1964-05-13 - Just Business
Summary: Crystal approaches Tony Stark about the Avengers.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
tony crystal 

Getting an appointment on Tony Stark's calendar is not an easy thing to accomplish. But then again, Crystal comes from a royal family. She understands the intricacies of how these sorts of things work, including which wheels to grease and how best to phrase requests. It took some time, but she managed to get on the books for a late afternoon meeting at Stark Industries.

The entry in the appointment book (if Tony actually reads that) reads Crystalia Amaquelin, formerly of Act-F. The young woman who comes up the elevator, though, hardly looks like a member of a government team. In a light green dress embroidered with colorful flowers - sleeveless, high-necked, and full skirts - she looks more like a member of the Junior League.


Of course Tony doesn't want meetings. He doesn't like meetings and if he could find someone to sit in for him, he'd do it in a heartbeat. As it is, he's headed down a hall, smiling tightly at anyone that he may pass before he puts his head down, reaching out for door through which he can escape.

"Sir?" It's a voice that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere.

Tony stops his pace and turns to lean on the wall. A hand is lifted to his head in a light 'facepalm' before he answers the air. "What? Really? You too?"

There is silence as answer, and an exhale exits the businessman. "Right, right.." and his hand waves in a general gesture in the air before he turns about to make his way towards the meeting room. The elevator dings, and there is his last chance to disappear, gone. He stops short again, his manner and mien civil. Welcoming even.

"Miss Amaquelin, I presume?"


"You are correct, Mister Stark," Crystal replies, smile warm as she offers out a hand. "I understand you're very busy and don't usually take meetings, but I do appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. I think that I can offer some very interesting potential investments." She doesn't wait to be lead to the meeting room, instead heading directly toward it and expecting Tony to follow. It's a chance to run, at least.


Tony extends his hand to hers, and doesn't clasp it like another man's, but lightly, and he inclines his head slightly. His smile turns warmer, more genuine, and brown eyes remain fixed upon hers, "Normally, I send my assistant to meetings, but I think I'll make an exception this time." Brows rise, and when she retrieves her hand, he's dropping into step easily, his hand lifting to hover just at the small of her back, not touching, in order to direct her to the correct room.

It's only once they're inside and he closes the door does he make comment regarding potentials. "Oh?" Tony wanders towards a chair to lean on the leather back, ready to pull it out for her. "Interesting potential investments? You had me at 'You are correct'."


A wry smile crosses Crystal's features as she settles into a chair at the table, folding her hands neatly in her lap as she considers the man. "Yes, I've heard you're a fan of that particular expression. You may have heard that Act-F has been disbanded, Mr. Stark. A fitting enough end, given the stated aims of the organization. But there is still a need for a team to address threats of a similar level."


Tony gently glides the chair in before he moves towards the bar (a bar?), the bar and pulls a bottle off. The *clink* of the glass top of the decanter sounds and he pours it into a glass. "Drink?" He'll wait, and if 'yes', he'll pour it. If not? Well, either way, he's taking his glass by the rim and taking his first swallow.

"I heard, though I never really gave it much attention. Though now, I'm kinda sorry I didn't."

He leans against the edge of the bar, and his head cants, "Okay…" comes slowly. "I'm waiting for the punch-line. I'm not interested in doing anything more with the government. I give to childrens' hospitals. What's left?"


"The new initiative is actually unaffiliated with the government," Crystal waves a hand, considering a moment before she nods to the offer of a drink. "Which is where someone like you comes in. No government interference also means no government funding. And while we have a few sources at the moment, it's always wise to have contingencies. Of course, there's also the question of technology. It's my understanding that you are at the forefront of such things, yes?"


Tony pours a drink for Crystal, and with his own in hand, he takes the couple of steps to hand it to her. Now, closer, he leans on the table, one arm crossing before him as he takes another swallow. "I like a return for my investments. If I'm going in on funding, you know there's a question of stake in the game. What sort of non-governmental group are we loking at? 'threats of a similar level'." Shaking his head slowly, he pulls the rolly chair out so he can sit down facing her. "You know I'm finding it hard to believe 'no interference', right?"


