Another night in NY…although it was probably closer to morning if one were to be honest with themselves. The current hour however had found Batgirl at home once again, her costume tucked away and her clothing replaced with much more simple underwear and a shirt generally reserved for pyjamas. She didn't have to work her day job tomorrow, which was likely why the redhead was currently laying in bed, a book fallen to her chest as she begins to doze.
It's a bit odd to be a Gorgon in the City. Mostly because she was feeling a bit restless. And well, the people that she knew in the city that wouldn't freak out at her appearance was a pretty short list. And people that she knew where they lived is even shorter yet, so… that might be why she found herself at Bab's place, knocking lightly on the door as she mutters, "This is dumb, she's probably out…"
At least this time, with a knock on the door she had time to stop and get her dressing gown on, wrapping the cotton garment around her form and tying the belt before she approached the doorway. There's a moment for her to crack the door and peer out before those emerald eye blink in suprise and she opens the door to the Gorgon proper. "Oh hey…what's wrong?"
Of course she'd assume something is wrong, why else would someone turn up at her house at this hour?
Delphyne blushes a bit, "Um… actually nothing. I just was… well, a little bored, to be honest." She smiles, actually looking a touch sheepish. Which is a weird look for her, as she presents… "I brought over a pizza, though?" From the nice place down the block, as she adds, "Pepperoni okay?"
That wasn't the answer Barbara was expecting, but it is one that makes her concern soften to a smile before she opens the door properly, gesturing for the Gorgon to step inside. "Pizza is always okay, come on in Delphyne."
She'll wait for the snake woman to enter before closing the door behind her, gently checking she'd done her robe up properly before she speaks up. "I was just napping, let me get you something to drink."
Delphyne nods, "Thanks… sure it's okay? I mean, napping at this time of night for most people is considered sleeping." She apparently isn't so unaware of this world to recognize that Barbara was in her pajamas. "But, yes, I'll take whatever you'd be having." She sets the pizza down on the table, giving the other woman a curious look, "Though, I mean… I don't want to keep you up or anything."
"Most people aren't us. Most people don't spend part of their evening dressed like a bat beating criminals with their fists," Babs winks over her shoulder as she moves to retrieve two glasses and pour them both a drink. Lemonade, but it was better than nothing. Barbara wasn't exactly a heavy drinker and odds are there wasn't a drop of booze in her apartment. "Keep me up?" she repeats with a laugh. "Well what's the alternative, have you turn up at my door just for us to go to bed?" she asks before blinking at the realisation of double meaning. "Go to sleep I mean."
Delphyne smiles a bit, "Well, no, I mean…" She blushes again at Babs phrasing, then ahems, "I mean, yes, no, going to sleep would just have the pizza get cold, after all." Right, exactly! Then Del pops open the box, the pizza looking perfect as the gorgon says, "Bon appetit!" Apparently she's learning.
A glass offered, Barbara seems to…pause for a moment before she sits down. Her smile is no less genuine, but there's something on that big brain of hers that seems to have her thinking. That, or she's merely just a little tired from waking up so suddenly by the 3am knock at her door, an answer that would probably make more sense for pretty much anyone else. "We'll have to try eating something else next time," she says lightly, "Go to a restaurant or something, so you don't think Pizza is all I eat."
Delphyne takes the glass, and doesn't bring that up again, as she smiles, "Certainly, I'd love to try something else. Pizza is just easy since, well, you get that to go, right?" She shrugs, and then looks a bit resigned, "My appearance doesn't exactly make me welcome in that many places."
"Maybe…mutant town or something? Surely there are some sympathetic places. Or at least…some chinese food or something?" Barbara offers before she finally takes a seat, resting on the couch in her dressing gown and sipping at the lemonade while she rests herself next to Delphyne. "I'm…sorry that you have to go through all that Del."
Delphyne shrugs, then brightens at the mention of other places, "Actually, there's a very nice Greek place that we could go to. The owner befriended me, I think because I can speak fluent Greek." She smiles towards Babs, "If you wouldn't mind, anyway. We could definitely do that."
"Greek sounds good!" Barbara says with a smile, leaning in a little and lazily resting an arm around Delphyne's shoulders, careful not to crush her reptilian hair. "Hey, strange circumstances aside? You're pretty befriendable," the redhead adds with a little wink. So far the Pizza had remained untouched, but the young woman sipped at her drink none the less.
