Starfire has arrived.
The evening in Ferrell's Bar has become incredibly busy as the work crowd has begun to funnel in. The smoke fog that has taken over the room creates a deep haze that glows a strange colour thanks to the flourescent lights overhead.
Jessica Jones, however, has been lingering at the bar for the better part of the day. The dark haired woman, in her ripped blue jeans, too-big for her leather jacket, and white t-shirt peeking underneath, perches on a stool at the bar, puffing on a cigarette while staring at a now-empty glass of whiskey.
She lifts the glass and clinks around the ice, in a snide attempt at getting the bartender's attention without saying anything to him. Her head cocks to the side, and she casts him a long stare, offering him that same cynical expression. Yeah, she's annoyed.
Her bloodshot eyes, glazed over expression, and tight-set jaw speak to something else though.
She's also sloshed.
Agent Bobbi Morse was off-duty. Well as off-duty as a spy ever could be. Hence the bar. It was close to her apartment, and she had never bothered to go check it out. She entered with much of a similar look as Jessica. Worn blue jens, a leather coat (one which, despite the apparent age, had been well taken care of and was clearly originally very expensive), and a white button up shirt beneath.
The blonde slide onto the empty bar stool beside the drunken woman, arching a brow as she gained the bar tendered attention and ordered herself a beer on tap. "Well I'd ask what's good, but you don't seem the chatty sort." She offered dryly.
Every now and again someone walks into a bar who quite clearly does not belong. Today that person is Starfire. "Why yes new friend it would be very kind of you to buy me a drink," she says cheerfully to the complete stranger who can't quite believe his luck. "What sort of things would you recommend?"
Kori takes a few steps inside before waving and smile to everyone in the room. A few of the bars patrons turn and stare, not that she seems to notice or particularly care.
It isn't until Bobbi speaks to her that Jessica gives any indication that she recognizes that anyone is remotely next to her. Her eyebrows draw together and she twists on the barstool to face Bobbi, albeit momentarily. The glass is brought to her lips and she sucks back the rest of the whiskey, getting a face full of ice in the process.
Jess's expression sours and she slams the glass on the bar and, despite herself, she shivers — a means of shaking off the ice that just bumped her face. "My glass is empty," she mutters. It's almost chatter. Almost.
Bobbi leaned forward toward the bar as she side eyed the drunken woman. "If you're not cutting her off, I'll cover her next drink." She offered with a faint trace of humor lighting up her eyes. She didn't laugh or smile at the woman's ice-smack.
All of which lasted just long enough for her own drink to arrive and for her to start sipping whatever it was that was on tap. She hadn't really cared. Blue eyes alighted on the woman that was most assuredly out of place, and she frowned faintly at the linguistical twists that were otherwise very out of place.
Starfire heads over to the bar along with her bemused but happy friend. "May I please ask what you are both drinking? Is it delicious?" She beams. "Since moving to New York I have only tried beer. Which was pleasant. But I would love to try other Ea.. local beverages." Her outlandish silver and purple attire is starting to draw stares and the occasional wolf whistle.
Jessica's eyebrows lift at the notion, and she languidly leans on the bar, propping her head up on her hand and elbows that rest on the bartender. There's a flicker of something akin to satisfaction at the offer, even if it's not given to her but rather given around her. Her chin drops into a bob, giving her a kind of agreement with Bobbi's thoughts.
The bartender looks towards Jess and her glass before looking back towards Bobbi. He rolls his eyes and pulls out the whiskey before pouring Jess a refill, and earning a sly smile as he does so. "Anything for you?" he asks Bobbi easily enough.
Starfire's interruption though, earns a long stare from Jones, followed by a gruff rub of her nose and a loud sniff. Her heavy boots step on the bars of the stool and she twists around to look at Starfire's companion who earns a sidelong stare. A second one is cast towards Starfire, complete with a sharp lift of her eyebrows.
Bobbi slid the cash over the bar as she downed the beer she had, a glance spared for the odd redhaired woman that approached. Her eyebrows climbed higher and higher in the questions that built up. A frown was made toward the 'nice' man that was buying Starfire a drink and Bobbi scowled faintly. "Hey, don't I know you?" She offered, rolling her shoulders back as she stood from the stool.
