The old man speaks in his place. "My family is fine. Jimmy's mother was hurt, but is still working from home. His sister is fine as well. Bad time is putting it lightly, but, sadly…I've experienced these things before. Back home." The old man confesses before looking at the bottle and then back to Jean. "Young lady, do you have anything to open these with?" The boy then pipes in, words partially muffled by food. "'re do-win' gewd." He swallows. "Sorry. We're doing good, miss. The Brotherhood has been helping us out, and some pretty girl named Kitty said the X-men would visit, too. She promised."
Cain comes over and gets a sandwich, noting Charles' obvious attempts to not address him and focus on business. His brother always was good at looking at the bigger picture, not letting personal things weigh him down. Cain, of course,wasn't so good as putting his feelings aside. But he was getting better.
He keeps close by, not entirely trusting the goody two shoes types in Brotherhood territory. And, whatever they might think, Mutant Town was Brotherhood territory as far as Cain was concerned.
The defiant tone causes Charles to look a bit surprised.. he'd thought they'd been on fairly good terms, even if they'd had different views. He answers Lynette honestly, "We're here to see if we can be of any help, and to see what we can learn about the people who orchestrated the attack here."
Though it's not quite so easy for him as Cain might imagine, Charles does join Jean and her new acquaintances as well, smiling a bit as the X-men are mentioned. He doesn't jump in on the conversation though, letting Jean talk.
Once Cain nears, she begins to dig into the bag, glancing up towards the towering man to pick out at least three sandwiches and two bottles of cola. But that doesn't mean she doesn't pay Mr. Kellner and Jimmy any attention. She was just busy for the moment. "Oh, ash?" She asks quietly. "Do you need any fire to .. you know.." She was sure that he would understand, and Jean was ready and willing to accomidate his needs. Perhaps she didn't understand his mutation, but she was willing to learn, and show!
Case in point, the offer to help with the top of his bottle was met with a light flick of her wrist, the cap itself peeling back by force and lightly snatched away from the glass, pinging through the air and away towards the pile of debris to be destroyed. "I understand, Mr. Kellner.." She says quietly. "..can you tell us what happened here?" Though, Jimmy, the adorable boy causes Jean a moment of true ADHD (not a thing yet, we know!), for her attention was immediately upon him as her expression brightens. "Kitty! Yes I knew she was here! I actually plan on staying here for a little while with her, though.. I am going to need a dashing young man with a wagon to accompany me to buy some food for us. And I'm very, very sure that if I get his mothers permission, I can do some grocery shopping for her as well. What do you say, young man?" She glances back towards Charles, her look a quiet question to ask if she's allowed to stay. But then, she rises from her little squat to offer the food towards Cain so that he could eat.
"How are you doing, big guy?" She asks quietly. Hopefully Charles and Cain could get dialogue, all the while a quiet, mental whisper was given towards Lynette.
Are you being fed with your people?
Lynette eyes the departing Xavier, and all she can do is give the man a curt, simply nod. Box in hand, she keeps those slitted eyes on their backs before glancing to the small group they're forming near Jimmy and Kellner. The question in her head causes her pause, before she looks toward Jean. A nod, only, and she turns, heading down the street to deliver whatever it was she and Cain had dug up moments prior.
"Oh, no, dear. I'm fine. If anything, it's a reminder of my past, and that I survived." The TK trick does have his smiling, as he turns the bottle up and takes a swig. When Charles arrives, the holder man offers out his hand in greeting, making sure it's clean, mostly, though his flesh is stained with soot. "Pleasure to meet you, sir."
Jimmy, however, beams up from his seat, still chomping away at his meal. "You did?! You are?!" His solid, swirling eyes of fire skip from Kellner, to Marko, to Charles and back to Jean. "Sure! You can count on me, miss! Oh! Can I bring Gracie? She's my little sister. She has red hair, too!" Because that matters. The question about that night, however, gives Kellner pause, as does Jimmy. Silencing himself with his meal, the older man is allowed to talk. "Well, we were attacked by men with weapons. They destroyed buildings, as you see, and…shot some others. A few helped us that night. VX and Creed, if I remember correctly. I didn't know those men, but one was leading them. He was a taller fellow with auburn hair and golden eyes. There was wild look about him."
Cain shrugs to Jean, throwing down a sandwich in a couple of bites. He doesn't technically need to eat, so he never gets hungry, but he's never been one to deny himself a pleasure. By the same token, he never gets full, the roiling energies within him consuming anything he devours. He could sit and eat a thousand sandwiches and never get tired or sick, except, perhaps, of the flavor.
