Julie is settled on a stool at a side-bar at one of her favored spots for conversation, …if there were friends of her playing pool, she could turn around and peanut-gallery about that, as well, but it's pretty quiet, here, apart from that she's fed the jukebox with various background music, some of it California sound, such as the Beach Boys single playing, and, much of it dating back a few short years if it's not local Village folk. Still, she's got a half-pitcher of American beer and a glass or three. Coincidentally, rather than something from work, she's donned a leather jacket with wings and a cartoonish logo of some old helicopter with drag slicks: the stenciled letters say, "Angelo's Speed and Aviation," and what may be a reference to being located in San Bernadino, lower down. At one hand is of all things a book, possibly some manual or engineering text.
When Warren enters, it's plain he's made an effort to dress down. His choice of clothing doesn't stand out in the bar, except perhaps for his long coat, but that isn't really a wardrobe choice he can do anything about. Still, the way he carries himself, and his looks, tend to draw the eye. though as he notices this he roll hia shoulders just a little and loks down, trying to be less conspicous. Seeing Julie, he makes his way over to her and settles down saying, ""Evening. Seeing the pitcher and the empty glasses he comments, "THanks for ordering."
Julie glances up then, and smiles. "Hey, err, Warren, I knew it'd be quiet, double feature on Thursdays up the way, usually keeps it quiet." She pours Warren a beer, "Also I been keeping an eye on the place, doesn't seem anyone's trying spiking the drinks with that stuff around here." Pauses over her own a minute. "Anyhow, I put that custom order on a train last week, they ought to be working on that upholstery by now. I'll make a long distance cawl to ask soon, but for a new customer they probably want to get right on it. Anyway, others ought to be easier if we're just making seat backs. Which isn't really why I called."
Warren reaches over and grabs hte pitcher, puring himself a beer. He shakes his head, "DIdn't think it was." He sips the beer and manages to only grimace slightly, then sets it down. "I didn't think you'd resort to the cloak and dagger just to discuss my car seats."
Julie nods. Glancing around, "Well, I dunno if that's what this is, either, but I didn't want to take you too far out of your way, but, there's some things that came down in Mutant town, that you might have heard about, and there's this guy that came around there. He's got powers and a lotta money, you see. Kinda didn't get the red carpet he expected, I guess, and it didn't go well and I was figuring maybe I could talk to him, only I dunno how."
Dizzy smirks a bit. "Also I kinda called him out for a race come the season, so as to make sure I'd catch up with him again. Could be a bad seed, could be someone you could help me figure out, or talk to, meanwhile."
Warren looks at Julie, an eyebrow raising. His first thought when hearing "powers and money" is dashed immediately when che mentions the race. He sips his beer again and nods, "Yeah, I've heard all about Mutant Town what happened there. It's a real mes. Been trying to help out myself, but like you said… warm welcomes are not easily found there." He shakes his head, "Butif I'm going to help out with this person, one way or the other, I need more information. What he did, anyt6hing that points to who he is…" He shakes his head.
Julie just smiles maybe slightly, but nods, there. "Eh, some kid about my own age, drives an XKE with I'm betting triple Weber sidedrafts and some magnafluxing, which he kinda didn't seem to care much about, come down to it, whatever he does it seems to sort of break things and mess up paint jobs. Taps the side of her head. "Think he had some funny notions about what coming in with a lot of flash and a lotta attitude was supposed to get for a response: he talked like it was all a horrible injustice he wasn't getting a tickertape parade for it or something, but I did think he wanted to play hero about it. Just maybe ain't used to anyone saying 'Well, who the hell are you?' I guess."
"Anyway, I figure, you being a good guy and in similar circumstances, you might know something about it. I think he wants to help, but maybe doesn't get something, and I don't really get *him* that way.
Warren sits back a bit (though he doedsn't lean heavily on his back) and scratches his chin. "I wish I could help you. I know a half a dozen guys who might fit the attitude, but if it's someone I know, it's not someon I know -about-, if you get my meaning." He shakes his head, "I can look out for the car, see if it's someone I cross paths with…" He thinks for a minute, "IF you're doing other stuff down in Mutant Town, there's a nurse that's been helping out down there since the attack Her name is Thea. SHe's a … friend." He hesitates for a moment on that word, like he's a bit unsure if it's the term he wants to use. "She'd be someone to point him out to."
Julie nods. "Well, I don't know if you'd know him, or if he's coming back *there.* Like he said, he left in a snit like people in Mutant town were 'just as bad' as those that croaked a lot of their families for, I dunno, not hailing him as a VIP or something." Diz seems, well, herself, very annoyed by the encounter. The pint glass turns on the table under her hand, almost imperceptibly, as the contents stay still. She picks it up, then, and goes on: "I did tell him I hang out here a lot Saturday evenings, cause, well, he might cool off. I just thought maybe you could tell me something about how to handle it or maybe arrange if you think you talking to the kid yourself would help. The race won't prove nothing, really, I don't think; he gets beat by a girl, he'll just go away, if he wins they'll know he didn't build his own car anyway and it won't count much cause all he beat was a girl."
She shrugs a bit though and goes on. "Yeah, though, I been helping out like I can. I get to look pretty normal so I been making things and there's a lot of folks there wanting to learn some stuff they couldn't get to school for." Adds. "Thea, eh? Guess they could use a few more Goddesses there around now. I'm usually pretty near the tavern when I'm around, right now. People'll know me by Dizzy around there, some."
