1964-05-27 - Sinister Purpose Part 5, Decision 1964
Summary: The Team debates whether or not to take Roche up on their offer, and gets some startling news. The penultimate scene in the Sinister Purpose plot!
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Theme Song: None
rogue bobbi maximus lamont nexus logan kai crystal tony jean-paul steve-rogers 


10:46 AM

The team, well half of it, anyways, has just been delivered a bombshell. But more on that in a second. Alpha team got here through their part of the mission which was to investigate a gum-like substance from a flower that was used as an accelerant in the recent attacks on the World's Fair. After an attack at a local resort, the Avengers cut an uncomfortable deal with Roche, an information-broker and criminal lubricator.


Roche agreed to give them the information they wanted for a deal: Leave him alone. Begrudgingly, the Alpha team accepted. Roche then gave a large amount of evidence which seemed conclusive to the Avengers: The Soviets did not attack the United States. Latveria did. Bucky, as many surmised, was a separate and coincidental actor.

Roche then dropped another offer over breakfast: Give him millions of dollars and he will tell them what Victor von Doom is truly up to.

Roche has given them time to discuss it, and has brought in Bravo team, which was elsewhere, creating a perimeter for the earlier mission. Their part seems to have gone on without a hitch, other than being out of the room when a pretty big decision has been made.

Bravo team is seated at a large table in a swanky Madripoor hotel and asked for their breakfast order. Captain America looks worried with his hand to his chin as he thinks.

"Let's go around the room and get everyone's opinion," he says quietly.


Tony Stark is 'fashionably late' to the table, read: hung over, wearing his distinctive sunglasses. Pulling out a chair, he smiles tightly to those now in attendance, and sits down as he twists around to look for the waiter. "Coffee, black with a splash of whiskey to kill whatever is in the water." Once his request is made, he looks around to the rest there gathered. "So.. who is raiding their piggybanks on this one?"


Kai is distressingly sober. He has yet to wear his hero costume, so he's just in black chinos and a black turtleneck. Not even a beret today. He winces a little as he shifts in his seat. He's nursing a nasty bruise, though for having taken a bazooka to the chest, he's doing remarkably well. He gives Tony a glance and says wryly, "Can't help out there, mate. I'm a starving artist, dig me?"


"Theoretically speaking," Crystal muses, "I could make diamonds. If it's just a matter of paying for the information, that is. Not that we should mention that, because it's not the simplest thing, but it would be better than nothing if the issue is one of funding." She's sticking to water and fruits, looking a littler paler than usual - all of her time in the city with the Avengers is taking a toll on her health. "As a matter of principle, on the other hand, it depends on what we - and others - can live with. If we could have prevented something and we didn't, can we live with it? If we prevent this but allow something else with the proceeds, can we live with that?"


"It seems a simple question." Jean-Paul states. He seemed to get along with Roche quite well, speaking to the man amiably and complimenting him on his chefs. "Merely ask yourself two questions. First, do you believe that whatever the leader of Latveria plans will result in the loss of life? And second, if so, how much are their lives worth to you, mon Capitaine?" Lifting a small pitcher, he adds a touch of cream to his coffee cup and stirs it in.


"I can possibly raise that much, but not instantly," drawls the man in the pale suit. Lamont's leaned back lazily in his chair - coffee for him, black as his heart, etc etc etc. Nevermind the sugar he's already spooned into it. "We may not need to, however," he adds. "I can quite likely take the information from him by simply being in his presence while he thinks about it. If not, I can use other means. Cheaper, most definitely, but…..not, perhaps, for the ethically squeamish. It also depends on if we want him for a possible ally in the future….or want him to leave here at all." ……did he just propose torture and/or murder right in front of the Ultimate Boy Scout? He sure did.


"Paying millions of dollars to a criminal overlord, have we considered the consequences of that?" Scarlett lounges in a chair, as comfortably as they come, a cup of tea in her hands. Hot tea, as opposed to the overly sweet, cold southern kind. "Pay him for information that might be worth something. Those birds one day will be coming home to roost. Do you suppose this is the only way for timely and valuable intelligence, or are there alternatives better than this?" The cup goes to her lips and she tucks her knees slightly closer, falls silent.


