1964-04-08 - Know Your ACT-F: Tigra
Summary: Laynia arranged for a meeting with Tigra in her roundup of her ACT-F teammates.
Related: None
Theme Song: "The Lovecats" by The Cure - https://youtu.be/mcUza_wWCfA
tigra darkstar 

Captain Laynia Petrovna of the Soviet Army has been with the ACT-F for months now, and while at the beginning there were some culture clash issues, and some diplomatic ones — such as the unresolved incident with the Bugle — for the most part work has been going smoothly of late. Even so, she's yet to meet all of the team in one on one settings, and to that end scheduled a private meeting with Tigra in her office in the Baxter Building's ACT-F floor.

Laynia is dressed in her entire military regalia, medals and all, no doubt wanting to leave a strong impression.


For her part, Tigra is wearing her usual 'regalia,' which tends to leave its own impression, of course. A few minutes before the appointed time, she's arrived at Laynia's office, knocking politely at the door.


Laynia is waiting at the door, so there's no long wait, the door swings open and her hand is extended towards Tigra, "pleased to meet you, comrade," she greets with a polite smile on her lips, "glad you could make it, I vanted to have chance to know you."


Tigra takes the offered hand with a firm, friendly, if fuzzy, and warm grip. "I'm happy to oblige, Captain," she says politely, taking a quick glance around the office. "Happy totry to help the team work together better."


Walking around to her desk, Laynia sits down, motioning for Tigra to have a seat as well, if she so pleases. "I noticed most members of team have unique abilities. Vhat are yours? If you don't mind sharink?"


With graceful motions, Tigra moves to the offered seat and sits down, tail slipping out to the side. "Well, there's the obvious for starters," she says with a crooked grin. "The claws and tail." She spreads her fingers to extend her claws a bit to demonstrate. "Like any other cat, I can see in almost perfect darkness, hear in ranges a human can't, and have a keen sense of smell."


Laynia's grin widens as Tigra points to the obvious, "zat I vas curious about, it is more zen looks, da?" She shifts her angle while looking more closely at Tigra, "are you more cat zan human?" She wonders aloud. In the meantime she seems to take mental notes of Tigra's abilities, perhaps in case of field operations requiring Tigra's specific expertise. "You von't run avay mid-operation to chase a mouse, vould you?" She laughs light-heartedly.


Tigra smirks at the quip, and her tailtip flicks lightly. "No, I don't chase mice," she says. "And yes, it's more than just looks. As for more cat or more human, I honestly don't know. I do know that I'm considerably stronger and faster than a human, and I can take a licking and keep on ticking."


"Goot to know, so I can trust you in fielt, da?" Laynia asks, this time with a straight face, blue eyes levelled at Tigra's visage. "You can also do rhymes, unfortunately, not a skill I commant in English. At least not yet. Do you have any formal fightink trainink?"


Tigra grins a little at talk of rhymes. "It's an advertising slogan, actually. Timex watches." At the question of fighting trainink, she shakes her head. "No, nothing formal. I can handle myself pretty well, though. Like I said, fast and strong, and I've got some instincts which help. Beyond that, just what I've picked up here and there."


Laynia frowns a bit at being corrected, but not so much for being corrected, as for the proper reference she missed at first. "A commercial? I am not very familiar with capitalist propaganda, I'm afrait." Laynia nods as Tigra mentions her instincts, and almost at the same time as she nods, Tigra will find a pen suddenly flying right at her from the table's top. Although if she managed to pay attention, and not get distracted by it, she may have noticed Laynia hadn't moved an inch. So she couldn't have flung it at her. At least so it would seem.


Another flick of Tigra's tail, and her lips twitch as she tries to fight back a grin. Fortunately she doesn't have to get into a discussion of propaganda vs advertising, because a pen is suddenly flying at her. Her hand and arm are almost a blur as they move with truly superhuman speed, catching the pen easily. Tigra eyes the pen, and eyes Laynia. "So. What is it that -you- do?" she asks, flipping the pen back at the Soviet.


It's a good thing that discussion was avoided, wouldn't have been pleasant for either side of this party. "Impressive," Laynia notes at Tigra's lightning reflex in reacting to the pen flung at her without warning. With the pen flung back at Laynia, it stops mid-air, Laynia holding her arms up, palms facing Tigra, "I touch vithout usink hands…" she winks, no doubt her explanation of her power is quite limited, could be a language issue, but either, it seems to agree with what Tigra had just witnessed. Placing her hands on the table, the pen also seems to be moving down until it rests on the desk. "I think ve can vork vell together, Tigra."


It's certainly not the strangest thing that Tigra's seen, a pen moving on its own and floating in the air. "Interesting," she says thoughtfully. She's astute enough to suspect there's more to it than that. And polite enough to not press at the moment. "I certainly hope so," she says with a small grin. "Otherwise, this could be a pretty unpleasant relationship."


"Ve are all, ACT-F, da?" Laynia makes the obvious point as she gets up from her desk, "I trust ve have to keep good relationship, for sake of Earth," she motions at a mini-fridge she's been afforded in her office, "care for a drink?" She offers, meaning at first to offer a traditional vodka, before looking over Tigra again, she suggests, "or maybe just milk?"


"Of course we are. Hence my willingness to try to make an unpleasant relationship work, but doesn't look like that will be an issue." She shakes her head politely at the offer. "No, not at the moment. And for what it's worth, I do quite like milk, but I can drink other things just as easily."


Laynia laughs when Tigra not only doesn't take offense, but actually admits to liking milk, "you know vhat, Tigra? I vould like for us to be friends, if zat is okay vith you?"


Tigra smiles at the laugh, and then nods to the question. "That's okay with me," she says cheerfully. "For right now, though, I should be going," she says a touch regretfully. "Did you have any other questions, though?"


Laynia turns and offers a salute to Tigra, "on your way then, I still have more papervork to see to. I vould like to see you in the gym next time…you vould like a bit of sparring, right? See vhere ve stand."


Tigra rises and offers a casual salute that's half a wave in return. "Sure, that'd be good. I haven't had much opportunity to do that, honestly. It'd be nice to give that a go." And with that she slips out of the office.


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