1964-05-11 - You Spin Me Right Round
Summary: Sometimes you just want to see if a Beatles vinyl is in stock at the local Record Store.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
nightcrawler julie pepper 

As the world of Music seems to be changing before their very…ears, Kurt has been rather pleased to find that Beatles albums are now available in the US. Granted, they may be hard to find, but the fact that they now exist has him making his way to one of the many record shops in the city to see what can be found. Worse comes to worse, he can get something else to play than whatever Fury has in his record collection. Sometimes one just needs a little change.

Dressed as any typical, non-white collar young man of his age, he walks into the record store and glances about briefly to note the reactions that he gets. Once they're acknowledged, he moves to one of the bins to begin shuffling through to see what thos store carries. Sure, it's not going directly to the 'Rock' section per se, but maybe he's letting them get used to his presence…or muster up courage to try to kick him out.


Relax, they told Pepper. Use your money, buy some new albums, have a life OUTSIDE of Wayne Enterprises. That's what people kept saying, but Pepper got worse and worse at this. So, with the early month work all done and literally NOTHING left in her office to do, her secretary practically kicked her out and told her to go do something fun and relaxing. The woman is lost.

Dressed in her bespoke suit, sky high heels, red hair up in an elegant beehive and all of her screaming corporate, Pepper Potts steps into the record store and looks around with slightly blank, confused blue eyes. She looks distinctly uncomfortable, like a woman who is pretending to relax but really has no clue how to do it. Because, well, that's exactly what she is.


Julie doesn't seem to be quite on the cutting edge of these rapidly-changing things, or visibly absorbed in Beatlemania, rather looking like she's perhaps toned down a poodle-skirts-and-saddle-shoes look from her own teen days. She ahas as she manages to snag the latest Beach Boys single, though, presently seeing what's new in California Sound.


Maybe the clerks at the store are too busy staring at the blue guy with the tail who is rifling through Classical and then Broadway soundtracks that they don't notice the well-dressed woman sort of standing at the entrance for a little bit. They may keep an eye on the blue guy but eventually they come to their senses and approach the woman who seems lost in a record store.

In the meantime, Kurt just continues to flick through the records, his shoulders relaxing somewhat as he's not immediately confronted. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but it means he might get to actually look before he's tossed out.


Pepper's voice is gentle but clear as a bell, a woman who is accustomed to being listened to when she speaks now. Being an executive changes someone, it gives them more confidence, more command, even in strange situations like this. "I…I am supposed to get something relaxing. I guess… whatever is new out? The… Beatles? THat'd be fine, yes… They're from England, right? At least it's posh…" Pepper gives them a half apologetic smile for bothering them then a slight dip of her head before heading back in the direction of the latest hits.

"…Oh…and do you sell stereos? New record players? Something big, preferably, with good sound." Pepper calls back over her shoulder towards the clerk, saying it like she was asking where apples or milk were, though the request probably would cost hundreds of dollars for the latest thing. It doesn't make her blink, not these days.


Julie seems to look up from the records she's rifling through as perhaps she unconsciously double-takes at Kurt's blueness, then looks up properly. Everyone blue she's happened to run into lately seem to have something in common. She therefore sneaks Kurt a little wave and a wink. Makes her way over to the other side of Kurt's rack, and ahas as she sees something from Dean Martin. "Hey, how you doing," she says, quietly, her accent pretty local, Italian-tinged Brooklyn, perhaps.


Nightcrawler lifts his head and looks over as the exectuve woman begins making requests of the staff. At least it'll get them busy so that they won't be staring? Another point in favor of this shop! There's a little smile to himself until the wave and wink from the young woman gets his attention. Golden eyes look back over his shoulder to see who she might be smiling and waving to. It isn't until she speaks to him that he realizes that he was her target.

That's new.

"Uh…I am find, und you?" is asked, his own German accent think. He still can't really distinguish American accents — they all sound the same to him!


It's the accent that draws Pepper's eyes more than anything. That was surprising. The redhead looks over in Kurt and Julie's direction, brows arching as she does a double take at them, especially the blue skin. But, unlike most upper east side executives, she doesn't start screeching about a mutant. She just keeps a curious eye on them, not entirely hiding her stare as she works her way through the various newly released records. She's trying to be subtle, she's not succeeding all that well.


Julie just nods, there. "Hey, not so bad," she says to Kurt, glancing over, "Guess someone's in the market for one of them new hi-fi sets." Yep, basically making normal conversation, for whatever reason.