He introduced himself as Nexus Oculai, technopath. Inhuman. He expressed a desire to help: after all, his home is as in danger as the rest of the world if nuclear war happens. He doesn't spell out the particulars of the inhuman weakness to pollution, but he lets people assume they are not especially keen on nuclear winter or fallout. Because, really, no one is especially keen on nuclear winter or fallout. For his part, he is wearing a simple short-sleeve, v-necked shirt of pale blue and jeans: this leaves enough skin to see that he does not quite blend. Pale lines patterned like circuitry cris-cross across his body, and in his blue eyes these lines glow a silver-white. But, unconcerned for the odd looks he gets from barbarians barely out of caves, he settles at the table and purses his lips. "Is it not a question, not 'who', but 'if'?" He flicks his eyes around, focusing upon Tony for a long moment. Curious. Intense. Dismissive. These all flicker over his features, easily read: he is not one to hide his feelings. He nods his head to Crystal, and glances to Jean-Paul, "Does that not also need to be weighed against what this criminal will do with the two million? Do we know what kind of criminal he is?" He regards Lamont curiously a moment, "Is Latveria as primitive as your New York? I may be able to access the information directly."


Logan tends to keep himself - he knows a few of the other operators here, but not most. He figures he got called in to do what he does best - that doesn't include running his yap, generally speaking.

"Bad guy's gonna do what bad guys gonna do, whether we pay 'em or not. It ain't my dime, so no skin off my nose," he says. The ethics don't particularly matter to Wolverine in this regard, "Me? I'm more interested in how ya guarantee the gossip he's gonna share is anything more than him flappin' his lips. Doom's a nasty actor, anybody with half a pulse knows it. Pretty easy to toss blame on the devil in the mask and assume it's gonna stick. But if we know his intel's good, screw it, I'll pick Stark's wallet myself."


Bobbi had been present and accounted for for team Bravo on time, I.E. ten minutes early. She sat back in her seat, arms folded and in a white button up shirt and jeans. "Can we trust his intel? Do we have means of checking it ourselves before we put ourselves into a position that means we might get double crossed? What's to stop this guy from informing on us back? Nothing. We're putting ourselves out on a limb."

She glanced toward Steve and pursed her lips, "I'd rather have eyes and ears on the ground to make confirm this before we make a move. Regardless if we pay the two mill or not. We're putting a lot of trust into this rather questionable source, Rogers. The guy's a dirt bag." She paused and sighed, dragging her hands through her hair.

"But I also understand that as time is of the essence we might not be able to confirm intel as I would prefer.." She mumured. Shield training showing in her narrowed eyed look and the tilt of her head as she listened to the others.


Steve looks to Crystal with concern. She does not look well. He makes a mental note to ask her after the meeting what's going on. "I'm not sure it's that easy, Tony," he says as his blue eyes go over towards the millionaire.

"I think we're all on the right track here, at least as far as what the major issues are. If we decide to do this, how are we paying for it? Do we trust Roche enough? Do we believe him that Latveria is even behind the attacks, rather than Bucky, or do we just want that to be the case? I have to think that if he's got enough courage to ask each of us for two million, there must be something."

"If we pay this money to him, we have to know that it will probably be used, in some way, either for international terrorist organizations, or at least for their luxury. We have already made one decision today that makes my innards twirl. And this would be upping the ante."

"To Bobbi's point, if we're backstabbed, then obviously our deal on leaving Madripoor alone is off. If that happens, I think we come back here and take Roche apart. My guess is he wants no piece of us and is using this to try and make some money after getting rid of us."

"Smart business."

"But the question is of severity. Are these lives worth it? Absolutely. If lives are even at stake. And to know what he has, we'll have to pay the money. We don't even know if this will cost lives. And we don't even know if he's telling the truth. It'd be career suicide not to. Especially with some of the people in this room, but I've seen dumber moves."


Tony waits for his coffee, watching the waitress with an eagle eye as she pours the whiskey into the cup. When it does arrive, he leans back and allows it to be placed in front of him before he picks it up with a nod. "As far as I'm concerned, $2 million is nothing. I could have that amount moved between accounts before the end of businessday. The longest part of it would be the phone call. If people are hung up on 'if', as far as I'm concerned, IF you don't, I will." Lifting the cup to his lips he takes that first tentative sip, looking over the brim at everyone. "I don't always like to share. But if it's good, I'll be sure to leave some breadcrumbs out under the feeder."

Tony nods in Logan's direction before he points, "He's only asking for money. Not armament, not tech, not some political statement of 'Leave and never come back'. He's someone with information that just wants to cut and run, and he's thinking that's the price the market will bear. And from the sounds of it here?"

