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It's dark, a time in Hell's Kitchen where things get just a little more dangerous for the good citizens of New York. There has been a rumor of someone in grey walking the streets at night who goes by Hjuki, though some have called him a guardian angel. They say he heals folks, defends them against baddies.
Surely it's just a rumor. The figure walking through the alley below, smelling of spilt blood, cheap liquor, and an undercurrent of marijuana could be anyone. With a cloak that swishes just so in the night air, footfalls just a bit heavier than they should be.
Meanwhile, Daredevil is in his perch, as per usual on a night like this. Currently he's on a old metal grate-style fire escape towards the top of one of the taller buildings in his neighborhood. Behind the crimson lenses of his mask his eyes are closed as he opens the senses of his ears and nose to reach out and let the city come to him. Every so often he'll grip the handle of his billy club a little tighter as things go through his mind. False starts, things that trip his consideration, or the innocuous that sometimes catches his attention.
Kai doesn't see the Devil on his perch. In fact, he is about to simply pass through when something gives him pause. There's a splash as he stamps in a puddle. Then a trill of fey laughter. "You look ridiculous," is spoken quietly in an accent that is generically English. Another splash, another laugh. The night gets slow sometimes after one's usual rounds are made. The elderly are fed, their aches are eased. Is it wrong to sort of wish for something bad to happen? One does like to feel needed.
Above, Daredevil can smell the pungent odor of marijuana. He doesn't mind much for grass—on its own most stoners don't really hurt anyone or anything other than their senses. Sometimes, when combined with something else, though, it might be worth taking a closer assessment. As the being begins to speak out, either to himself or to something else unseen, Daredevil turns his focus on the cloaked figure and readies himself. Much of this is based on his skepticism and his paranoia, but Matt reminds himself only to rush in when need be. A thousand nights, a million false starts.
Another splash from a puddle, and then two sets of footsteps coming down the alley from the other direction. "What the hell is that?" says a new voice. "Is he glowing?"
Splash splash, another laugh. He doesn't hear them.
"Probably one of those mutant freaks. Let's show him what we do to his kind."
Daredevil recognizes that the situation is turning from what he thought might be the case and wastes no time in making a move to intercept. He fires his billy club out even as he moves into a swan dive off of the building. The line of the billy club billows out in a jagged 's' as it searches for some place to hook. Daredevil seems unconcerned and his laconic approach seems well served as he hits the ground in stride, emerging from the shadows between the young cloaked man and the two goons. "…leave him alone…" he says quietly, but firmly.
Kai's head snaps up from where he's admiring his warped, rippled reflection in the oil-slicked puddle. The cloak rustles, and rather than running or ducking into hiding, his heavy step brings him forward, though still well away from the range of swinging limbs.
"Look who it is," one of the thugs says to the other. "A freak looking after another freak. This ain't your fight, buddy."
The other calls past, "Hey, mutant, let's see how nice you glow after I snuff you out." Then he comes forward, moving to brush past Matt. His buddy follows, only he's not too proud to take a swing at a blind man.
As the man comes to move past Daredevil, the red clad ninja fires a knee up towards the spot in between the navel and the sternum, trying to go for that soft spot and cause the man to immediately get the wind knocked out of him. From there he leans back and brings his left foot upward, aiming for the others chin. "Look out!" Daredevil calls back towards Kai.
The first thug drops like a stone, rolling on the pavement as he struggles to catch his breath. The second makes no move to help his friend, instead using the distraction to lunge at Daredevil. Metal glints in his hand, and Kai calls out, "He's got a—" Which is about as far as he gets before the knife slashes. Kai starts forward, but he balks. Not afraid, but not wanting to get in the way of the guy protecting him.
Daredevil has two suits and he immediately wishes he'd have brought the armored one. The one he wears tonight is made for being quick and lithe. So when the knife strikes him it gashes him pretty good. Give it to Daredevil, he's a pro. His dad was a boxer and he's no flower. Hell's Kitchen has a way of making a guy tough and Matt doesn't even cry out. Instead, he simply delivers a punch right to the foe's face.