"Ain't dead. Ain't had any giant temples fall on my head today. Been worse," he says. He doesn't pay much atention to the jabbering of some ofthe others, "I had a chance to squash one of the Friends leaders like a bug the other day. Didn't take it, let one o' the brothers talk me out of it. Should've finished the job," he says.
"I think if Jimmy is willing to lend his wagon and his mother agrees that that would be a splendid idea, Jean. Though I think it would be only fair if you chipped in on their groceries in exchange for the help, yes?" Charles says with a smile, following Jean's train of thought. Between the two of them, or three as it's sounding to be, they can distribute more food and drink while they talk.
Charles shakes Kelner's hand when he's addressed with a brief but warm smile. "A pleasure, Sir." he listens intently as Kelner speaks, and nods. "We're trying to consolidate information on what happened, try to find the men responsible.." Charles' attention flicks towards Cain, though he doesn't rise to the comment about collapsing temples. "You found one of them Cain? Have you a lead?"
There was a lingering look towards Lynette as she gives Jean a nod. She returns the nod as well, though that nod had meaning and a promise to meet with the woman later to at least share tales and a good meal, something those two were never afforded, but as she moves along, Jimmy's excitement through the whole ordeal has her beaming. "Sure! Gracie can come! We can drop the food off at your house and take the food to Miss Kitty, maybe she'll be convinced to make us a snack. I hear that she could make a -real- mean dessert. It would make you wanna' tickle your mama!"
And yet, as the conversation continues, Jean leaves it in Xavier's capable hands. The Brotherhood, a wild look to a man.. it all seemed like conversation for adults. For once Charles pretty much gives the go ahead to spend his money, Jean pops up with a one handed salute, and a nudge to her keeper. "I'll call you later, daad…" She teases Charles quietly, not wanting to interrupt upon the conversation any more.
And much to annoy Cain, she approaches the bigger man to give him a hug. Even if that hug only covers a small fraction of him. "See you soon, big guy." Maybe.. just maybe the brothers can reconnect over a common goal! Not that Jean's happiness would matter, in this instance. "Alright Jimmy, lets go find your mom. I have an idea. A nice.. big brisket. With gravy and potatoes and peas. Peas.. Jimmy. It's going to be fantastic. We'll make Kitty cook it for you guys."
Jimmy watches the older folks chat. Thankfully, Jean pulls him away shortly after. Beaming he waves a 'bye' to all of them, and pulls his wagon behind him. "We have to make these deliveries first, ok?" Ok.
The older man waves off Jean and Jimmy, before sipping from his bottle and eyeing the pair of men, who are starkly different in almost horrifying ways. "I'm sorry, sir. We don't have much information here. It happened, and I hope it never happens again. The people here aren't fighters, and not all of us have powers. We're just different." He explains before coughing into his handkerchief and sniffling a moment later. "Apologies." He cleans away dark tears before they roll down his age worn cheeks.
"I understand." Charles replies. "But even little things might come together to give some clue. Some means to find the ones who planned this. Might you permit me to see the details you saw, as you saw them?" he raises to fingers halfway towards his head, eyebrows raised in question? It is mutant town after all…despite the nice coat and the accent, it's likely no surprise to Kelner if Charles mentions odd powers any more than it was a surprise to see Jean flip free bottlecaps with her mind.
Another glance to Cain, the older man thins his lips and takes a shuffle forward "If you'd like. I didn't see much, but…" Pausing, he lowers the bottle and then takes a shakey, shallow breath. Perhaps Charles wasn't the first mental uses he's come across, but for whatever reason, he closes his eyes, relaxes himself and begins to…remember. Depending on the length of connection, his weathered face twitches, now and then, eyes tightening, and hands gripping into fists before relaxing, releasing.
Ororo has arrived.
Charles gives a small nod, gloved fingers resting at the side of his head. "Thank you," he says. His eyes close and his brow furrows. It's difficult to ignore Cain looming nearby. Even now it makes him uneasy to turn his back on his step brother. It's one of those cases where telepathically having an idea when someone behind you is actually hostile is more detriment than advantage, as that tends to be Cain's default state in his experience.
But for the moment he puts that aside and concentrates on Mr. Kelner, and the memories he's soon retreading, of a night cold and dark. No, not dark.. or at least not for long. Charles inhales, recoiling unconsciously at the remembered crack of weapons fire, of leaping flames juxtaposed with streets of dirty snow and blood and death. Speeches, executions, people drug out of their homes screaming. He makes an effort to remember the face of the man giving the speech, though the memories leave him shaken.