Lamont's intimation of torture earns the man a long look before his attention moves back to Steve. "As for what kind of criminal, I don't really care. He could kick puppies in his spare time for all I care."


"Monsieur Roche is an information broker." Jean-Paul points out. "Selling information - correct information - is what he does. Probably other things as well but information for certain. Selling lies would mean that no one could trust him. He would be ruined. I would trust him before I would trust your President."


Kai nudges his coffee cup toward the waitress with the whiskey. There's no coffee in his cup, but coffee's not what he's after. "What it comes down to for me," Kai says, "is what is it going to take to prevent the greater catastrophe. If it means creating a small problem now, it's a problem we can solve once this potential war is off as soon as possible. If it takes two million, fine, it takes two million." Of someone else's money. Easy for him to give that away. "We might just have to take a leap of faith, if not in the man's intentions, then his desire to keep us off his lawn."


"New York isn't primitive, Nexus," Crystal murmurs to the other Inhuman, taking a sip of her water. "And he may be an information broker, but selling to people who are clearly out to get his usual customers isn't really in his interest either. He's got no real pressure to tell us the truth. Lying to us could do more for his reputation, frankly. If that's a chance we're willing to take." She rubs a finger at her brow, pensive. "That we can afford it, one way or the other, is given. So. Do we have other options for acquiring intel on Latveria? Nexus is quite skilled with technological systems, if it's an option. Do we have allies with interests there?"


The redhead sits up a little straighter, her fingers spanning the mug's circumference and just meeting at the tips. Manicured nails converge. Attentive to the conversation, Scarlett glances down upon her own reflection for a moment. Another sip of the hot brew follows, and she easily rolls her shoulder. "Should the issue be where the money goes, tag it. Nothing goes without a trail, after all. He all but must expect such, given the line of business." Her eyes thin slightly, thought carving out lines. "The good of the many justify certain unpleasant consequences."


Logan shrugs, "This is how Madripoor operates. Don't know if many o' you been here before, but I made a study o' the place a time or two. I may have seen a lot of it through the bottom of a beer bottle, but I know enough. There's a thread of honor among thieves t'be found. But everything costs. Ain't nobody here gonna give up nothin' for free an', if they did, you can damn bet what you got is worth exactly that. Hell, to a Madripooran, not wantin' to pay is downright disrespectful. Everybody's gotta eat, even if they do it off other people's backs.""

He shrugs, "Could always go without specifics, go in hard at Latveria, bust 'em in the mouth and hope it shakes 'em up enough to stop 'em doin'…whatever it is their doin'. But it'd be a lot easier to hit the mark if we had somewhere to aim, ya ken?" he says, lighting a fresh cigar and leaning back against the wall.


Lamont doesn't speak up further. He's made his offer, and doesn't feel compelled to repeat himself. He meets Tony's look with a deadpan lack of expression. If Steve Rogers wants to be his conscience, he's apparently quite welcome to. But then, perhaps that's why Cranston's signed on to begin with.


The look Nexus gives Crystal is profoundly skeptical. New York is not primitive? Squint. But he lets that pass. He nods to Logan slightly, "There need not be only one choice: if this criminal is merely a broker, then the moral question isn't as much of a concern. If we were funding murderers and terrorists, that would be a difficult thing to balance. But if we are simply letting some criminal live in some luxury? I don't care." He shrugs, "As for trust… if we buy the information, then send me to Latveria. I will pry the truth from Doom's machines and confirm or deny it: it would be easier if I knew what I was looking for, after all. If we decide not to pay, then perhaps I can retrieve his plans directly anyways."


"We can mark the money, as she said," A gesture toward Rogue followed, "Track where it goes if need be, not all of it— two mill is a lot to do that quickly and well, but enough to leave a nice trail for us. Save that for a rainy day to come back to. It's prudent to keep tabs on him for the future if we need it. Especially, useful if we ever have a case that leaves a paper trail his way in the future." She murmured, drumming her fingers against the table top in thought as she nodded toward Steve.

"I don't think it's a question of paying for it, clearly, not with these individuals at the table." She gestured toward Crystal and Tony particularly.

"But depending on the intel? I say we get eyes and ears on the ground in Latveria as soon as possible. Which I would volunteer to take on, starting immediately if needed."


Steve looks around the room quietly, trying to take the temperature. Tony has noted that he's willing to do this anyways. How does that factor in? Is it bravado? Steve isn't so sure. He gets the feeling that Tony is more than he seems. Two plans come to his mind on how to move forward and he knows which one he prefers. It's easy to stand out there and make your own decisions, far different when others and their opinions are involved.