There's a crunch as the thug's nose breaks, then a thud as he hits the ground. These would-be badasses going after lone mutants in alleyways only have alcohol and bad judgment on their side. It doesn't hold up well.
There's silence in the alley save for the gasping of one thug and the groaning of the other. Then footsteps approaching and that soft English voice coming up from behind. "I know of you." Then, "Are you all right? Did he get you?"
Daredevil's head turns towards Kai and with a frustrated twinge to his mouth he shows the young man the bottom part of his forearm. "…he got me pretty good…" Daredevil replies. He's heard rumors of this kid. Or at least the kid that people are talking about. The Angel of the Kitchen. Figures they would meet up at some point.
Kai comes closer, and he says, "Let me see." The hands that take gentle hold of Daredevil's arm aren't the right size for someone of his weight. He's not tall or broad enough to account for it, either. There's underlying strength in those hands, too, power withheld. He winces. "Oh, dear." There's rustling, then the pressure of gauze to the wound. "Here, keep pressure on it, and let's go before these two decide they don't know when to quit."
Daredevil nods as he begins to walk. Kai may get the feeling that he's had this happen before—there seems to be no panic. "…you know of me and I know of you. How much of what I've heard is real?…How much is made up?…"
"The part where I'm the world's most handsome man is spot on," Kai says, "though, really, can words do justice?" Levity helps to keep the calm, though Daredevil's lack of panic in turn relaxes him. "What have you heard?" There is an abandoned tenement whose lock has been broken off the door. That's where he takes Matt, so they can sit in the stairwell without being seen. The weather's nice enough the squatters have gone somewhere that doesn't smell like stale beer and urine. "The good news is it missed the artery, but it's a bleeder."
"I've heard that you help people. At first," Daredevil says as he takes a seat and holds out his arm. "At first I didn't know if it was you down there. Been hoping to meet you so that we can talk about principles. If we're going to be in Hell's Kitchen together, we'd best make sure we're fighting for the same thing."
"You saw that?" Kai says. Uh oh, this compromises his dignity. He holds his head a little higher. Moving right past that. "Oh, yes, I suppose we should have a conversation, then." He takes something out of his cloak, and he sits beside Daredevil. "I'm just going to put this on your chest." He presses something roughly baseball sized, hard and cool, to Daredevil's chest. "It needs your heartbeat."
Daredevil doesn't comment on what he did or didn't see. No reason to put the kid at any more unease. "Alright. I've heard you're a healer," Daredevil says as he pulls up the fabric on his top, placing the object against his chest. "What do you believe in?"
Kai holds the thing lightly, and his other hand continues to support Daredevil's injured arm. At first, nothing happens. There's no magical chorus of healing angels or instant relief. Matt can't see the apple-shaped crystal's inner light flare up, glinting silvery and then gold, thrumming to his heartbeat. Soon, though there is warmth coming from inside of it, not merely absorbed from his skin. "What do I believe?" Hjuki says. "I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not religious if that's what you're asking."
"Good to know, but not what I meant. Let me rephrase," replies Daredevil. "Why do you do this? Why do you help?"
Kai is quiet for a time save for his calm breathing. The vodka and marijuana aren't fresh, more like worn into the fabric of his clothes through environment. The spilt blood dried. One of his regular charges had dropped a glass. Now he's got Matt's blood to wash out as well. A dark enough grey hides the stains well enough. The warmth from the crystal suffuses Matt's skin, seeking and pooling around injuries. Primarily the arm, but a bruise here and scratch there are also tended to. The warmth eases pain and knits flesh.
"I had a choice," he finally says, "to either become what everyone suspected I would, a product of bad blood, or I could be better." He exhales sharply through his nose, unsatisfied with the answer, and he adds, "Life is fleeting, isn't it. There's no reason it has to be miserable."
"Well," Daredevil replies with a chuckle, "I'm a Catholic, so miserable is one of our stages." He grins faintly and nods. "You know, the booze and the weed—they won't help you in this line of work. They'll just slow you down."