Crystal crosses her legs, taking a sip from the glass before letting it dangle from her fingers. "Well, as much non-interference as is possible in a place where there is an actual rule of law, at least. Obviously we don't control the government either." That smile quirks again as she takes another sip, then sets the glass down. "Threats like the Skrulls and the Kree are not gone. There will always be more. The question, then, is do you trust the government to confront those threats?"


"Not on your life. Or mine." Tony hasn't yet truly taken his eyes off of her, and finally he's got his own question, and he asks as he waves the half-finished drink in the air in her direction, "What's your part in it? You don't like like a suit… they don't really hire women outside of a secretary's desk. But you are talking about Skrulls and Kree like they're someone from the east side instead of from outer space."


"You think space doesn't have an east side?" Crystal replies, smile curving just a little bit deeper at one corner. "As it happens, Mister Stark, I am a member of the team myself. I do organize and arrange things as needed, of course," she flicks a finger dismissively, "But I'm fully capable of pulling my weight in other sorts of operations." That finger twitches again, her head tilting thoughtfully as her gaze lowers from his eyes to his chest.


Tony chuckles and gestures a 'toast' in Crystal's direction on the response. "Okay. Fair enough. Which means they have an Upper East and an Upper West. I'm going to peg you as an Upper West Side girl." The tumbler is pulled back and he empties what's left in the glass before he sets it down. "So secretary with other duties as assigned." He bounces his head gently in a nod, before his smile tilts a little, "So, this little group.. is it a secret? Government sanctioned? UN? I want to know if I'm just going to be a US criminal or Interpol. I'm always looking to go big or go home."


"Criminal is such a strong word," Crystal laughs, though she seems terribly distracted by his chest, of all things. "I believe Captain America is currently working through the particulars of the arrangement with various governing powers, so I can't speak to the details just yet. The goal is to keep friendly enough relations to be allowed to confront potential threats without being beholden to the agendas of governments. The Captain feels quite strongly about that."

She traces her finger along the rim of her glass, smile fading away pensively. "Are you aware that there are foreign elements in your chest, Mister Stark?"


Tony hasn't been able to take his eyes off of Crystal either, though probably for completely different reasons. Likely. "Oh, well… if it's American's Sweetheart that is trying to get it all together?" He's sounding a little… no, more than a little sarcastic there. "Captain America doesn't want to work for Uncle Sam?"

Now, though, Tony looks down before he looks back once again. "Probably, but worked for a single purpose. It's why it really didn't knock me out when you mentioned Skrulls or Kree. I'm all for taking what works." He smiles tightly and he shrugs, an exhale exiting the man. "Dinner. I'm buying."


Crystal quirks a brow at the change in tone, curious enough to look up from his chest. "He doesn't, as it turns out," she answers rather than engage in that disagreement. "And neither do the other parties involved. I'm probably the most pro-government member of the team as it stands, and that's to the extent that I think diplomacy tends to work better in the long-term than antagonism."

She absolutely notes that he avoids her question, and he might feel the slightest tremor in his chest, as if something is pulling against the power of the reactor there, but it passes in a heartbeat as she stands. "Dinner," she agrees, raising a finger. "But as business only, Mister Stark," she smiles ruefully. "I'm aware of your reputation."


"Huh," and that's all Tony gives in response to hearing more about 'America's Sweetheart'.

"You can tell me about this group at dinner. I won't expect slides, but I'm looking for costs analyses, future earnings… you know. Everything a shareholder and potential owner might want to know. You're going to have to sell it." Tony does rise, and those last word are exaggerated, if only a little. His glass, he leaves on the table.

It's when he does rise that he catches the little tremor, and for a second there's something that passes fleetingly behind those cock-sure brown eyes. It's there and gone, though he does cough once into his hand. Once it passes, and it's quick, he's ever the gentleman… the same gentleman. A chuckle exits, "Business only, then…" Mostly. "I'll call my car."


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