"I think we've got two options. First, we pay the money. And by the way, Tony, thank you for the generous donation. We get whatever intel that Roche has and investigate Latveria. Immediately. I like Scarlett's idea on tagging the money somehow. Frankly, I don't know how that all works and would leave it to someone else."

"The second option is to go it alone, and hope it doesn't cause catastrophe. I don't know much about Latveria. It's one of the most guarded and secretive nations in the world. If we go in there we won't know what to expect. We'll also hope that we're able to be successful. But we'll be able to sleep better knowing that we did it the right way."

"The torture option, is not an option," Steve says quietly towards Lamont.

"I don't know about each of you, but I still believe in democracy. Hate to call to question, but I think we should take a vote."


Tony finishes the first cup of coffee, and while Kai might be asking for coffee and whiskey, minus the coffee, he nods in the direction of the waitress and she comes over once more for refills. Coffee, coffee.. coffee.. whiskey.

'Nexus is quite skilled with technological systems'. A long, considering look is given to the man… construct(?) and Tony chuffs a soft breath. "Even if we pay up, absolutely send in someone to verify. Let him play around. It's not worth it to me; waste of time. 'S far as I'm concerned, they're beating a couple of rocks together and hoping to scare everyone away with the noise." He's heard 'stories', of course. And he's probably heard different stories than others, as the circles he runs in tend to be a little more rarified, and smaller. Less prone to exaggeration and more towards the financial and technological end.

"Easy enough to tag the money. It's pretty standard when paying ransoms or things like that."

Tony exhales again and takes up the newly created coffee and takes a couple more swallows, his expression hidding somewhat behind the glasses. "All in favor of paying and going into Latveria, say 'Aye'." There's a pause before, "Aye.

"All those against?" Tony leans back in his chair, seemingly waking a little more from the caffeine entering his system. Or is it because of the whiskey? Hard to tell. "In other words, 'Are you with me or not?'?" Whatever their decision, that $2 million is moving.


"Pay him." is Jean-Paul's vote. His tone is distracted as he concentrates more on his breakfast and coffee. Doom won't be targeting Quebec. Though it is close enough to the US that there's still some concern. "Aye."


Kai squints at the waitress, but the important thing is there's whiskey in it, so he accepts this. He offers her a dimpled, sweet smile. Such a nice bazooka shield. He holds up a hand and says, "I say do the quickest thing. Tag the money, get in and out fast." He takes a drink of his coffee, eyes lidding. That'll do, waitress. That'll do. "We don't have, like, time to do it the way we'd like, and I'm hip to the risk, but we gotta get on this, dig me? We can undo whatever the money does once we've saved the world."


Crystal tilts her head, pausing for a moment. "Latveria is one of the most secretive nations in the world," she echoes Steve's words, casting a sidelong glance toward Nexus. "Not the most, though. And it's my understanding that Doom is a very…proud man. Do you think he might accept a diplomatic delegation from another secretive nation? It would only be fitting for a royal to have the company of at least one guard for such an expedition as well. And perhaps being the first official contact would be enough bait for him to accept someone into his nation. Which would allow for verification of whatever information we obtain. I am against going it alone. Politics are too delicate, especially at this stage in our formation."


Logan said his piece, doesn't see much point in going on about it. He raises a hand with the Aye vote, polishes off his coffee and takes a puff on his cigar. Let the rest of these greenhorns argue themselves to death. He'd wait his turn until it was time to put the words into action.


"Abstain," says Lamont, easily. It's clear which way the wind is blowing on this decision….and there's no point in signing on to be part of this team, and then haring off on his lonesome the moment he disagrees. Old dogs can learn new tricks, it seems. Though he slants a look at Kai for a moment, before picking up his coffee cup.


"Crystal speaks wisely." Scarlett flashes a smiole in the blonde's direction, then puts her teacup down. "Selecting her as an emissary is a sensible and reasoned approach. I vote against a solitary approach." She uncurls from her seat some, feet sliding forward together, brought almost sinuously upright.


Nexus returns Tony's look with one of casual confidence and perhaps more then his fair share of superiority. But then his attention is drawn to Crystal, and he nods to her in assent for her idea. "The reach in which I can remotely access any of their technology is… considerable. I can play at her guard, with some paint to disguise my marks. They might welcome such a delegation in just far enough that we can, at least, verify: if not outright be a third option. But." He sighs softly, "If it must be A or B, I would vote pay."


