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The weather had gotten much lovelier as of late, now that the unseasonable late winter had fled north. Thus, Hank was taking every advantage of this glorious day to do his work outside in the cooling breezes of the foyer's front porch. Taking up a small glass table and arraying the homework of his students from his history class out in front of him, Hank adjusted his entirely unnecessary reading glasses as he looked through one piece in particular. French history was such a fascinating topic… a shame his students didn't hold it in quite the same regard as him. He took a pen and began to make corrections as he smiled, huffing a slight chuckle. "Ah, let them eat cake indeed…" What is he referring to? Who knows! But he's certainly getting a good grin out of it.
Lorna came back toward the house, having gone deeper into the forest surrounding the school for training as was the magnokinetic's tradition she’d kept with her father. Better to practice outside and in the open air away from possible breakable things when you practice flight. Or any manner of destruction. Even if Erik wasn’t around, Lorna still managed to come up for the weekend.
The green haired girl, for her hair was now its natural riotous green, dragged her hands through her hair with a heavy, tired, sigh.
With the return of warmer weather meant that she didn't need to have worry about a winter coat at least, and the spring time air meant she could get away with a jean jacket and sweater.
Her gaze fell to the teacher outside grading, her head tilting to the side. While Erik wasn't a professor, Lorna's only other experience was with Professor Xavier himself on the off hours.
Such was the extent of weekend visits. Yet this was her Spring Break and she was most certainly going to enjoy it. A smile tugged at her lips as she approached, tucking her hair back. "Hi!" She beamed and offered up a quick wave.
And up the drive rumbles a rather shiny cameo two-tone '56 Nomad, some kind of mild California custom job, of course in large measure of her own making, the thing rumbles to a stop and out gets Diz, looking like she's come from after work and a quick tidying-up. She gives a broad wave as she spots familiar faces and makes her way over.
It's a beautiful day outside, and a beautiful day for a drive. Unlike most of those who ride the roads today, the next person to come to the gates of the Xavier Institute rides not in a truck, or a fancy car… but in a chariot.
Or, to be more specific, in The Chariot. Pulled by a pair of sphinx - one alabaster, one obsidian and guided by a long-haired blonde man at the reins, while the vehicle and driver may not be familiar to any of the occupants of Xavier's — the passenger, a pale, slender redhead, is familiar to some. Just none present.
Still, the vehicle is driven with purpose at an increasingly lazy pace as it approaches, not quite the full-on charge one might expect from a hostile invader, but… considering there's mythological creatures pulling the chariot? It might put a spook in some of the residents, nonetheless.
Hank looked up from his work, studying Lorna for a moment before pulling his glasses off and smiling widely. "Well, I will be King Henry's second cousin. Ms. Dane, is that you? My word, let me get a good look at you." Hank pushed his chair out and looked the young mutant over. "Yes, you are certainly your father's child." His keen ears pic up on the approaching Nomad, making him look up to see Julie approaching. "Ah! Ms. Boretto! A pleasure to see you again! Please, come, have a seat! This is Ms.-"
Hank's attention was drawn from Julie to the… approaching sphinx-drawn chariot? That's… a new one! Remarkable craftsmanship… but as a teacher, seeing a number of the students withdraw from the approaching oddity, Hank felt it was his duty to address this… conundrum. "Erm… excuse me for a moment, I shall… hopefully return quickly." Straightening out his blue and black checkered tie, Hank strode towards the chariot and held up a hand to halt its approach. "Good day, sir! Madame! I am Mr. McCoy of the Institute for Gifted Children. Is there… something I can help you with?"
Julie just rather whoas, …Well, her own chariot's just been upstaged. Sphinxes, she doesn't know what to make of, says, "Mammamia, that's something else," she comments about the chariot's entrance, and says, "Oh, ah, it's Bottero. Hey, Lorna, long time no see."
