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Everyone else may even be…doubling up on this super secret, unofficial trip to save the world. However, Maximus does not, and is not. He's in it by himself, at least right now. Its hard to believe that he could eat a whole shrimp ring by himself. He's lounging on his bed, wearing his pants and his coat, but no shirt, and no shoes.
At which point, there came a rapping, as if someone gently tapping, gently tapping at Max's chamber door. Or more likely, a rather loud knocking, as Carol stands on the other side of the door, dressed rather nondescript but looking a tad annoyed.
The madman comes to the door and opens it with flare, eyes lidded. He starts the sentence, "I already told you that once was-…oh…" He blinks and then frowns. "Yes?"
The blonde woman frowns as well, "I thought it was you." She steps into the room, whether Maximus allows it or not, eyes narrowed, "For the past week or so I've been trying to place your face, because that voice was so, so familiar. Then I remembered it, when it was ECHOING IN MY HEAD TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" She glares, eyes actually glowing as well, she looks remarkably like that Warbird from a few months ago and that scrum with the Absorbing Man…
Uh-oh. This isn't good.
Maximus backs up as she enters, not stopping her, and listens to her little tirade about his intentions. "Ohhh…ah…you remembered that. Or…put it together. Some people never do." He flicks a fast and shallow smile at her. "I was…playing a bit of a game, and ah…things were heating up faster than expected for my friend at time. You should be honored that I chose you to be on my side."
The blonde narrows her eyes, and moves with blinding speed, picking up Maximus with one hand and pinning him to the wall, "You manipulated that other woman to attack me, then you wormed into my head and made me let you and that villain escape!" Her other hand is closed into a fist, and it does start glowing with an alarming brightness, as the mention of her being part of a game does NOT seem to help at all.
Maximus arches his brows. "Ah…well…" He grunts as he's slammed backwards into the wall. He stares at her with his own blue eyes, black ringlets dangling around his face. "Nnnnf. Mmmm…are you going to hit me? Do you think I would let you? I am trying to be good. I saved that man who thinks he's a genius today, and I did not blow my cover by making it seem to the bearded man like I had controlled you to take me away. I am not your enemy…" He sniffs the air. "I may be much better than that…"
She grits her teeth, "I should. I really should." And indeed, she wants to. She really wants to just go full on Carol-Smash and use Maximus as a battering ram on the furniture. Except for one minor thing.
At the moment, he's right. So, eventually, the glow around her fist fades, but she doesn't let him down just yet, "Why should I trust you? That you aren't going to try and play another sick game with us for sport?" Her eyes narrow as she regards the man, not wanting to believe… but, on the other hand, she is somewhat willing to listen.
Maximus gets to spout his genius insanity at her and there's nothing he loves better than getting people to do what he wants, the old-fashioned way. He's a many-layered man, and most people don't get past the first one. "I do not play games for sport. I play games for a reason. I had my kingdom stolen from me in one night, and because my brother recruited outsiders to do it. So, I thought that gaining a few allies of my own would solve the problem. But it did not. Creel turned out to be a terrible ally. The worst. I had to threaten him so much to get him to do what I wanted and then he never returned to me. No, I need my people to understand how much better I am than my brother, or that council, and the council to understand just what sort of man they have exiled from the land." Dark brows furrow. "If you think I have another motive besides the goodness in my heart, you are certainly right. I have many. Be better than Blackagar. Show Stark that he isn't the smartest man in the world. Find out how Latveria keeps itself isolated. Possibly…get Captain America to notice me, romantically. I am on your side…and good thing too." He suddenly lets out a laugh that is loud and horrible, cackly. "I am such a terrible enemy to have. I am the worst. Oh I get the children involved and everything."
Carol shakes her head at Maximus, "You… what?" Okay, so she just realized why Maximus always seems to have 'the Mad' added to the end of his name by, well, everyone. Not that she knows it herself, but it isn't going to surprise her. And she's probably recognizable by Maximus as not only Warbird, but also the blonde woman that was along with Tony when the four met at the Black Cat. She shakes her head, "Pretty sure Cap doesn't swing that way, but well…" She sighs, and let's Maximus go, backing up a step as he does his cackling laugh, looking more confused at Max's behavior than anything else.
Maximus does know her from the Black Cat, it took longer to recognize her from the fight. He drops his heels down when she lets him go and shifts his coat around to cover himself a little more. "Do you know how you reach impossible goals?"
Carol arches a brow, "I'm going to regret saying this, but not really… I suppose you're going to tell me, though?" She rubs her forehead, muttering something to herself in Kree. After all, what are the odds he'd be able to understand that anyway?
Whatever he was about to say…his mouth opens and he doesn't say it. Ohhh, he can understand it. There are plenty of Inhumans who can't, but he's one who can. "AH! I kneeewwww you smelled special. You are Kree. Or…well, you are not exactly Kree, or you wouldn't be this color, but…yessssss. This proves it. And I am certain that your super hero friends would not want to know that, so…I will keep it to myself." Maximus assures.
Carol blinks in surprise, "How the hell did you know that was Kree?" She then looks carefully at Maximus, "And I hate to break it to you, but most of them already know I'm part-Kree. Mainly because of one of their gizmos mucking with my genetics. But keeping it secret… I'm okay with that. Just don't think you can extort me with it."
"I know its Kree because I have spoken to Kree. My people were once experimented on, by the Kree. And because I am incredibly intelligent." Max presses his lips together.
Well, one way to get Carol sidetracked from Imminent Vengeance… is to appeal to her intellect. Granted, she's no Tony Stark, but she's pretty sharp, considering all the things she's done in her life to now. Including being an astronaut… "Wait, your people were experimented on by the Kree? When was this?" She looks a bit poleaxed by that revelation, sitting down on the edge of the bed as she seems… rather nonplussed by that fact.
Maximus waves his hand. "Get off the bed…I am going to use it. We can speak later. Ugh…I am so tired. And believe me, speaking about the Kree is a recipe for getting me worked up."
Carol nearly jumps up, and makes a face, as if she just realized she was sitting there. "Oh, don't worry, we will talk about that later." Mainly because now she has questions about the Inhumans and the Kree, but… those can wait. But she's going to keep a close eye on Maximus regardless, as she walks out of the room.