Delphyne smiles over at Barbara, returning the embrace, "Befriendable? Me?" She glances to Babs, and nods, "You are exceptionally befriendable as well, and I'm glad that I'm a friend." She sounds pretty sincere about that, too.
So what if it was a made up word? Barbara didn't really care. Instead she seemed to have something else on her mind. Whatever it was, it had her biting her bottom lip for a moment before she gently leaned in and placed a small kiss on the Gorgon's cheek…then she was all-too-hastily moving to reach for the pizza. "So do we need plates or did you want to eat it like this?" she says rather quickly, a little flush of red clear on her cheeks.
Delphyne… blinks. And blushes a very bright green, then looks over at Barbara, smiling a little, "Ah… um… what?" Okay, apparently Gorgons can be dazed a bit, as she says, "Oh, pizza, we can just eat it like… this?" Her eyes flicker to meet Barbara's, then she smiles just a bit wider.
Well, she hadn't been slapped or called out on that tiny little display of possibly-over-the-line-ness, so the human woman just nods her head and hands the other woman her slice with a nod of her head, her own gaze sheepish as she meets Delphyne's own. She might not be able to turn her to stone, but she could certainly turn her to a blushing mess.
Delphyne takes the slice of pizza, but then just leans in and places her lips against Barbara's, slowly. Her lips are cool like a spring breeze, the kiss slow and delicate, before she pulls back a fraction to just murmur, "I… know your world, this isn't exactly… accepted." And there's concern there, but for Barbara, not for herself.
Well, if Barbara was wide-eyed before, then she was even moreso now. Batgirl's lips were soft, warm, 'normal' by comparison, but that didn't have to be a bad thing. "It's…not…" Barbara breathes softly, but the hesitation had been broken, even if the woman had sort of 'dented' it with her own peck on the cheek earlier. Her hand not currently holding a pizza slice comes up to cup Delphyne's cheek as she presses in now and returns that slow kiss properly, just as much delicate care in the action.
Delphyne blinks at the kiss, but just returns it, setting the pizza back down somewhere as she presses her lips eagerly to Barbara's. Her hand slides up around Barbara, fingers running lightly up her back as Del's eyes drift closed in the kiss, a soft wordless murmur escaping her as she presses closer on the couch.
When Babs went to bed this morning, or indeed any part of her day, she hadn't expected to be kissing a mythical creature on her couch at a little past three in the morning, with a cooling pizza and half-drunk soft drink resting nearby. Truly, her life was a strange one, but she wasn't going to complain as she pressed into the other woman's frame and continued the soft kiss, giving a little content murmur as she felt the hands gentle touches on her back through her rather comically dorky fluffy blue robe. Later she'd be embarrassed, but right now she didn't care in the slightest.
Well, Delphyne didn't quite expect things to go like this. Sure, this is something she was thinking about a fair amount, but she knows this world doesn't exactly encourage this kind of romance… but she also doesn't care, drawing Barbara closer to her with a surprisingly firm grip, continuing the kiss as she doesn't seem to want it to end.
Out in public, this would earn strange looks and disapproval from much of the world for many more reasons then one. Fortuantely however, the apartment is private and neither women really seem to care as the Gorgon draws the unmasked heroine in. The kiss doesn't end until it has to, after all Barbara needs to breathe, but she draws back breathless with flushed features that do nothing to hide her smile. "That was…something."
Delphyne smiles softly, taking a breath as well as she looks at Barbara, "That was… definitely something. How long have you wanted to do that?" She grins, running her hand through Barbara's hair, marveling at the feel of the auburn locks in her fingers.
"Wanting to?" Babs answers sheepishly as the fingers brush through her hair. "Probably longer than I realized. Thinking about it?" she gives a little chuckle. "About five minutes ago. If you could call that thinking." A pause, she turns to look at the eyes she's now fairly confident to meet the gaze of. "What about you? Did I catch you as off-guard as I caught myself?"
Delphyne hmms and smiles, "Probably since I tackled you on that roof, to be honest. But I mean… it's pretty common for Amazons. I mean, no men on the island, and all that." She grins, "I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, if you didn't feel the same way." She leans in, and kisses Babs softly on the cheek, nestling close as she says, "/But/, I had no idea you were going to kiss me."
"It's…not normal for me…I mean I've never done…" Barbara begins before she gives a little frustrated sigh at her stammering and leans into the embrace. "It's new, but it's nice. Does that make sense?" she says softly, deciding to end her words for now.