With her natural hair color, Lorna most certainly didn't think she looked more like her father. Yet the comment still drew a pleased smile to her lips, and a faint giggle behind a hand. "Yep,—ah.." Further comment was broken off as Hank wove his attention toward the new arrivals, first toward Julie and then toward…
Lorna cocked her head to the side, her brows furrowing at the odd sight that pulled by the drive via, sphinx? Her mouth fell open as she gaped, staring as Hank strode toward it in greeting. Her attention shifting briefly toward Julie to offer a lame wave of her hand as she continued to stare.
As the chariot stops, the driver looks over the assembled few, but says nothing at all. Before speaking, the young woman inside moves to exit the vehicle… and as soon as both feet touch the ground? The chariot, its driver, and the sphinx that pull it all disappear into mist — as if they were never there to begin. The appearance of the assorted, blue fur, green hair and all… don't seem to startle the redhead much, who simply drops down into a curtsy. Given Hank's use of French? She responds in kind.
"Bonjour, Monsieur! Je m'appelle Marie." A pause, and she looks around to the others. /They/ might not speak it. "…I mean, my name is Marie. I am… a friend of your Professeur Charles, yes?" she says, a little unsure of herself in her voice, but friendly enough.
Julie is rather just sort of staring at the sphinxes and chariot for the moment, with a glance toward Hank and Lorna, "Gotta wonder where that come from," she comments.
Hank seemed to ease up a bit to see the chariot, sphinxes and driver vanish into thin air… hey, he's seen stranger. It does make him a bit curious, but as the woman curtsies, Hank smiles back and bows respectfully. "<A pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Marie. Any friend of Professor Xavier is welcome here.>" he replied in impeccable French before returning to English. "Please, feel free to join us. I couldn't possibly grade papers inside on such a lovely day."
His sense of ease seems to put the other students at rest as well, who eye Marie curiously, but seem content to go about their business. Hank placed a hand on Marie's shoulder to guide her to his table, motioning to the other ladies at the various chairs. "Please, feel free to have a seat and 'take a load off' as it were. So… what brings such a delightful assortment of ladies to our fine Institute today?"
Marie-Ange draws Ten Wands.
Lorna for her part, nearly jumps out of her skin as the assorted strangeness vanishes and spends a good long moment trying to puzzle out the how. Still, at least as soon as Julie glances her way she'd regained control of her expression and shrugged. "Must be magic. My sister can do magic." She huffed, and as Hank put the other assorted students at ease, the line of her shoulders relaxed as well.
Even if the French had her frowning faintly. Multi-lingual, she was not.
At least they switched back to English.
As there's a call to sit, she moves to do so with a shrug and a curious glance offered toward Marie and back. "I'm on Spring Break from school. I was going to train with my father, but he wasn't around. So I decided to do it anyways since the weather was nice."
Overhearing Julie's words, Marie pauses and glances over towards the pocket of the black coat that envelops her form. A hand dips in, tugs the edge of a card… she nods to it, and pulls out another, holding it out for the assorted to see; it's the Chariot card, the image upon it identical to the creation that had brought her to the Institute and its servants.
"The cards, mademoiselle — they serve me as I serve them; I move where they take me, much as when they brought me to aid your Professeur months ago." she explains to Julie, bowing her head once before tucking the card away again. The French from Hank? Garners him a special smile, and invites her to walk closer to the group and into an indicated chair; each step carrying with it the grace of a dancer. "It was… how you say, time that I…" she pauses and crinkles her nose as she tries to think of the expression. "…did things with my life?" A look for confirmation. "I seek to learn more about the things that I can do, here, if the Professeur was truthful when he said all were welcome. It is time." she repeats, nodding confidently to that.
Julie ahs, and laughs a little, "Well, magic's pretty new on me, but at this point, why not, with the aliens from Planet Asgard and all that."
Hank smiled as he took his seat again, listening and nodding to Lorna. "A fine place to spend it, I should say. I am no magnokinetic, but I will offer the same advice I give all my students: breath. You would be surprised how many forget to maintain a steady breathing rate. It helps circulate the blood, keeps you your heart pumping and your mind working." He returned his needless glasses to his face and reconsulted his paperwork. "So, Ms. Bottero, have you come to reconsider that offer to work in the motor pool?"