Bobbi watched the others quietly, and then turned her gaze toward Rogers. "I'm with you, pay the criminal, and get eyes and ears on the ground. I'm not super powered, I'm not your hard hitter in a battle. But you know I'm damn good at spy work. I can make it work, whatever set up we take to get in." She murmured, and settled back glancing toward Crystal in interest.

"I wonder if it's possible to get in from any other venue.. I want to see how exactly 'secure' his borders are." She tapped her fingers on the table. "I dislike being out in the open like that." She hmmed under her breath and shrugged.


"Nay," Steve says quietly.

"By my count, the ayes have it," he adds with a bit of apprehension. "But now that we're in, I think we have to be all in. For those of us, like me, not in favor of it, I ask you to fall in and recognize that we're not always going to get what we want."

As if he had been listening all along (he had), Roche enters the room. "I'll be happy to oblige. And thank you, Mr. Stark. It makes no difference to me whether or not you mark the bills. I'm moving to Belize to enjoy retirement and get out of this game. This and selling of my assets…With men like von Doom around we need to enjoy our lives while we still have it." He motions out towards his staff who bring in all sorts of maps and schematics and get ready to bring their presentation. "We will be here awhile, so if anyone would like something else to eat, please feel free. Because when you hear what I have to tell you, I admit that I believe you will want to leave for Latveria right away."


Tony makes a show of counting the 'aye' votes with a gesture of his hands, "One, two, three..", raising his brows at Crystal's lack of vote. Now, he gains his feet at what, to him, seems the final bits of the meeting, the coffee cup drained a second time. "Perfect. Then I'll get with my people and they'll get in touch with his people, and we'll play a game of shuffleboard in a Swiss bank."

His attention does cross over to Nexus and Tony gives the other man a long stare, "Nothing like announcing that you have an affinity for circuitry. That right there will probably get you blocked from any of the good stuff. As if they could. Your cover would be blown long before it ever was a cover."

Roche's entrance brings Tony's regard around, and he steps to the side, his manner and mien casual, as is his posture. "The eggs were good. I'll be making recommendations for the choice of liquors, though. A little harsh on the afters."


Kai glances at Tony, then Steve, and then down at his coffee. He's said his piece, and he's voted, but he doesn't look entirely certain of the situation. Roche gets a glance, but the Alfheimian keeps quiet. Done is done, and whatever sinking feeling he's got now, there's nothing to be done.


Crystal takes a deep breath, though it catches before she can let it out, turning to a racking cough that she covers with one hand until it passes. "My apologies," she murmurs after, reaching for her water to take another sip. "I will offer what distraction I can, Captain," she says to Steve, even as she reaches a hand for Nexus at Tony's commentary.


"The vote was to pay him or not." Jean-Paul points out. "Not to rush in blindly immediately. Once we have the information, we'll make plans. But first, we need to hear it. No, second. First, since you're going to be closing…" he says to Roche. "Your finest caviar and brandy, s'il vous plait.


Logan grabs a chair and kicks back. Roche isn't entirely an unknown entity to him - not many people have operated for long in this part of the world without crossing paths with the Wolverine at one point or another. At least, not if they were any good.

Logan keeps his ears open, though - wouldn't be the first time he'd gotten double-crossed around here. He keeps track of how many people there are around the room, the sound of any weapons, any possibility that someone might be about to burst through that door and lay down fire trying to get rid of a problem.

Not that such an ambush would even remotely work. But it's better to be wary.


Maximus has been here all along, and SUPER thoughtful, as if being thoughtful were a super power in itself, and at one point he seemed about to speak up, to offer his help, but that's when Crystal mentioned reaching out as a secretive nation. That's when he stepped back, becoming even less noticable, easier to forget that he was even IN this room.


Roche's appearance doesn't seem to particularly surprise Lamont. But he fixes that pale stare on the man's face, as if storing it away for later consideration. "Toast and tea, please," he adds, offhandedly. As if Roche were the waiter.


"You understand neither my capabilities nor my limitations, Stark." Nexus says to Tony, before turning a tight smile upon Crystal, but his expression betrays annoyance. But he says nothing more specific as Roche is here now, so there's not so much with the privacy thing.