Warren nods, and sips his beer. "I'll tell Thea to keep an eye out for you, when I see her." He moves on from that toc quickly, "As for this rich kid with his souped up care and even more suped up ego… There's a couple of ways to handle him. Part of it depends on if he sincerly wants to help or just wants publicity." He shakes his head and sighs, "I'be been going out of my way to not seem like that's what I'm there for, myself." THen he continues. "He might, just might, respond to me. I can't make any promicses though."
Julie nods. "Well, he's got an ego on him, but I think if he wanted publicity I'd have a name to put to him, I guess. You're already famous, anyway, …I think he felt out of place in his own scene, and maybe never thought his 'fellow mutated' weren't exactly waiting with bated breath for his big entrance or something. I guess he's just used to being, important, people knowing who he's supposed to be, all that." She adds, "I figure you could maybe relate and, well, you're all right, so maybe he just needs someone he'll listen to, I guess, if you think you can trust him. Thought I'd mention him to the Professor: gotta drop in around there soon. I was pretty sure I'd heard something he should know about last time, but I guess the attack changed all that the same night." She sighs, frowns, takes another pull from her beer. "I was pretty near that bad scene in Queens with those anti-mutant Klan types. There's this healer guy, talks pretty radical about this Brotherhood bunch, you see, didn't think giving him a lift would be a big deal, what was he gonna do, heal someone?"
Dizzy looks down, chiding herself. "Anyhow, guess he ended up *really hurting someone,* namely one of the bad guys' ringleaders, I guess, I don't know how. Turned black from gold after, though. All's I could hear was the ringleader canonizing himself a martyr about it, though, I don't know what really happened but the ground was shaking and there was some panic."
Warren looks at Dizzy with sympathy, "You just learend one of the hard lessons of our world, I thin. Just because you've only seen a person do one thing, never assume it's all they can do. Plenty of mutants have secondary powers… or powers that can be used in different ways." He looks at her, "If I can find this kid and talk to him… maybe I can talk some sense into him. As for the other thing, you're totally right. THe professor should know."
Warren pauses long enough to take a pull of his beer, then adds, "I should erally go talk to him myself. Haven't been back to the school in a while, and I could use his advice on some things."
Julie nods. "Kind of my next stop, maybe. I could probably find him, really, only so many places he could get a fresh 'windscreen' for one of them Jags around here, never mind paintwork done right for those. Kind of hoping I got under his skin enough he'll come to me, though." Adds, "He could be pretty dangerous, too, might be part of his attitude. I think he's maybe a lot like me, slips when he gets real upset, only maybe he breaks things instead of turning them." She sighs, a bit. "Anyway, maybe we could go up there together, even: there's some other guy who *is* looking to make a name for himself and has a different kind of attitude problem. Calls himself 'Absorbing Man' and… Well, there's a couple other stories about that."
Warren smiles to Julie, "We could do that, sure. Usually if I'm going up there I just fly though. Only takes me a few minutes." Which says something about just how fast he can fly. "But I don't mind driving up if you're heading that way too. It'll be good to see the place. ANd as for the other guy, well… unfortunately there's never a shortage of that sort of attitude problem"
Julie smiles. "I do like driving, kinda gets my head straight." She points around, "I kind of see or hear everything turning, you see, kind of can be music or noise depending what you're doing. Don't really need engines, except it's like you don't really need music, cause you do, actually need music." She shrugs, a bit, sips the beer again, "That other guy, well, sometimes *I* can get through to, only he's powerful enough he don't really have to listen either, but I do kinda know his type."
Warren chuckles softly, "OH, I get it, Diz. I fly in planes sometimes, you know." He gives her a wink, then smiles, "Just because you can do something your own way doesn't mean it isn't nice to do it the normal way, too."
Julie nods, considers. Smiles, as some Frankie Valli song plays on jukebox, even if the Beatles are presently topping the chart. "I guess I always kinda tried to just *put em together,* ways, I guess. But maybe it's the same sometimes. You fly aircraft?" Sometimes she peppers her words on the subject with how an ex-military uncle of hers describes them, since, that's where she learned a lot of it. Also there's a little glimmer because it's *machines.*
Warren smiles, "I'd hardly call myself an expert pilot, but I do know certain aircraft well enough. And I do have a few insights into flying." He smiles at that then shakes his head, "The eyes don't hurt eiter…" He leans in, "Don't think I mentioned tha, but it goes with what I said about not knowing everything about what people can do. Ever heard the term "eagle eye", well, with me it's kind of literal."
Julie smiles, there. "Well, I guess that's pretty cool, never would have thought." She glances around a bit, "I mean, there's stuff I can *do,* but sometimes how I kinda-see things is really what makes me feel different, it's like an extra color or something, or I dunno."
Warren shakes his head, "You sell yourself short. You knew youw were in the wrong hemisphere because the world was spinning the wrong way. THat's actually kind of impressive."He downs the last of his beer. "So, I guess that's the plan. We'll drive up to see the Professor, talk some things out, get everyone on the same page." He starts to hand, "For now thowgh, I should be going. Thanks for the drink"
Julie smiles, "Awright, let's do that pretty soon, I'll try calling if I do. And I'll see about this kid you could maybe talk to if I can."