The sight of the card catches Hank's attention, lowering his glasses to get a better look. "Such fine line work… that wouldn't be pre-modern Victorian craftsmanship, would it?" He shook his head with a chuckle. "Apologies. The art buff in me is intrigued. So… if you have those cards, that must mean you are the Marie Xavier spoke of a while back? Well, I am pleased to say he is correct. We rebuff none here."
A grimace pulled at her lips and a flush followed Hank's advice about breathing. "That's what Miss Frost always tell me to do." She grumbled, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she glanced away. Somehow it was always the simplest of things that she forgot, never mind that she could chuck cars into the air.
A glance was spared toward Marie, her brows furrowing faintly as she leaned forward to eye the card. "So it is magic or are you a mutant? Is your mutation magic?" She propped her chin up with both hands as she eyed the redhead, with a focused look.
Julie does seem curious on that fact, …magic, before, has been more a matter of mention than something she's witnessed. She adds to Hank, "And, ah, I'd be glad to help out, teach."
"She has a point, you know. Ms. Frost, I mean." Hank said, smiling warmly at Lorna. For a blue beast, he did have a gentle disposition about him. "But in due time, your powers will come as naturally to you as breathing itself. It is only a matter of time before you grow comfortable with it." The other important part of being a teacher - encouraging your students. Not just correct them, but let them know they can do better. An aspect some folks forget to follow through on. "Of course, though, I trust you are still expanding your academic horizons despite the break?" he asked, a slightly cheeky smile on his face.
Making a few more corrections to the paper he was grading, Hank nodded at Julie's affirmation. "Excellent! I shall speak with Xavier about getting the paperwork set up and a schedule for the shop. It shouldn't be difficult."
"Oui, Asgard!" Marie pipes up as Julie speaks, nodding to the other girl. "I knew one of her Princes, though it has been some time since I have seen him; I do hope he is well." A bit of a smile to that, then her attention faces Hank once again. "I am not sure? They are a… family treasure." Heirloom's the word she's looking for, but in short? They're pretty old indeed, but very, very well cared for.
Then Lorna comes with the questions and, well. Marie looks away. Hands wring loosely at one another and toe scuffs along the ground. "I… am uncertain, to be quite honest, mademoiselle. Some have, as you, called it magic. Others have called me a mutant." Others have called her a devil worshipper, but she'd rather not bring them up.
A sheepish look followed and she scratched the back of her head briefly. "Tata says that I should always remember that I'm the one in control of the magnetic fields, that they're not in control of me.. but I dunno. It's really hard sometimes 'cause the more I've used my powers the more they just.." She made a vague wiggle of her fingers. "Kinda just happen when I'm not paying attention." She exhaled a breath that tickled her hair about her face.
"And I'm working on catching up on assignments I missed previously, and also working on my Polish."
Then her focus bounced rapidly back to Marie. "I know people that have both," She offered, "My roommate for one, I think is a mutant. Not sure, but she definitely has magic. Uhm, and my sister? I think it's kinda sort both? I dunno. Never mind."
Julie hrms, "Well, I guess they got ways to find out if you're curious. I dunno if they treat magic better than mutants or what, if they even know, but hey, one of my teachers thought I was a witch for a while. Kinda part of why I went to California."
Hank nodded, smiling. "That will happen. You should've seen Jeffery Irons. Poor boy was eating his dinner and next thing he knows, he was breaking his teeth on a cast iron carrot. The important thing is to keep practicing. It will get better. I assure you." He made another mark on his paper, nodding. "I can only imagine the family affairs leave one little time for assignments… but the crucial thing is that you are expanding your mind in some capacity. If you should need help with that Polish… I can always spare a bit of time between lessons."
Hank listened to Marie speak and nodded, humming a bit as he moved to the next paper. "There is nothing wrong with blending the qualities of mutant kind and magic. In fact, it may be highly beneficial to do so. Give one the edge, as they say. Regardless of the pursuit, if it is something that inspires you, pursue it with passion, I always say!" Well… sometimes he says that. "So, Ms. Marie, you are here in the hopes of honing your skills and learning a bit of what you can do, I take it?"