To be fair, Cain's hostility isn't just towards Charles. It's more intense towards Charles, of course, more personal and direct. But he hates almost everyone to some degree or another. Even his fellows in the Brotherhood, although it tends towards more simple annoyance.
Positive feelings? Ehhhhhhhh, not so much, but he is filled with an ancient wrathful chaos god, so…there is that.
He hadn't been paying attention if anyone said anything to him. This isn't unusual. But he listens now as Charles seems to be about to use his abilities on someone. He really hates that, hates the idea of anyone in his head. His hand flexes and unflexes for a moment as he remembers his own privacy being invaded.
Kellner feels that 'push' of entry and then 'snap-pull' of release. Blinking, fresh fat beads of black collect at his eyes and trail down his features. "S-sorry." He whispers before rubbing at his face and reaching for his drink. Before he makes it, Lyn pads her way toward the trio, leaning down and claiming it, before offering it to the elderly man and offering him a gentle smile. "Here y'go, Mista Kellna'. S'gettin' lil late n'cold." She warns him, causing the man to nod softly and chuckles, absent mindedly. "So it is, Lynnie, thank you. Pleasure to meet you, sir. I hope that helps you." He addresses Charles before turning and heading down the sidewalk. Marko gets a soft pat on his massive arm in passing, as the old man heads toward his home, still nursing from his soda bottle.
Lynette glances Cain's way and smirks at his attire. "Don' y'eva get cold? M'havin' tr'ble jus'movin' in dis chill."
"Not at all." Charles says, patting Kelner on the arm. "I appreciate your help. Take care." he doesn't keep the man further, Lynette is right about the cold. Charles turns to her as the few of them are left alone. "Cain's always one to keep pressing onward, whatever the hardship." Charles says. "It's kind of you both to help these people."
Ororo returns from having gone to help with delivering medical supplies, her mostly subconscious tendency to make the weather around herself more mild likely helping with keeping aforementioned supplies from being damaged by any inclement weather. With the delivery done, though, she heads back to where she saw Xavier last, the slight warming of the air around them announcing her approach a few moments before she approaches the others.
Cain grins at Lynette, "I don't even feel it," he says. "Benefits o' being me," he says. He looks askance at the old man as he's patted, arching an eyebrow as he glances back over at Charles.
His brother's words draw a bark of a laugh from him, "Kind? You known me a long time, Charlie. Kind ever a word that seemed to stick to me. This is our territory - when people in our territory get pickedon, we fix it, we build loyalty, we help 'em out. And we avenge 'em. I'm better at the last part," he grins. "You gonna help out with that or you just gonna scare 'em off with a speech?"
Lynette quirks a brow. "Dese people? Ain't dey y'people, too?" She questions Charles gently, her hands resting deep in her pockets. Rolling her shoulders, she hunkers down into her coat as much as possible, those serpent eyes gazing at Charles pointedly. A glance given to Cain, she then notices another face she's met before. Canting he head, her massive collection of curls gives a wiggle and bounce at the passing breeze. "'roro." She greets, kindly enough. "See y'doin' betta in de city. S'good. Sorry I neva came lookin' f'y', chere. Life got, well…life."
There is a faint smile offered to Cain. "You look after the people you feel responsible for as best you know how. That's it's own form of kindness, I'd say." Charles replies. To Lynette he gives another slightly puzzled look at the confrontational demeanor continues. "I don't see how using one word would preclude the other, Lynette. It's semantics— would it be any better of me to declare people mine without their consent because we share a genetic trait? ..Though I'm beginning to think I'm troubling you in some way that goes beyond wording?"
Charles spares a moment to smile as Ororo returns, and apparently successful.
Ororo stops next to Charles and actually honestly smiles when she recognizes Lynette, and it almost feels like a patch of sunlight is warming the area they're standing in. "It is wonderful to see you again, miss Lynette." She looks at Cain curiously, but without even the tiniest hint of fear.
Cain grins broadly, "Whassamatta, is it hard bein' away from your precious school, where everyone ain't all eager to kiss yer ass and tell ya what a brilliant hero ya are? Suck it up, buttercup, not everyone thinks you walk on water," he says.
"Call me kind if you want, it's basic tribalism. This tribe's under attack, which means it's time to go to war. You got the stomach for it?"