Bobbi pursed her lips, "I never thought I'd agree with Tony Stark, but well, first time for everything I guess." She offered dryly and shot Steve a bit of a sympathetic look at being out voted. She settled back in her seat, watching and listening as she fell slient. She kept an eye on Roche, her lips pursed together as the man entered the room at large and addressed those gathered.

Like Logan, she kept a wary glance on the doors and other possible exits and entrances, but otherwise remained where she was.


Steve looks to Crystal, "Are you alright?" He looks around, "Can we get her some water or something?"

Roche nods towards Jean-Paul, "Yes, caviar. Right away." He waves dismissively at one of the waitstaff who will return in short order. There are no immediate signs of treachery, but Logan is good to be on the ready.

Roche moves over towards the projector which begins to show slides of schematics, geography, along with pictures of Doom.

"For some time now, Victor von Doom has been lying low. He does not have the manpower to become a great military power, so he's chosen two routes with his ingenuity instead. One, he has been attempting to make a nuclear weapon. My guess is he has the know how, just not the resources. Your President was wise to block their admittance to the United Nations, in my opinion. Either way, that's not what we're here to talk about."

"Without men, Doom is using machinery." Roche flips the slide, to reveal a monstrous looking humanoid machine. "He calls them Doombots and he has been testing them out on his own people. From what I have seen he has a force of three million. Stronger than any man, these doombots have a full array of weaponry including bullets, "laser technology", sensors, et cetera. Each machine is capable of taking out a platoon of men, and as I said, he has three million."

"This tension with the United States has put Doom on the ready. Our sources, who I admit have a tough time getting information out of Latveria, have given us copies of orders that Doom has sent to his advisors. It seems clear that they aim to strike the United States in an invasion. Their plan is to overwhelm the nuclear silos and force the Americans to choose nuclear annihilation or rule under Doom."

The lights come back on as Roche looks around the room. "Crime. Vice. Those sorts of things do not bother me much. This?" He shakes his hand at the information displayed, "This troubles me greatly."

"Another worry is the Soviet Union. It is not clear whether the Soviets are working with Doom, or if they know anything about this at all. What we do know, however, is that a preemptive strike behind the Soviet sphere of influence, by the American military, could lead to the nuclear war."

"There is reason to believe that information on how to get the Doombots to shut down could be available inside Doom's castle. At the very least, that is where he controls them from, so it would stand to reason that if your friend here," he points to Nexus, " were able to get inside, perhaps you Avengers could shut the whole thing down." He pauses after a big inhale and exhale, "We believe the invasion could happen any day now."

Steve sits back in his seat and licks at his bottom lip in thought as the lights come on. "I feel like this is something we should move on right away."


"Show me, big guy," Tony retorts towards Nexus. "But right now, I'm looking at a huge limitation that is written all over your face. Don't get me wrong, it's cool. Trendy. Hip. Whatever the kids are calling it these days, but the upshot is, you're gonna get noticed." So will he; he's Tony Stark, after all.

Now, however, with Roche in the room, Tony finds a column upon which to lean, dark eyes following the man. While others are watching exits, he's watching Roche; his movements, his 'tells'. Businessman and negotiator.

At the end of the show and tell, Tony lets out a soft whistle. "Three million, huh? That would mean his entire process is dedicated to those 'Doombots'." Of course Tony is considering how his suit could go against one of them.. whether he could make something that could take on those 'bots and win.

"As much as I hate to say it, yeah… I agree with Rogers on this one. Just the description of what they can do, though, helps out a whole lot. And if he's not nuclear, he's using a basic energy source…" Even Tony's got a more advanced energy source, and it's sitting in the middle of his chest. He's still working on a larger model. It was worth the money on just the information on the Doombots alone.


"Groovy," Kai supplies Tony without thinking about it. He rakes a hand through his hair and stares at the slides. "Three million," he murmurs. He takes a quick headcount with a glance around the room. This handful of nigh strangers versus three million. "Bloody hell," he says. What could we possibly do?"


"Three million?" Crystal echoes, shaking her head to Steve's concern. "I'm fine," she murmurs. "Just…this is not a very clean city." Another drink of her water and she falls silent, mulling over what it all means. "If he's controlling them centrally, then getting Nexus close enough would allow us to control them and shut the whole thing down. And he fancies himself an inventor."

She looks to Maximus, cautious. "Could we trust you to arrange a meeting with him, Max? I was part of ACT-F, my face is known. Yours is not. And it isn't as though there are no options to hide the markings, Mister Stark," she adds, a hint of irritation in her voice. "Science and magic both offer simple options. The cosmetics counter at Macy's offers simple options."