Nightcrawler tilts his head at Julie, "Hi-Fi? What do you mean?" He doesn't really keep up on the technology. The home he's staying in has a radio, stereo, and a television and that's plenty luxurious! He does catch Pepper staring at him and he offers a sharp-toothed smile in return. Sometimes it helps to alleviate the tension…sometimes not, but he's certainly not embarassed to be here.


A slight tilt comes to Pepper's head as she hears Julie's comment, "I…guess? I've never really bought a stereo for myself before. But…it'd be nice to have. Do you have…recommendations?" Despite all of her elegance and that executive suit, the woman's words now reveal her as something AWFUl — new money. She's not practiced in spoiling herself.

Then Kurt is giving her that smile, sharp toothed and strange, and she blinks a bit. Not scared, just surprised. It takes a moment or two, but she offers a half nervous smile back to him in turn and a small tilt of her head, "Good…good afternoon. I did not mean to interrupt."


Julie hrms, "I dunno, there's an RCA dealer around here, anyhow, that's what one of my friends has, some of those here look pretty nice, though, I guess how bout listening to something on one? She picks a likely-looking one from the record store's probably-limited selection."


Nightcrawler gives a wave of a three-fingered hand, "You did not. I am here just looking at the records, but I suppose the Beatles must be sold, ja?" that's directed to the staff who may or may not be listening in. Hard to say. He just blinks some as the rehead and Julie discuss brands. "I always just liked the ones that worked," is quipped.


Well, they seem a bit more schooled in 'what's cool' than Pepper is right now. The redhead gives an almost embarrassed smile, but she steps around the aisle and in their direction. "Are the Beatles actually good, or is it just mass hysteria of everyone trying to follow the crowd? I haven't had much time to listen to anything but… my secretary tells me I should try and relax so…" Pepper half huffs, motioning towards the various shelves, "I'm trying to… Relax. And open to suggestions."


Julie laughs, "I guess they're all right. Kinda catchy tunes, got my little cousins all stirred up like they're the new Elvis or something, though." She thinks. "I dunno though, for relaxing, maybe some Perry Como or Sinatra… I like surf instrumentals for that and all." She nods to Kurt. "Yeah, it's nice if they can drop a bunch of 45s in a row without jamming up, otherwise, I guess whatever sounds nice."


Nightcrawler tilts his head, "I like them, but I saw them in small clubs in England. It was different than seeing them on the television. But there is other music too! The Classic music is good to relax, ja?" he nods over to that section. He then blinks at Julie, "Do you mean like a jukebox? Do they make those for homes?"


"Classic? Hmm… I suppose so. I never was much of one for music, didn't study it or anything. I don't even know where to start." There is the distinct impression Pepper is just uncomfortable with the idea of RELAXING. Like, she resents the fact that this is a thing she should go out and do, so she's reticent to actually learn how to do anything related to it. "You saw them in England? That… must have been great. I cannot imagine what chaos their concerts are now." She admits with a little laugh. Then she's looking back to Julie, nodding in affirmation, "Mm…Sinatra might be good. Tony used to like him. Maybe I'll just pick up one or two of his. Does he have anything new?"


Julie makes her way over to the display models of record players, and eyes the mechanisms. Mechanicals, she has a special eye for. Particularly the spinning parts, occasionally nodding her head in time to …no music playing for some reason, and says to Kurt, showing an arrangement of arms on some of the sets, "Oh, sure, basically with a lot of these you can put a stack of records up on this tall spindle: when it gets to the end of one, it drops the next right on top and plays that." Dizzy plays with switches and evaluates. With those gyroscopic senses of hers, in fact. "This one's nice mechanically, let's hear something on it," she says to one of the lads from the store. "I guess something ….relaxing." She winks over there. "What's the latest from Sinatra?"


Nightcrawler shrugs, "I never studied it either. You just find what you like und you start there? If you do not know…maybe a few different albums?" When she mentions Sinatra he gives a nod. Can't go wrong with that even though it's a little dated. His movie musicals were fun though. "I like the Beatles but they have a different sound. Maybe you should try…" he looks through the bins where he is and pulls out an Ella Fitzgerald album for her. "I have this one where I am staying. She is amazing."

He then looks over as Julie talks about the record players, "That would be good for a party…" or if one liked a -lot- of music.