Kai laughs quietly. "I've met enough Catholics I won't argue with that." The warmth continues to do its good work, and before long the bleeding has slowed, then stops as veins become whole again. After a moment, he adds, "I don't usually come out wasted. The rest of the time, I'm not trying to make great life choices." There's a quiet sigh on the end of that. At least his alternate identity knows how to have a good time.
"If you need any help dealing with those demons, I would be happy to point you in some directions," Daredevil says quietly, but refrains from pushing the idea further. "Feels great," he notes about his arm.
"That's why I do it," he says. Then, "Oh! Yes, I've heard it feels nice. You can't really use it on yourself, so…" So he just feels his own life slipping away. Luckily, the cut isn't a heart-stopper. "I'm not a mutant," he says after a moment. "Not that it matters. No one should be treated like this. I guess that's another thing I believe. I don't like seeing people get hurt. Full disclosure, if that man whose nose you broke is still around, I'll probably offer to heal him, too."
"I have no problem with giving forgiveness to those who ask for it. To those who need it," Daredevil responds. He tilts his head towards Kai, "If you're not a mutant, what are ya?"
"If they don't ask for forgiveness, then it really makes them mad when you help them up after knocking them down," says the healing angel. "They call me Hjuki," he says. He inspects the arm, now as pristine as if it was never cut. The crystal is lifted away. "There you are, good as new. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"I believe a lot of crazy things," Daredevil replies as he pulls his arm back and inspects it. Frowning, he realizes he's got some sewing to do. Or he'll be wearing that armor a lot more. "Thanks," he says absently as he lowers his shirt.
"Is that so?" Hjuki says. "I suppose if we're supposed to work together, we should get to know each other. Tell me how you noticed the a alcohol and marijuana. I haven't touched the stuff all day, and I know I wash these clothes well enough." To fool the average nose, maybe. "And I'll tell you what I am."
"That's part of my powers. I can sense things that go unnoticed to people," Daredevil replies. "Not a mutant. Freak accident on my account. In the end the difference is really only in name."
"I suppose you're right," Hjuki says. "People get too wrapped up in semantics. I was a freak accident, you know. My parents never saw me coming." He hesitates. His show and tell is a bit out there, after all. He continues then, perfectly pleasant, as he cleans blood from his hands, onto his cloak. "Which is why they had me here, which technically means I'm from Earth."
Daredevil seems surprised, which is the first time he's felt that way all night. "You're an alien?" It stands to reason. There have been aliens here for a very long time. People keep finding out more and more about them every day.
Kai groans, "I'm not green with antennae." Alien, it's such a… such a word. "You know about Asgardians?" Let's test those waters first. Mighty, arrogant, think they know everything? Generally a pain in the backside?"
"I don't, really, know. I heard something on the radio about a Loki one time who claimed to be an Asgardian, but we never did hear much from him again," Daredevil replies. "He one of your buddies?"
Kai's voice catches. "Right, Loki. Yes, he's not nearly as bad as they'll tell you. Grossly misunderstood. Long story, that. Anyway, I'm not from there, but I'm in the same neighborhood. Let's say Asgard is Hell's Kitchen. I'm from Greenwich Village. We're similar but different."
"Sounds fair enough," Daredevil says. "You know, when people come into my neighborhood and start getting in fights, I ask them to abide by my rules. Killing is what separates them from us. I hope you agree."
"I can't abide killing," Kai says. "I'd be brokenhearted if I had to do that." He leans back, resting his shoulder against the stair rail as he draws a weary breath. The healing takes its toll. "Here's my secret, Mr. Devil, I love people. I know I'm supposed to think you're small and lesser beings, but you're amazing, and your brief lives make your lives that much more precious."
"Looks like we're going to get along fine," Daredevil says as he gets to his feet. "As far as our lives being brief, sometimes they are. Other times we all find we're ready to meet our God. I try not to worry about that too much. Thanks for the help Hjuki."
"That's good," he says, "try to take care; I might not be there next time." He remains where he is. Just going to rest a moment. "Hopefully your God isn't ready for you just yet."