Logan doesn't like the sound of any of that very much. He's seen his share of wars with conventional weapons. The smell of it still hits his memory at night, the stench of torn meat and burned skin, the screams of the dying on the battlefields. Even as nasty as some of his covert missions have been, some of his personal beefs, the massive scale of real war makes it all pale in comparison. And Doom's apparently created an army that can inflict mass casualties without suffering a single one of his own.

He may not be much use against massive, laser-blasting robots - although he can tear a few to bits, no doubt. But sneaking into a secure facility, getting past guards, finding the right secrets and getting out alive? That's his bread and butter.


Maximus slides his eyes from Nexus, to Crystal and then draws in a deep breath. "You wish for me to broker a meeting with Dr. Doom, Ruler of Latveria, under the guise of beginning friendly relations between the Inhumans and his country that has 3 million weaponized robots, so that the caretaker for all our computer systems can invade and shut them down?" The curled-haired ex-King wets his plush lips. "Of course I can be trusted." He flashes an overbroad smile.


There's nothing the English love more than impossible odds. So while Lamont's gone pale, listening in on Roche's thoughts….for the criminal believes all of it, every word, and isn't trying to play them false….the pale eyes have brightened. There's an almost manic energy there, for all that he's still got that impassive expression on. "I don't know," he observes to Kai, drily. "It only took thirteen men to change the entire course of human history….and only one of those was reputed to have superpowers." And then his focus is sliding to Maximus.


Scarlett, when she wants to be silent, lives up to the whole disused nickname. +20 to Stealth checks is sometimes in her bailiwick, like now.


"No, I won't. You and your suit has made you overconfident: you think your technology is the apex of what is available on this world. It is not." Nexus shakes his head slightly, agreeing with Crystal, "As for my conduits, they are not an affectation. They are…" He frowns, and shakes his head instead of explaining, but he nods in agreement with Crystal and her estimation of cosmetcs. Whatever a Macy is. "If I do not access the certain capabilities, simple makeup is more then sufficient to conceal them.. The only difficulty is the eyes: but that, too, can be managed." He is unbothered by the news Roche reports, "They are only machines. Three million or one, one man can control them and that leaves them vulnerable." He inclines his head to Crystal, "If necessary, I will engage the Core to decrypt his control channels." There's a bit of a grin for Maximus, "Ah, Maximus. Caretaker implies they need me: my interfacing with them simply makes them… better."


"That's worth two million, I'd say." Jean-Paul comments quietly. And dryly.


Bobbi whistled softly, her eyebrows lifting upwards as she listened with rapt focus. "Well shit." She shook her head slowly. A glance around the table followed and she steepled her hands in front of her in thought.

"There's a few avenues we can check besides the country itself. We're unsure about Russia's involvement. That's one thing we should look into as well." She mused, clearly thinking over what could be done when facing down quite a threat as all of this.

"And I think we definitely need to get this moving as soon as possible, too."


Steve gives a shake of his head, "Under normal circumstances, I think sending Maximus in as an envoy is a good idea. This time I'm not so sure. Doom, if he is on the brink of trying to take over the United States nuclear arsenal is probably unlikely to allow diplomats into his nation, especially since he doesn't allow that sort of thing anyways, currently. If I were him I would believe it to be a trick. To me, it has a high risk of backfire."

He looks to the schematics of Doomstadt itself. "Crystal and Lockjaw could get us there without being detected. It'll take a while, but I'm sure I can figure out a way to get inside based on what Roche has given us. From there the plan will be to get Nexus as close as possible to ruin Doom's toys without setting off an international incident. If we hit Doom, instead of the American government, we can avoid war between the United States and the Soviet Union. We'd prefer to do this now before he ends up getting nuclear material."

"We're unsure if Russia knows about Doom, but we don't really have a lot of time here. As Roche said, this could happen in days. I don't want to sit on my thumb and watch my country get taken over because we wanted to cover all 100 bases before we act. We go tonight and we give him everything we have." He looks up towards the boards, "The US isn't going to be able to stop this. He's built this arsenal specifically, it looks like to me anyways, to take advantage of America at a weak point. We're not going to let him do that."

Steve looks to Roche, "I assume we get all of this data as part of the 2 million."

"Of course, Captain," Roche says. "And, Mr. Stark, our people will be in touch about that money.


"No," and Tony gives Nexus a long stare, "you don't know me at all, and what I can do. Or what I think."

