1964-04-03 - Yo-Yos and ...Ouch!
Summary: Daredevil tries to come to Julie's aid, but the latter shows she has a few moves of her own. Cameo by Batgirl!
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Theme Song: None
barbara julie daredevil 

A little Studebaker pickup truck, vintage somewhere circa 1950, though perhaps with something newer under the hood, pulls up to a largely-darkened old garage in Hell's Kitchen. One of the bay doors is open, and a girl of about twenty behind the wheel of the green truck pokes an angle headed flashlight out the window to check the address. "Aww, Mr. W, this is how a girl gets the idea everything ain't on the up and up wichu, you know," she says to herself, or, more properly, some potentially-absent person. She considers a moment, and, finally, sighs. "Foreign jobs." She shuts down the engine and pops out, taking the light with her and slipping a yo-yo out of her pocket, the string on one finger, before she pokes in. "Ay? Anyone home?" The accent's all of Brooklyn Italians. A bare bulb hanging from the ceiling and lit further back seems a bit encouraging, …maybe it's someone working late. Dizzy presses on.


High above Hell's Kitchen, a man clad in red with horns, closes his eyes behind the red lenses of his mask. He reaches out with his senses and the neighborhood his his. He can hear the arguments of lovers, the panic on the phone, and someone out there ordering another beer. He can smell the wet pavement, the stale bread from a hot dog vendor, and the exhaust of several makes and models of cars.

Daredevil will spare you what he smells.

He hears the Studebaker and the woman talking to herself and though his head jerks towards her with an animal-like ferocity, it's currently only one of the situations he's keeping "watch" over.


Technically speaking, Hell's kitchen wasn't her 'territory', but then Babs had never really been one for worrying more about invisible lines drawn in the city then she was her work itself.

A rush of wind, the feeling of gut-dropping freefall as she cast her grapnel out only to swing and trapeze between buildings made it all too easy to stray as she 'patrolled' over the rooftops.

This was as much about unwinding for the caped woman as it was protecting the citizens.


Julie pauses with something like listening, that isn't… As chance would have it she could tell if her 'Mr. W.' were here, but she hrms. It could be one of his boys she was supposed to meet. She presses on a bit, therefore, and there's a growing look of unease as she sees a workbench and tool chest, each with drawers left open, askew, or on the floor, …there's the clank of some wrenches against a number of others, and Diz reflexively turns the light that way. There's maybe a sound from the shadows to follow the clinking, but then she spots a young brown-skinned fellow out cold on the floor… She tsks, "Holy Cromoly,"

She looks around, padding quickly that way when the voice of some dude issues from… a side hall, teasing, "Hey…. Chickie, chickie…." The light darts around, chasing after the sounds, as some other figure just starts snapping fingers ominously in another direction. Diz clutches the yo-yo, and stoops at the fallen figure, trying to slap at his cheek with the back of her hand. "Hey, buddy. Wake up, buddy, we gotta amscray." She calls out, "Ay!, My brothers and me don't want no rumble, you just clear out, howsabout?"


Not good.

Daredevil doesn't mean the other hero who approaches from a distance. Though he'd like to go approach her (he assumes it's a her based on smell), there's really no time for that. Whoever that woman is with the studebaker is in trouble. He leaps off the edge of the building, fires his billy club, and disappears into the night.


There is no special senses or secret technology to lead Batgirl towards the garage, merely instincts and more importantly; sight. The grapnel-line swing of the silhouette that was the Devil of Hell's Kitchen sweeping in that direction. Call it a hunch, but it was always a coin-flip if someone prowling around like that at this hour wasn't up to some nefarious deed.

With a flutter of her cape the woman extends her arms to flare the material out like wings, bringing herself to a sweeping glide.


Julie elicits a woozy groan from the fellow on the floor. But then a few toughs step into the pool of light under the bulb. A bag, heavy with stolen things drops to the floor, and out comes a good-sized hub wrench. From another there's the click of a switchblade, and from still a third, the smack of some cudgel or other in a palm, and the intonation, "Lousy luck tonight, eh, chickie? Now we gotta teach you a little something."

Dizzy just holds up her hands, a moment. One's still got a purple yo-yo in it. She says, with a certain amount of sass, "Yeah, what's that, to stay upwind of you stinkers?" Yo-yo rolls out of her hand, up, down, up, down. It seems to settle a quaver in her voice. "I think you got everything you can walk away with, boys, how bout we just go get a couple beers on other sides of town or something and call it a night?"



There's a thousand shards of glass and then that guy in red is rolling in upon the floor. He shoots right past Dizzy's eyesight and into the darkness. As he straightens slowly he looks demonic, partially hidden by the shadows. What can be seen, however, is ghastly and all in red. "…leave her alone…" he says quietly.


Julie startles at the shattered glass, …there's more shuffling footsteps in the dark, and the fellow with the knife decides to make a rush and a grab for the girl in the confusion… "Cripes!" The yo-yo licks out, …it's a little uncanny how quickly, really, the thing making a strange vrr- sound as it tocks off the bridge of the fellow's nose and the two go down in an untidy heap as the bigger fellow rather lurches into Diz, knife clacking to the floor nearby, too near, unfortunately…


Once the man goes down, the Daredevil moves in with some quickness. Where Julie has put them down, he seems aiming to finish the job as he beats the man about the face with vicious swipes from his billy club. It's definitely overkill, and there's at least one extra shot when he probably should have stopped. Finally, he relents. "…are you alright?…"


Hoodlums…mostly seem to scatter. Diz had been scrabbling and kicking… somehow the yo-yo's in hand as she gets to her feet looking around, …she's also a bit wide-eyed at the fellow in the devil suit, but it registers he's there to help… She sputters a bit, catches some breath, "Ah, I think so. Thanks, mac. I dunno about this guy here, though." She looks toward the fellow who seems to belong there, who's gamely pushing himself up to a crouch, himself. It's unclear if any of the other toughs are hoping to recover their comrade yet, perhaps.


Daredevil attempts to listen for the others, to see if they're going to circle around and hit them from behind. "…either way, we'd better get you and your friend out of here…" He pauses, looking down at the rising man. "…someone had better call the police…"


Julie hrms, and nods, there. "I got CB in the truck," she says, and looks to the other fellow, "I'll get you out of here if you want to find some boys, or whatever," she says. "Maybe run you up to Bellevue for your head…" she says. "And, ah, thanks again, whoever you are, there. The fellow staggers to pick up bags of his tools, those being his livelihood in real ways. He says something a bit disoriented-sounding by way of appreciation, as well."


Daredevil nods to her slowly. "…daredevil…" he says quietly. He looks like he's about to go, but stops abruptly and turns back. "…nice yo-yo…" With that, he disappears into the shadows, presumably to go give a beat down to those other guys.

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