"No one who is different is treated well by the masses, Mademoiselle… ahh, Bottero?" She thinks that's what the blue furry man called her. "…but I take no shame in admitting that I too was frightened by many of the things those… who are different can do. It can be a startling experience for those who cannot do such things… or who are… underexposed to them." Like her.
A nod to Lorna, then. "There are a number of us who… blur the line, so to speak? It is something that confused me for some time, but I decided in time to… be who I am, nothing more."
Then to Hank, a nod and a smile. "Precisely, Monsieur. I… have had these abilities, such as what you saw when I arrived, since I was small… but I have felt for some time that there could be more." A pause. "…and your Professeur seemed to value my council when I was able to provide it to him." — long story short? She can see the future! …well, a possible one, but she believes it to be the one true future.
Julie smiles a bit to Marie, with a nod, and commiseration, offering a hand, "That's right, everyone calls me 'Dizzy,' though. In fact, the name's in a little oval patch on her jacket, having come straight from the garage."
A glance was spared toward Hank as he mentioned another mutant's powers and her nose wrinkled up. "So long as I can stop accidentally setting off alarm clocks or pantsing people on accident, I'll be happy if it only happens on purpose." She muttered and at the offer of helping her with Polish she hesitated.
"Well, okay. If I can't find my father sure. Or Merlin." A glance toward Marie. "The wizard, like the dude from legends and stuffs is real. Have you met him? He's actually really nice and not at all scary. He lives with my sister, well half sister but yeah."
"Enchante, Mademoiselle Dizzy." Marie replies; well, that's one name she knows now, at least! …and yes, she noticed the name on the patch, but didn't put two and two together until now. The other girl's not in a store or anything, so… she didn't want to assume.
Then back to Lorna, and Marie nods quickly. "Monsieur Merlin, oui! He is a wonderful man." A pause and an unsure look. "Wizard? I… am not entirely sure what that means, but, oui, really nice indeed!" A pause. "Lives with your… " Pause. "Mademoiselle Illyana is your sister?" Unsure look, go!
A blink and Lorna sat up. "Nope! Illyana is my roommate, at the Frost Institute. Or she was. She comes and goes all the time. I rarely see her these days. No, my sister is Wanda. She lives with the Doctor and Merlin lives there sometimes." She tapped her chin and tilted her head to the side.
"And Wanda is technically kinda sorta my half sister. If you squinted. It's complicated." She made a face, and shifted forward. "Oh! Right! I'm Lorna Dane, nice to meet you." She held out her hand in delayed greeting.
"Marie-Ange Colbert, but you may call me Marie. Enchante, Mademoiselle Dane." she replies, shaking both offered hands — her grip isn't the strongest, her fingers are thin; she's a frail creature to be sure. But she doesn't seem to let it get her down. ""Oh, yes! Mademoiselle Wanda… the Docteur's bride. And you are her sister, then? It is, how you say… a flat world." Small world, actually, but."
Lorna grins and nods, "Yep, they're a thing." She gets up after a beat and glances around at those around the table.
"It was nice talking with you all, but I gotta go shower after training. I'm also starving." She bounced onto her toes as she gets up and offers a wave.
Julie nods, and smiles. "Hey, seeya around, Lorna." She glances back to Marie, "And, ah, likewise, Miss Colbert. Sure seems people come from all over, hope you like New York."
"Marie is fine, Mademoiselle Dizzy." the redhead points out, bobbing her head once. "…and oui, I have enjoyed it so far. The city is not without her faults, but…" A shrug to that, and a bright smile afterwards. "…what /is?/" Truer words, never spoken. "At any rate, I should see if I can find the Professeur so that we may discuss this further. It was nice meeting you once again, Mademoiselle, Monsieur." A curtsey to Julie and Beast in turn, before standing up to head on inside.
Julie nods. "Catch you later, then: I ought to be hanging around here a bit more."