Tony looks over the gathered and finally back to Steve. "Latveria and Russia sound like the places to start. I've got friends in place in the Soviet Union that I might be able to call on to give me an idea on the feelings between the two countries. I might even be able to get a few generals to look the other way." Such is the world of business and high finance. Communists are all for the distribution of wealth, until they're affected. Then, all bets are off.

"My girl will talk to your girl and we'll get it sorted out. You'll have your money by end of business day." He's going to want a copy of everything for himself, too. Just as a courtesy, of courese.

Now, however, it's time to get another drink; Tony wasn't asked to go in covertly, which means he can go enjoy himself at the bar. And the ladies there… "Good luck, everyone."


Kai scrubs his face with his hands and says, "I just need to make a phone call, and I'll be good to go, Captain." He glances over at Lamont and smiles faintly when he mentions thirteen people changed the course of history. "Here's to hoping lightning strikes twice," he says.


"We are here to help, Captain," Crystal nods, looking to Nexus and Maximus both to assure them that she is indeed on board with the plan. "But. I should likely rest for a bit. This place has a spa of some sort, doesn't it?" It sounds frivolous, but a source of clean water and some time to immerse herself in it would at least take the edge off of the pollution sickness.


Logan recognizes his place in the pecking order. If they were in the heat of battle, facing down guns, trying to stay alive, he might bark the occasional order or throw his weight around. This stuff? Generals and captains doing their work. Logan wasn't ever much more than a sergeant in any man's army. And he likes it that way. He'll be ready when they need him. He's always ready.

When he hears Crystal refer to the one man as 'Max', however, his eyes focus momentarily on the stranger. He wonders. He's heard about a man called Maximus. None of what he's heard is good and some of what he's heard suggest the man needs to see what his insides look like. But this isn't the time or the place for that.


"Quite smart, Captain. Its best not to bring things to a war between nations. Just keep in mind that going in and destroying a country's /defenses/ without first being attacked, will seem, to everyone else, like an act of war, itself, with America as the aggressor. You will need to do more than shut the bots down. You will need /proof/ of what their intent was." He crosses his arms over his chest. He notices Logan looking at him then. Damn, what a bear. Yeah…he'd let Logan tear him up a little bit, that's for sure. He winks.


"Quite smart, Captain. Its best not to bring things to a war between nations. Just keep in mind that going in and destroying a country's /defenses/ without first being attacked, will seem, to everyone else, like an act of war, itself, with America as the aggressor. You will need to do more than shut the bots down. You will need /proof/ of what their intent was." Maximus crosses his arms over his chest. He notices Logan looking at him then. Damn, what a bear. Yeah…he'd let Logan tear him up a little bit, that's for sure. He winks.


The Shadow finally permits himself the faintest curl of a smile, as he glances at Kai. "Hear, hear," he says, softly. Then he's glancing back to Steve. "I'm ready when you are, Captain," he says, simply.


Three million robots, three million unknowns used to cause trouble and violence. Way beyond one's paycheque. Calculations can be done later, and Scarlett rests her chin against her cupped palm. "I'll do what I can."


"If Nexus can shut the robots down…" Jean-Paul's been mostly quiet as he listened and savored the caviar, probably one of the best on the planet no doubt. "If he can shut them down, he can order them to cross the border and attack, thus giving us an excuse to step in. Doom can protest all he wants but who'll believe him?"


"One kind of control is as alike as another." confirms Nexus.



Bobbi shrugged easily enough, listening as she had before. Finally she settled back, crossed her arms and glanced around. "Well, hope everyone is up on their Latverian." She offered dryly, and offered a smirk toward Tony.

"Let me know what your Russian connections drum up." She called toward the departing Stark and glanced toward Steve to offer him a two fingered salute.


"Our proof is the hundreds of dead Americans at the New York World's fair. Many of them, who weren't lucky enough to be brought back to life like I was," Steve says to Max. "If Doom wants to whine and cry when we kick his tail, I think the world will feel he got what he deserved."

When Jean-Paul offers the idea that Nexus could use the machines to attack, Steve's eyes widen. "We want to avoid an attack, not cause one. The Soviets weren't involved. We've seen that they did not attack the United States. We don't have that right… Our quarrel is with Doom and Doom alone."

He takes a deep breath, "I'll put together a game plan as we move in. Tonight. I suggest that you all get your rest in over the course of the next hours. Clearly we're going to need it."



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