"You're that guy that left Britney with that kid and supposedly was cheating on her with Laura and that Tina girl right? Why don't you and I go have a talk outside, hm?" She said it with such confidence and self assurance that it had to be true. Even if the man protested and cried ignorance. But then again perhaps Bobbi did have dirt on the man.
Who could say? Either way she rose, having paid for her drink and Jess' with ease as she came around to clap her hand on the man's shoulder and started to tug him out of the bar with her.
"Sorry doll, I'll be taking him outside for a bit. Cheers." She offered a nod toward Jess, not expecting much from the drunken woman either way as she left.
Starfire thrusts out her hand at Jessica. "Hello! Would you like to do the traditional shaking of the hands?" She blinks a few times as her new friend leaves. "Oh. My name is not Doll, it is Koriand'r. Perhaps you have mistaken me for…" And then Bobbi is outside. "Someone else." She shrugs.
"That is a shame, I wonder if I have enough local currency for a drink," Starfire wonders, popping open a little compartment in her belt and pulling out some rolled up notes which get spread across the bar. "May I have one.. whiskey please."
Jessica's head turns, allowing her to study Starfire with a great deal of scrutiny. Her jaw tightens. She can feel the clench, and rather forcibly, loosens it. With a long exhalation she examines the hand extended. She motions silently to the stool next to her. There's no open invitation, but it's an invitation as much as any.
"You sure you want one?" she lifts a single eyebrow. "They burn." Her lips hitch up on one side. "It's a good burn."
"They set the ethanol on fire?" Kori wonders, taking a seat. "I do not believe this will be a problem. Unless I am within close proximity to a star I will not be harmed by heat." Her arm is still extended, although the hopeful smile is wavering a little. "May I enquire as to your name new friend?"
Jessica squints at Kori. The thought is never spoken, but most in the room recognize her palpable skepticism. Being called friend prompts a vague snarl of her lips, yet Jessica answers anyways. "Jones," she answers coolly. "You?" she takes a sip of her whiskey allowing the burn to trail down her throat. After that single sip, she polishes off the rest of the glass.
She clears her throat.
The bartender sets a similar glass in front of Kori.
Starfire finally lowers her hand. She does after all need to collect what little change is on the counter and pick up her drink. "I am Koriand'r, but you may call me Starfire if that is easier. I am from.." She frowns. "Europe. Yes, from Europe."
Curiously Kori lifts up the whiskey tumbler and sniffs, then takes a sip. "This beverage tastes very similar to soil. Is that normal?"
"…uh-huh…" Jessica stares at Kori. It's hard for Jess to differentiate between her drunken mind and what she actually perceives reality to be. And then, with the deftness of a detectives he asks, "Where in Europe?" it's a big continent. Almost.
She chews her bottom lip at the reaction and then shrugs. Maybe it's normal. "Drinks are drinks," she murmurs.
"Also it is not on fire," Starfire notes, dipping a finger in which flares green and ignites the drink. "There. That is better." She takes another sip heedless of the flames. "Oh. This does not improve the taste at all." She shrugs and takes another sip. "Where in Europe? That is a very good question… The.. west of Europe. Yes that's right the west."
Jessica frowns at Starfire. Her cheeks puff out with vague exasperation. The lit on fire drink warrants a roll of Jessica's eyes. "Whiskey is it's own flavour," she asserts quietly. West Europe earns a vague frown and another "…uh-huh…" Her lips purse and she twists further on the stool. "Look. I'm not a spy. But you should come up with a better story."
Starfire glances around with an expression of mild panic. Thankfully most people in the bar are far too distracted by her outfit to listen to the conversation. "I hope you will forgive me for the falsehoods," she says, keeping her voice down. "But people do not seem happy when I tell them I am an alien. They started asking about flying saucers or running away screaming." She tucks her change into her belt and glances at the door.
Now that was hardly expected. There's no way that Jessica would've guessed alien. Low-level spy from the Soviet Union? That seemed far more likely. Her hands curl around her glass and she issues the other woman a discerning frown. "…right." And, for the first time in the better part of several weeks, she turns on the stool and slides off without a third party making her do so. "I'm done," she declares back towards the bartender. She's cutting herself off.
The alien princess sighs. "I can see that I have offended you," she notes apologetically. "Do not worry I shall go." She drains the last of her drink, waves farewell to the bar patrons and heads out. And as the door swings shut there is a brief moment in which everyone can see her take to the skies and fly away. Moments later there is the boom of something accelarating away at high speed.