The now very confused clerk comes over, carrying Sinatra's Academy Award Winners record. "Uh…this is the very newest." Pepper looks it over and gives an encouraging nod. "Let's try it. That and the Ella Fizgerald one the blue guy…uh… I don't even know your name. SOrry. That's rude of me. Pepper. I'm Pepper. And you both are?" Pepper offers her hand with a polite smile, happy for the help and slowly relaxing into the idea that she might make some friends today. "…And I'll take the recommendation on mechanics. Never was my area…"


Julie ahs, waves, being a bit further away for the moment, taking the hand if everyone comes closer. On Ella, she says, before introducing, "I'll say. Everyone calls me Dizzy." She nods to Kurt, "Yeah, especially parties, sometimes people bring a buncha 45s and all that." How bout that, though, a pretty big sale seems to make for some more mutant tolerance from the lads. Hi-fis are expensive but promise to still be working decades in the future.


"Kurt. My name is Kurt. 'Pepper' is an interesting name…like what you put on your food?" He looks at the offered hand and gives her an 'Are you sure?' sort of glance before he reaches to take it. Maybe she didn't see that his hands are odd as well? A nod is given to Julie, "Do they? I have not been to those kinds of parties." Or many at all, come to think of it. Just ones they held within their troupe.


"Dizzy? Cute. And Kurt… and yeah… Technically, I'm Virginia, but everyone just calls me Pepper." The redhead admits, with a little laugh. But she's now firmly standing on the mutant's side, so the clerk better be tolerant. He could make or break this sale, it seems, with just a bit more kindness. "…and…my old boss used to have all the parties. Not really my thing, but I could try it sometime…"


Julie smirks a little as the sales staff take over selling Pepper something, says, "Nice to meet ya, Kurt," she says, off to the side. Offers a hand there. "Ever come around Mutant Town? I know some of the kids there."


"It is good to meet you then, Pepper," even if it's an odd name to him. "Parties can be fun when they are your friends," is offered as if that's not obvious. He then turns to Julie and takes her offered hand as well. There's a little smile at her question; it's funny how people assume "Ja, I have been there. But I find it does more good to talk to the kids who are -not- around those like me very often. They are the ones who need to learn we are all the same under our skin, I think."


Julie nods. "Well, maybe everyone's different and that shouldn't be a problem, either, but maybe it's about time for some kind of hop over there, anyway. Can't really vouch for everyone but there's some places in the Village for music, too."


Nightcrawler gets a little frown, "There was a dance there…maybe close to a year ago, in the bar. The police raided it und threw many in jail or harmed them. I do not know…if you do one there, you should be careful."


Of course, looking to spend money… A LOT of money, the manager finally ducks his head in and gives Pepper that used car salesman smile. The redhead arches a brow, but she gives the pair a little wave and a thankful smile before she's swept off to be shown their ENTIRE selection of stereos.


Julie nods, "The Village? Yeah, some of those bars, …the heat kind of need to make a show of it once in a while, but mostly they're on the take about it, the cops. What can you do, though."


Nightcrawler shakes his head, "Nein, in Mutant Town. I was working at the bar there when the band was playing und the police came. I was able to escape und help others," but it was not a good moment. "I do not like that the town is so separate…I understand why, but…" he shakes his head, "I do not like it." He's of an age and nationality to remember other similar neighborhoods.


Julie nods. "Good folks there, though, what were they supposedly raiding about, people just being different? Health codes or some other thing like that?"


"Because they could? Because they thought we would be trouble? I do not know," Kurt shrugs and shakes his head again. "Does it matter? They will do so again und even if you fight them, then they will make sure others suffer. It is why I am trying to help those who live outside of there understand that we are not bad people."


Julie hrms, nods, …she happens to know how that is on a count or two. "Well, all the more reason people gotta dance, I figure. Somehow they call stuff like that 'community values' but you got dirty cops acting like a goon squad, I ain't seeing that."


"Good luck to you if you plan one there. They may need a change to let go like that…" although he does have concerns for safety. Kurt is really working for the long-run in teaching the kids. Maybe some of the parents will learn through them, but if they're lucky, there will be at least part of a generation who won't hate.


Julie nods. "Well, there's people around to meet anyway, at least. And I guess if you let em scare you off, they'll just keep on doing it."


Nightcrawler gives the other a quiet little smile. "Again…I wish you luck if you choose to have that dance." He's dealt with this all of his life and feels he knows the reality of it. When one isn't obvious, things must be very, very different. "I am sorry if I interrupted your shopping. I was just seeing what they had," and if he would be allowed in. So far so good.


Julie ahs, and nods. "Ah, no problem, what's a point of a store without other people sometimes, you know? Nice to meetcha, Kurt."


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