"S'nice t'see y', too, 'Ro. Hope y'doin' well." She offers her fellow darker skinned companion, even trying a smile on for size. Glancing to Xavier, she gives a light shake of her head, her fingers brushing up and against the nape of her neck, that section of her skin covered in what appear to be crimson, diamond shaped scales. "Ain't 'bout dat, Charles. Ain't talkin' 'bout s'mantics, or owna'ship. S'bout unity." She explains and then chuckles. "Y'ain't troublin' me. De world's troublin' me. N'way, if y'hear helpin', t'anks. S'ppreciated." At Cain's question, she watches the towering giant's face, and then looks back to both Charles and Ororo in turn. "I see y'once," she addresses Charles. "Arguin'. Wit Raven. Don' know 'bout what, but…seen 'r trustin' y'wit a chil', too. Bringin' 'm to d'mansion. Guess m'still tryin' t'fig're out where y'stand."
"Many things that are hard are well worth doing, Cain." Charles points out, calm as ever. "Some people even suggest all of them are. The school is one of them, yes. And so is this. But if you're asking if I intend to help bring the men who planned the violence here to justice, then yes. If you are asking if I intend to drag bystanders into it, to dehumanize and attack people who are different from me because they share superficial traits with those who have committed crimes in the manner you and Raven suggested to Lorna… then I'm afraid I will have to disappoint."
To Lynette though Charles looks surprised; he hasn't spoken with Raven since meeting Lynette after all, and certainly not argued. But remembering her visions, understanding shows. "I see. And I am here to help, For now perhaps we should all focus on doing that. But perhaps we could talk more about that later?"
Ororo's expression fades back to neutral as Cain speaks to Xavier so bluntly. Mostly it's the mentions of tribes under attack that she reacts to, the air growing colder again almost abruptly and a breeze kicking up a bit. "I have seen tribal warfare firsthand, Mr. Cain. It is not something to speak of lightly."
Cain grins, "Disappointin' is somethin' you always did real good, Charlie. You were always the best of us at everythin', even that," he says. At Ororo's words and the feel of the breeze, he snorts, "Does it seem like I'm jokin'? I strike you as a jester type, sister? You and Charlie and all the others up at that school wanna play peacenik and hang out at his big mansion holdin' hands an' makin' cocoa and tellin' each other that humans are gonna learn to accept ya and be your best friends someday all ya like. But don't come down here where folks actually get killed and tell 'em to turn the other cheek. Ain't nobody here gettin' crucified on the Brotherhood's watch. We'll be the ones dishin' out the punishment," he says.
Lynette eyes Charles, but at his suggestion, shrugs. "Sure. Whateva y'wan'." The exchange between Ororo and Cain gives her pause, but at the mention of 'crucified', the girl's expression falls flat, before her full lips pout slightly. "M'don' talkin' 'bout dis." She decides then, aloud, to the three of them. "Charles. 'Ro. T'anks f'helpin', y'know dat's welc'med. Jus'…y'go y'way, we go ours, hmm?" She finally suggests, reaching up to give Cain a soft grip on his wrist. "M'freezin'. Help m'get back t'de shelta?" She was part snake, after all, and the winter did not agree with her. Already, her movements are sluggish, and her eyes droopy.
The calm is there, but with a tension to it now. Well, no one can get under your skin like your siblings, after all. "Someone has to focus on the future if there's ever to be a chance at peace instead of just an unending cycle of fear and violence, Cain." Charles retorts. "But no, you're right, that doesn't mean the violence isn't still happening in the meantime. And that's why the children, as many as we can manage, are back at the mansion and we, right now, are here. You know better than most what I can do, and if you want my help towards the common goal of stopping these 'Friends of Humanity' zealots, then tell me what you know from encountering one of them." and because this is serious and not just some petty childhood squabble Charles continues earnestly, "…Please, Cain."
As Cain aims his vitriol toward her, the cold wind kicks up even more for a moment as Ororo's eyes turn milky white, but then she blinks quickly and the wind dies back down to nothing and her eyes return to their normal crystal blue. "I am the last person to tell others to simply permit others to treat them cruelly. But there are times when responding to violence with violence only produces more violence." And that's where most humans fail, in seeing when a cycle of behavior has to be broken for situations to improve.
"Miss Lynette, I hope that you continue doing well." She considers for a moment, then quickly pulls the scarf from around her own neck and wraps it around Lynnette's before it loses any of the warmth it's collected.
Cain takes Lynette's arm, moving to help guide her back to shelter, "Sorry, Charlie, gotta help the dame here get her rest," he says. "But I learned this much from encounterin' 'em - they're mean, they're crazy and they're more than ready to die for what they believe in," he says.
"Me? I'm inclined to give 'em what they want in that regard," he says. "Now you an' yer pals go back to your mansion and drink your tea, brother. Raven, The Brotherhood and I have got this covered."