1964-05-15 - How Thea Joined the Avengers
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Theme Song: None
thea steve 

There's sirens and alarms going off near the edge of the park, and people are scattering away from the path like frightened pigeons. There's a blonde woman, her hair loose from the pins that had held it up during her shift at the hospital. She's in a lightweight tan belted coat over the clothes she'd changed into after work. It's the people scattering, the few high pitched cries that thinly sound in the air that gets her attention.

As she heads for the side path, he appears. A man with a large sack clutched close by one arm, dressed in dark colors with a ski hat or something pushed up high on his forehead. In the hand not clutching the bag, there is a small black pistol that he brandishes wildly. It's when a uniformed cop patrolling the park rushes his way, that the gun goes off, and our darling man in blue goes down hard. That's enough of that, as the young blonde woman, who looks so harmless and helpless, steps in the shooter's way, moving to block his path and leaving him baffled. At least, baffled for a moment before the bag drops, his now free hand clutching at his throat while his face displays total panic.


There's a skidding sound followed by the rumble of a motorcycle as Steve Rogers, dressed as Captain America, tears around the corner on his special issue Harley Davidson. He's picking up speed, until his blue eyes take in the scene. Someone's here already. The motorcycle slows as he approaches the woman before he finally pulls it to a halt and disembarks.

"Came as fast as I could," Steve says as he strides towards Thea. "Looks like you've got everything in hand already."


There is the barest flicker of a brown gaze at the gentleman everyone knows from the papers. "I will have it better than that in a minute." She speaks softly, almost as if breathless. Her eyes are focused on the man who is collapsing to the ground, passing out from lack of air, even as one hand is slightly, awkwardly extended towards the policeman on the grass.

Satisfied that the criminal will not rise immediately, her gaze finally turns to Captain America, "Do you have something to restrain him with? I need to see to the police officer, and I do not think my coat belt would be very effective." There's a quick smile, before she'll take the steps towards the officer.


"Yeah, sure thing." Steve reaches into the pouch on his hip and finds a zip tie. He makes his way over toward the downed offender and puts a light knee in his back as he attempts to affix the makeshift handcuffs on the perpetrator. Looking around, he looks to Thea, observing her curiously.


Thea doesn't look heroic. She doesn't have a neat outfit, or a catch phrase, or anything. Right now, the blonde is explaining to the groggy police officer that she's a nurse, and he'll be fine. She doesn't bother to explain that the gunshot that was a through and through in his shoulder is no longer there like magic. He will possibly wonder what happened, later, but right now he does not question the young woman who has her hand on his chest, and is getting paler by the moment.


Cap watches her and makes his way over to her now with a tilted head. "Are you alright?" he asks, unsure if she's been hit or if she needs medical attention in any way. She doesn't /appear/ to be shot to him, but he could be wrong.


Thea looks up through her lashes at him, in his suit, with his shield. "I'm fine." She manages a smile, before she's rocking back on her heels and getting to her feet. "Or I will be, after a hot bath, some booze, and a meal." There's a faint arch of her left eyebrow as she sizes him up. "It's not as easy as you think, healing someone." There's a glance over her shoulder to the detained one. "Or knocking someone out without using a fist."


"Sounds like some pretty amazing powers," Steve admits with a bit of a grin. "Steve Rogers. Captain America. Can I get your name? This is some pretty impressive stuff, here."


"Impressive? Me? I know a guy that can fly." Thea seems amused. "Give you my name? Keep looking at me with those big blue eyes and I'll spill my guts in short order." There's a curl of a smile, a hand offered. "Thea. Thea Harman. Though if you put that name out to be heard, I'll deny every bit of it."


Steve chuckles, "Thea, it's a pleasure. Your secret is safe with me, I assure you." He waits a beat before adding, "You do this sort of thing a lot?"


Thea cocks her head to the right, another curl of a smile. "Which part? The putting down, the healing up, or the flirting with a terribly good looking man?" She just can't seem to help herself. "I'm a nurse. I do a lot of the healing part. Not so much the other stuff."


"Well, the former one, really," Steve says with a laugh. It's clear he's slightly embarrassed. "I'm just wondering whether or not you'd be interested in helping out our team a little bit. I work with a group called the Avengers. We try and make the world a safer place for people. We're looking for people with your kind of talents."


That slight embarassment only makes Thea's smile grow bolder. "Avengers. I'm assuming it's a do-gooder sort of thing, and you guys get busted up and need some healing?" There's a surprising lack of sarcasm or mocking in that question. "I suppose you could consider me interested, Captain. I would hate to see anything happen to your perfect smile."


Steve tilts his head and makes a face followed by a bit of a grin. He reaches into his pouch to give her a card. There's a phone number on it and an address. 890 5th Ave is all it sends. Should she come by, she'll find it's a large mansion right across from Central Park. "Well, I'm glad to hear you're interested. Stop on bye and check the place out."


Thea laughs as some of her color comes back into her cheeks. "I may just do that, Captain. Any chance I'll get to see your whole face, next time?" She'll glance away from him towards the police officer gaining his feet.


"Yeah, sure," Steve says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Not many of our people wear their costumes at the Mansion." He looks to the police man and gives a nod, "Well, I suppose my work here is done. As little as it might have been."


Thea grins. "I would say I'm sorry I didn't leave more for you to do, but I get the feeling most of the time you have more than enough on your plate." There's a hand up through her hair. "Damsel in Distress never really looked good on me."


Steve nods, "You can say that again." The comment is in reference to the plate, but he's giving a nod to her comment about the Damsel in Distress. "Does it ever look that great on anyone?" he asks. He swings his leg over the motorcycle and revs it up.


"I would, but I hate to repeat myself." There's a low laugh and a smirk. "Some women make it their signature shade." She eyes the motorcycle. "Consider giving a girl a lift, Captain?"


Steve nods, "Sure thing, Thea. Hop on." He pulls the extra helmet from the satchel hook and hands it towards her as pops the kickstand up.


Thea will tuck her hair up into the helmet before climbing aboard. She'll give him an address (in Hell's kitchen, none the less) where he can drop her off. Then she'll just hang on for the ride.


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