It was always a job to be done in Mutant Town. Not that Ford minded. Kept a steady stream of cars flowing and his boss in business (and more importantly, paying him!) And with the number of kids in Mutant Town who were always discovering their powers, it was always an interesting visit. Just like the one that happened today. Apparently, a little kid lost control of his ball and ran out into the street to retrieve it, right in the path of an oncoming car. But at the last moment, the kid's frightened wails managed to throw up a wall of noise that managed to save him… but left the car smashed in on the front.
Luckily, Ford's name is well known in Mutant Town, at least when it came to cars. Most mutant families knew that if they had a problem, they call Tannenworth Garage and get a hold of the man himself. A friend to everyone, and more importantly, a mechanic who could reduce costs for those who needed it. Which is why one bystander has taken the initiative and given him a call.
A few moments later, a powder blue Ford 300 pulled up, parking on the side of the street. Stepping out of the car, Ford smirked as he looked the car over. Another kid found out they had powers… and created another job for him. Not a problem - he could fix it easy. He'd opted to stay out of his overalls for this one and donned his black leather jacket and blue jeans, shutting the door as he retrieved his toolbelt and slipped it on. "Well, well, looks like someone else found out they have powers! No worries, this'll be a cinch." he said, stepping over and examining the wreck while the driver and the child's parent talked over the issue.
Delphyne has just arrived to the city a few weeks ago, trying to figure out this new world she's been sent into. After a few close calls with some people calling her a "Stinking Mutie" (Whatever /that/ is) she found herself in Mutant Town. Currently, she's leaning against a building, her 'hair' bound back behind her as she looks back and forth, noticing Ford getting out of his car and examining the wreck.
Ford lifted the crunched in hood and nodded, waving away the steam and smoke escaping from the wrecked vehicle. "Yeah, s'what I thought. Motor is in tact, much of it is cosmetic. Not to worry, we'll have it straightened out in no time!" Placing the hood down, Ford smiled as he walked around to the side of the car and knelt down… before giving a heaving grunt and lifting it up into the air, like it was nothing! "First thing to do is get this thing out of the middle of the street." he assessed, moving the vehicle over to the curb where Delphyne was leaning by the building. "Pardon me, ma'am. Just got to get this behemoth off the road. Hope you don't mind." he offered to the lovely lady, setting the car down gently.
The gorgon blinks a bit as she's addressed directly, then smirks, "No, I don't mind. Wasn't planning on walking in the street anytime soon. Found people frown on that." Then, since she was addressed, she actually steps away from the wall, approaching the wreck with a curious air, "So, it still works, mostly?" She does sound fairly curious, a faint hissing coming from behind her.
"In New York? Yeah, best to stick to the sidewalks." Ford nodded, smirking back as she took an interest in his work. "She will. Looks like she slowed down before it crashed. I've seen a few wrecks like these. Comes with the territory around here. You would not believe how many mutants discover their powers while driving. Keeps me hopping!" Ford tapped the hood before lifting the hood again. "She'll work, but I'll have to straighten the wheel wells out before she rolls. Probably gotta run a check, make sure nothing in the engine is chipped." He reached up, offering a hand, evidently not bothered by the hissing. Has he… met hissing ladies before? Or does he simply not judge? "Name's Ford. Best mechanic at Tannenworth Garage… matter of fact, /only/ mechanic at Tannenworth Garage."
Delphyne looks at the hand blankly for a moment, then takes it as a handshake as a man might, having a pretty good grip. "Oh, my name is Delphyne. I am new in town." Her accent is a bit unusual, sounding almost Greek, as she tilts her head, "Mechanic… so you fix these things for a living, then."
Ironically, Ford already knows a lady from Greece, so he's able to pick up on the accent. "You from Greece? I do work for the ambassador from Greece here in New York. She pays me to do custom work on her cars. You talk a bit like her." Albeit, not quite so… husky. "Nice to meet you, Delphyne. Welcome to the Big Apple."
Kneeling down, Ford examined the dented metal, before placing his fingers on the dents. The sound of metal groaning under great pressure comes as he slowly pushes the metal back into shape, taking great pains to make it look like it's old form. "I do. Mostly cars, but I know a bit of everything. Most folks steer clear of Mutant Town, but me? I find this is a /great/ part of town to work. Things always breaking, folks still trying to figure out their powers. Make for good customers."
Delphyne ahs, "I see. Yes, I'm from… well, by Greece." She actually smiles a little, also wearing sunglasses despite the fact it is night, "But unfortunately I don't have any powers, though I seem to fit in here rather well." The green skin and… unusual hair, dreadlocks maybe?, indicate that easily enough.
Ford smirked as he glanced up from his metal bending. "Hey, not every mutant needs to be able to summon storms or shoot energy blasts from their fingers. Some just look different. Or need different accessories. I never judge." Ford chewed at his lip as he focused on a particular stubborn piece of metal. "'The measure of a man is what he does with power.' To quote Plato. Always liked that line, especially for those of us with powers. Take it all away and what are you left with? That's what I look at." Ford smirked back up at Delphyne. "So, what brings a lovely lady like yourself to our busy city? Mutant Town specifically, or something else?"
Delphyne hmms, "Well, I suppose I just wanted to explore the world a bit. I haven't ever been to America before, so I thought this would be a good place to start with it." She considers, "Mainly, I just want to see things. Home was a little… sheltered."
"I know that feeling. Just wanna get out and see how far you get, yeah?" Ford asked, finishing his work on one side of the car and standing up to move around and work on the other. "…well, I've got a little bit longer before my day ends, but if you'd like, after work, I can take you around the city. See the sights. Point out the best spots to get a bite to eat." He smirked a bit wider. "Show you things you can't find back home~"
Delphyne considers that, then nods, "That sounds… agreeable, then. But yes, I definitely wanted to get out to see how far I could go." She hmms, "That would be around the time for dinner, I suppose."
"Then that's good! I know a great place to get the best hot dogs." Ford replied, pausing in his work and pulling out a piece of paper and a pencil. He scribbled down an address on it before handing it up to Delphyne. "That's my garage. Be there around 7 PM and we'll call it a date!"
Delphyne looks a little puzzled at the mention of date, though she takes the paper, "Alright, this location at seven. I can do that, I think." She nods, "It isn't too hard to navigate this city, after all."
Ford nodded, smiling and tossing her a wink. "I'll be looking forward to it~ Get you acquainted with the Big Apple." Was… was that an innuendo? "But I'll see you then! In the meantime… gotta get this thing back in shape before that." He mused, returning to his bending metal back into place.
Delphyne pauses, "There's… orchards around here? I didn't notice any in the city." She frowns a bit, then nods, "Okay, so seven o'clock then. Very well." With that, she goes back down the sidewalk, looking at the paper she was given somewhat bemusedly.