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So, there's an opera tonight, and Carol is actually having a few nights off now, so she dropped a word to Tony, and thus she's waiting in his living room for him to get ready. She's currently dressed in an elegant blue silk dress, backless, as she waits for Tony to finish getting ready. And she speaks with him as he's getting changed, "Wow, I'm not sure I'll actually be used to having an actual night free at the same time as you." She chuckles a bit, but there's a little bit of bitterness that Tony (by now) can probably pick up on, though it isn't directed to him.
"And yet, for our shared night, you're taking me to the opera." He's not going to promise that he's going to stay awake for the whole thing. "Which one is it at least?" Tony comes out, adjusting the bowtie of his tuxedo and letting out a low whistle when he sees Carol in her dress. "At least they're keeping you busy, right? Better than having you shuffle paper around…"
Carol makes a bit of a face at that, "Actually, hold on…" She steps up to Tony, her fingers deftly helping straight the bowtie as it was just a bit off. Then she gives him a wry look, "I was put on paid leave, bit of a fiasco at work and everyone that was close is getting hit with the hammer." She doesn't say anything about Bucky or the Winter Soldier or Cap, but… well, anyone that saw the news lately can probably put two and two together. Especially if they're a supergenius with a suit of their own armor they built in a cave from a box of scraps.
Once she straightens the tie, Carol then plants a kiss on Tony's cheek, "So you might have to put up with me a bit more than you're used to, if you're alright with that." She grins and slips around to Tony's side, tucking her arm through his, "And it's La Traviata. I think you'd like this one."
He'll let her straighten her tie, especially as it gets her that much closer to him. Leaning in for a longer kiss before it's deflected to his cheek he makes a little face. "At least it's paid leave? Better than giving you the sack. And sure, I can put up with you, but what about your cat?" The critter probably doesn't want to be left alone all that time.
As she tucks her arm in his, he reaches for a silk scarf to drape about his neck before grabbing his keys. "Which car do you want to take over there?" Not that it's very far.
Carol laughs, "I'm sure she'll be fine, though she might not be used to my being around quite so much." She mmms, then chuckles, "The Aston Martin? That way you can be Bond and I'll be some improbably named innuendo." Her eyes dance a bit amusedly, "The /real/ question is… who drives?" She takes a black shawl, draping it over her shoulders as she gives Tony a wry look.
"In that dress?" Tony looks her up and down, "Me. Besides, don't you want the glamour of stepping out of that car looking like the bombshell you are?" And are they playing 'James Bond'? Well, he can certainly do that. "You sure you want to go to the opera though? I mean, would James Bond go to the opera with his Bond Girl?"
Carol smiles, giving Tony a wry look, "Just pretend you're meeting a foreign agent at intermission. Trust me." She winks, being that she's probably more James Bond than Tony, considering her day job and career. "But I'll be more than happy to be your bombshell, and more. Like you didn't know."
"It's a lot more fun to pretend like you're the secret agent I need to get information out of…" is offered before he heads to the elevator down to the garage. Tony will grab the keys and even open the door for Carol before zooming off towards Lincoln Center. Once there, he'll toss the keys to the valet after letting her back out. No doubt they'll get some attention whether press are there or not.
Carol laughs, "Oh, do you have ways of making me talk…?" Her eyes dance at Tony as she takes her seat, then gets out at the Lincoln Center as she looks… well, a touch surprised at the photos from the press. She wasn't exactly expecting THAT, but it is a Saturday night and Tony is a pretty public celebrity. She slips her arm back into the crook of Tony's elbow, whispering to him, "Er, is this normal? I didn't think it'd be quite like this…" She looks like she might be reconsidering the outing, mainly because as a spy, that's the exact opposite of what makes her comfortable.
Tony seems to eat up the attention, waving to the press and gently pulling Carol along with him. The whisper into his ear gets a glance, "Kind of? Sometimes?" There's a shrug. It's sort of always been like this. "Just ignore what ends up in the papers…or laugh. I usually do because it's always so ridiculous." There's a look to her then, "They'll forget about it in a couple of days. Just smile and wave…otherwise they're like wild animals. They can smell fear."
Carol follows that advice, smiling and waving to the photographers as she makes her way with Tony into the Center. Though she murmurs under her breath, "Well, hopefully the interrogation later will be more fun…" She gives Tony a wry look, faking looking pretty relaxed and carefree as that's the role she's being placed into, for the moment anyway.
"You're the one wanting to go to the opera," Tony points out even as they walk inside. There may be photographers there as well, but they're less of the tabloid type and more of the 'Social pages' type. "They don't sell popcorn here, do they?" is asked, only half-serious.
Carol gives Tony a wry look, "I'm pretty sure they don't… we'll hit a deli on the way home." She lightly nudges Tony, as the social pages take their turn, more flashbulbs which… well, they might start burning out a bit as Carol subtly soaks up their energy when they pop. Or she might be hoping a supervillain interrupts the delightful press experience.
Tony could really use a drink to get through this, but he'll make do. There's a little sigh before he smiles at the photographers once more. "All right…let's go sit down or something…get away from this circus." While he does love the attention, he can tell Carol isn't that into it. "Didn't I warn you about this sort of thing?" Any girl that steps out with him is going to end up in the tabloids and society pages. "You'll be famous for about a week or so…"
Carol eyes Tony, and grins, "You warned me, but it doesn't exactly mean I enjoy it just yet." She chuckles, and whispers in his ear, "And darling, I'm pretty sure that they'll be talking about us for more than a week if I'm the one consistently with you." With that, she kisses his earlobe a bit, which causes a bit of a titter from the press. But she seems to just accept it, as she lets Tony lead the way to their seats. In a private box, no less.
Tony smirks, "If you keep doing that to the cameras they will…" otherwise they might get bored of seeing him with one woman for a while. Or they'll start theorizing that the badboy Genius Superhero might be 'settling down'. Can't have that either but only time will tell. There will definitely be shots of that intimate pose in tomorrow's papers.
When they get to the private box, he closes the door so that he can pull Carol in for a bit of snogging before the overture begins. So it may not be -that- private, but all that whispering got him worked up.
Carol grins, and whispers, "Well, you think they'd notice that the woman at your side hasn't changed for a little while now…" Her lips quirk, and then, well, there's plenty of pre-opera activity to take care of as she gets comfortable with her own personal Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist.